Have you fugged your mother today?
Okaa-san Online
>make the salty milky come out again mommy
OP, you hit the "f" key and not the "h" key like you were supposed too.
i haven't hugged my mom in 10 years even if i still live together with her. is that bad?
I'm sorry.
I meant gugged.
Mum's dead, comfort me Yea Forums.
Was this shot really necessary?
Yes you are a horrible son.
Her softness soothes my soul.
Is there anywhere to read the LNs after 2? I want to catch up with where the story will go and the manga is already falling behind the anime series.
sexy back
Wise a shit
Wise a best
but my parents made me this way
I want to lick Mamako's back
weak ass nigger
>always hug dad but won't even touch mom
It's her fault, not mine.
My mum is dead. My oneechan raised me and I hugged her this morning.
i wonder if this will ever get a dub
it probably will
It's an abbreviation for "dub"
Mamako's back slit (her "back vulva," if you will)
time to make onee-chan a real mommy
Have your dream sex with your mother
Forget about your mommies, anons. I'm your new mommy now.
You will never have a chance to hate fuck the place you came from...
Um new mommy, who is that man you're talking to?
Your new daddy, obviously.
Enter Gourry
Mamako is for old man dick, a BASED old man dick
>Old amidamaru
Mamako is for daddy
I fucked my sister if that counts
That's what the show is all about
My dick asked for it.
>"So I heard about this Mamako girl"
why would you post a gay man?
Is this who Mommy wears her thongs for?
Tell us why user
it already has one
Give atention to your real mommas you fuckers
But I do. I love my mommywife.
Why is NTR even a fetish? What's the appeal? Who wants to get cucked? I can't understand it.
He can take mamako but wise is my sow
I'd say the appeal is the submissiveness of it.
he is actually cucking papako, ma-kun will soon be added there
Imagine having Mamako as your daughter
good riddance, grab porta and lets go get the NPCs back!
>Attempt to make a Lina clone
>Instead create prime hatefuck material
How did they do it?
wtf are you drinking
new volume when?
But Kotetsu has a daughter
Why else would we watch this
In English? I believe volume 4 is coming in November.
Posts characters that are worthy to fuck Mamako
is time flowing normally in the real world? will the dad be a faceless bald ojisan by the time they come back?
It's flawing normally.
Daily reminder that no woman in the world will ever love you as much as your mommy loves you.
user that's setting the bar so low I kinda doubt it.
to the hell with this meme character
>"hey user check out this smelly rag wwwwwwwwwww"
What do?
Holy fucking Worked
For some reason I always remember Mamako whenever I hear this song now.
get your thumb off her eye you fucking nigger
kill yourself and your retarded thread
its confirmed not to be incest yet always this retarded
>hehehehehe fuck your mom hehehehe
shitposting which is also ignored by mods
you all need to kill yourselfs
>Mamako will never be your daughter
i watch this shit show only and purely for wise chan
I watch this show for a possible Louie cameo
Wtf calm down faggot
Friendly reminder that this is the only acceptable type of mom/son ntr.
Anything else is killyourself tier
>"Mom, I'm trying to give you a daughter in law"
take this mommy!
I really want to watch this for the milf, but it being isekai and the mc being a dickhead kinda turns me off.
These threads are gradually getting more unhinged with every passing episode.
lol but im not a weeb hahaha
>mc being a dickhead kinda turns me off.
Sounds like the perfect show for Yea Forums
For me is Kojima Miu.
No it isn't! Your real mom is what it's about.
Ugly grubby little dickbeaters you've got there.
Why though?
>self inserting as the cuck
NTR is for self inserting as the guy doing the cucking
Because manga readers are always so alpha, right?
Stop being so delusional.
then self insert as the girl
i love how this anime has sparked such a big backlash.
Never implied that but ok buddy
There's nothing to be implied, it's pretty self-explanatory, mate.
>posting a kind-hearted hero who wouldn't want to get between a family
>posting a man who acts like he has been ntr-ed when he sees his partner (male) drive off with a younger man
user, please don't.
Being a parent doesn't matter, everyone on the staff already act as if he is Bi anyway.
