Is this true, Yea Forums?

Is this true, Yea Forums?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread: nesoberi&qid=1564621480&s=gateway&sr=8-1


Attached: 1537994600665.png (1031x692, 335K)

little girls taste very good
t. little girl taster

Attached: 04dbdfdcef2268f36b2bd9105cd253de.gif (374x400, 100K)

Bakas taste awful.

Attached: 1526288516108.jpg (408x491, 56K)

fuck that's cute

Attached: 1560926365693.png (532x651, 333K)

Mmmmm, the taste of low IQ

Attached: 1400379495670.jpg (500x500, 46K)

let's find out

Attached: 6cec583d2f7052c338753037dc9ee7cd.jpg (1000x608, 418K)

Pls dont bully

I wish I had high IQ like Cirno. Im the dumbest guy in the room, always.

Attached: 1564580243629.jpg (800x600, 362K)

>not a single 9
cursed thread

Attached: 1554984602304.png (600x600, 272K)

The tastiest.

You got a sauce for this image, my good brother?

Here's a big 9. Check this out.

Just as planned. You see, 10-1=9. I'm the smartest here.

Superior fairy coming through

Attached: 1564425167265.png (520x777, 298K)

>muh 9s

Attached: 1510618423292.jpg (433x348, 27K)

>muh 9ball
I want /jp/ to stay

Attached: f80b1b54a004556b3482791b0c13bab9.jpg (1760x1624, 2.02M)

Clearly you're jealous because you can't get a 9

Attached: 1536155153734.jpg (305x315, 19K)

she's not even as lewd as cirno

Reminder that fairies are dangerous.

Attached: 1561052736800.jpg (1280x1829, 511K)

Cirno is around 60yo. She's an old ice midget, not a little girl.

Attached: 13e0df39bd90ee54d16b081352c445b8.jpg (1387x1798, 607K)

are you trying to trick me into posting some stuff?

Attached: 1563564509358.png (708x1000, 2.7M)


Attached: 1502421965147.jpg (929x960, 95K)

heavens no, I would hate it if someone posted her not attractive or lewd tummy

But /jp/ told me that fairy pee tastes heavenly.

Dear god that doujin was dangerous.

That's because /jp/ are a bunch of fairy dust addicts.

Thank god its lost to the panda then

Seen it on like 4-5 other sites.

desu, stuff like saliva disgusts me, but i would

user that's not saliva

thats even more disgusting, but i still would

Attached: 1564340379012.jpg (154x193, 17K)


Attached: pene.jpg (504x651, 134K)

>i still would

Cirno is the least lewd fairy of them all

Attached: __luna_child_star_sapphire_and_sunny_milk_touhou_drawn_by_chima_q__dd9924ce10b367d1c2013b44cf0f1d7f. (1122x1600, 486K)

Is there a good batch torrent for all the 2hu anime?
Do they still make 2hu anime episodes?

I don't know, but I intend to find out.

Attached: 11.png (812x914, 1.6M)

I hate fairies so goddamn much.

Attached: 01738da93e005d36c6a03ea52f87faaa.jpg (900x1150, 465K)

Cirno is the one fairy I would kill rather than fuck

This mailbox is nine!
And this triagonal sign!
▲ ▲

▲ ▲

▲ ▲

based retard

He said little, not young.

▲ ▲

Check this 5

Seriously though, which Touhou would you fuck?

Attached: 1564017023433.jpg (2107x2319, 1.99M)


The bunny

Attached: 1550102464967.jpg (911x1200, 292K)

Yo, I heard you guys like 9s.

Attached: 9_5_GET.png (894x894, 252K)

Superior bunny.

Attached: 1542103798740.png (570x1140, 338K)

Cute (and) bunny

What a stick.


Thats a high tier armor


Attached: scan026.jpg (1280x1829, 525K)

>Touhou, public_use
>20 hits
>Touhou, writing_on_body
>2000 hits

Attached: 1564475355858.png (400x256, 63K)

go back to /jp/ you fucking niggers


Attached: marisa.gif (450x500, 1.41M)

Attached: 1460414592197.jpg (1920x1048, 119K)


Attached: Fuck fairies.jpg (1280x996, 928K)

>tfw no cirno maid

Attached: 1531168184661.jpg (900x1273, 463K)

undeserved 9

Attached: cirno.jpg (488x360, 73K)

I caught a fairy. What do I do with it?

Attached: 1563480819572.jpg (960x860, 75K)

But I want to fuck a fairy.
I also want to fuck Akyuu's inferior human pussy, but she doesn't much good art.

Attached: 1548390651253.jpg (1994x2304, 2.73M)

She has a really strong flavor

>doujin is just akyuu being salty that no one wants to fuck her
That shit was hilarious.


