Haha, I was only pretending to be retarded
Isekai Cheat Magician
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Those two should have died.
our heroes should have just switched partners from the start
That fiend! He's going to do what I was planning to do!
You can have the japanese girl. The elf is mine.
>slight blush
Uhhh attack the summoner not his fucking pet dude
>this is probably gonna hurt as much as death
Why doesn't the MC just fuck his childhood friend and get it over with?
>one got her beat
>the other lost an arm
I don't even understand how they walked away
Did the heroes heal them, and then let them go?
At the very least they should have been captured. But it would be better just to get rid of these useless characters early on.
Save Myura. Ditch the Rin.
>We've almost caught up with the manga translations already
I can't believe they ruined brown clementine, it was shit compared to the manga.
Looks like blood and corpses are used for most rituals, what a satanic system.
The MC ships her with their other chad friend back on Earth. He probably got cut from the start in the anime to avoid triggering the otaku.
They skipped this.
>excluding backstory and characterization just for more otakubux
This shit needs to stop.
I'm just waiting for the loli fairy to show up. I think she's cute and mostly, I thought she'd be summoned early per isekai tradition of MC unlocking all his powers from the start.
Yet, she's still not here (I'm not counting this episode because she said it's an "exception" this time, so he hasn't properly entered a contract/summoned her yet)
I'm now curious how long it'll take until she shows up
Why skip all this though? Too much for budget/time? Where are they even ending the season on?
Is it good yet?
They skipped a lot even before the red wolf fight, don't even know why someone would adapt it to skip so much.
I know they want people to buy LN/Manga but holy shit what are you doing?
childhood friends and elves are for defiling
>power leaves him right when he was about to slaughter NTR-kun
I know, I wanted him to die so badly.
>"I've summoned a monster you can't hit!"
>Proceeds to try and fight it anyway
Don't know why he didn't just punch the smug git in the face instead.
He could be lying you know, the monster protects him too so cheat-kun cant hit him.
Also he's some crazy faces from the manga.
>threatening to rape his haremettes
Truly the most despicable thing that could be done to an isekai harem MC.
the only befitting punishment is to throw him in some goblin cave
After our heroes have saved the world from three orange thieves ... they go on to an idiotic fight that logically they will win since they are fucking OP
God i love tomboys
Did Clementine got isekaied and a tan?
>destroying already meager tomboy tits
Now that's a warcrime
>what a satanic system.
Easiest magic IRL according to /x/, if you don't mind getting your hands dirty.
Even in Index, girl Crowley says that either blood or sex rituals are the easiest way, and if you don't have or want them, you have to find a workaround.
So he was already ridiculously overpowered before, and now the fairy is giving him cheat skills?
>girl Crowley
>yfw you're punched in the face so hard you gender bender
>if you turn 30 as virgin you become a wizard
>but the easiest magical rituals involve sex
Do they look 18 to you user?
He only had OP strengthening magic which is useless against elementals and ghosts which bypass it.
Fairy gives him an element to use, ambush him before he goes full strength also works, debuffs too.
I appreciate the confidence and smugginess in saying this with your chest cut open and blood coming out of your mouth.
Can he strengthen his dick and fuck demon lord or something?
I hope isekai trend never dies that way I can avoid facing reality until I die.
Is the manga for this show any better than the anime?
>yfw it's fruit defense episode
It was always good.
this. I had reservations but it's better than arifureta and smartphone, just step below isekai maou
Anime cut a bunch of shit so yeah.
However, the anime will pass the translations next episode.
>*silly mouth noises*
Would I get prosecuted if I decked this kinpatsu ass the moment he opened his mouth? You can smell treason from mile away.
God, the sound effects of this were so fucking cringy. It was clearly just some dude making noises in a microphone, they didn't even bother to edit it.
It's elementary school tier shonen.
>No Remia mug
Why even live
No and it'll never be
I don't think the MC is planning on getting a pack together to gang rape them.
This is the latest vol, no idea what happens in them.
It's getting a little boost, the latest vol will reach 20k or so, the same as kumo desu ga.
This roasted Clementine is not half bad
I can't stand these juvenile power tripping self inserting garbage shows any longer.
This show is so dull. I feel nothing while watching it.
Is that you, OzymanDIOs!? What are YOU doing here!?
Just fuck up the summoner what are you doing nigga
That was fast. For some reason I thought this manga had more than 18 chapters.
Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but how did these fuckers even find out where Taichi and Rin were to begin with?
They went to register with guild like twice
Accelerator called.
So it's LNs>Manga>Anime once again?
Oh fuck you leafy bitch you just have to drama queen your fucking entrance did you?
It's the future of anime frend.
Based ntr-hating mc
>garbage animation
>dull character design
>most generic isekai in a season full of generic isekai
>VAs & sound phoning it in
How does shit like this even get made? How are they making money from this?
This was it. This was the episode I needed to decide to finally drop this.
Raws are at 28
Elves > tomboys
This show boring and generic, but the main girls are cute and pretty nice. I hope what LNfag said is true about childhood friend and elf hooking up with MC, I really would enjoy the idea of a threesome.
>Let other men rape them.
>Not enslave them with your dick until they're addicted, then gloat as they kill the MC.
Why are villains such cucks holy shit. If you're going to be an asshole you go all the way.
wait, so does he end up cucking his friend?
t Maou
Are girls really ok with sharing a man or is this just a ridiculous harem fantasy?
Fuck the elf anyways, childhood friend deserves to win.
wish that continued
i think the LN at least is still being translated
Just saying that it's counterproductive to ruin perfectly good material instead of working with it. At least use tentacles and drugs or something. Using random grunts will only give them PTSD in the end, assuming they don't get killed by mistake.
