>sells drugs
>kids happen to buy it
>didn't force the kids to buy, they did it willingly
>natural selection
>some 15 y/o moralfag twink traps you in eternal torture because hurr dur drugs bad
Diavolo unironically did nothing wrong. Abbachio and narancuck were killed because they betrayed the gang. Even in the manga when it was implied that he killed the two la squadra fags, it was because they tried to get uncover his identity, even giving la squadra a second chance. Why did he deserve this bros?
Diavolo did nothing wrong
>making this thread for the 20th time in the last 4 days
I agree with you completely but this has been done to death *ba dum tiss*. He didn't deserve what he got, he just wanted to live a solitary and peaceful, powerful life
Objectively he didn't deserve it but it's more about it being an ironic punishment.
He didn't deserve it, but he doesn't deserve any more threads either. Shit villain, shit thread.
>Why did he deserve this bros?
He didn't.
remember when he tied the mouth of a kid with his shoelaces to then open his arm to suck his blood
then let him there until he dies of bloodloss
Love me some Dio muda
'ate giorno's twinkmuda
simple as
why is this thread dying its my favorite Yea Forums thread
in sardinia
not funny anymore
overtalked to death, go to archives and see tens of threads exactly like this
>implying bruno didn't slap a zipper on it and call for help
kid probably has ptsd but i'm sure he's fine other than that
>allowed the sale of drugs
>allowed the sale of drugs to children
>buried his mother under the floor
>murdered his adoptive father
>wants to kill his own child
I could go on but this guy is gutter trash and Diavolo defenders are gutter trash as well.
This show is truly the most damning condemnation I have ever seen of worthless parents who cut their daughterus out of their lives.
Diavolo stiched his mom's mouth and buried her alive for a long time. That's evil, even Dio couldn't do that to his dad.
you have to go back
But he did the worst thing ever: he killed not one,not two but three jojobros himself!!!!
Even Dio wasn't so cruel
>Reee children with immature brains can make fully formed decisions
Go teach toddlers about consent pedo.
>spend entire life trying to escape fate and erase all evidence of your identity
>succeed in a karmic manner where you are just some random hobo who died that day forever
He tried to kill Trish though. Killing cute girls is bad.
Dio and Kira did that plenty more than Diavolo
Maybe their parents/guardians should try keeping an eye on them instead of letting them play in alleys used for drug deals
>Love me some Dio muda
'ate giorno's ass
Ok wait seriously I can’t remember, did Dio poison his dad or did he die on his own?
He poisoned Dario and George.
Oh boy wait till you see Pucci
He poisoned him. But he didn't do some twisted torture shits like Diavolo.
This unironically made me hate Araki. What kind of sick fuck do you have to be to write something like this?
Are people forgetting he burnt down an entire village?
What happened to the guy Giorno saved when he was a kid we saw in the first ep? I assumed he was gonna turn out to be the boss.
Self defense for molesting Doppio.
1) He was a character to develop Giorno's stand and introduce us to how the mafia operate.
2) That girl is hideous.
if they didn't stand in his way they would have lived, if they had lived they would remain in the new universe instead of their uglier copies
>what is parental responsibility
They have to work fuckwit.
Ok so what does blaming the parents do in this situation? He's allowing drugs to be sold, he's a shitlord.
>he lets people use drugs, doesnt force them to, just lets them do what they want to their own bodies. hes a shitlord
you HAVE to go back.
>what is a stay at home mother
>what is a daycare or babysitter
>what is teaching your child basic safety
you probably needed your hand held to go to a public restroom didnt you?
no dude
its like the guy who saved Josuke as a kid, or Joseph saving Smokey, or Jonanathan's dad saving Dio's dad
Araki is really fond of kicking off his stories with two things; kicking off each part with a random act of kindness, and creating a feeling of sonder, the feeling of the world being a tapestry of overlapping stories where everybody has a rich, engaging life with their own hopes, dreams, shames, regrets, aspirations and abilities,
>think? no I'll just do what the donkey brainwashing taught me to do
>Not doing whatever is necessary to ensure your kid is taken care of before you leave home
Holy irresponsible parenting Batman
Unless their name is Jotaro, in which case they were doing nothing wrong and should be forgiven.