Attached: 1564529024672.png (1169x984, 625K)

She has her uses

Attached: 1250985991483.jpg (512x512, 76K)

user don't do that. Those fairies are after your semen!! Go fuck a human female and populate before the fairies start enslaving every single man with their pussies!

The one with pads

I have enough cum for everyone.

Attached: 1554553725495.jpg (1900x2150, 1.76M)

Make some food for her and take care of her

How do you call her?

Attached: 1486924036099.png (252x396, 69K)



>little girl taster
Is that even a real job?

Look at this

lol faggot
is that a bulge?

it's a hobby of fellow cunnisseurs

Attached: IpDAgCi.gif (250x250, 396K)

very good

Attached: cirno sensei.png (512x512, 253K)

Go back

You don't seem to understand

>Yea Forums will never remember the strongest day, 09/09/09

Attached: 1404035432126.jpg (500x500, 191K)

A shame,he seem an honest man

How does /jp/ do it? Even with all its flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

It's nice to see a fairycon thread on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1546403008018.jpg (1000x900, 998K)

This cute raccoon.

Attached: 1430319229402.jpg (600x600, 141K)

Reminder to be careful with fairy piss. If you drink too much, you'll turn into a fairy yourself.

Attached: 1544165163147.jpg (1000x1382, 1.37M)

The nerd kappa

Attached: 69925539_p0.jpg (1200x1600, 1.26M)

Generally speaking, one should not be imbibing fairy urine in the first place.

Fairy tummy... How did they know my weakness!?

so, is it ok to drink it?

Attached: 2piece.png (1100x1467, 774K)

I'm more interested in fairy milk

Attached: 68950896_p0.jpg (718x1000, 376K)

Only if you want to constantly get molested.

Attached: 1537211632652.jpg (1500x1107, 1.72M)

molested by who?

Attached: 220cc487c912ec36494a1d74c8be75ed-1.jpg (999x1398, 542K)

The cute calculator

Attached: __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_surumeri_baneiro__95c29f034c6e3310227273064b0965ea.jpg (748x1230, 494K)

People hunting for your piss, for example.

Attached: 1551988489842.jpg (1637x1157, 755K)

Kek, based pedoposter

This cute weirdo

Attached: 1522302564755.jpg (580x720, 66K)

>implying that I wouldn't sell it
only an idiot wouldn't try to cash in the magic piss market

Attached: 082e105e4424f795157fdcc56b7980d6.jpg (700x700, 64K)

It was a decade ago. For fucks sake ;_;

Fairy pee rapidly deteriorates outside the body, losing both its strong, addictive taste as well as its mysterious powers.
It's basically worthless unless consumed straight from the source.

Attached: 1551388915883.jpg (705x1000, 406K)

I just wanted to know about 2hu anime.

Attached: 【Touhou Anime】東方Fantasy Kaleidoscope Ep.7 ~ The Mysterious Giant Youkai .mp4 - 0007.jpg (640x360, 50K)

Why would you get into that field if you don't enjoy it?

where did i say i didn't enjoy it


How do I into touhou?

all of them, even rinnosuke

A-are you guys hiring?
asking for a friend

Are you me?

Start with the porn and work backwards

Which one

Gokigenyou, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1559444976094.png (1000x1000, 340K)

Show me your pussy, Remi

Touhou is reclining.

Yep that would be awful

I'll just charge more for fresh piss then.

Attached: 491d5d0d344340209bf522f138da255d.png (1136x1000, 530K)

Attached: EoSD on her computer.jpg (475x352, 37K)

git gud

wtf it's creepy

this fairy is male

Cirno means cheesy in Russian, does it mean Cirno taste like cheese?

Cirno tastes like cold vodka in a starry night.

Wanko is the best girl, though.

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Attached: 1554504544820.jpg (1378x2039, 205K)

why do those alarms turn me on so much

Doremy's balls

Attached: 72103673_p0.png (1500x1000, 1.5M)

is the feeling of danger. one bad move and your life is ruined forever by a little girl

Attached: 1564604717.png (850x1200, 710K)

Attached: 1377153565885.jpg (600x690, 234K)

Why do their hats only have one ear hole? This doesn't make any sense.

Cirno dies next chapter

Attached: dumb fairies vs awesome god.jpg (1372x1364, 961K)

Cuteness > Logic

My wife obviously

Attached: 1534107775758.jpg (725x1020, 654K)

they probably don't know how to put them on right and that's cute as fuck

everyone posts about 2hu all the time
>decide to give it a shot
>spend hour patching shit because windows are fucked and art work has to be change
>get into game
>Oh boy keyboard menu in 2002
>Get into game
>Cant fucking move
>Even WASD doesnt do shit
>It dawns own me, its fucking >< movement scheme
Wat the fugg

good fuck fairies

Attached: 1563702496687.jpg (1344x756, 220K)

cool blogpost now go kill yourself

Attached: Okina.jpg (1000x1000, 241K)

which 2hu is the least likely to kill me if I ask them out


Attached: 1541902544376.jpg (321x157, 9K)

literally none

learn to bomb
Hold shift for focused movement.

