ITT: Development

ITT: Development
Whether it's story or characters.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I want to kill X
>I want to kill X

Sure, great development.

>Being this retarded
Never chance, Yea Forums.



Does this count?

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Eren doesn't want to kill anyone. He might NEED to, but it's an essential and unavoidable process, not the goal anymore.

>Character development
Choose one

Way to undermine the significance of this scene and literally the many episodes/chapters building up to the current events in the manga.

>He wants to kill all of something. Then doesn't kill one in front of him by choice.
>T-there's no development t-there! S-stop



is actually right. Let's say I want revenge against someone for murdering my family, then I learn that actually someone else did the murder or the guy was forced to do it or something and after that I don't want revenge against that guy anymore. That's not really developing as a person, that's just learning some important facts about this specific guy that I was missing. Changing as a person would mean gaining a new perspective such that even if this guy actually did do the things I thought he did, I no longer want revenge

ChanGing only the target is not development specially if all that is thanks to "titan magic" and not actual experiences from the character.

>the shingeki no kyojin was inside you all along eren
and gigcuck said it the best manga/anime unironically

Gigguk just rides the waves to get the entry level anime fans money, he's been watching anime for way too long to unironically believe that shit

But Eren doesn't want revenge anymore. He learns that Reiner and the others fucked up his town and killed his mom. This fact does not change in the manga, even when Reiner reveals his selfish reasons. Eren has simply matured enough to not let himself be driven by those emotions. He's gained perspective and understands it's the state of the world that drives the war, and he'll even become a component of that mechanism to make sure his side is finally free. That's a vast difference compared to the edgelord who wanted to kill everything solely for the sake of his hateboner.


>Yea Forums posts in the Yea Forums thread
I don't see the problem

user we're talking about anime right now not vidya

>I want to kill X because I hate them and they threaten us
>I must kill Z, whether I like it or not, because I have no choice
It's like you haven't been paying attention at all.

Basically shoneshitters won't get anything unless it's a dramatic turn of events

Why is the e-celeb defender telling others to go to Yea Forums? He should just kill himself honestly

>anime only scene

Its better in the anime.

kill yourself.


Anime is superior. The mangaka literally can't draw for shit.

animeonlies are pathetic

>Literally crying
Holy crap,mangakeks are pussies.

ok retard

Attached: isayama improvement 1.png (1380x924, 1.18M)

>better make fun of him because i can't read!!

>it gets better after 76 chapters!
Yeah, no.

The second image isn't even that good to being with, it's literally average mangaka tier. Not enough to justify sinking in shit.

The anime is just plain better at it, with consistent quality.

Ive read the manga,you pussy,its art is terrible,admit it. And no cherrypicking like . Pic is from the latest chapter and its amateur-tier featuring terrible anatomy and art in general.

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Lmao is that one of the modern chapters? Looks like fucking shit.

He should have wrote a novel instead.

>shit scans
>from a rushed chapter confirmed via author note
cool. pic related is chapter 42 and still looks good and it was better compared to the anime. anime has tons of cut content, censorship, and anime only cringe. and thats why the manga is simply better.

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did the bluray version cut it too ?

>muh gore
Anime had enough blood as it was.

not fucking enough

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>Anime had enough blood as it was.
that doesn't mean shit.

StIll features terrible anatomy. That scene is literally legendary-tier in the anime and is one of the greatest scenes of animation in general. Nobody talks about this page for a reason. Oh and gore doesn't make it better.

That scene looks terrible in the anime jesus.

i'm the guy who posted isayama's improvement for the record. yeah the anime is much better in my opinion for the most part, but still censors, cuts and doesn't portray the gore in it's full glory. although i agree that scene is the most legendary scene in anime but no need to shit on isayama's art, sometimes it's truly kino.

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so it was intended to be skipped in the first place

Holy cope. Just Stop sucking Isayama's dick for one second.

checked every single one of these.

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Eren literally tells Reiner he doesn't want to kill him after the time-skip. Reiner was almost directly responsible for the death of his mother and the destruction of Eren's home, yet Eren doesn't care about revenge anymore.

