Vinland Saga

>A true warrior doesn't need a sword.
Based or Cringe?

Attached: thooorus.png (803x900, 673K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>arab talking about peace

Are you one of those retards who think all nords had blue hair and blue eyes?

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Cringe and cuckpilled.
If you kill your enemies they win kind of logic. I hope the boy never follows his father philosophy.
T. Animeonly.

Spear is way better.


Who is your enemy user?

Oh it shows

>If you kill your enemies they win kind of logic.
It really isn't.

Based as fuck and Infrared pilled.

Don't worry, his son doesn't think that way. That's why he became a merchant, because a true civil merchant has no need for a sword.
He'll only hit back blatantly antagonistic people in self defense with his barefists, like any true merchant worthy of that name would.


It's not like the manga shows how Thorfinn's obsession with revenge ruins his life. Or how none of the characters excited about war ever actually experienced it.

>I hope the boy never follows his father philosophy.
well it probably won't happen in the anime so you can keep pretending

Based. His hands are the only weapons he needs.

A true warrior needs a sword but he doesn't need to use it.

What's the point of possesing goods that are no use to you?

It's great because it appears lofty yet Thors himself doesn't truly understand how retarded he is because he doesn't apply the golden rule of too much is as bad as too little. It's what makes this godlike commander who could have either made the Jomsvikings go down the path of becoming better people like his son does years down the road (and do a much better job thanks to his much higher prestige and influence at the time) or even at minimum he could have at least secured the safety and well-being of his family.

But because he went full retard he harmed his family all for his own ego and those he spared on the other side ended up dying a bit later anyways because ya know they are fucking vikings who have no long-term plan for survival.

The Thors male lineage is full of mistaken idiots whose only redeeming traits are their sincerity and prowess, a perfect example of good intentions paving the road to hell.

It wouldn't be Vinland Saga if Thors and Thorfinn were smart people. The story is about failure and coping with failure with escapism which leads to more failure. No matter where Thorfinn goes he can't escape conflict and war because he, like Thors, doesn't wanna shoulder the burden of power and responsibility. They just wanna be the lowly peasants and have a peaceful life without realizing that kinda shit is merely a crap shoot and that peace is forged and more importantly maintained through controlled strength of arms.

Instead we got some newtype shit ideology about understanding and compassion and what not. Kid's completely out of touch with human nature and it's hilarious.

>of no use*

kinda cringe

Are you being sarcastic?
I really can't tell.

So does the show revolve around this philosophy? The son becomes a cuck? I might drop it if thats the case.
And i am planning on reading the manga if i liked anime.

getting ladies

>The son becomes a cuck?
He's not a cuck, but he's an idiot who chases the image of his father in his heart, in other words the idealized romanticized perfect father true warrior who can do no wrong

Which naturally leads to all sorts of shit hitting the fan.

>Kid's completely out of touch with human nature
The nature of a being is live above anything else. Thors took the redpill that war is pointless and for the benefit of a single higher up alone. So he just went away to live his own live.

Cringe and easily influenced by memes.

>The nature of a being is live above anything else. Thors took the redpill that war is pointless and for the benefit of a single higher up alone.
This isn't even English. There is no red pill, he straight up fucked everyone over. Your opinion is literally like claiming doctors should favor patients equally even if some are in emergency care and others just have a toothache because all life is equal.

>tfw just finished Farmland Saga
I can see how this could be a pain to follow in serialization, but when binge read it's pure fucking kino

vinland saga is literally a filter for armchair intellectuals and yet history already gives us the answer, really amazing how people can still insist they are right

>Your opinion is literally like claiming doctors should favor patients equally even if some are in emergency care and others just have a toothache because all life is equal.
How does this have anything to do with what I said?
But again, imagine giving away your life and leaving your family without a provider just so some guy you never met can get slightly more rich.

Psst. Don't say that or you'll hurt the feelings of cringe cucks in this thread.

Farmland arc is the best arc for me.

You didnt exactly answer my question but i guess it sounds interesting anyways.
Huh? You mean the "jews" comment?
It didnt come from /pol/ memes but from the fact that im polish.

Why would you do that, rather than becoming a viking and bringing back (stolen) money for your family?

>Do that and die in battle.

one less mouth to feed, besides nobody would go to war if the average person usually died
even losing doesn't necessarily mean dying, you've just got a ridiculous concept of what war is

Low test

First for Canute

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Incredible as it may sound, warzone is just a field of disillusioned dying folks and some dudes surviving but going mad. People still enlist to it because of propaganda. Or peace times when it's not required to do much.