Its a thing in many Nordic countries.
mommy milkies pls be hurry
Lol ok buddy
You cant even get basic stuff like that right, fucking imbecile.
What do normies think about the show? Do they hate that its a mom getting most of the fanservice?
Calm down buddy
Grow a pair, mate
Ok buddy ;^)
Ouch buddy ;^(
>NTR is for self inserting as the guy doing the cucking
This argument doesn't work when 90% of NTR is written from the view point of the cuck.
Please it's from perspective of a woman
tongue is too big. Some user fix that pls
as a guy who is legitimately into NTR from the perspective of the guy doing the cucking. its 100% a gay fetish. because you may be fucking the woman but the emotional satisfaction comes from dominating the guy.
thats literally just one step away from up and fucking the dude
What about trap cucking?
How about this dad ?
quality post
Forced nopan is the thinking man's fetish.
>Forced nopan
Absolutely based and shimanopanpiled.
also into traps, yeah bigtime
but again its kinda like the female form appeals to me but i wanna dominate the guy. thats literally just gay but without the ability to go through with it unkess its disguised in some way
Nice triple dubs but Mamako's too cute, you know that; no one can measure up.
>The anime is actually ahead of the manga at this point
Why even bother with the manga?
Just read the LN. The manga is shit anyway.
Wait, are you saying the manga only has enough content for 3 fucking episodes? What a joke.
Wait who stapled in their eyes?
me cum into their eyes
congrats you just ripped something you paid for??
fucking brainlet
Not him but is this really necessary?
NTR is to self insert as the cuck you retard
That makes no sense considering most NTR are from the point of view of the girl.
Oh no, I've been doing it wrong this whole time
that would make more sense actually, women inherently get off on cheating
At first I thought about this but the I realized this and that's actually the truth. What I like is seeing the guy being absolutely destroyed and humiliated. But I'd never want that to happen to me, I just revel in others' disgrace.
I blame porn. Especially interracial black on white. That's why a lot of cuck porn is where the "bull" is black. And you know who is responsible for the majority of that porn.
mamako threads alwyas move in this direction
mamako thread > is this momcest? > NTR > (((them)))
>it already has one
Sauce on that?
I check out the smelly rag
whats this even mean?
>o-only cucks read NTR, guys!
yeah no. if you can't read an NTR manga without self inserting as the cuck, thats your problem buddy
There's no good role to self-insert in NTR and nobody on Yea Forums is impartial enough to just be an observer.
youre either a cuck, a faggot or a woman if you self insert in NTR
>yeah no. if you can't read an NTR manga without self inserting as the cuck, thats your problem buddy
That's why I can't read ntr period. It's written from the pow of the cuck. That's whose emotions you are invited to identify with.
The other perspective is shit too. I am into girls, not getting one over other men.
Tried to rape her 20 years ago and she left the bed going to stick to 2D mommies now sorry
yeah you suck, i self insert as god. i like seeing girls fall in love to dick and and become mindless cocksleeves that without a care in the world to the the beta cuck
God doesn't fap retard.
god here, yes i fap
based /x/ schizoposter
Which H-author do you want to see writing non-H stuff?
chris pool
>he doesn't get off on the despair from everyone involved.
Just remember that the father got many paizuri's from her
Ya bet
Regardless of reasoning or content, it still hurts to see a book being treated so harshly.
>What do mommies think about the show? Do they hate that its a mom getting most of the fanservice?
Do you even know what you're watching, or are you more retarded than Commie?
100000% IQ post
Jerry Springer fans?
Cringe. People who didn't like the mom have 3 other waifus to ship with the MC.
nope, none of them actually see him as a man because of his mom
what, why?
Does the Manga do something to Mamako?
what about male: netorare?
as in the girls get cheated on
its... well.... huh....
im not sure desu?
NTR is just another side of the man who only reads yuri- a weak male who cannot imagine himself successful with a woman
>I like female butts but what if she had a dick and balls too haha
>daughter retconned to adopted so he can be a fag
no the appeal of a trap is that she(he) is a feminine guy. if anyone says otherwise like girl with a penis, they are closeted homos that are too scared to embrace their sexuality
It's hard to compete.
they don't need to see him as a man to fuck him
Translation lads
Nooo mommy what are you doing?!
