"It's... a girl's room..."

>"It's... a girl's room..."
What's with this stupid trope? I'm a turbo virgin and even I've never been so nervous when visiting girls. Why are MCs so fucking pathetic?

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When a girl invites you into her room it means sex. Ancient tradition.

You’ll obviously never know the feeling

But that's not true.
You're right, because somehow all those anime high school boys are even bigger betas than me.

It's not just a girl. It's a hot girl.

>visiting girls

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I'll never forget the time I went into a girl's room and sniffed the dried saliva on her Levi daki while she wasn't looking

>asked out by a girl
>she wants the D
>literal goddess
>"no thanks im religious and im scared ill lose my virginity before mariage"

i still regret it now but its for the better, and im not as obsessed about sex as much the incels on /r9k/

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yeah congratulations to him for making it that far with that whack ass Mcdonalds haircut

>saving yourself for marriage
Good choice (same boat minus a girl asking me for sex, finally got the courage to start saying no to sexual thoughts)
You're definitely gonna make it user. I’m glad I saw this post. Today, I met a marvelous man.

>mfw my cousin always invited me to her room when we were in HS
I fucked up, didn't I?

>But that's not true.
how would you know what's true in japan?

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nobody cares blogposting faggot

>having sex outside marriage is haram, but watching lewd chinese cartoons and shitposting about it isn't

what's wrong with you christcucks

In real life, we normally just -think- stuff. In a movie or normal TV show, we might see a character's facial expressions and body posture, and determine that they're a little nervous.
But in manga, the authors have a thing where they're unable to express sublety, so they have to spell everything out. "I AM NERVOUS BECAUSE I AM ABOUT TO ENTER A GIRL'S ROOM." This is how manga is.

I also think it's simply expected in a manga. It's one of those tropes that you have to include to appeal to your sweaty basement dwelling virgin fanbase.

One is a pipe and the other isn’t
Certain moral values being upheld generally create an equally depraved fetish to balance things out, most of which would be illegal if I were to masturbate to it
Sex is for procreation. If I wanted to have consequentless sex, I’d masturbate with my hand and not risk creating an “accident” that’ll grow on the streets as an abandoned child

>I'm a turbo virgin and even I've never been so nervous when visiting girls.
Your mother's bedroom doesn't count.

Get a blowjob.

does my cousin's bedroom counts?

What did you expect of people who formed their world views from a dead guy in a bathrobe?

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It wouldn’t be very fun for the girl. Have you tried to give someone a blowjob? It takes a lot of practice to start feeling good for them and it hurts the jaws, but it’s not exactly something easy to get off to as someone giving a blowjob

Murder is a sin, but watching movies with murder isn't. Get it?

>killing people is haram, but watching violent chinese cartoons and shitposting about it isn't
Yeah dude fuck the lawcucks

Fuck it's camaraderie again. And in a thread I made, too.

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fuck her mouth-pussy, so she won't have to do any of the work.
And eat her out.

Edit: I remembered it wrong, I didn't make that thread.

>having sex outside marriage is haram, but watching lewd chinese cartoons and shitposting about it isn't
Isn't it the other way around? You can have harem in some religions but all of them are moralfags when it comes to some dumb chinese cartoons? Think about Muh children but not their impotent spouses?

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>Sex is for procreation.
says who? a lot of animal species have sex for pleasure when pregnancy is impossible. why should we adhere to this rigorous only for procreation bullshit? it's not natural.

>If I wanted to have consequentless sex, I’d masturbate with my hand and not risk creating an “accident” that’ll grow on the streets as an abandoned child

use a condom/diaphragm/morning after pill, problem solved

since zoophilia is forbidden do you also watch it?

why would you tempt yourself with sinful content if you aren't a M and get off of it ? so you can boast on how pure you are at church?

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same but with my tomboy classmate instead

I simply refuse to use any artificial prevention method when it comes to enjoying myself. If I want something, I deal with the consequences. If I don’t want to, then I don’t want to do that thing, simple as that

>since zoophilia is forbidden do you also watch it?
You know I don't. What are you trying to prove with this strawman?
Feeling temptation to sin is okay as long as you fight it. Then you are still a righteous man, the Bible supports this.

