What do you think about Sakura/BB?

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Unironically made for fat old man

not anime or manga related

Sakura x BBC more like.

I like Sakura.
I don't like BB, I feel extra is the point Fate turned into a trainwreck.

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BB is better.

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In any version is hot af

I'm kinda mixed on BB and I don't really like Sakura Matou.
But I love my wife Passionlip!

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Careful you don't summon the Nerotards.

But CCC was one of Nasu's best creations.

But that's the one clone who acts like a caricaturized version of some of the original's more superficial traits.
They're all sexual characters but that one's too fetish fuel-y for me to take seriously.

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She's really not though. Sakura longs for Shirou but is closed off and unwilling to do anything to act on that, while Passionlip is an obsessive stalker. Sakura wants to love and be loved in a typical girlish fashion, but Passionlip craves only her beloved's presence to the point that she ruins them just for the opportunity to have them.
The similarities (that of a girl who longs for someone else) are what is superficial, not the traits from either character.
Either way I find Passionlip significantly more compelling plus she actually gets to develop and acknowledge her horrific traits and try to better herself.
>They're all sexual characters but that one's too fetish fuel-y for me to take seriously.
Melt and Lip are meant to be disgustingly hypersexual. Nasu actively intended for them to be repulsive. It was the point.

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It seems you haven't heard the NEWs yet...
FGO is Yea Forums now since 2016

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I think I want to titfuck her.

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More like you want to be her and let me titfuck you.

>those new nakajima yuka orgasm denial doujins with her


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Sakura is disgusting passive-aggressive scum with tons of baggage and no redeeming qualities. BB is perfect sadistic goddess

Sakura is best girl, and BB is a nice sadistic variant of her. People who pretend to be Sakura clone fans while simultaneously shitposting against Sakura are cancer, though.

very nice, too bad extra is hot garbage

This statement is contradictive is so many ways.

Both Sakura and BB are the same person as stated in CCC, BB is just a rebellious Sakura that gor tired of being the 'good girl' character.

Extra Sakura is not FSN Sakura


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Same character, different setting.

They have completely different upbringings and character developments, the only thing they share is physical appearance and a bare minimum of surface level personality traits. Calling them the same character is retarded

Same looks, same voice, same personality. Trying to pretend they're completely different just makes you look like you're desperate to reconcile anti-Sakura shitposting with turning out to actually like Sakura.

Sakura is a good and cute girl.
BB, on the other hand, is a bitch made for tittyfucking and old men semen.

How fucked is Shirou if BB was his kouhai?

Cucked in the first day


Dude, BB IS Sakura. This is stated by the end of CCC when you punish her. You actually punish her so bad she reverts back to her original weak Sakura personality and starts confessing she acted the way she does (BB) because she was sick of always being the damnsel in distress and never doing something about it.

Yes they are 'different' bodies from the FSN and this one, but it's the same Sakura with the same upbringing but that deviated at some point in the future and turned like this. So you saying you don't like Sakura but you like BB is contradictory as fuck.

BB is far better, because there's no victim complex and she's straight up kind of malicious.

I gotta congratulate Nasu. He somehow took the character I liked the most and slowly ruined her to the point I now despise her.

So, just like Saber?

Trash clone of trash

Her noble phantasm should be "magical prostitution." It's an enhanced form of prostitution where she takes multiple men at once and they pay her twice the average rate.

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>no group discounts
What the fuck is this shit?

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Brown BB is best BB.

brown bb is ugly af

Anything drawn by WADA is ugly as fuck