This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen. Stop watching television.

>tfw the anime won't get to Chadnute until a hypothetical second season

Why would they think of going to Vinland if killing their enemies would solve their problem?
The title of the series itself is based on this philosophy.

If you feel the need to intimidate someone, it means that deep down you are afraid of them.
And a true warrior doesn't fear anyone.
Why do the US still have Nuclear weapons despite having the strongest and most advanced army on the planet? Because other countries have it too, and they'll get fucked if they can't retaliate with the same force. It's fear.
But they wouldn't need it if they had a less harmful and less threatening alternative that could effortlessly and consistently strop nukes.

Imagine an alien race that developed a purely defensive force field that could stop even the mightiest nuke, and give an equivalent to that to every single one of their citizens. Would they need to bring any weapon with them if they want to conquer our planet or take our resources? No, they'll just go here and do their shit, while we helplessly watch u able to do anything to stop them. That's what a true superior warrior is.

>Getting ladies
If ladies want weapons, they can just buy it themselves.

Cnut is an anagram of ____

He's no swede though


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If we go by sun tzu...
He's completely correct.
Although I somehow doubt that the art of war is what he had in mind in that moment.

Can't wait for Willibald. My favorite character from that arc aside from Thorkell.

Where the fuck did he go though? Will we see him again?

>An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished in WWII

Probably works for Canute or he drank himself to death.

tfw no north sea empire gf

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>Giant tower of a man master martial artist who can beat dozens of armed warriors by himself with only his fists
It's like a Chad telling you to just b urself

>Animeonlies calling Wilibald a cuck because he's a monk spreading the "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." commandment.

Whats stopping you from going to the gym and getting fit like Thors?
>Inb4 im a manlet blah blah blah
Not an excuse,Thorfinn is a dwarf compared to his Father and he's a hunk.

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>Military deaths from all causes totaled 21 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war
already down to a third. i could go on but it isn't worth it (also >per capita)
plus you can hardly compare industrial warfare nevermind a WORLD war to a viking raid

your (((enemies))) can't be defeated by weapons, brainlet

Yeah, you could die from a infection of just a small cut in your arm in that era.

i said i wouldn't go on but i just found this lmao
Soviets, Germany: 30-31%
Japan: 25%
also muh "everyone got a cut and died" how the fuck do you believe this stupid shit? That's the dumbest fucking superstition in the world, how do you think people survived up until 200 years ago you fucking moron?

I mean you can just beat up people with a stick and that's what Musashi does.

Great main character you got there.

>needs a wooden sword

Ill give you my wooden sword. *unzips dick*

well, your hope is ruined. because he does set out to adapt his father's ideology. he is also aware that bloodshed will happen anyways.

There's a reason why there was a boom in population after vaccines were invented and so on.
But again, if you want to be a soldier you do you, The path to getting a good money income or doing something for the people is another. Chances are you'll just be KIA, or if you're american turning into a homeless with PTSD.

Absolutely based and diametrically opposed to his shitty cringe and bluepilled son.

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>There's a reason why there was a boom in population after vaccines were invented and so on.
Human overpopulation is killing the planet and no eating bugs will not make up for it
The rest of your post isn't worth responding to. Literally everything you believe is make believe, I've never even suggested war is only good or that it makes lots of money, just that you're a retard who's full of shit.

I probably won't be able to handle the anime not having the same level of detail as the manga, is the animation good enough to warrant watching it?

Good for you, user. Help the population to go down and enlist today.

When will you stop saying this stupid fucking bullshit? Is this supposed to be smart or clever or a witty response? You dumb fucking retard, you bring up an industrial WORLD war as an example of lots of people dying and the losers and famous le epic zerg rush reddit meme had a THIRTY PERCENT casualty rate for soldiers. That means 7/10 didn't die in one of the worst wars of all time you stupid fucking retard, but go ahead make another fucking joke "lmao go to war and die xddd"

>Human overpopulation is killing the planet and no eating bugs will not make up for it
A couple generations from now when China and India stop being so third world none will even think of that shit anymore

Is it me or there is a bunch of anons not having a good day recently?

I will let you decide.

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Reminder Thorkell ideology wasn't refuted. Thorfinn wasn't able to do it, he's just spooked.

Normalfags mostly, if I'd had to bet.
They can't stay on topic and everything turns personal for them.
Disagreeing with them is like shoving sandpaper into their urethras, and makes them chimp out.
Which makes it weird for them to be here, since this site is famous for being confrontational.
But to each their own.

Go to war and die retard

>>A true warrior doesn't need a sword.
This is true, but not in the way the author meant it.