You are just salty because Snk has more sales than HxH even tho it came after 11 years and has less volumes.

Character development > Plot progress
Nobody cares how good you are at rollplaying M.night Shyamalan if you can't write likable characters.

Fight me retards.

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Becaming a different person and understand that the enemy you alwais hated is not evil and not deserve your hate =/= character progression

Eren now understood the truth about the titans, and 4 years later will understand that the humans aren't evil, but still he will continue to fight because he know that he have not other choice to prevent the destruction of his land.( he will literally forgive Reiner for what happened in shigashina and say that humanity don't actually deserve to be destroyed since both humans and eldians are the same)

Nigga i don't even read SnK.
Im mad at SAO.

read the manga please before you spout nonsense

>muh memories
read more manga shitrenfag

a character doesn't have to be developed to be likable.

>I breathe
>I breathe

Sure, great development.

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fucking based, Gon remains the single greatest, multilayered, most complex protagonist ever written

You could combine every single character into one and still not come close. Seriously, do people not understand the amazing writing? Togashi delves into what it means to be human, the very nature of the soul and humanity itself. The fuck does Titan have?
>durr the government hides things from us
>durr war is complicated
I cannot wait for this shit show to end. The fact that it STILL gets more anime seasons while HxH doesn't will never cease to amaze me.

Like there is a reason there are dozens of HxH everyday despite the hiatus. HxH is the face of Yea Forums.

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You have forget all his development during uprising arc and RtS arc, aren't you?

>iPhone filename
Dumb phoneposter.

>changing target
He's not changing the target because he killed humans before ever any titans. His main goal is freedom and only freedom. His goals were get to the basement, kill Bert and Reiner, and kill all the titans. Now his goal is a mystery but fans speculate it's to set his friends free from himself (Armin,Mikasa) and save the people somehow. He's just some examples of character growth.

1. Eren hated Hannes and wanted to punch him for getting his mom killed. When he finally became a soldier he forgave him and said it wasn't his fault.

2. Eren always used to get baited by Jean. During the farm scene when Jean starts taunting him again he ignored him completely, much later on in the story Jean doesn't even try anymore because he knows Eren won't bite

3. The scene before the big Beast Titan battle, when the main trio were sitting there he admitted he was jealous of Levi and Mikasa. And he learned to get over it.

4. Eren vowed to kill all the titans, after learning their history, doesn't want to do this anymore. Spared a titan that was right in front of him.

5. Eren promised to kill Reiner and Bert "in the most painful ways possible" but changed. He even said to forget he said that when Reiner confronted him about it later on.

6. Eren went from having a one-dimensional view of good and evil to being self-aware and knowing how war really is.

7. He also became somewhat more clever. The old Eren would never disguise himself, trick Falco, know how to find the Warhammer's weakness, etc. The old Eren would have never worked with Zeke either.

Even if you want to be an edgy contrarian or just hate the character for some reason. You're delusional if you think he's had no development and still the same kid from chapter 1.

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The fact that you HXH fags keep insering in SnK threads is a prof of how you fell treathed by SnK, because it have good chances to dethroned your beloved manga (the funny thing is that i actually like HxH, just hate all of you HxHfags)

that's literally child's play. His character development and motivation are terrible
what a weak, basic bitch concept
come back when you guys actually have something of value in your manga
>the enemy is mindless zombies!
>the enemy is humans!
congratulations you got to square 1

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Based factsposter.

nice samefag



go back to /pol/

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We have an entire and credible confict about 2 races that is way more deep than just "they were bad so we must kill them" (the main reason is steal their resources,their land and their FT power since the colossus titans are big enought to destroy the entire human civilization).
It may be not deep as the themes of HxH, but not for this reason you HxHfags should consider it shit

Go back to dumblr you pretentious hxhfag. Your show and manga is garbage.

>HxH is the face of Yea Forums
How come it doesn't have a banner?

