Time for the surprise test Yea Forums
Time for the surprise test Yea Forums
I don't even know English.
Достаем листочки.
А голову ты не забыл? Выйди и зайди нормально.
My only motivation for learning was to have wider selection of wank material.
Nie rozumiem
I can only write Hiragana
がんばったら できるように なれるよ
>tfw gave up Japanese even before N1
But N1 is the highest level ?
How rude!
I have a healthy skin color.
Also I'm only half pig.
maybe he was planning on going full 漢検 autism mode
>tfw english replaced my language so now I am stupid in both
Не розумійт.
Stop bullying us /jp/!
I'm making a lot of progress with RTK but it takes me forever and I lack the energy to read or study grammar/vocab after I'm done. I need more time in the day, maybe I should quit my job.
>reading a plot heavy doujin, only understanding 1/8th of what's being said, feeling like a disgusting lustful ape
it was better when I didn't understand anything at all because then I wasn't putting any expectations on myself