A true warrior wouldn't rely on his weapon to fight, but being a pacifist or refusing to kill wouldn't make you a good warrior at all. If you yourself died or people you cared for because of it then you'd only prove yourself a fool.

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>Human overpopulation is killing the planet and no eating bugs will not make up for it
Okay, but what about people dying from cuts in the viking era?

Thors and Thorfinn only refuse to kill, they don't refuse to fight. Both can put even big guys to sleep for a few days with a good punch, so there really is no point in killing them.

Surprisingly even in the modern era people die when their heads are cut off
If you mean a papercut then no fuck off that's a stupid meme

People weren't imune to tetanus, bacterial infection or blood poisoning in that century.

That doesn't mean it was ever common to die from a cut. Do you think in a hundred years people will talk about how back in the 21st century you could die from being struck by lightning?

>A true warrior doesn't need a sword.
t. swordmaster who witnessed the use of firearms for the first time

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Then how do you explain the populational boom caused by penicillin?

Depends of the cut. A cut from wood or paper is fine, but if it's any metal, and it bleeds, better treat that shit. And stuff like this wasn't the only deseases that kept the population in check in the middle ages.


Did it ever occur to you what the people you KOd would do after they woke up? If they were crazy murders, rapists, etc. do you think they would just stop? Do you think they would not have a grudge?

>be giant hunk with jet black hair
>children are all blonde manlets
truly thorfinn was.. his wife's son

Yes, I meant the common saying about people in the past getting a small cut and dying as if it were some everyday occurrence as an explanation of progress

My mom is brown haired, my father black and me and my sisters are all blond..

>Did it ever occur to you what the people you KOd would do after they woke up?
Nothing much, if they're long gone.

>guy attacks you
>knock him out
>he follows you whereever you go
>knock him out again
>he comes after your family
>knock him out again
>he kills people you love
Full pacifism doesnt work. Although in a modern world you dont need a sword, but in their time you would have to kill a bitch every now and then.

user, I...

His wife is blonde, though.

did you knock out thorfinn or something? stalking like that isn't normal for some guy just there to rob some farms

So what did you achieve by not killing them? You let someone that will kill and rape tons of people live, not to mention this person could later on kill/rape someone you are for or plot revenge in underhanded means.

Autistic people like this didn't live long in that age.

Based. Because Thors knew violence was stupid because its bred from stupidity. If everyone was civil their would be no need for swords. At the same time hes not saying their is no need for self defense or competitive combat. Hes right but in a different time period. If your first thought to achieve something is you need to kill someone you are indeed a brainlet. If you come to the conclusion after awhile that someone needs to die for a goal then its more of a grey area. He got tired of Vikings the literal white niggers of old who just ram their shit onto anywhere they can land and rob the place.

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If everyone else were civil then the man with the sword would be king

Jesus... posts like this are prime example why laymen should not be even allowed to learn history to begin with.
It's like modern people completely ignore actual war veterans and contemporary literature in favor of dramatized WW1 videos on youtube.

People can change you know, i thought that's the entire point of this story

>So what did you achieve by not killing them?
If Thorfinn had killed Sigurd who was trying to force Guldrid to marry him, Hardrada would never been born.

Too be fair
>Applying too much
Its really difficult in combat to measure something like pacifism or holding back. Just alittle bit can cause a fuck up. In the end Thors was fucked though. Even if he started off by killing people on the boat he hopped too he was still alone and would've faced arrows sooner then later. Its pointless to dwell on a situation he was dead in either way. He could've possibly caused a bloodbath and swam away leaving his allies to die for the most part if he was that aggressive but because his cuck son hitched a ride he was fucked.

You know Thors and Thorfinn are murderers too? Some girl was being raped once, and Thorfinn did nothing. A good beating sometimes can change a fucker.

He didn't, he bare-handed an entire ship of viking mercenaries.
Swords are for niggers who aren't nice with the hands.

Thors is a Dane

Anime Askeladd is a lot more good looking

Danes are Nords.

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Canute and Shotafinn look better, all the other anime shots are worse but good enough

Both my wife and I are blonde and blue-eyed by our kids have black curly hair and tanned skin. Genetics are interesting.

>he got cucked

hope you got a paternity test

No. Civility doesn't imply absolute pacifism. If a man with a sword rises like a nigger then the civil people will strike him down. The issue with mass civility is when it gives power to the mindless masses who are easily exploitable and hide behind civility as a shield that they don't actually believe in like the modern west.

