Anime ruined people for me

Anime ruined people for me
3d pigs suck
universal merge when?

Attached: Anna waif.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

There's a person inside you.

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Just get run over by a truck to move to your desired 2d world user.

Anime didn't ruin people for you, you're just weak.


I wish all fat people could die and this world would become a little more anine-like
How do you even get so disguting fat? Dont you see yourself on the mirror and say "damn Im getting more gross after every lunch"
Same with people who just smell bad

>universal merge
3dpd in anime?
No thanks. Everything's fine as it is.

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There's a skellington inside you.

by the time a fat person realizes they are fat its already too late for them

I haven't masturbated to anything real in three years.

A unicorn of a person
no i'm very strong willed
fuck off normalfag
better than what there is now

Aren't you pretty normal yourself for even caring about 3D pigs in the first place?
Embrace the dream, user! People judging you are nothing but delusions! There's nothing in the entire world aside from you and your perception, if you live in the world of 2D, 3D doesn't even matter anymore!

>live in the world of 2D
impossible until the merge
not a normalfag
just expected a femoid equivalent to me but apparently not in this hellhole of a universe

>impossible until the merge
You're just not trying hard enough, dumbass.
Or do you want to tell me you're one of those hypocritical MCs who curse people with girlfriends as "normalfags" and, in the very next sentence, admit to want to have a girlfriend themselves? The very need for another is most normal, through enlightenment we can reach a mentality past those worldly desires.

>Implying the 3D world isn't just a projection of a 2D dimension

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>in the year 2019 since our lord Jesus Christ came unto the Earth.
>there's people on Yea Forums defending 3DPD unironically.

not a normalfag to want a female copy of yourself dumbass

Exactly, it's all the same! Why cling to 3D when 2D is just as real, just a matter of perspective? We fall in love with the idea of people, whether 2D or 3D doesn't matter. Why bitch about 3DPD when you can focus your attention to 2D or even your own imagination?
The love for yourself is indeed sublime. My point is: Why do you still search for another 3D human who can merely resemble you if the real target of your love - your idea of a female version of yourself - is already inside your heart?
Embrace the dream, user. Love yourself and stop depending on others. Then, you can reach enlightenment.

Attached: love.png (1732x703, 375K)

>Why do you still search for another 3D human who can merely resemble you if the real target of your love - your idea of a female version of yourself - is already inside your heart?
can't hug the inside of my heart

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That's where your Dakimakura comes into play.

Daki can't talk though
need a perfect doll at least to replicate

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>3d world
>but people have 2d eyesight with depth perception

Attached: _This is the cube, just spin it.png (225x225, 144)

Imagination is the answer. Close your eyes, imagine her beautiful face, her love-filled eyes. Hug yourself and become aware that it is she who hugs you while you are hugging her, imagine her sweet voice gently whispering words of love in your ear. Actually, with enough training you don't even need a Dakimakura anymore for she is always by your side, gently watching over you.
If you give your dream a face to look at and a voice to speak to, imagination surpasses reality.

Lovely hips


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Taku from Chaos Head was living the dream.

Just take a trip to Gensokyo. Literally the easiest shit in the world.