Okay whatever user, let's go with the assumption that there's nothing wrong with selling drugs.
That still leaves us with his mom buried alive, the entire town burnt to the ground, the fortune teller, the kid in Sardinia, and trying to murder his own daughter just to ensure nobody learns of his identity.
If you somehow manage to prove every single thing in that list is not immoral, you are mentally ill.
Not him but none of that justifies the fate he got
>someone with IDD, one if which has schizo, coming to terms with self and identity murdered a couple of people to ensure his identity is kept safe
Doesnt justify his forever death punishment
>dude he, like, killed people
>That still leaves us with his mom buried alive
I can't refute this. Diavolo was in the wrong here
>the entire town burnt to the ground
The priest saw his mother, so there's a high chance he told the townspeople or was going to put Diavolo in jail. It was the only thing he could do, since killing only the priest would just raise suspicion
>the fortune teller
He was going to find out Diavolo's identity, Would be a greater risk if he was alive. Also >the kid in Sardinia
Diavolo lost a fatal amount of blood in the fight against Risotto, who an hero'ed instead of giving back his blood. He did what he must to survive. Also >trying to murder his own daughter just to ensure nobody learns of his identity
That's pretty self-explanatory. La Squadra was also trying to get at him at the time, so its logical that they would hunt for Trish for info. Even if he lets her live, it will still be hell for the both of them, since traitors or anyone who targets Diavolo would want to extract info from Trish
You are mentally Ill for taking an argument this serious. Get bent kid
user just because something is logical does not make it moral.
typical low EQ behavior
Have sex
No u
hang on let me find the chart,
ah yes, thats it
It on both the parents and the drug dealer. It’s possible for more than 1 person to be guilty.
Post diavolos please
op pic inspired me to draw jojo camp: golden yuru
Based and camppilled
If he could have just waited until they were gone trying to kill his daughter, none of this would have happened.
>Was about to murder his own daughter who was innocent and nervous to meet him
Nah, fuck diavolo
Needs some penetration...
There you go
Nice user. Draw one with risotto and doppio or pesci and prosciutto
if he wanted to be anonymous so bad he could have saved himself all the effort of building a crime empire and just moved to Alaska
Someone finally gets it, same with Enigma Boy, who's entire arc was a parody of DiU's "I punch you we're friends now" formula (He literally goes just punch me so we can make up)
He tortured his mother and then killed everyone in town when one person saw him.
>bossu having a panic attack
i want to protect him
the whole point is he wants to have his cake and eat it too: absolute power and anonymity.
Does part 6 diavolo counts?
Bossu is now ok
>every Stand User tries to kill Josuke
>he gets over it
>except with Enigma Boy, because fuck him in particular
I guess he was upset Tomoko got involved, but it's not like she was injured.
All diavolos count
maybe after this I can have chiaki and aoi as pesci and prosciutto
but would be better to draw them as mista and giorno
I want to be like diavolo
Hoping to see it desu
That was hot.
Diavolo's tattoos are cool
I want to make them in my arms
Now he's a pedo
I wonder when he got the tats
Blue diavolo
It's exactly because of Tomoko, he says that exactly. And again, the arc is Araki self-parodying himself.
Why are there cooking appliances in a morgue
anyone have all the diavolo tattos?
i really like them,they seem too tribalistic
its a morgue/pizza hutt
that thot wanted to eat the D of the iavolo
Oppose divinity, go to Hell. Simple as that.
And neither one of those people are Bossu.
>has a literal paizuri hole in the sweater
Someone edit this so diavolo sees nsfw trish or doppio
I honestly thought that kid was Narancia until his backstory was revealed. Would've been kino
>Not shooting up your school because everyone saw you pop a boner in the changing room
If I didn't do it then word would spread and everyone would be laughing at me!
hope i dont get the ban
happy krumsum
seriously, what kind of faggot has such a cute daughter and wants to kill her?
he could have gotten away with just burning down his house, and also, maybe if he kept Trish near him and took care of her like a proper Italian mafia boss that cares about family instead of trying to kill her like some degenerate, they would both be fine
he wanted to fuck his daughter?
hotte and based
what's the irony being set up? ussually, when a villain gets a fate worse than death, it's some kind of hubris, but here it's just Giorno getting the keys of hell handed to him
maybe we're trapped in an infinite loop of Diavolo threads
Who? Is that a Jojoreference?
