ITT: idiot savants

ITT: idiot savants

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what's the savant part though

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Her gitah skills and perfect pitch.

she graduated without accidentally burning the school down

literally me

like attracts like

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She cute tho so it's ok.

Yui can do anything if she puts her mind to it (the gaijin perhaps doesn't notice she passes Extremely Hard Exams largely on the basis of ad-hoc cramming).

She's the Tom Bombadil of K-On, a being of terrifying power but zero will to use it. She could rule the world if only you could persuade her not to get distracted by cute puppies. Which you couldn't.

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Great at guitar.
Great at singing.
Great at friendship.
Great at accidentally cutting her hair.
Great at being cute.
Great at almost never shitting her pants.
Great at being loveable while also autistic.
Great at wanting to eat her friend's eyebrows.
This show was great but I rarely see people discussing it.

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>Great at almost never shitting her pants.
that's a pretty high bar you're setting

>I rarely see people discussing it
Because it aired over 10 years ago and it's not shounenshit. People don't watch anything but shounen, the occasional CGDCT seinen, and the few classics from the 90s.

imagine dressing her up in the morning, or cleaning her soft body in the bath

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The entire show is full of them.

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She's not autistic, she's literally 7.

Renchon is a genius
Her VA actually is

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why is she always so serious?

Then why is she always so serious?
She's literally 7.

90s shows are shit I just watch anything with cute girls.

2007 wasn't in the 90s, and Nodame is a cute girl.

When I said 90s shows were shit I wasn't talking about Nodame but was talking about the "people watch nothing but" part.

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Not really. She's just acting her age.

>anime about music
>the music is shit