Why not both? In my experience, multiple girls sharing a MC is a thing in some series, albeit it's on the rare end of the spectrum.
>that one farmer who just wanted to beat the shit out of them himself instead of letting the city guards do it
Maybe the bolice will let him join in
>Why not both?
A true man gives all of his love to one woman and has the balls to reject others. Additionally, no self-respecting woman would share the man she loves with another woman.
You'd be surprised how many women are okay with sharing a man, polygyny is common outside the west for a reason
I've got some real life experience with being shared by girls and I'd talk about it but you can't really talk about having sex or a girlfriend on Yea Forums without getting banned by jealous permavirgin mods
And yeah, usually being a childhood friend means you lose automatically but she really deserved the win the second she jumped in the magic portal with him
Only if they aren't tainted by feminism.
Even Christians are allowed to have hundreds of women as long as he marries each one first.
How the fuck did you watch 4 episodes of this show then? Did you really expect a show that names itself after how powerful its main character is and says that he's really fucking broken early on to not have an overpowered character?
If anything, the fact that he still only knows a basic buff which isn't enough to murder everything and only now got a temporary unlock of a greater power makes this show pretty different from the usual.
It's almost as if there's more to it than money.
No way, that can't be possible despite how often it happens.
Onahole fucking when
It's got to make money somehow to keep the lights on in the studio, there can be more to it than money but there also has to be someone financing stuff like this who expects some kind of return on their investment or it would never have been made
Also let's be real, this series isn't a labor of love for anybody involved, nobody's doing this for the sake of art or some shit
This is going to have a hard time breaking into the triple digits of BD sales and I can't imagine why anyone would buy merch for this series, it's going to be forgotten as soon as it's done airing, really, how did it get produced if it's not going to make money and it has no other artistic value
It's cheaper than normal so maybe $1.3 million to make.
source material, merch, disk sales, tv ads, music sales
It almost always comes out as a profit since it already has fanbase, the real things that kill a company are anime originals since if they flop they can't recover.
>send guys to rape them instead of raping them himself
Evil guy is gay?
Of all things ice elemental is the least convincing "phisical attacks don't work" they could have come with, because...you know, its ice. Couldn't it be a water elemental instead?
Illustration looks nice. How is the LNs? Are they translated?
This retard didn't even try at his current full power, why the fuck does he need another power up that "breaks the rules!!!" I have a sudden urge to drop the show right now.
I'd say it got worse.
To let smug baddies get away it's like you're ten
Fuck it, I'm not even going to watch the rest of the episode, just skipped every few seconds to see if anything worthwhile was watching, and there wasn't anything. Next episode better be better than this one.
mormons arent christian
She's such a cute ball of fluff with a ponytail.
Not really rare. Read more Chinese novels
Is Rin just going to be Taichi's bitch the whole time? They already said she's practically more powerful than anyone else anyways.
Just catched up with this show, so this is basically Kenja no Mago but with a milliom times better story and a million times better character development right? Kenja no Mago still have better girls though, both shows are still pretty shitty.
This episode was bad.
How is this series anyway? First episode made it seem super generic, like Isekai Smartphone levels of cookie cutter. Did it get better since? What's in there that's memorable or interesting?
I wouldn't say the story or character development is noticeably better in this series than KnM so far, they're both bargain bin power fantasy isekai
Nah kenja is better overall especially the animation.
Basic, just the girls and power fantasy.
How are the girls then?
Will delicious brown appear again later?
Fighting girls who are soft
More skipped things.
>the CHAD mao sama
>the virgin cheap magician
At least this time regardless of how stupidily OP the MCs are because, this time there is a development with the MCs starting from the bottom.
Kenja had like 2 episodes with good animation and then they just dropped the ball, and hard.
They really should have kept this catgirl edge moment.
KnM actually put effort into the fights though.
post the webm of the window pane turning into a wall
>when you're defeated but he keeps on nutting
Decent episode. Grammy hammed it up. Both sides didn't leave the battle unscathed and both sides survived.
Good stuff.
Those are real fake windows, idiots!
It's entertaining and it's doing somethings differently here and there.
Sort of reminded me of this when she said pain of death.
>those facial expressions
I miss Kenja no Mago, bros.
This blessing of fun isekai shows every season feels great.
Multi element casting
It’s pretty bad. Smartphone poked fun at the genre and had charm in its execution. This is just subpar with only two cute girls to salvage from it. The OP MC fuxking jobs in his first major fight too. Embarassing
>The OP MC fuxking jobs in his first major fight
To be fair, the anime skipped like two of them.
I liked the brown psycho tomboy.
Wow this caught up with the manga fast. Guess Ill start watching this around maybe ep 8.
I'm a sucker for isekai trash but this one is just bad. MC or Rin could have just instagibbed the 2 as soon as she revealed herself.
So basically another bad adaptation?
source material is trash to begin with
What do they use for spandex? Monster hides?
You read the LNs then?
So wait back on Earth Kaori would stick to Hajime without staking him, that would aggravate school chads and they would buli Hajme to hell while Kaori would do nothing and continue to stick to him?
Am I getting this dumb bitch right?
>I don't need to punch the elemental I only need to punch you!
Dude you can't have guys fighting girls in 2019!
but user that's a man
Who? Kaori and twig are females, you can't have males beating the shit out of females in kiddie anime in 2019 that's why villains of both genders are needed.
>MC don't use enchant past 30 or you will stop being human
>used 35 for troll one shot
>used 40 to train with the girls
i hate those arbitrary restriction that don't actually mean shit.