>see you later, Reiner

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meanwhile every other shonen mc's "development": getting angry/losing control in one arc but reverting back to their cheery self afterwards (naruto after seeing sasuke killed by "haku", goku after krillin's death and also threatening to blast the supreme kai, gon being edgy for one part only to be asspulled out of any negative consequences and revert back to his old personality with no change, emma finding a modicum of rationality leaving babies behind but then still being reckless, getting impaled but being plot armored to safety) , or getting new techniques. on top of all the development, eren also has a rebel cult named after him that killed a high-ranking official that was on his side, willingly kills children and he gets his head blown off by rifles. not exactly what typical shonen protags go through

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>It may be not deep as the themes of HxH
thanks for conceded. Never post again

HxHfags are the most insecure group on this board. lmao

>call you out on reading/watching childish drivel
>"wow insecure much"

You see, I would agree with you about finding something of value, but I cringed when pic related happened.
>monster can be good
>human can be a monster
It's even worse than the shit in SnK, and I don't know why the Chimera Ant arc is paraded around as "the peak of shounen".

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We need a containment board for hxh. They are basically the leftover bronies. I have a hunch most of them are /mlp/ crossboarders.

Titans explore more mature social themes than HxH can even conceptualize.

You clearly don't understand what happened with gon San to make it so good. That's the single greatest scene in anime history


>"but I'm not going to say what they are because I'm talking out my ass"

> generic super saian power up
Dragon Ball made it 20 years before HxH was even a thing.
> inb4 it's good because its le edgy XD
Not an argument.

If you need to ask you don't deserve to be told.

This is what I get for trying to start a discussion with hunterautists

Worst part of character development: gay hipster manbun

Maybe if you were posting like a fucking retard we could give a damn. What you want me to hold your hand? Grow the fuck up you piece of shit

>it's available on the internet
>why do i have to explain it to you?
>do your own research
>i'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you

you remind me of those online commie slacktivists

Hunter"chads" with their superior intellect everyone. Can't be damned to defend their own series with compelling arguments and just go straight into the insults. Looks like you're the one that needs to grow up, user.

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Fuck Marley
Fuck Cattle
Fuck Slaves

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Literally Cenk Ugyur-tier debate skills.

Literally nothing wrong with communism.


True, but a GREAT character can singlehandedly carry an entire series.
If you are intent on telling a cohesive, long from story like manga the presence of just a single great character can not be understated.
Characters have the ability to break out of the already established narrative.
This can and have made many single characters remembered long after their shitfest of a dumpstershow have been forgotten.

But eren now IS A GREAT character

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He doesn't WANT to kill people, but to achieve his goal it's an unavoidable outcome.


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Get fucked hunternigger, you know you cannot beat SNKCHADS so why even try?

I liked the old Eren more to be honest. He was the survey corps' weapon when they needed to do something that required big hands. He knew his role and it let the other characters shine through. He was willing to risk it all for a nobody like Tomas and even had sympathy for Annie. He laughs at poop jokes. He headpatted Connie and called him a genius. He stood up for Marlow when everyone on the table was bullying him. He blushed when talking about how he cherises his friends because he was so insecure and embarrassed about it. Little things like that that made him human. Now he's overly selfish and beats up his friends. He has 3 different sets of memories damaging his already damaged mental state because of all the trauma. When Mikasa said he's irredeemable because he killed innocent kids and said nothing. He just felt so lifeless. Reiner on the other hand only became more expressive as a character.

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Is this really development? He now knows that the titans are the same people as himself and they're basically zombies created by the enemy

Now compare season 1 anime colossal titan to the later seasons

Eren and Reiner are definitely the best characters in the manga at this point. Eren's becoming less and less 'human' while Reiner is being overwhelmed by his own humanity.

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It was probably too time consuming for them to animate the colossal titan normally each time he was on screen.

everyone just speedreads so they miss all this, the quality of the shitpost threads even reflect the speedreader's IQ with how shitty they are

So why are you judging the series?! just wait for s4

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For season 4 considering Armin is barely in his colossal, they better fully animate him and not just make it CG

I hope so, but WIT might not even be animating it. Who knows what studio we'll be put with.
>inb4 jcstaff
I'll fucking kyoani them if it happens.

They're both broken souls, and love em or hate em you always want to see what they'll do next. I hope Isayama's conclusion for both characters are not underwhelming.