>art work has to be change
Fuck off

It's time to release your inner chuuni.

Attached: 54001889_p0.jpg (600x840, 539K)

Where i apply

Alphes is just objectively superior

Attached: Reisen.Udongein.Inaba.full.1277864.jpg (1100x1200, 617K)

you seem to have made a slight error in your post, but luckily the users of 4channel are always eager to help.
this is Yea Forums - the anime and manga board.
touhou belongs in Yea Forums, /vg/, /jp/, /c/, /e/, or /h/

2hu hijack lol

Attached: 1317761646411.png (421x248, 44K)

A certain scary umbrella

Attached: 0b344c68c9d875c06ce90f6a53208623.png (700x775, 465K)

This kind of post always brigthen my day.

you forgot /d/

You need a master's degree in loliology.

Attached: university of a.jpg (3827x2692, 2.23M)

Touhou has an anime.
Touhou has official manga.

You seem to be lost, newfriend.

Hold shift for focused movement.

>Touhou has an anime.
>Touhou has official manga.
This is news to me. What are those?

>architecturing under engineering
>robotics and mechatronics not under EE/mechanical
>CS is a """science"""

Attached: 1557924758595.jpg (508x470, 93K)

All of them.

Attached: me.jpg (517x449, 73K)

Pic related.
There are a lot of official ones, the onahole series, cunning manga, kosuzu manga and more.

Attached: The_Memories_of_Phantasm_-_OVA_1.jpg (620x870, 161K)

the president looks like she fucks foreigners for drugs

Mindbreaking Imoen with my Chaotic Evil party!


Attached: reading your love letter.jpg (335x507, 91K)

Not anime related

I was too old to play bullet hell when I discovered Touhou through all the douhins. Would it be okay to watch anime without it?

>too old to
There's no such thing. Grab a game and give it a try, you'll never know how much you enjoy it until you try it out.

It's fine. Being a touhou secondary is what everyone was at one point.

damn 2hus look like THAT?

Attached: 1564594827533.png (500x744, 880K)

please delete this image thank you

Attached: ....png (433x280, 93K)

You can, but it's kind of pointless without being familiar with the cast, it's a franchise that's very light on plot.
Also Touhou is nice because it's very light on reflexes compared to arcade games, so even old me like me can clear normals with a bit of practice

how much do 2hu games cost?

>without being familiar with the cast,
I fap a lot pretty sure I'm familiar with base cast already.

Attached: __sukuna_shinmyoumaru_touhou_drawn_by_fukaiton__deed3b4bea03d6727ad2c3e00151a874.jpg (600x800, 108K)

When will Zun allow a 2hu anime? With the demise of anime, the chance will be gone very soon.

>Demise of anime

Attached: drift.jpg (1400x1450, 184K)

What sort of qualifications are necessary for this position?
Do you require any recommendations?
What is the 5-10 year outlook for this field?

the clown

/jp/, please don't leave.

The great sage

Attached: 67467021_p1.png (892x1200, 1.72M)

tfw i suck and can’t beat normal meiling


the paul blart of gensokyo

Take it easy

Attached: 1524119880193.jpg (1700x1700, 1.28M)

it's never too late to git gud

Attached: 1489914876041.png (397x1164, 642K)

When I started I couldn't beat normal Meiling either

Now I eat Extra bosses for breakfast. Just keep playing bro

Attached: __hata_no_kokoro_and_komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_cheunes__099248e923eebaa81d075e8cee377089.png (1450x1300, 1.02M)
Objective pinnacle of 2hu music

Marisa is cute ! cute !

Attached: 23321312312.jpg (1254x1771, 415K)

>Now I eat Extra bosses for breakfast.
Why don't you answer OP?

Hey, so do you have a name and address so o could swing by and ask a few questions?

Attached: 1539541232532.gif (551x720, 138K)

Did Maikaze ever do any more movies after the first one?

Attached: maikaze_credits.jpg (960x540, 37K)

I beat off to normal Meiling

Attached: 51d761a72b9036352709a844c25080e6.jpg (888x1243, 494K)

Not that guy, but I can't 1cc normal ever since I hit 30, unless it's IN

>tfw i suck and can’t beat normal meiling
I think it takes a special kind of sucking to not even be able to beat stage 3.

2chubby4me. I like to think of Cirno as slightly malnourished


See if there's a course at your local community college

Attached: 366bf0e059a013e030ff029aa302640e.jpg (850x680, 117K)

what do 2hus eat?