>the NTR this series will spawn
very good
thats not how women work m8.
maa-kun would be better off taking the hajime path if he wants to get anywhere in life
fighting game when?
honestly i associate this series with NTR, is why im growing less and less fond of it, im sure thats why a lot of people are mad too
I want to marry Mamako
>Maa-kun! This may be sudden but Mommy will be going on an adventure with this guy, you'll be fine by yourself right?
>You're so stubborn...saying I'm breaking the bond between a parent and child... That this guy who was there for me when I was crying is just a complete stranger... That doesn't really matter you know? Since I'm like this
It's a fucking shame Odd went full jew and everything he releases is on his pixiv fanbox paywall
And then
You can't tell me what to do
I'm going to read the LN soon.
There's no way Mamako can cockblock him every single time, right?
oh sweet child, have you learned nothing from the harem genre?
Mamako doesn't cockblock him. It's more complicated than that. Here's what the LN says about it:
“Masato Oosuki… These girls don’t even see you as a male anymore. You’ve sensed that before, haven’t you?”
He’d thought as much. When bellies were exposed, when piggyback rides were given without comment, and especially during the whole underwear parade incident.
He’d been worried about exactly that.
When she saw him at a loss for words, Amante nodded, satisfied.
“I knew it! I was right… If they saw you as a male, you’d be a potential romantic partner. But nothing like that has happened…and the reason why is clear.”
“…And what reason is that?”
“Your mom’s here with you. With her in tow and at your group’s center, you all become a family. You stop seeing one another as members of the opposite sex.”
You know, this is all kind of a double edged sword.
I get finding it jewy that an artist puts their stuff behind a paywall, but at some point you have to consider that art takes a long time to produce, and in today's day and age it's hard to make any money off it at all.
I'd be more disappointed if artists I like stopped making shit entirely because they can't pay their bills with art and thus give it up.
That's why someone has to come up with a better monetization strategy than just a paywall.
i wonder if she realizes she's the reason her son has such a terrible personality and is a spoiled brat.
I love my mommy so much
I'd be pissed off too if my mom joined in on an adventure when all I want to do is kill monsters and impregnate elf girls.
Can you really blame her? She's a lonely housewife whose husband almost never comes home, her only enjoyiment in life is her son.
Poochi probably doesn't realize that she comes across as annoying and even retarded. I can see why people are seeing her as NTR bait.
Haven't even started watching this, but read that it had a terrible retention rate in Japan.
Apparently the heroine is not the mother, but a classmate. Is that correct?
I'm not a MILF-guy, but then why even advertise it like that?
That's about to change when Mamako's true personality comes out.
Yes. Find a lover in secret and stop fucking up your son you bitch.
Sons belong to their mommies!
>Find a lover
Silly user, that's exactly why she's so clingy to her son.
thats literally basically his mom cockblocking him
shes the artist not the author
It's only natural for a boy to want to re-enter the hole he came from.
They should cancel the manga and pay Pochi to adapt the manga.
It can be released once a month with hundreds of pages.
>masturbating to Mamako
>start moaning really loud
>yell out oh mommy as I cum
>door swings open and my mom stares at me
>she silently closes the door
T-thanks Mamako.
Mamako's not actively cockblocking him. It's just that her presence turned the party into a family so the girls see the dude as a sort of annoying little brother rather than potential romantic option.
What if he was born through a C-section?
jesus christ, there's always hundred-post threads about this show up. what are you guys even talking about so much?
How much I want to fuck Mamako
He isn't that bad of a person to balme her for anything.
>resting your head on Mamako’s lap!
>getting your back scrubbed by Mamako in the bath!
>being spoonfed by Mamako!
>being told by Mamako that she loves you!
>marrying Mamako!
