You love me so much it hurt

Its out.

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ist diese bait?




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? I just use it to read manga, its not like im loyal to it or anything haha

phoneposter confirmed

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I hope the main girl gets anally raped. I fucking hate her.

Seriously, wtf is her problem?!

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I can't wait to see how traumatized Ichika will be.
Also, the MC needs some chill pills. Like, a lot.

chronic case of being absolutely unadulterated based as fuck
violate the NAP and reap therecreational rape vans

She has a point the other bitch lives a sweet life and she can't let go of just one dude who she wasn't even in a relationship with.


Wait niggas, this thing was not canceled?

Somebody get this girl some eyedrops

>This is our "heroine"
>We are supposed to root for her

Hell yes I'm fucking conflicted.

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Personally I just want to see how low she can go before she gets shanked.

So when is the next chapter going to be up?

Cute! CUTE!

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>instantly recognize the artist by the artstyle
Yep, this is certainly an edgyfest. How does it compare to her doujins? I like them.

I hope Narumi loses it and rapes her
Tame. We already got to rapetown but we didn't even get to see it.

The ride has just begun and we got this. Can't wait for other shenanigans our main ""heroine"" will be involved with.

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nein, er ist nur ein ganzer Dummkopf

you must be kidding, because anal rape is best

I thought used good girls was nice why did she chimp out at little motorcycle guy

It's a bakaudon work, you can expect everyone to act like retards.
Also I wonder what makes her get shanked and if she actually ends up surviving

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Its gonna end like this

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>giving back her clothes
I kinda see the appeal of it but I think it'd be better if the had her walk home naked

Serves her right for violating the NAP

Is losing your virginity while being forced to rape someone worse than getting gangraped?

stop imagining getting gang raped you faggot

I don't know, it was kinda weird because I felt the chapter was more focused on Narumi than the girl being raped

Am I a psychopath to think that she deserved it?

This is an unpleasantly dark manga, the extreme edge doesn't even come off in a funny way

Nah, she totally did

Depends on how brutal of a punishment you think gangrape is. Now that I think of it, is it even gangrape when everyone takes turns?

She is the "heroine" in the sense that the kyoanus arson guy felt justified- getting bullied in school/other people having it easier does not actually justify being a psychopath

Why do I feel so fucking depressed now even though I didn't really care that much last chapter?

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Well, she is getting revenge against those who wronged her so she isn't THAT bad. It's not like she is murdering innocents here.

I was laughing last chapter but now it's just sad

Seeing her first shot in the chapter, with dead eyes, bruised face, half naked and all that really churned my stomach. And I'm someone who doesn't bat an eye reading guro and regularly fap to rape/NTR doujins. Reading it in a serialised manga, with how graphic it is depicted is really something else.

Just finished the first chapter and dropped it. Non virgin female MCs are disgusting

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>Feeling sorry for this trash
Even her own father is clearly disappointed in the type of person she is

Her response is disproportionate

>guro, rape ntr

The reason is because when a character is raped and then thrown into a blender the story ends and you never have to think about those characters again

>boy who likes girl that doesn't care about him will literally commit crimes for her

So what is this, Beta Orbiter Extreme or something?

The father is next to get gangraped

>mm-m-m-mm-m-m-uh drawnn linesss abloo blooo :(((
Slice your wrists mental midget

And they exist for the sole purpose of being raped and discarded. With serialized you get to know them and it comes kind of out of left field when they're raped and discarded, AND they're still around so we can see how it affected them.

I like that they went this route though. Now she's just as ruined good as MC and probably won't pursue the guy

I just hope tehy used a rubber or cummed outside

Imagine if she gets pregnant

Yeah but I'm not very eager to take Ichika's side either. This is that classic recipe of getting a bunch of irredeemable garbage in a cauldron, giving it a few stirs and see what comes of that

Wouldn't be surprised. His rack is bigger than his daughter's.

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I feel like that's the formula Happy Sugar Life had. The MCs are pretty similar

>press right to change page
>it actually changes chapter
>press down to change page
>it randomly stops and you have to click again
fuck this piece of shit site and fuck you too

>what's a matter Ronald, do you want my mcnuggies?

Fuck off and kill yourself you literal faggot.

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The fuck is wrong with you.

>Well, she is getting revenge against those who wronged
Maybe next time you're rude to dad he'll just ass rape you. He is just punishing you for misbehaving after all.

Huh? Are you telling me that's not a standard punishment?

Teen pregnancy from gangrape and then suicide.
Then the dude finds out, snaps, and stabs MC

I'm not saying she isn't a cunt, I'm saying she isn't Aoba Shinji level of crazy (yet)

To me it was the opposite, I don't care for most rape doujins but this chapter really got the blood flowing desu

>not enough social skills to get with Stacy group
>social enough to do JK enjou kosai

She explains why. Because the clients are strangers and if she gets annoyed she can just block them and never deal with them again. It's like she can be a different person with a different life, no consequences

What are the chances she gets knocked up and tries to hide it for as long as possible?

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Ezola adaptation when?

Help me anons I think I'm in love with a psychopath

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What is this nigga even doing? Don't stick your dick in crazy. Basic survival rule

She's adorable. I love her so much

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>Beta Male father ends up raising a cunt
>Single mother ends up with a mentally unstable daughter

But honestly this manga seems to be one of the more realistic ones for a change.

