Kafkaesque anime/manga

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>the shingeki no kyojin was inside you all along eren
and gigcuck said it the best manga/anime unironically

What's with all the SnK posting the last few months?

This shit was quiet as fuck for years.

the anime sucks. the manga is unironically 10/10



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Why are you obsessed with a youtuber's opinion enough to post it in every thread?

why is that a problem for you ?

Never understood the name of this game. What does shingeki no kyojin actually means? I never got in even after the whole "we were the shingeki all along scene"

Attached: [Anonymoose] Kafka - Inaka Isha (DVD, 480p) [1614EF4C].mkv_snapshot_08.21_[2019.06.02_13.57.12].jpg (716x480, 67K)

Manga is at best 7/10 and I like the series.

Comparing your preferred work with another one only denotes its inferiority. A good artpiece should stand on its own. Hunterfags are guilty of the same thing.

If you don't know the answer, then you need to go back.

to your mom's house ?

"Shingeki no kyojin" have 2 meanings: "the attack of the titans "(what actually happens during most of the series) or "the attack titan" (which is the name of the MC's titan power)

How? Have you read any Kafka?

it's a common joke

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I don't get it.

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> Kafkaesque

SnK is fine but pls stop using big words just cause

Probably because the manga is pure kino since 2 or 3 years