>putting a baby in Mamako!
people get off to making virgins like you mad in all honesty
I cant wait for the porn to be uploaded to sad...oh
The real problem is artists typically go from
>everything free
>some paid stuff
>everything behind a paywall save a few things
From a certain perspective, it makes since. Free stuff gets you exposure and can let you see how much appeal your work has before you fully commit. But what usually happens is you train a bunch of people to expect you to release stuff for free and then they get mad when you stop.
This isn't to say I don't think artists deserve money for their work or whatever, but just about the simple reality of what will happen when you do certain things.
Just why can't he fucking release an entire doujinshi and sell it? Fanbox is pure jewish practice
Fuck you user.my mother was an abusive, manipulative whore who fucked gangsters. I still remember the time where there was literal coke splattered around kitchen table.
I would fap to that scene
christ, wtf
This fuckers think family is some magical happy shit.
I'm pretty sure my grandma is a witchcraft practitioners.
>his family could afford coke instead of generic name cola
You don't know shit about hardships.
Why you do this?
Would this be a better series if the MC was isekai'd back into his mommy's womb?
Like this?
But how? Desu
But you're the one that sounds mad user.
sandwich mom!
>fell for the meme and told my mom I love her
>she told me that I ruined her life and her vagina
>heart pupils
Mamako, no!
This is the best anime of the season
>He noticed mamako isn't virgin
jokes on you I hate both of them
Mamako is safe
You can take him out of the picture Stalin, but that doesn't mean he wasn't there.
Be at ease, no need to sweat anymore.
all mothers are like that. they are selfcentered whores
me on the center
Not my mommy. My mommy is a sweetheart.
Cute MILFs doing cute things - the anime when?
>rip up the cover
>leave the rest untouched
All females are like that to a certain degree. The only difference in regards to mothers is that we are to blinded by family love to see how self-centred, adulterous and awful our mother may be. In your case user, your mother must have been the lowest of the low if you actually saw her for what she really was.
never treat your mommies poorly, anons
Guaranteed replies, good one caveman.
2D> 3D jokes aside, how fucking pathetic and beta do you have to be for you to want to fuck your own mother? No matter how sexy your real mother may be, it's still fucking disgusting to lust for your own blood! (Step-mother, well that's another story)
I don't know how these actual degenerates would even get hard at the thought of their own mother, but I digress.
Things that never happened
It's not about fucking your own mom, is about watching others fuck their momsin fiction
>tfw almost actually got a boner from this scene
I'm okay with this fetish
I would never think of it. I love love love my mommy.
Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing this
Now for the next challenge.
Kiss your mom and report back.
Every way I look at it I can't help but feel like NTR is a fetish that only appeals to the lowest dregs of humanity.
From the cuck's point of view NTR is soul crushing. The cuck watches as what they loved and trusted betrays them and twists into a horrid creature ruled by impulsive lust. I don't think I need to say this, but anyone who desires to be the cuck is fucked in the head.
From the female point of view NTR actively rewards disloyalty, reckless impulsiveness. It saying women should indulge in their worst aspects and just be a slut.
From the perspective of the man doing the cucking, he is arguably the worst of all. He cares nothing for brotherhood and possesses no love for his fellow man. He rewards the unfaithful slut and actively sides with her against honest feelings and intentions of the cuck. Those who self insert as the man doing the cucking are either the most vile, self interested humans who revel in suffering of their fellow man, or, like brought up, are just closeted gays who don't want to admit they just want to dominate another man so they use an unfaithful woman as a surrogate.
I just did. She laughed and called me a fag.
>lowest dregs of humanity.
Where the fuck do you think you are? NTR is basically for people with intense self loathing. That means shitty people who accept how shit of a human being they are. If you’re anti NTR that means you’re delusional enough to think that you’re not a shitty human being and that you don’t deserve to suffer. You are literally worse than the NTR crowd because you fail you realize how shitty you are as a human being.
ty user
I honestly want to fuck your waifu in front of you
Even on Mongolian basket weaving forums like this one, NTR is disliked by, what I would argue, is the majority of anons.
i fucking love that post and that gif
absolutely this
>how fucking pathetic and beta do you have to be for you to want to fuck your own mother?
I hope a bald faceless man steals all of your moms.