Unironically stray humans

i thought so at first, but it seems to be the inner most layer of her skirt falling between her legs

People who shitpost about touhou on Yea Forums

hopes and dreams

sign me up



Attached: __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_bomber_grape__034fe89dd6be2df3254897069946a869.j (892x2060, 566K)

They'd fucking starve on Yea Forums then get them out of here.


nice, 9 get

Attached: a75958c98838739388c99cf7775c9a6e.png (1250x1150, 613K)


Attached: 1523556811572.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

there's a 9 every 10 posts it's not a get you fucking imbecile


Attached: __chen_touhou_drawn_by_mahimaru__2edc5d218b9e1f67d9e13d639233aeca.jpg (1447x2046, 443K)

Attached: Daiyousei destroys the world.png (611x309, 405K)

there's dubs every ten posts too, user

The human ones eat rice and tea like any normal japanese person

Youkai vary and can go for anything from dreams, souls and fear to literally fucking straight up just eating you

you got me
but dubs aren't normally worth checking anyway desu, that's low standards

cirno is not lewd, she is pure and loyal to her wife daiyousei

clownpiece on the other hand, is a massive slut

Attached: CLOWNPIECE.png (337x607, 309K)

2hu liek burg

Attached: e0ecea92bf5c5bcf47a6eb2341a6aea4.png (1600x1200, 1.68M)

According to a large number of recently lost documents: human cum.

Attached: 46e81dda5a172a26eb0c7b9af7d0734e.png (974x1000, 938K)

Attached: 1380891607824.jpg (600x600, 49K)

even tho reimu is for yukari, i really wish i could fuck her

Attached: reimu armpit time.gif (512x596, 3.28M)


Attached: __houjuu_nue_touhou_drawn_by_mozukuzu_manukedori__.jpg (1000x1053, 662K)

Attached: 1564279574861.jpg (1280x1280, 397K)

Not again you autist

Attached: 1563084261710.png (607x399, 214K)

Keep going!


>can't reverse image search
sup /r/anime?

Attached: rYFWTiD.jpg (800x800, 97K)

God I wish I could french kiss her womb.

Attached: borger.png (500x773, 274K)

Attached: 1563509893709.jpg (1600x1652, 973K)

become yukari

Doesn't that include herself?

okuu is love
okuu is life

she sure is

Attached: 1556739166430.jpg (800x888, 397K)

Only the vest one of course

Attached: __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_maturiuta_sorato__edfe7a5389a0014132648888b3f699aa.jpg (981x1537, 133K)

anything for Cirno

My choice too.

Attached: 1536776827238.jpg (600x888, 323K)

What a strange illustration. I wonder what the artist was attempting to represent with this depiction.

Attached: 1562261199193.webm (1920x1080, 2.05M)

Trying to sell some sandwiches obviously. If only this marketing strategy was more common these days

And in live action

I'm not sure but it made me hungry

It's just a little youkai girl who likes eating fast food in a strangely appealing way. There's a whole set of images like that.

Attached: 1528956461167.jpg (1200x900, 1.19M)



Attached: 1561164084062.png (178x226, 25K)

Attached: 1556978357128.jpg (661x900, 111K)

What would drinking with Suika be like?

Attached: Touhou.full.1116698.jpg (1324x1110, 1.11M)

Why is Remi dressed all Chinese? Did she steal Meiling's clothes?

I thought remilia had stabbed her through her skull.

Hopefully something that ends in a lot of drunk sex.

pls no bully

Attached: 72087700_p0.jpg (1807x2048, 491K)

Suika aint straight

>As per canon sources, no one in Gensokyo is gay. That is my final answer on the subject.
t. ZUN

Don't make me post blacktewi.jpg, I'm too lazy to look for it right now.


2hu thread

Attached: 1564533267901.jpg (1891x960, 669K)

No more fish for Cirno, sorry
Too much and she'll taste like rotten fish

Attached: stealing cirno's fishe.png (399x383, 8K)

Get out.

Attached: 1534452729465.jpg (280x320, 40K)


Attached: 89b0ad468222b11f1b4a46e9d0a96a58.gif (504x535, 1019K)

Attached: 83e9bf7a036002d9026bbb96a2afd180.png (359x337, 127K)

/jp/ is ------> that way you filthy secondary


2hu shitposting has no board

I like eating ice

that's a Yea Forums meme
I know this because I asked somebody who posted it once

Attached: 6b71f2fc752e8eaa6e042ee237a431bc.jpg (946x970, 473K)

he never said that, it was from a parody website

the only straight 2hu is sanae because she is a slut

Attached: 1563762356034.jpg (714x1000, 763K)

Attached: __hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_sotomichi__0cc43136669c0b5c1686bd18484e868f.jpg (1140x1612, 1.19M)

Attached: 68696901_p0.jpg (700x945, 209K)

Meiling-sama is very cool!

there's nothing gay if they're both women user

She is

I wish she got more screentime

Attached: china.jpg (1162x1620, 1.5M)

>2hu thread 2hu hijacked itself
Best thread in years.

go back to work sakuya

Attached: comfy.jpg (1200x813, 128K)

What makes fairies so attractive?

