Attack on titan S1 is Legend

Aot s1 sell over 50,000bd !!
and Aot s2 s3 is ...

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Based chink


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>AoT is the best anime of the decade
>can't even sell 5k

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>the shingeki no kyojin was inside you all along eren
and gigcuck said it the best manga/anime unironically

plebs = filtered

How many will S4 sell?

Based Sunrise, them Shaft and Kyoani are the triumvirate of Yea Forums
Kill yourself Yea Forumsermin

le problem

>getting this triggered at another franchises relevancy and constant discussion that you have to keep making reassurance threads every hour

Pathetic you fat smelly otakus. Get a job and take a shower. Not even your females you worship in your grabo anime would want to have anything to do with you.

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Whats going on Erenbros? I thought we were winning?

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Fuck off Brazillian nigger.


Only white males and Japanese Males can watch anime. Fuck off shitskins

How the hell did season1 sell 50k?

It introduced a lot of people to the series and had good bonuses attached to it. Now everyone is just buying and keeping up with the manga mostly. While just turning in each week or streaming the anime. No need in wasting money on the adaption.

Fujoshits. But they are fickle and have moved on to different series.

>muh streaming
Where did you get this info?

The fact it's 2019 dipshit. Stop being fucking fat, old, and a goddamn boomer.

VOL 1-4 of season 1 had some limited edition attachments for a while user.

And it's not way more relevant than Love Cringy Idols or any other loser shit lol

>can't provide source so decides to be triggered

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Love Live is better than AoT.

Only if you're a jobless cuck that doesn't bathe


When the fuck did Yea Forums become so infested with ESL cockroaches? I swear I don't remember things always being this bad. Did Hiro somehow make it become acceptable or something?

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Your point?

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Love Smelly Live shit is dead. Long live SnK!!