Why can't anime writers understand atavistic morality?

Why can't anime writers understand atavistic morality?

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bc ur mum gai

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I don't know what this means, I tried looking it up and got the article atavism that said that it is when biological traits reappear like the human tail.
What is does it mean as a system of morality?
Returning to older moral systems?

they should since they still LARP as ww2 soldiers.

It was a different time...

Does anyone besides you have any fucking idea what it is?

Fuck you Ikko Ikki. You fucking deserved to get slaughtered on your mountain.
Fuck you Mitsuhide, you fucking traitor.
Fuck you Ieyasu you fucking coward.

Atavistic morality is a forcedly invented term

Because that sounds boring as fuck.


because atavistic morality is an oxymoron

>Returning to older moral systems?
Yep, you got it. OP wants to be a caveman.



Because they don't have proper education on the topic or don't hire historians as advisors.

Literally, and unironically, please watch Darling in the FranXX.
It's a terrible and derivative anime and I would not otherwise recommend it for any other reason but Hiro is basically a man against time, especially in the ending which is so hated by plebs.
Also consider how most of the other children basically follow strict agrarian principles to restart human society, and although that is a traditional path, Hiro and Zero Two both choose to die together anyways.
It was accidentally deep.

>call myself as the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven
>suddenly you're literally the devil
It was just a prank, bro

It seems to me that japs treat Nobunaga the same way russians treat Ivan the Terrible. He was a smart guy with napoleonic ambitions, but cruel as fuck.

>Demon king of the sixth heaven...

I was thinking more along the lines reaccepting the divine right of kings or Japanese equivalent or something like that.

>reaccepting the divine right of kings
That was usually derived from somewhere. We are headed in that direction though. As power is accumulated in the hands of a shrinking elite while the system does not fall apart, all the legitimacy of the system is also concentrated on that shrinking elite. At the end of that process you have a divine right.

More like mikado told him to fuck nobunaga over because muh loyality to mikado.

But is that what atavistic morality is?

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I have no idea what atavistic morality means. I've been lurking the thread in the hope that somebody would explain.