No, he wanted to kill her. Fucking her would have also been degenerate, but at least more understandable.
Why is joruno so unlikeable bros? I feel like only reddit and females like him.
He has no real character traits that you could call his own.
Almost every positive comment about Giorno is "he's like jonathan and dio!" "he's like dio but less ruthless!", which is pretty much saying that his only defining character is being like other characters.
Every other jojo has their own personal thing like Joseph being a trickster, Jotaro being an autist, Josuke being a teenage scumbag but still a nice guy, etc
who's Joruno?
He fails the Plinkett Test: Describe a character using three traits that aren't
>Their appearance or clothes
>Their job
>Their relationship to the other characters
my anime only friends really liked his ruthlessness at the beggining, shit like making Polpo eat lead without hesitation, and the fact that he started the series having a personal objective unlike Jotaro and Josuke before. However, after he joins Bruno's gang, he kinda gets overshadowed by the others very quickly.
Giorno is one sadistic motherfucker
That's the reason I like Part 5. Giorno and his crew are all really likeable, with fun stands to watch, but in the end what they're doing is trying to assassinate a crime boss so as to take his place. Not save the world, and revenge is super flimsy this time. It's great.
>Mutilating an innocent child is totally fine lol
What exactly constitutes an evil act to you, then?
That's what would have happened if you were watching a lesser series, for sure. Araki doesn't write generic shit, though.
You thought what kid was Narancia?
Giorno and Bruno could have easily healed him, though I don't know if they got the time, they found him on the brink of death
Jotaro didn't try to kill her, in fact very few parents ae as shitty as Diavolo.
>>sells drugs
Try again, stupid nigger
>Run the mafia
>Order people to extort, murder, peddle drugs, whore out women, etc
Not a character trait
It's because he went after his mom, speedreader.
well, you could call him ruthless
>The priest saw his mother, so there's a high chance he told the townspeople or was going to put Diavolo in jail. It was the only thing he could do
Do us all a favor and check yourself into a psych ward. You shouldn't be around other people.
I will accept ruthless.
Hope you don't mind just going to murder your parents, lmao, you seem cool with it
Okay there's a line where you've sacrificed too much that doesn't belong to you just to protect yourself and this guy has clearly crossed it and then some.
Jojo isn't real.
im just glad worst part is over, how did we go from great final battles against dio and kira to some random body swapping and asspulls, one muda muda muda and then the end
cus muuuhhh theeeemeeeesssss.
Yeah, but that thought process is.
Considering he's in endless death mode, he clearly fucked up by not running away when he had a chance.
Pucci did nothing wrong
Because they have to be relatable
Post the hair webm
Because even if they were they would pale in comparison to you, user. You're the cutest girl.
Cioccolata and secco were hella cute tho.. I choked up a little when secco was listening to that voicemail.
This image makes me happy
When he was a sailor
This please
He got the tats?
Fucking BASED
Selling stuff is capitalism. Capitalism is bad. QED.
Dio and Kira are also evil and got what they deserved.
Like, Kira was seemingly dragged to hell. He isn't off any better than Diavolo.
Me too, imagine that everyone who has killed >5 persona AND has done torture once reserves Eternal death...in the show other bad guys just die, at least let him die after 100 years, but fucking eternity?
Dio just died normally and we know Kira is better off than Diavolo.
Not even gonna read this thread. But if you think what happened to Diavolo was justified, you are not human.
He has been avoiding his death, erasing his fate with his stand.
So Giorno took all those deaths he deleted and returned them, so to speak.
>did nothing wrong
That's absolutely retarded, he did countless wrong and immoral things, but I'll concede that the punishment did outweigh the crime. Kars at least deserved his treatment for explicitly planning to genocide multiple races. Jotaro probably should have done something about Giorno before willingly turning a blind eye to such a monster based on the impressions of his boy lover Koichi.