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The characters are way too edgy for me to find it realistic.

The only OW THE EDGE characters so far are the bully and the MC. The others have some amount of cunt in them but nothing extraordinary.

Remember not to bully mentally unstable people

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Me with the panties, sniffing em'.

>not explicit rape
I can't fap to this

>not even hiding their faces
Why didn't they kill her?

>Read the first 4 chapters.
>Dark but interesting.
>Check what else the author has done.
>Horrible abuse and rape h-manga. I've read them before.
I know how this manga ends because of the first page, but god damn its going to get much worse than I thought before we get to that.

Yes, kys.

Bullies deserve their punishment, but this is too fucked up, no one deserves to be raped like that. I'm actually feeling sorry for her and I think that she might be a lot more of a broken character from now on. This and the last chapter finally made me hate MC

I understand the face, but was it neccesary to mess the rest of her body ?

Women can get sex and profit from it no problem no matter their personality.

They're not in it just for shits and giggles, she has to learn a lesson.

What is this happy sugar life?

>all this moralfagging

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So this is one of those series where everyone's shit, got it. I'll pick it it up for now, but it's kinda lame when there's nobody to root for (moped kid may yet redeem himself, but all signs point to him going down the slippery slope for MC)

Funny how this shit got kickstarted by Chad-kun being a goddamn white knight sticking his noise where it didn't concern him. He's completely innocent and well intentioned yet manages to be the most INFURIATING cunt in a story full of human garbage. If he hadn't butted in I imagine MC would have endured her highschool life with her head down and used her savings to build up a decent life away from her family (which I imagine was the point of it existing)

If he pays her she’ll be fine, she is an actual whore ya know

Nah. Being gang raped has historically been a pretty common practice, especially for a city under siege. The fact that she actually is a shitty person makes it feel better than say some random nice mother of 3. I’m sure some fags will try to argue that rape is the worst thing, but that’s death.

Talking about saving, are those 90 k yen all she has from prostituting herself ?

Isnt that too low ?

How much does it cost to hire a JK for sex in real life ?

I don't think he knows she's crazy yet. I think he thinks she's insecure/bullied and feels sorry for her

I guess she's just doing it to feel needed, not so much for money

Kanae is manipulative as fuck, even more so than Ichika. I can't wait to see the next chapter. Pretty sure Kanae took photos/videos of the rape, so distributing it around school is not out of the question.

I hope Ichika doesn't off herself or some shit.

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I hope Ichika whores herself to old men at some point.

I find hard to understand how could anyone get hard with a girl looking all beat up and with blood in her face.

Her piggybank said "save 1 million".
I'm sure she has saved a lot more than 90k. That's just the price paisen and his gang were asking.

In ch01 she already received atleast 50k just from that one shag. FMC is stacked, could probably get the whole class raped if she wanted

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Easier than you'd imagine

Well this guy can

I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through.
For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness.

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No stupid cunt had it coming

MC is based at least.

Unironically based. The fact that the writer is a woman who gets off to this only confirms this.

>this girl is bullying me
>Pls gang rape her for me
My fuckling sides

>implying you wouldn't do it if you have the beta-est of orbiters orbiting around you

>those eyes

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You're both idiots.

Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman?
Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD."
Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away.

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Kind of disappointed that it skipped the rape

>skipped the rape
>doesn't skip the ryona

Based Bakaudon

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The manga is literally about an emotionally damaged nutcase who's too fucked to know any better, and the beta orbitor who goes along with her whims.

This is meant to be a tragedy

I already expected they'll skip the rape. I honestly can't wait for Ichika's eventual breakdown. That's what I signed up for.

Too real, and it makes you realize that the other girl didn't do anything to justify any of that, and shows you how evil the main girl is all in one swoop. The darkest bit is how main girl doesn't even regret any of it, showing that she has no humanity left anymore. Anyone that slights her at all just gets raped or murdered and she doesn't care, she's beyond salvaging and MC can't realize it yet.

>Japan just having roving rape vans for hire if you pay them 900 bucks


>who is concrete girl

Someone post spoilers from later volumes, I don't care to look it up.

Why are women so evil bros

The only good thing about this manga is that it shows that all simps should be instutionalised.

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What the fuck?

>go to See Also section on the murder
>three comparable American cases

God I hate whores

Just because she's the protagonist doesn't mean you're actually meant to root for her or think she's "justified"

The manga has gone out of it's way in the first 9 chapters to establish that she's emotionally damaged and her logic/thought process isn't anywhere near normal

It's too bad that the manga is going to end badly for him and he's probably going to devolve into a nutcase if he doesn't die/get killed because of the main girl

Both are psychologically damaging, but getting gang raped has the addition of physical violence
She deserved to maybe get roughed up and mugged, not gang raped

doesn't matter, had sex

Is that the new Revenge Classroom?

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Its less revenge, and more "Im a crazy fuck, so anyone that does anyone against me I'll have raped or beaten. Even though its really not me doing it but my cuck orbiter doing the work and putting himself into the shit for me, so that I can finally get with the alpha chad because I'm jealous of the other girls"

She got her beta orbiter on film raping the love rival girl this chapter, I can't imagine her not sending the photos around school next.
