What do you do when you've watched every good anime?

What do you do when you've watched every good anime?

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read every good manga

You off yourself.

Kill myself.

You watch more than 15 anime and start liking stuff that isn't shonenshit.

Burn a popular anime studio down

Pic not related

> What do you do when you've watched every good anime?
Make complete list so I could do the same.

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There are less than 100 shows worth watching, you can watch those in a few months. After that you gonna be watching mediocre and garbage shows for the rest of your life.

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Contract depression so you'll have fun watching every SoL.

apparently shitpost on Yea Forums until you an hero

Post your list of said shows or fuck off

>15 minutes later
>didnt deliver

Git gud at your own art skills.

watch HxH

Oh hey look another phoneposter.
Didn't you create a hxh thread before? Like today?

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There are no good animes, once you take that truth pill you learn to enjoy even the most flawed ones.


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Shonen and moe are not the only types of anime that exist, user. I know this may seem strange to someone new to anime but it's true.

get some therapy

You probably watch moe blob garbage dude

You act like watching anime is the only thing you do in your life.

Not him but post your list of over 100 anime shows you think are good.


Why aren't you delivering user

I don't think that is possible.

Why? I didn't claim to have watched every single good anime because I'm not a fucking moron.

you watch shield hero

Because you're telling people to do shit that you wouldn't do yourself. You're full of shit. Why would other people spend all that time typing up a list for a nobody when you won't even do it yourself.

Again, because he claimed he'd watched every single good anime. If he posted a list of them it would probably be simple matter to prove him wrong, but as it stands - the claim is to abstract to properly refute. Is this too hard for your troglodyte brain to understand?

>refute an opinion

Read the manga, re-analyse plot and themes, then watch anime again.

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