Attached: 1497756993273.jpg (650x778, 244K)

>fairies are peak cute
>clowns are peak funny
Is clownpiece the ultimate loli?

Attached: 1556048355782.jpg (1341x1608, 1.29M)

lolita complex

>full body spats

that's true, i forgot

Attached: come on in.png (719x844, 459K)

I hate how I have a boner every time I see the USA flag now.


Daughterwives that stay young forever.

2hu lrke brug

Being eternal lolis. Also onaholes.


Attached: lqwj6Ge.jpg (800x600, 455K)

she lrke brog

Attached: 1495151404416.jpg (500x700, 462K)

That's a weird looking corndog.

Thankfully I'm not a burger so I don't see it on a daily basis but it still feels weird.

how does this work for you?

Attached: 7e601f26f05eff03dd36e1e72c06d9c1.jpg (2369x3000, 2.32M)

based and yanquipilled

The Fox

Attached: suppatenko.jpg (300x300, 47K)

I want to make love with all the 2hus

unfortunately the flag is hidden behind a wave of condensation and ice

Attached: 1564618934887.webm (376x270, 2.94M)

best girl obviously

Attached: p697245_animal_ears_brown_eyes_brown_hair_combat_bizen_osafune_fox_ears_fox_tail_foxgirl_japanese_cl (700x904, 149K)

Why are bloomers so top tier?

Attached: 1564619328810.jpg (1131x1434, 397K)

>slowly but surely euro anons are subverted into loving America
thank you touhou

I like Yuyuko.

>anime, hentai and loli control
>DMCA everything
>torrents banned
>Yellowstone supervolcano
What's so good about it?
It's better than shitholes but not greatest there is.

There's no way this could just work
▲ ▲

Why can't I get as obsessed with Touhou as you people are? What's wrong with me?

>whats so great about it?
we're not Europe

Don't start this. its a joke

Attached: 1563758157541.jpg (800x800, 120K)

Attached: tenshi eating a corndog.png (600x600, 512K)


>/l/ and /g/ 404

Yellowstone supervolcano

Fair point.

Attached: 1538073854739.jpg (1676x943, 658K)

They show less, so you imagine more

Also seem way comfier than regular female underwear

Attached: 1530796862241.png (600x888, 800K)

How can one unironically not like Touhou? I don't get it.

Attached: 1552331713926.gif (811x744, 3.08M)

No human can be so old

I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

Attached: 1543373376649.jpg (400x533, 252K)

Not him, but I didn't like the games because they were boring and nothing really stuck with me. I don't hate Toe Hoe though.
I'm just here to watch.

cirno is married to daiyousei!

Attached: 1562095033200.jpg (1588x1200, 303K)

Which 2hu is the easiest lay?
Its Suika

Attached: Touhou.full.115102.jpg (1600x1200, 1.48M)

According to the internet, which has never lied to me

Attached: De_Sanae.png (591x548, 269K)

There's no country on earth that should be "loved". Even in Japan's case, the things we love about it most are in constant danger of being snuffed out by the country's government.

"Easiest" so long as you don't care whether you survive or not.

Attached: 005.jpg (1000x1439, 379K)

Last time I played one of the games was probably 5 years ago. I do like the lore, the art and the music. There's really something for everybody, which is why I said I don't understand. Anybody who hates it just hasn't looked into it enough

I'll admit it takes a lot of dedication to really get a grip on everything about it though. I still feel like a noob to the 2hu fandom

Attached: 1546365521576.png (900x851, 218K)

Attached: __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_tirotata__9e14ed73adcd75cb0cace0d3dfb3a3df.jpg (617x823, 156K)

Prostitutes don't count

What was it?

Attached: cirno_frog.png (1000x750, 673K)

You are a brave man


Attached: 1546825449259.jpg (480x289, 31K)

>Anybody who hates it just hasn't looked into it enough
You can say that about anything though. The people who aren't into it, like me, just weren't immediately gripped. That's an important quality for any game to have, and totally isn't the fault of the consumer. I know I don't want to dedicate myself to doing research about something I only might be interested in. But yeah, live and let live. Faggot.

