How much would you pay for a one night session with Violet?

How much would you pay for a one night session with Violet?

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Nothing. I'm a faster typist than she is.

Nothing. Not into robotic sex.

40 yen

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One bottle of wine and she can tell me about the war in exchange. I don't want to touch her.

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Transcribers are already pretty cheap to hire.
I suppose I could get her to write the most epic shitpost of all time or something.

>Never the servant
>Never drew a yen
>Never had a good story before Zero and even then was carried by vastly superior characters
>Never had a memorable speech
>Never put anyone over
>Main character of the worst route in the original VN
>Only the 3rd best romance option
>Only the 7th best servant in Stay/Night and Zero
>Only the 12th best member of The Knights of the Round Table
>Her group the Knights of the Round Table were utterly BTFO by one retard
>Her Man cosplay was cringeworthy
>Her knight cosplay was cringeworthy
>Shit taste in food
>Failed at being a king so badly that she resorted to hiding in an magical field
>Only significant achievement was being summoned by an autistic child
>Somehow the biggest jobber in a series that contains Gilgamesh
>Can only hold her own because she's a stat stick
>Can only win in a fight because the Grail gave her precognition
>Still struggles to beat some random nobody whose only power to swing a sword really hard at birds
>Always takes the bait, endangering both self and master
>Is the VN equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre whore whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is sucking off someone with actual talent
>spent the latter part of her career being replaced by clones of herself with actual personalities


>paying for damaged goods

Y-yeah, who'd do something like that.

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How much she asks for. Double if she detaches her arms

how would Yea Forums take care of injured Violet?

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Burn girls are cute.

You can't pay someone to love you

what about beaten girls?

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I just want to cuddle her. No sex.

None. I'm literate, so I can type my own damn letters.

3 cents. She probably has scars in her vagoo. I'll only do it to say I fucked Saber.

she doesn't have scars there.

Double of that her office charges per letter.

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A ring on her finger