I hope so too
Fook off
What does she smell like?
Blessed post.
Mamako is a blessing.
Have you motorboated yours?
Wise a shit
Mamako's soft mamakos!
Go back to being dead, Junko!
Porta > Wise > Mamashit
Wise a cute.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, OP. I just caught my mom fingering herself and she was completely naked with the door wide open, and I didn't feel anything other than disgust. Fuck you.
>I just caught my mom fingering herself and she was completely naked with the door wide open, and I didn't feel anything other than disgust
You're gonna have to get rid of that hand, man.
Fuck me, I didn't realise. Brb
He didn't do the breast exposure though.
Mamako is very beautiful
me on the left
Bless Pochi
Well done.
Thanks user. 25 years of using MS paint. I also do penectomies. Technically, this also counts, since I did remove a giant dick from the picture.
What is it about her that makes me want to plunge my cock deep into her and impregnate her?
Never stop BTFO'ing NTR cucks. They're allready btfo from the fact that they are NEVER canon but I want those low test faggot to suffer more.
But they got off to that
Mamako is canonically used goods.
True, but anyone other than Maa-kun or Papako is cuck degeneracy.
>tfw Papako would appear later in the LN and would eventually be voiced by Matsuoka
I don't get it.
Why doing a shittier job, when we already got a fine version?
Because Stalin's version is too dark. Also, he didn't do the other pic, so reee.
At least he can properly cut out.
I fucking hate Bokuman so much
Japanese moms are for
>marking derivative memes
The shot doesn't change the fact that is what she's wearing, and he has to see it.
>tfw someone else actually likes backs
The shoulderblades and spine really help set the tone imo
Good thing for you that Okaa-san is not only for pushing mommydom, but the era of Oneesans and Aunts as well.
Every single goddamn time there's a story with a very pure and kind hearted and loveable female protag, it attracts the NTRfags like moths to a flame? Why do they do this?
Just because a certain group of people hailing from the Middle East have a hand in constant perversion of societies, why do their victims take on the heart and motives of the perverters?
In a way, doesn't that make all NTRfags cucks? They gladly spread the pestilence which was raped into them by their cultural bull.
i hate my mom, change my mind
You can always hatefuck your mom
There are two kinds of men in this world, those that cuck and those that get cucked.
Rude, but if you're gonna do that, at least give a translation.
Have they yet still not recovered from the anal devastation that was Takagi-san? They thought they had it all, and then the blade dropped.
Good boy, good boy
She is the single most important person when it comes to you even existing, and being who you are.
Hating your mom means hating yourself.
> I hate myself
>when don't you hate yourself too waah!
This is you.
gay, his father is also important and a key to his existence, also friends the rest of your family, your economic status and country are more important of shaping your personality then just one woman fuck off with that shit
I just want a wife and some kids, Anons. I don't think I'm asking for that much.
my mom is ugly
After watching this I kind of understand why the son is so mad. Just put yourself in his place. You would probably want to go there and look for girls that fulfill your fetishes (elves, foxes, demons, vampire lolis and whatnot). However, your mom would always be there to filter the ones you want and make you look like a pansy with all the doting she gives. It doesn't excuse him of being a cunt to his mom but you can see where he is coming from.
The cutest mommy.
Found it
Ayumi Miura SDNM-192
I would probably won't even touch MMO and be a single player chad
God I love Pochi so much.
What a fucking lovely creature.
The absolute cutest.
>I still remember the time where there was literal coke splattered around kitchen table.
Did you at least save it for later?
If you are not a weeb then you are not on Yea Forums.
Just let go dude. There will never be girls like the ones from your chinese cartoons in the 3DPD world so you aren't missing anything.
It would actually be really neat, maybe. Also, Yuu-kun is a pretty good foil for Maa-kun, especially the latter's selfishness.
I'm just here to Shirasexplain that Shirase is the best girl.
Don't think Chiyo will make a guess appearance in the anime since Pochi is just the illustrator.
High budget Ane Naru Mono anime when
>watching this shit
>mums walk in
what do
only good girl in the whole anime
rape mom
But they're already best friends!