>bans memes
>actively have your governments crack down on its natives if they question their crazy immigration policies
it sounds a bit better across the ocean in here

Die, then reincarnate to die again

Get good scrub

Better than what? Why do you instantly bring Europe up?

no u

Attached: bitch.gif (270x200, 277K)


Attached: friends.jpg (383x475, 40K)

why bring up europe? unless you're canadian, which is really just a mini america, you're probably a euro if you're browsing here

post 2hus with your arguments or take it to pol

Attached: 1561404886191.png (551x491, 261K)

AAAAA you can't believe how envious I am of those who bought these plushies!
I want them so damn much but they ain't being made anymore and I don't want a second hand one full of cum stains from a neckbeard!
Life is so fucking unfair.

Attached: 1333629506483.gif (640x360, 944K)

My husband Mokou is mine only I won't let that fucking moon bitch have her

Attached: 1471728318917.png (716x989, 712K)

would Junko be able to purify Cirno? she's already 100% baka

No I'm Russian and I can only think of Switzerland or Singapore as good examples.

the coolest

Attached: 1539039820485.jpg (770x828, 695K)

Holy shit that meme girl is a 2hu?!

it's 4 AM MSK you madman, go to sleep

You can get the nesoberis through amazon still at least
theyre not the same but its better than nothing nesoberi&qid=1564621480&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Attached: CirnoNesoberi.jpg (441x500, 29K)

Attached: 1541726430291.jpg (336x442, 91K)

fumos are god-tier
a neso is fine too

>anime, hentai and loli control
>torrents banned
>DMCA everything
>Yellowstone supervolcano
Literally the supervolcano is the only thing exclusive to Amercia

too bad, the NEET always wins

Attached: Neet wife.jpg (680x412, 37K)

One picture on the front and no materials described is a huge red flag.

Attached: __chomper_fujiwara_no_mokou_and_houraisan_kaguya_plants_vs_zombies_and_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_fei (462x832, 272K)

Tomorrow ain't going to be any better.

Attached: 1538444930658.gif (400x279, 1.78M)

Attached: i come.jpg (392x399, 41K)

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EU's rapidly developing a reputation as a go-to example for the worst hellhole in the "civilized" world. Don't get me wrong, every western society is fucked up and down and largely built on evil and ignorant policies from the era of serfdom, but EU has all the high profile shit. High taxes, high regulation, bans on speech and loli, disarmament, sharia zones, frequent terrorism and child exploitation scandals invited on tax dollars, and overly interested in the private lives of foreign peoples. The US' like one high-profile gun drama case and middle-of-nowhere warmongering can't really compare the the kind of black history that EU has been creating for the last decade.

Attached: boyfriend.jpg (462x496, 143K)

Is it Futo time?

Attached: 6f2deb55da6ea33c4d7573d98e12419f.png (817x1091, 692K)

i can do it too
▲ ▲ ▲

Attached: 1563477074795.jpg (900x1273, 205K)

tomorrow already came and you're still alive, it's only up from here

amazing, Cirno is so skilled

Yuugi, Mamizou or Meiling

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Attached: married.jpg (411x392, 32K)

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Worst 2hu, she really deserves to suffer for all eternity


Attached: 1562070945642.jpg (2000x2247, 511K)

it's how the school is
I'm just glad there's an entire history department instead of just humanities

Kyouka really has very nice shoulders


Attached: MONONOBE NO FUTO.jpg (997x977, 250K)

Yeah i know amazon is full of bootlegs, you just have to do some checking around and you can usually find official ones. I couldnt tell you for any certainty if the touhou ones are authentic, but all the love live figures and nesos ive gotten have been legit. Just dont buy from anyone that ships from china

Attached: 1544823843705.jpg (500x500, 43K)

So....... Sex with the Bake-danuki?

Attached: 46dd6e8d142c2b5d97b36dbd4d41be14.jpg (1035x1440, 550K)

How did the community and /jp/ react to the fan anime?

mokou would never say that...

Attached: 1564355930919.jpg (850x850, 128K)

I haven't been keeping up with it at all but I recall seeing /jp/ talking about Rumia‘s spread vagina every so often.

Cirno fucks Aya daily

Attached: Don't say Any more, Divorce!.jpg (448x506, 141K)

Attached: cursed image.png (587x472, 285K)

Canonically she would though.

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Attached: MARISA CRY.png (537x474, 522K)

Attached: I need Coochie.jpg (640x621, 67K)

it was a good theme, that way a Yea Forumsfag was able to sneak in YOUR DAILY DOSE

Attached: DAILY DOSE.png (996x534, 846K)

Attached: @kaguya.jpg (462x582, 54K)

How did they react to the constant boob giggles

Attached: This is very embarrassing.png (502x425, 211K)

not after they fucked

Attached: MUA MUA MUA.jpg (462x533, 50K)

Attached: bao bao.jpg (414x420, 41K)

Which one are you even talking about? Aren't there several?

