So was this an ecchi anime posing as a philosophical mystery story or a philosophical mystery story posing as an ecchi...

so was this an ecchi anime posing as a philosophical mystery story or a philosophical mystery story posing as an ecchi anime

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Why are you under the impression that both are mutually exclusive?

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It's just banter


I doubt anyone would be interested in this series without the ecchi

nothing wrong with borderline incest and tits

Its retards mistaking something for great direction and visuals for something deep.

A little from collumn A,a little from collumn B

I guess it's more of a question of whether the story is there to serve as a vessel for the ecchi or if the ecchi is there to sell the story. Did it become an ecchi as a result of the events in the story, or did the story become what it was as a result of the demand for ecchi.

It wasn't necessarily deep but it did leave me the impression that there is quite a lot to unpack there.

For one, the narrative was surprisingly consistent and complete despite it being a non-linear collection of arcs released over a long period of time.

It’s there because Nisio was horny

Definitely the latter. Nobody fucking talks about this show's story (and anyone who attempts to is immediately bombarded with discussion about incest and pantyshots.)

Do the original novels go into explicit detail regarding all the panty shots and loli fondling, or was it artistic license on behalf of the animators?

Feels like a bit of a waste, the setting is pretty interesting and it was much better written than anything I've seen in quite a while.

I guess I've just gotten used to trashy isekai.

that's because 4chinz was always full of sexually frustrated virgins
blame the audience, not the series

Pretty much. All text eye catches are straight from the novel.

Aren't most of all the anime like that?

It's just a coming-of-age you brainlet.

It's the ultimate evolution of the harem anime genre.

How does that preclude the possibility of it being philosophical? It certainly goes off talking about various topics a lot. Just because you have a label for it doesn't mean the label is all there is to it.

This board has become really awful when it comes to Monogatari the past few years. It's always about either lewd shit or cucking and it's so fucking annoying.

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>tfw no gf you literally memed into existence

Somebody save Shaft, I need Off-season anime.

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pick one you fucking retard, jesus it makes me cringe when you faggots do this shit. literal tumblr tier deep, kys.

It hurts.

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What is doing shaft right now? I need a new season of 3 gatsu

only if you're a cumbrain and have only watched ecchi anime.

Its both at the same time

>light novel

ask yourself once again, OP

Monogotari is too deep for stupid plebeians who only consume unintelligent drivel such as Sword Art Online, Boku no Hero Academia, and Shingeki no Kyojin. Its depth cannot be understood by someone with an IQ below 140 and zero understanding of the Japanese language.

>simple word games
>he still idolizes his weeaboo lengua as something unattainable

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>he posts that retarded little girl image

It's like that everywhere. People actively try to squash discussion and replace it with talk about girls now.

>falling for obvious bait

I generally stopped posting in Monogatari since Owari 2 ended. Threads haven't really been the same since like a month after it aired.

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I loved the series but hated the over the top lewdness and wish they toned it down. I'm probably the outlier though.

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I can kind of agree with that but it's still my favorite series regardless and I know the lewdness is one of the reasons it became as popular as it was instead of the substance.

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They tone it down whenever it's a more serious season like Owari. Zokuowari and off-season are mostly fanservice, so they can give something to everybody.

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All I ever got from Monogatari, besides the visual direction being worth watching on its own, is that the nips fucking love word games and put a lot more stock in them than I thought.
Even if there isn't anything deep about it, the visuals are impeccable and could be watched for that alone with no regrets

Bait or not, I've seen enough mental retardation here to not to react.

Even important stuff like Kizu had over the top ecchi scenes... I can't imagine watching those in a theater honestly.

entertainment exists only to entertain

It's the logograms that do it. When everything can be read in 20 different ways it's no surprise people get off on puns that only make sense in writing. It's also full of references to other Japanese media most of which I am sure I missed. I don't think a filthy gaijin piggu can really appreciate it the way a nip can, and it's not really meant for outsiders to understand anyway. Hard to judge how deep or shallow something like that is when you simply don't have the background knowledge required to get what the author was doing.

Not really, I would actually prefer if they scaled back all the ecchi nonsense

Maybe here where the average IQ is around room temperature, but there’s a shitload of discussion around the imagery and music esp about the Bakemonogatari and the Shinobu movies

Only amerilards would be so dumb and smug to compress such a huge swath of works into one catch-all genre

No wonder your kids shoot up schools and shit, they probably only have garbage like Catcher in The Rye to read during adolescence

Where is this discussion if not on Yea Forums?

>that pic

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I'd be too busy jacking off to pay attention

It was pseudo-intellectual tripe posing as both

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