God Okaasan is so short. tfw never ever
I like to believe that it's more likely that we will see mamako dressed like chiyo
Chiyo is 6' in demon form, iirc
>that pose
It's like Mamako is at the perfect height to be oneesaned by Chiyo. A bit of a weird paradox here though.
God, they're so cute together though.
Now you're noticing Chiyo-nee's tentacles curling around Mamako's leg
>implying I don't always stare at Chiyo's hair
whoever pays for this crap deserves to be shot
>Yuu-kun wishes for an onee-chan
>get a semen demon instead
Yuu asking his oneesan to become his wife when?
Have faith! It'll all turn out okay in the end! This is partly why Mamako, why Takagi, and now why Chiyo were made! Their hearts are meant to inspire you, as well as offer a vision of what can be, and what the reward can be!
>there is no shame in tears shed for others
Not him but where the fuck do you think we are newfag?
Be honest now, you don't view her as just an oneesan, do you? And I don't mean her ending up being your mother figure too.
Regardless, it's very good you gib hug
As someone who faps to a lot of NTR, it's usually from the perspective of the woman or shared perspective between the cuck-doer and the woman. The NTR were most of the perspective is from the cuck's side are rare.
I literally can only masturbate to this.
I think there's something wrong with my brain.
to make incels seeth
Impregnation and vanilla sex are top tier tags together
but you asked the question not him
lol this anime isn't doing hot. I guess nips don't like momshit
isn't it ranked third in bluray presales or somethin?
Leave Chiyo nee to me
How do I rack up enough good boy points for a paizuri from mommy?!
A Paizuri is worth cleaning your dishes for a week.
>Mom/Son Incest
Does not compute
There is NOTHING wrong with you! Impregnation is a very healthy desire to have!
She's a carefree, loving, doting mom. You always have an infinite amount of good boy points unless you do something bad, or make her cry.
wake up nigger
Thoughts about this?
Designed by Pochi
Pochi and big witch hats please my penis immensely
Also, the episode is starting
me in the midle
a shit
Nakamura Regura. Such a wonderful style. Then again, most of his stuff is feelsy anyways.
I swear, everything Pochi touches turns to manna from heaven. How does she (I think) do it?
wow thats so cool, but do you really think this will break my light wall
Contract with the Outer Goddess of Fertility. In order to obtain her true wish, she must spill the seed of man billions of times
The purest form of love is the love between a mother and her son.
Fathers are known to molest and rape their daughters, Mothers and daughters get into fights once puberty starts, fathers can be cold or harsh towards their sons, husbands and wives can run into all sorts of problems, and siblings fight as a matter of course.
Truly the only love that can be strong, expressive and ever-lasting is the love between a mother and a son who loves her dearly.
Worst girl
How are you guys watching
I used to run with beTV/etc before that went to shit, and all my stream channel links are ded
>Internet is too shit to watch the episode
Thank God it's only Wise focused
Abema TV.
>tfw a 14 year old boy with no social life is more alpha than you
I can't believe Shirararase is fucking alive
did her son yell at her again?
>womb tattoo
crap, my fucking dick
Reminder that getting your own mother pregnant is overall better for population increase. Since you aren't taking from the pool of available women, and her being your own mom, it means you only need an average of 1.1 children to achieve a positive population increase, as opposed to having children normally which requires 2.1, a much harder value to reach.
This is what Abe wanted all along.
Why is Wise's mom such a fucking slut?
I want to LICK Mamako's back!
next week
Holy shit is it actually happening?!
Not working for me, again. Sigh, oh well, thanks anyways.
Gyarus and villainesses can be mommies too!
Literally zero lewd this eps
No crossover, just a comparison
>he doesn't know
Mommy mindbreak doujins when?
dumb aqua poster
Her mind breaks over how proud she is of her son for graduating college and being successful!
But she quickly gets better!
why the fuck does she have white pupils? does she have cataracts or something?
>Being this much of a newfag
Go back to plebbit retard.
>mamma from heaven
Appropriate that you would say that with that bug lady
Why is Mamako so great?