Attached: 1554598776571.jpg (417x417, 36K)

vitun lontoota puhuvat runkkarit, Sirkkua saa postata ainoastaan suomalaiset ja suomenmieliset

Attached: Sirkku.jpg (600x600, 43K)

probably the most popular and well-made one, phantasmagoria flower view i think is the name

Phantasmagoria of Flower View is the name of a game (9), you're probably thinking about Memories of Phantasm or something. I have no idea how many episodes of that there are by now, I think I only watched the first one back when it came out.

Attached: 1494593809851.jpg (500x792, 168K)

If a magician screams in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, did it really happen?

Attached: 65591253_p1.png (645x1142, 559K)

yeah i mixed the names accidentaly, i was talking about memories of phantasm

there are 13 i think

The absolute fucking lack of self-awareness in the west.
At least that's hilarious.

I didn't like them. They made some of their chests gigantic when there wasn't need for anything bigger than "big"

Attached: 1564594827533.png (500x744, 880K)

Don't worry, ZUN pretty much assblasted the whole LGBTQXYZ etc. by officially stating that "As per canon sources, no one in Gensokyo is gay. That is my final answer on the subject."

Reimu the amerindian warrior

Attached: tumblr_pup7wkQeex1r4vbr2o1_500.png (500x466, 96K)


he never said that, it was a parody article
why would he even talk about the sexualities of the characters if its not important ?
also pc-98 reimu wasn't straight

Attached: 1526498586794.png (1000x1000, 477K)

We wuz mikos n shiet!

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_touhou__38dade9cff2bc5eb9cd00fcaee962f18.jpg (689x843, 164K)


Attached: Affection.jpg (1000x844, 750K)

who commended this sin and for what purpose?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

t-these were drawn ironically right?

Attached: 1543594577285.jpg (580x800, 128K)

>chillno will not be feeding on my flesh endlessly
Why alive?

Yes please


Attached: 1563726361317.jpg (1280x1854, 467K)

Don't mind me, just posting the best 2hu burg picture on the internet

Prove me wrong, you can't.

Attached: ZUN burg.jpg (1536x2048, 660K)


She's annoying and probably reeks of opium, so no thanks

Attached: burg (4).jpg (900x1440, 420K)

Well now I'm fucking hungry

Hungry for beer

goddamn thats cute

Attached: zun orgasm.jpg (512x359, 26K)

Can't argue with those quads.
>You will never be a living fucking god walking around mortals.

Attached: __patchouli_knowledge_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_eruichi_redphantom__9301944fda1c34514514b3 (800x794, 465K)

Why are the fairies so lewd?

I like his hat

Attached: eat.jpg (293x208, 24K)

They feed on the lust of otakus.

Because they're fairies.

Attached: 71087397_p1.jpg (1122x1600, 449K)

Because they are innocent and not aware of their lewdness, it's similar with Futo she doesn't know how lewd she actually is

Attached: 9c9c0241a01bcd400ef2942d71b61e03.png (855x1200, 585K)

they were born that way

Attached: body 2.png (350x833, 289K)

Th9 is still one of my favorites, just because I love Vs style shooters and it was the Windows debut of my wife.

Attached: 1be9fbd89c0e3c077bfde42074c3413a.png (1228x868, 1.61M)

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My beautiful partner.

Attached: 2898a5f26c7f7d70425344ce15e5e078ca79d85c_hq.jpg (640x893, 61K)


Attached: 1556245441451.png (792x1078, 154K)

Enjoy you hair falling out and your body breaking down, she cute tho

Attached: utsuho ohayoo.png (400x275, 63K)

but the panda is dead user.

What about sanae?

I feel sad for the panda but there's more to comiket than porn you know.

Attached: 1555769722819.png (336x301, 65K)


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A cute bouncing zombie appeared

Attached: 1476505317779.png (1258x1600, 1.03M)

Attached: I DON'T WANT THIS FACE.jpg (410x520, 111K)

Attached: Cirno the strongest.jpg (1004x1443, 310K)

im sorry i can't, im too busy fucking my wife for the sixth time today

Attached: fairy love.jpg (1024x1024, 755K)

Based jp posters this board is literally shit now anyway literally shounenshit central

we allowed that
well the mods helped too, but we're to blame as well
if you dont kill the nest the hive only grows

is that so

Attached: Cirno & Aya 16.jpg (1066x1165, 877K)

I love fairies so god damn much

Attached: 2hu fairies 3.jpg (3500x2070, 614K)


Attached: 1564583090120.png (1321x1500, 1.02M)

Dude your wife is my daughter

how come Cirno has so many wives

Attached: Cirno & Mokou 3.jpg (462x448, 89K)

Hiro needs his ad revenue, you know?

