Official Lewds

What are your favorite examples of lewds drawn by the official artist, outside the official work?

Attached: elf-genga-cen.jpg (900x1200, 368K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don’t be a fag. Post uncensored version

The ones the galko guy does he's fucking great.

Even censored official lewds get deleted. /e/ is better for them, but doesn't have enough activity.

Attached: 70945488_p6.jpg (2238x1600, 933K)

Attached: 64281177_p0.jpg (600x847, 439K)

Galko is written by a woman

>Even censored official lewds get deleted

Attached: 1563510219758.jpg (445x662, 76K)

Attached: 1526742455982.jpg (2116x3000, 2M)

I've had it happen multiple times.

Attached: 7.jpg (600x800, 63K)

Attached: 1561554725235.jpg (3280x1380, 2.39M)

Based, ballsy user

My wife Emily is so cute.

Nice. Post moar

Your wife Emily has nipples!

You are a complete idiot.

That sucks man

Where does that image come from?

What a madman.

his yt channel is great too, and he often draws borderline lewd stuff there


i wish that one wasn't so rough, and we could better see through Kuroko's leg. Also

I was going to post more but this thread quickly filled with dumbfuck newfags who don't deserve anything.

I was going to post some, but then you replied.

Green pubes!!

Well I feel bad your thread died so here's the only contribution I can give

Attached: 558498 - Seolla_Schweizer Super_robot_wars - Copy.jpg (1600x2149, 714K)

Attached: a-nudity rules.png (960x712, 138K)

Attached: rd8-cen.jpg (1512x2016, 843K)

In theory that would be true, in practice it doesn't always happen. Making this a nsfw board would fix that problem.

Tsugumomo is cheating.

Why can't jannies obey the words of their boss? What if he cuts their salary in half

Most things now are just up to the whims of the mods irregardless of what Hiro says or what rules are listed per board.
What Hiro said 4 years ago was before he doubled down on trying to get advertiser money at the cost of running a good board.

>What if he cuts their salary in half
0 - 50% = 0

Attached: smugnoa07.jpg (745x749, 245K)

Remember me as an hero guys

Attached: B12.jpg (1125x1600, 714K)

Your selfless sacrifice will be remembered for eons!

No contest.

Attached: 1412192770918.jpg (1024x765, 136K)

Attached: 1524428445117.jpg (480x854, 136K)

Why would she be covering her breasts, that's just going to get in the way and Kuroko has seen much more than that.