>why should we adhere to this rigorous only for procreation bullshit?
Because that's the entire reason mating instincts exists. Have you ever seen two asexual animals mating?
>use a condom/diaphragm/morning after pill, problem solved
Because they have never failed, right? Nobody has ever lied about using protection either.
>since zoophilia is forbidden do you also watch it?
No because I choose not to.

>why would you tempt yourself with sinful content if you aren't a M and get off of it ?
I'm not even really religious, but engaging in sex with the person I'm indifferent to feels kind of disgusting. That's pretty much it

You dont pull out either?

gee you're so serious.
Do you also refuse to wear a seatbelt when driving a car, because if you want something [driving a car], you deal with the potential consequences [dying in a car crash]?

so there is absolutely nothing wrong with watching snuff films?

you used a strawman first, carnal desires and wanting to kill someone isn't the same.

fair enough, but what's wrong with having sex just for pleasure by two consenting adults? i'm not denying mating instincts but , why should be only used when you mean to procreate?

He tricked Magic-chan into undressing while hypnothized.

>why should be only used when you mean to procreate?
If you wanna fuck fine by me, but don't cry if a baby comes out of it.

>so there is absolutely nothing wrong with watching snuff films?
Why should it be wrong to witness someone else's wrongdoing?

>what are condoms

No, I won’t (in the event I lose my virginity)
That’s just being reckless (risking everyone else’s safety). I won’t intentionally do anything that’d directly harm someone else in the process (also illegal)
Sorry, I’m what many people would consider extreme pro-life, I don’t want to come close to a situation that would give me the choice to abort a child

Look at his fucking haircut and tell me he wouldn't cum on the spot from a girl brushing up against him

He's always calm and composed around his lewd senpai though.

Things with a 2% chance of failing even if you do everything right.

How is not wearing a seat belt a risk to everyone's safety?
That's only a risk to your safety. The accident can happen either way, e.g. someone cuts you off in traffic and you accidently ram them. Without the seat belt, you would slam your head on your steering wheel. Etc.

What's it like being in a girls room??

Nothing special. They aren't all cutesy, pink-colored and filled with frills and teddy bears like in animu.

ok edgelord
"normal" people do not watch snuff films because they are disgusted by them as it's in our nature to be repulsed by it.

meant for


Blatantly new

Being repulsed and sinning are different things.

haha cum

Say I’m stepping on the gas and I bump into a car
The seatbelt gives me an early momentum break to step on the brake to avoid further skidding / including pedestrians in the accident
Without it I’d be thrown forward and unless I’m using a manual vehicle then the car won’t completely stop (assuming the damages aren’t enough to destroy the engine from running)

the air is poison, the floor is lava, and theres a strange humming sound coming from a shoebox under the bed

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it's not because "sins" are presented and taught as something you should be repulsed to, even more with yourself if you sin.

it smells nice, all clean and in order
unlike my sister's, way worse than Umaru

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You visit girls?

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>regularly wash my penis
>can still smell my dick when masturbating
Wtf was the cutfag thing a meme?

W-what is Umaru doing there? She shares her room with her onii-chan, after all...

Been almost a decade since my last visit, but yes.

Uhm, yeah? The jews got you, I'm sorry.

At least the blame doesn’t fall on me since I was cut before I could think

>turbo virgin
>visiting girls
do mek post nic ohohoh


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What language is this? Roach?

laughed like an idiot

One time I went into girls' dressing room by mistake. That was one of two times in my whole life when I felt like a generic harem MC.

*unzips penis* go on, what happened then...

Why, did they shriek and call you a pervert and from then on you've never thought a girl could ever love you?

I went into women's bathroom a couple times. On purpose.

I went into a woman's bathroom before.

cringe and bluepilled

If it weren't for these shitty tropes the writers might run out of excuses for them not to fuck.

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You should've fucked her up user, missed opportunity