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_and_kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_yaten__8d5997b8ac59aab666f8f45a9d8823a0.jpg (764x1080, 461K)


Make Yea Forums great again by getting rid off shounenshit

your daughter calls me mommy too

Attached: 1563250932704.png (1250x800, 746K)

Attached: MIKO SENPAI_by_shan.jpg (1250x1000, 305K)

I was the only line standing between you and pointless narutoshit spam and you let the big m get rid of me before he left, so yeah you only have yourselves to blame

Not enough meat on her bones. She doesn't look like she'd taste very good fried or stewed.

Stop Reisen bullying

Attached: 1547560944709.jpg (874x1240, 165K)

Attached: Okina & Yukari 2.jpg (1771x1628, 1.82M)

>Yea Forums
user pls

its been replaced by boku no shit fags, blacked faggots, hunterxcuck fags, stonefags and any other shounen series

She only need attention and lot of love

Attached: 1349037693598.jpg (500x1120, 348K)

>We will never have comfy Stone threads like the Cola chapter
>It will happen to other series I love, like Beastars and Dorohedoro
Fucking end me m8.

Attached: 7f695efd128950c0f33a635f3f4790aa1c32674a.png (327x327, 124K)

Oh i didn't mean that she's doing it out of spite, she's a living nuclear reactor and is bound to be bad for your health

Excellent taste.

Attached: __hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_kagehito__e7eb3e381f0233d470e17b8aa93f9684.png (1500x1500, 946K)

Just stop having shit taste in anime, the only good Shounen is Gintama

She has some truly great assets

Attached: 1517436012469.jpg (690x950, 216K)

Stop posting this shit. My wife Aya is not gay.

U sure?

Attached: birds mating.gif (320x240, 1.43M)

Taking down the wall will save both Yea Forums and /jp/.

Attached: 71328395_p1.jpg (1683x1200, 587K)

she's ultra gay

Attached: Cirno & Aya 21.jpg (800x800, 99K)

Lies and slander

Attached: f5917e81887ebd403d1431046f2cddf8.jpg (451x708, 241K)

only lies here are in her newspaper

Attached: 1558207521367.png (800x752, 223K)

Her newspaper is factual and well researched. Stop making baseless accusations!

Attached: __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_abo_hechouchou__ffca00250b4414d6fee400a17618d05c.jpg (724x1023, 353K)

▲ ▲

I would invest money to build a nuclear reactor in order to get it out of there, if that is necessary

who has cirno fucked more ?
daiyousei or aya ?

is that so

Attached: newfags don't know how to triforce.jpg (512x512, 84K)


Attached: 1403204636770.png (523x389, 257K)


She wrote a nice article about Shimmy, so she's fine in my book

Attached: AFiEU (18-19).png (2160x1532, 2.58M)

she would melt

literally tho, she would melt

what the hell do you all think you are doing?

Attached: Gld4j5f.jpg (650x772, 248K)

she'll be fine

Attached: Cirno & Mokou.png (1984x1573, 1.97M)


Attached: 734f60fe78c878eec79b912f201b04e6.jpg (800x800, 55K)

are you KIDDING?

dont do it dude

Attached: 1527435934482.png (1874x1113, 55K)

>dat /jp/ dream

Attached: 1551198931553.jpg (1200x1200, 356K)

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Too easy

His wife, the big fox.

Best thread best taste

Attached: d6419c1bf9fdfeca5e920c9e093f5187a59e5a66eb2654b2745e8cc481d5201a.jpg (1024x1515, 235K)

Is 2hu reclining


In shogi, yes

We'll find out in a bit less than two weeks. I hope the new final boss is another cute kemomimi.

there's going to be 3 bosses and 3 different endings for each of them

Comfy Gensokyo is best Gensokyo

Attached: 1544917520722.jpg (1920x1051, 668K)

mods are no fun

That's not true, modding in infinite lives is the only way to have fun.


Attached: 2hu is reclining.png (449x489, 217K)

Is Sanae going to be the necx shrine maiden?

Fluffy fox wife

Attached: ran_45.png (1142x1200, 1008K)

new ZUN manga when?

Attached: yuyu hmmm.jpg (637x377, 142K)


not me

the anime suck


Attached: 20170502_AOPfrog_pacifictree_5123_530_353_80auto_s.jpg (530x353, 30K)

How is cute and funny juice disgusting
are you a fag?

Help, I can't stop jerking off to 2hu sluts.

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that artist never fails making my dick hard

Attached: 5442791.jpg (2126x1950, 2.26M)

Attached: 26CF266F-8D71-4F77-A4F8-9D57746CF4B6.jpg (3264x2448, 1.22M)

my fucking neck

the strongest neck

it's on other sites, and more importantly, my hard drive

I just wanna do this

Attached: momiji_13.png (1962x2066, 3.62M)