That being said I think Thors was dumb with it. He should've killed at the point of his son being taken captive. He could've easily wounded/taken the faggot as a shield to buy time since it was clear all his allies respected and followed him and would be lost without him. Thors played the game wrong. Not killing is fine but you have to be willing to cause intense pain and play dirty to substitute it.

>no civility is
i don't need to read the rest of your comment
war isn't civility, that's just cope to redefine civility as always good

Paternity tests are illegal here in France

>He could've easily wounded/taken the faggot as a shield to buy time since it was clear all his allies respected and followed him and would be lost without him.
they would have all gotten shot by the archers you fucking idiot

>you have no enemies Thornfin
I cried.

>war isn't civility
Even War has it's honor code. Only degenerates never follow it and always end up losing.

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>Even War has it's honor code
you've picked a really dumb way of phrasing something but regardless war still isn't civility. just because something can be honourable or good doesn't mean it's civil

>it's true

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>Only degenerates never follow it and always end up losing.
The US have a pretty good track record as far as winning goes (and as far as war crimes go)

Exceptions don't make the rule. The good of the people should always be the most important thing.

look regardless of whether this or the previous post is true still doesn't make war civil, the reason you keep trying to argue this nonsense that war is civil is because you have it embedded in your mind that civil=good and anything uncivil is bad so "good war" must be civil. that isn't the case

War is a shitshow, but there's always that one nation of faggots at one point taking things too far and all the other nations end up mobbing on them.

And also a good track of destroying itself from the inside.

yes? war still isn't civil. i don't know what you're trying to argue

“The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them”
― Miyamoto Musashi, A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy

kinda cringe, you don't live in a tiny farm if you want to avoid fights, you get rich and influential and then you don't need to do any fighting yourself, your influence alone prevents attacks on you. Also Thors isn't intelligent enough to use his wit to avoid warfare either.

That's literally the opposite of the truth. This might just be the worst advice ever.

user, don't take a 23andme test and show your family the results. Ever.

If you were a robber, would you try to rob a tiny farm, or a rich guy?

rob whatever place I can bust into without dogs and guards and barbed fences killing me. Do you think ANYONE ever tried to rob a mafia don? retards.

>Do you think ANYONE ever tried to rob a mafia don?
Yes, other mafia don and government.

whatever your logic is it's simply a fact that a lot of rich and influential people have been attacked robbed and killed (especially by vikings, it's kinda their thing)

Thors didn't merely want to avoid fights, he wanted to live a peaceful and quiet life with his family where he wouldn't need to hurt anyone. But in order to become rich and influental and to stay that way, he would need to hurt and exploit other people constantly. His wealth and influence would also attract the hostility of people who either want it for themselves or who resent the way Thors uses it. Going to Iceland, aka the very end of the known world, while presumed fallen in battle was his best bet for obtaining his wish.

I wonder if Thors could have successfully hid if he went to Greenland instead of Iceland

make a comparison when the manga transitions from being weekly to monthly, the manga is unironically better

Early manga still looks better than the anime.

Cucked nation lol


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>Sun Tzu-esque Nipshit in a Nordic show
I hate when Japanese try to inject Easternisms into European settings, it sticks out like a sore thumb every time.

What the fuck is that?

This land will be mine

I don't even mind the philosophies, but the ninja moves and martial arts seem pretty out of place.

>based Wales held off everybody up until the Normans
That dragon on their flag is no joke.

>a true warrior is one who can achieve without violence
>tfw manga treats violence and desire as a sign of weakness and futility

Wales is the Afghanistan of Europe

Thought that was Switzerland.

Was it rape?

>held everyone off
except in the parts called England you mean

Switzerland actually changed hands a lot before the early modern period. It only became the impregnable fortress it is now after it united

That's because it's from the early manga, the art gets a lot better later when Yukimuta switched from weekly to monthly releases

>A true warrior wouldn't rely on his weapon to fight

Kinda true too, but is more like "A true warrior don´t need to kill, killing your enemy is the easy way out of the situation but is the one that gives more problem on the long run, a true warrior have the strength to not kill"

No,Nord women belong to English BVLLS.

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i want to cum inside a north sea empire girl and then watch her die in childbirth!

Not him but
>besides nobody would go to war if the average person usually died
Do you know what conscription is? Also people are fucking ignorant about war because of how overly glorified it is. People actually welcomed WW1 when it was about to happen and it's even shown in the fucking show when the young islanders who followed Thors got the harshest reality check about war.
>even losing doesn't necessarily mean dying
Just like winning doesn't necessarily mean living, it goes both ways.