Can someone please do Mamako, or even Hahako, licking blood like that?
Bloodplay with crazy girls is really great desu
Art style, and eyes are actually complicated. But in short, fuck you, it's cute, we all love Pochi!
she's literally the reason i hadn't dropped the show
this is very interesting.
what about having children with your father?
Thanks for making me feel it again. Oh, it hurts. But it's also a good pain, because they're good moms.
I’m a NEET, I don’t have money
It needs a vpn, right?
Not hating yourself is peak reddit
Nope, why would I?
This is trash and so are all of you.
I've not dared to delve into the hardcore figma importing scene so no go right now.
Yes it feels bad, but what can one do?
The way the adapted the fight was so lame. Here's my advice for you plebs. Read the novel. It's so much better.
She has no business being a nip and that beautiful.
So what ever became if those she's actually an Onee-san leaks?
This series is just incest bait and there is no real romance sub-plot right?
But if there would be some kind of romance sub-plot that involves Mamako what is the best outcome you would wish for?
Hard mode: no incest
Are you desperate enough to post lies?
>Nakamura Regura
I really want him to make a non-h manga with lot of insect waifus.
I just love his style.
Is it still incest if it's just the soul of your mom in a new body?
>no subs yet
learning moon just can't go faster
So this is what Wise's mom actually looks like, huh? The LNs didn't give much of a description other than "average housewife".
Honestly, I'd still fuck the brains out of her.
Two mommy's who fell in love with each other.
That's how Wise is gonna look like when she's older and married to Masato.
I want a black butterfly mommy
perfect response
Subs out.
Damn, they cut out like half of the chapter. This adaptation is more like a summary. What a shame.
Sailor Uniform Wise
I wanna inform Shirase that I intend to hold hands with her
I just fapped to his FGO doujins, small world
She marries an Orcdaddy
But it also means there's a high chance your child is going to be genetically fucked.
never post that trash orc elf clone again
Cucks her son and gets a harem for herself with all the cute girls
>But if there would be some kind of romance sub-plot that involves Mamako what is the best outcome you would wish for?
>Hard mode: no incest
Mamako + Ma-kun's dad.
Is this where that elf chick with a stupid looking face while opening up a condom comes from?
thats a dick.jpg
Incest has a higher chance to get genetically fucked up children.
I know the oroginal slut elf and serious Otc is much better but I just wanted to show what kind of Orc Mamako shoulf marry because lot of anime orcs look often like pigmen.
Its pokemans show now.
If his dad is still alive I'm all in gor this.
I just hope he kinda look like pic related.
Feels bad man.
>Mamako beats her with the power of motherhood
>interlocking fingers
Or like this
>turns evil
>skin gets darker
Ruh roh.
>I never should've had a child
Brutal. She went too far.
No /u/ fan but I'm really ok with this.
Is there even a manga about a widow or divorced mom who fell in love with another mom.
This would be the only yuri lovestory I'll maybe even read.
Papatarou except he's playing as a muscular masked man who hits on Mamako, but she refuses his advances and explains that she is married
Then Papa plows her in real life and gets another kid
Mommy gonna spank some ass.
>some brave user brings the gospel of MILF to Yea Forums
>they call her generic shit and say that only /pol/ likes her
Why is Yea Forums such a fucking trash board holy shit
That's probably how gyarus actually get tanned
>maa-kun will not heal her heart with his penis
>mamako will not become a gmilf
Why she is so cute, although she isn't virgin and she sucked dick may be many dicks?
Porter is so cute. Too bad we don't get to see her mommy.
That's exactly what I was thinking
>*sets her son up with cute girls she picks out
Yea Forums has been tumblr for years
Way to raise a trash son.
>no vanilla wise maa-kun doujin
Such is this NTR and incest bait life of a show.
But Chiyo only loves (Yuu)
Most western drawn MILFs aren't cute and sexy, no wonder they are jealous.
Damn, good fight hype line.
Call it lame, but I would actually like some kind of mindtwist swerve where he realizes he is his own father and then realizes he MUST get with Mamako. And that he realizes, of course after character growth where's not insufferably shitty, that he's actually been denying to himself everything about her.