Also, I know you're just memeing and spamming because you desperately need attention over your shitty manga for 14 year old japanese junior high school boys, but "lol kids bought drugs willingly, natural selection" is such an asinine, socially inept statement I would suggest, for your own saving of face if nothing else, you avoid making similar observations in real life conversations. I suspect you find people walking away from you at gatherings frequently.
Stop it with your spooks.
I just realized how much hard profanity is replaced with "damn"s and the like in the anime. I honestly can't speak as to what's more accurate, and I know Japan handles swearing differently, but I feel especially for Gyro in part seven his use of "fuck" was pretty important to the tone of some scenes. "She's just 14!" "Stay the FUCK out of this!" Etc. Adding messed up stand names by default, and the essential impossibility of of conveying the honestly breathtaking Part 7 art, and I'm really worried it won't translate well at all into anime. Part 3 was basically made for an anime, but Part 7 could only really be properly conveyed through manga.
Poor diavolo I felt bad for him
if you don't consider stands to be humans then yeah
whats the name of those tattoos?
I felt like just dying to that random druggie was fair enough, he already seemed pretty pitiful lying in a sewer, dying from something that was a result of his own actions.
Every single one of those people were trying to kill him.
Kira returned from hell with no memories.
They deserved it
Fucking Jolyne you nigger stop spoiling stuff
I've never seen anything more autistic than this comment hahahahaha
God, you're a newfag.
Kira got to live a quiet life exorcising ghosts
bro this is cute as FUCK
Diavolo wants to avoid all the suffering in his life, skipping over all the bad and living in his "eternal climax". To achieve this he becomes the boss of the mafia and cares little for his subordinates many of whom have shitty lives as well
GER makes it so he has nothing but suffering in like, literally repeating the worst thing that could happen to him (being fucking killed) and causing him to live in an eternal hell. The kid who killed him becomes the new mafia boss better than he ever was. He was the son of DIO (God) and took the place of Diavolo (the Devil)
>he thinks people should have the autonomy of giving themselves powerful addictions to mind and body melting drugs
>he doesn't even consider the predatory nature of drug dealers
behold, a lolbertarian
Back pedal
>these fags haven't known every single Shalamadingdong twist
Polite, charismatic, determined, courageous, motivational/inspirational
This is what your mind is like on a free-will believing social system
I don't think anyone 'deserves' to keep dying in a loop forever but Diavolo did need to removed from living even if only for the protectiong of the rest of society, there's no defending him he was too insange and past the point of reason
There's absolutely nothing wrong with selling drugs to kids.
If you don't sell them to them, someone else will, and their drugs might not be as pure as yours.
It's just business
fuck off libertarian scum
Anybody who isn't a libertarian is a cunt.
The funny thing is if you ever get your authoritarian dystopia it's 100% sure the guy making the unnecessary laws won't be you, and will be making rules you don't agree with.
He’s too cute to suffer!
if you're a libertarian in the American vernacular you're a psychopath
left libertarianism is the origin of the word, and the future
>left libertarianism
Doesn't exist.
Libertarianism is all about small government, but leftist policy absolutely requires big government to ever be implemented.
Lmao, leftists actually believe people will give their lazy ass free shit without being forced
thank you for outing yourself as someone who has never read a book or even a Wikipedia article once in his life
>someone who has never read a book or even a Wikipedia article once in his life
Holy fuck now that sounds like Chad
>He thinks I'm wrong
Congratulations on your mental disability
you're not worth the time of day to engage with, but to anyone else reading this of course left libertarianism is a thing lol look up Revolutionary Catalonia or the Free Territory or even Google the term "libertarian socialism"
>Failed states are an example of why "libertarian socialism" can work
And the idea that Europeans know anything about freedom is hilarious when they're some of the biggest nanny staters out there
The only freedom they care about is pretend freedom, like the right for gays to marry dogs, they actively oppose actual freedom like speech and the right to bear arms
>people shouldn’t be able to do thing because daddy government said so
kys bootlicker
So why is Giorno okay with the rest but no drugs?
>Diavolo did nothing wrong.
>the Bastard fucked with fate, it's the greatest sin. all his accumulated bad luck came back to him hundredfold.
If you read Sleeping Slaves & SBR, you will know this
Fucking retard, it's infinite, not even a trillion years