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danes deserve what they get, absolute barbarians

Based AskeCHAD

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I'm just glad Japanese make good fiction based on European culture.

>danes raid villages all over nw Europe for hundreds of years
>it's bad when people attack danes

Can't trust Europeans or Americans born after the 60s to do it lmao


Can't wait for netflix live action adaptation with an all black cast
>my mother said we wuz kangz

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sorry i meant "based"

Askeladd is spiritually black.

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please use the word wigger like everybody else

I would unironically watch a series about somali pirates. Would be pretty refreshing compared to the usual jack sparrows.

>Dad has brown-black hair that used to be a lot lighter, almost blonde
>Mum's brown
>Oldest brother's brown-black
>Middle brother's an odd sort of light brown but he's also retarded so he's a wildcard anyway
>I'm blonde yet look facially exactly the same as oldest bro
Our family's weird

The brazil of families.

Best side character

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Unironically based.
Defending yourself and holding your ground with no weapons at all takes guts.

vinland saga is just naruto with vikings

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who is the nine tailed fox in vinland saga?

so basically the riddle of steel?

They haven't revealed that yet.

I want to watch this girl die in childbirth
From Director-san Yubuta
>In next chapter, you will see his physical growth and mental changes. It would be a little bit slow pacing, but we hope you keep watching over him.

The Saga has just begun, and the gangs will be here soon.

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What about Thorkell?

>the gangs will be here soon

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this thread is cancer

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Based, but idealistic. You don't need the sword because you won the fight before it happened. It's kinda of like the quote one stroke between life and death kinda bullshit, minimum effort maximum result. I suppose it's more of an ideal than a way of life.

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Why? Because there's actual discussion and not just waifufaggotry like 90% of the catalog? Off yourself.

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no it doesn't, if you're already a killer it goes down

>kill more than one killer
>the number of killers in the world goes down
checkmate Bruce


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Canutefags are already worse than waifufags.

Canuteposters are cute and based.

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tfw japanese writers faithfully recreate masculine characters from your culture rather than rewriting them as attractive girls

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>whine about waifufags
>spam canute and lewdpost nonstop
Do what you want but at least don't be a hypocrite.

Canute is a husbando though

Same shit different genitals


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blame the author for making Canute the best character and the second best girl

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Based but cringe.


>askelade now gonna raise a boy that is not his son

Literally cuck.

But shotafinn is cute so its okay

more like get free labor out of, like the gigachad he is

That word lost any meaning it had 3 years ago. Stop.

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Based because axes are cooler.

Whenever Askeladd's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Askeladd?"

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>Aske = Ash
>Ladd = lad/boy
>Lade = charge, as in charge a battery
Educate yourself fuckboy.

Middle is probably Canute's aunt

This is so gonna clash with the rearranged order

They could have at least redesigned the deformed as fuck Frank lord to look more normal

Pretty cringe.

>human overpopulation is killing the planet
That's a pretty retarded user. It's the unsustainable consumption of resources that's destroying the biosphere, not overpopulation..

>strategically covered

Will they keep the nipples for this scene? Kind of important.

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I see Sasha Brauss is doing fine

>It's the unsustainable consumption of resources that's destroying the biosphere, not overpopulation
You seem pretty smart user, I'm sure you can figure out what makes our population hard to sustain in the first place

>bargain bin griffith

Do you not see a connection between the number of consumers and overconsumption? You are never going to get people to become poor willingly. Killing them is much easier. We should start with the D*nes

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not even him but >not knowing based esteban

Romcom Saga animated in 2 years!


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I'm going to marry Gudrid!

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Hope you have $70 ready for CDJapan

If Garm fought teen Thorfinn nobody would bat an eye. Now that Thorfinn's changed, he feels out of place, when really teen Thorfinn is just as shounen as him.

I'm just wondering if they will keep the frontal shot without nipples or just not have it

At this place they're going, they really might take two cours on Farmland too.


Garm looks way more retarded

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Cucking requires the father to not know the child isn't theirs, and I'm pretty sure Askeladd knows who Thorfinn's father is.

While it is true that overpopulation is a factor in causing unsustainable resource consumption, it is also a result of the advancement of technology and industry, which increases our increasing demands in resources and technology, and as these things advance it would improve the quality of life thus allowing more people to flourish and thereby more consumers, which increases the demand yet again as there are even more consumers now. It's a cycle.

Plus, you cannot discount other factors either, like the policy of the country, religious beliefs, cultural and social norms, stability of the region, local environment, etc. You can't blame it all on overpopulation. It's just the result of making lives better for everyone.

too late, she dies on the battlefield

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found the cuck