Maybe I've been watching too much wrestling though, looking for that janetty hot swerve.
ikr? His style is so wonderful. I'm really hoping he gets a guest slot somewhere like Pochi.
It's so pure, and sad, and happy how she knew right away what he wished when he asked if she was a spangle of some sort.
My mother was inches from death many years ago, so it's something I think about now and then still, and it hits.
It's the perfect thing to read every Mother's Day
Fighting together with your mommy!
I laughed.
I prefer mommy hanging fly
Will there be incest in the novel?
The best way to raise your son is to make sure he has the capacity and desire to get laid, otherwise he'll become a NEET and you'll never have grandkids.
Choo choo.
Then what about non-tan gyarus?
>fighting shounen about evil ganguro gyarus vs. good non-ganguro gyarus
>also with lots of surprise rape
>expecting anything else from the board populated by overweight women
Mommy hogging the bong.
Wise had a hard life.
user, I'm afraid I have some news for you.
The Mamako-Chiyonee connection goes even farther than that.
>non-tan gyarus
retarded newfag
What a tomato.
Prone bone
what the fuck is this, Pokémon?
There are literally dozens of characters that aren't tanned but identified as gyaru in japanese media, maybe step up your shitposting or better yet fuck off entirely
Porta gonna murder some npc later.
They are kogal, not gyaru
You must be an american newfag to not understand the subtilities of JK culture
Nice angle.
Eh, even in Pokemon, Musashi is best when she's being an oneesan to Satoshi, or has a feelsy focus episode.
Shit might be resolved too quick but I dont mind.I hope wise will still be the wisecracking, angry retort old wise.
Well I just found 3 characters/two manga that are identified as gyaru, so I guess the japanese don't give a shit about your imagined differences either.
Because this is an american website, created by an american. Maybe go somewhere else if you can't deal with americans, europoor.
>even for that little section, the artists gave her back muscles and shoulderblades definition
Thank you, blessed studio. It's like the detail given to her womb bones when she was in a metal bikini again.
I am now remembered of the webm recorded by some niggers where they entered a boys room like WE GON FUCK YO MOMMA
>mom get to log out and get some real dicks
dumb pajeet
The subber completely butchered the italian words used for spells, holy shit.
I want headpats FROM a cute mom
Italy is the big gay anyways, Veneta forever!
>reviving someone while they're still imaples, killing them again
Got some translation for non spaghetti anons? I dont know italian but bomba fiama doesnt sound like explosion.
Why's Wise gotta be such a joykill? Clearly mom wants to spend some time and ham it up and have fun in the game life, something she clearly doesn't normally get any time or space to do.
>venice saved europe from islam
>except the part where they destroyed the byzantines and enabled the turks to take over all of anatolia
who the fuck made this
No Veneziaboo would call Venezia Venice. It's Venezia, not Venice! it's in Italy so use the goddamn italian word you uncultured swines!
friendship ended with jojo fridays
now mommy fridays are the shit
I don't speak one too and I didn't watch the episode yet but that sounds like fire bomb to me.
Furulso di lava --> flusso di lava --> lava flow
Viento neve --> vento neve --> not a real word, but blizzard is good enough.
gyattsuo gulmo --> ghiaccio calmo --> calm ice
lusche de la danatione --> luce della dannazione --> light of damnation
Bomba fiamma would be flame bomb, which I guess is kinda like an explosion?
A veneziaboo.
Fuck the byzantines
Thanks user. I guess explosion is meh but still fit, but Flame bomb sound badass, and a bit specific sounding cool thing.
Normal wise mum reminds me of some shoujo mc mother.
>so many ara aras
Last for Wise a shit
She has the best confusion faces in a long time.
It's part and parcel of what's so fun about neesans and moms!
The Byzantines DID have it coming
Also the Turks took over Anatolia well before the 4th Crusade. And how do you think the Turks made it across the Strait? That's right, conniving Byzzies as usual.
Last for wise getting the dick.
dumb retard poster
holy shit, i wasn't expecting this show to redpill me on children