>Eren ends up dying, but freeing his friends and people at the same time, while breaking the curse
>before he dies he alters Reiner with the FT to make him immortal just to spite him

The theme is pretty clear. Even under outside threat to our survival, humanity will still strive for power and sabotage its other collective effort. The human psychology explored in nuances and social commentaries are a sight to behold.

Compare to HxH that amounts to unrealistic all-powerful association saves the world from an even more unrealistic threat, mutant ants. Comic book tier writing.

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It's gonna be cg without a doubt

Oh well, at least it'll only show up for a single episode at most during the first half of the season.

Is Eren really dead?

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>Hunter exam arc
only 1 good character

>Heavens arena arc
Literally a fucking training arc

>Yorknew arc
after all this buildup the spiders turned out to be a bunch of fucking jobbers and they suddenly became friends with the mc after slaughtering lots of innocents.

>Greed island arc
Literally a filler arc that's worse than fucking bleach fillers.

>Chimera Ant arc
The narrator spoonfeeding every fucking little info while walking in slow motion forced me to skip half the episodes because i was falling asleep, like does togashi think his audience full of autistic retards who cannot understand emotions without spoonfeeding?

>Election arc
the only good arc but sadly that arc had one of the worst plot devices in anime/manga i've ever seen that made gon previous arc feel cheap

so why do people pretend that hxh is good?

I've come to despise the HxH fanbase but I think that what makes the scene good was the build up with Gon going from a cheerful kid to a monster.
Since the start he's presented as an one in a million person with potential but also a sorta innocent person and all that cliche shonen shit but as time goes his innocence starts being slowly scrapped away either by wrong misconceptions we and other characters had and Gon's actions, Gon is actually amoral and sorta removed from normal human behavior.
There is also his objective of finding his father because he's his family.
So when Gon finds Kite, he finally has someone close to his father to look up to and to learn from and this makes him get attached real fast and when Kite gets fucking killed Gon is devastated and is out for blood, he learns that there is a chance to revive him and doesn't fuck around when trying to achieve this objective, like when he said he would kill Komugi.
And this all culminates on Gon-san, when he fully discards everything and grieves for Kite by destroying Pitou with everything he would ever have.

It has been years since I've last read HxH so I'm probably wrong on most of the shit I said.
A hunterfag could step up and explain the scene and what makes it good correctly though.


>I've come to despise the HxH fanbase
Me too. In fact, I hate them so much, I've begun to retroactively hate the show itself. Every time it's mentioned now I just get a surge of anger. If the huntercunts goal was to make people hate the show, they have succeeded.

>Is the protagonist actually dead?

Ofc the hunterfag WANTS the other user to post "like a fucking retard", it's the only way he'd comprehend it. Fuck HxHfaggots

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>watched the anime instead of reading the manga
that’s why

lol snk threads are the worst

This pretty much solidifies Jaeger as my favorite main character currently.

Isayama is always a hit or miss, but that last panel he revealed means it's going to be a good ending. Maybe not for the characters but for the world they live in, and the future.

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Only because hunterniggers have become a plague on every thread they enter.

See, now THIS is an argument. Shame it took so long, considering I'm also a fan of HxH. His anger towards Kite's death would've been better justified by extending the amount of time they spent with each other during the arc, since Gon barely knew him as a child.

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>If the huntercunts goal was to make people hate the show
it was, actually. hating it is stage two. by stage 5 you'll be invading threads shitposting about how great it is to get more people to hate it as much as you do

what do you mean? if i read the manga there will suddenly be characters that matters in hunter exam? there wouldn't be a shitty training arc like every fucking shounen? the spiders wouldn't be jobbers and become friends with gon and killua like naruto? greed island wouldn't exist? will the narrator vanish from chimera ant arc? alluka will disappear and gon wouldn't get healed?

no its you aswell, ur a bit obsessed

the pacing issues will suddenly vanish. if you have problems with the plot then oh well


That might be the worst summary of the chimera ant arc ever written. Congratulations

Guaranteed replies

Is this story about middle east?

Based. Gon, Killua, Meruem, Pitou, Youpi, Pouf go through more massive and nuance character development in CA arc than any character in SnK.

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