Usagi drop

Why does this make normalfaggots seethe so much?

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Man get crush on loli aunt.

/spoiler which turns out not be his aunt in the last episode spoiler/

They self insert and it feels to them like they're actually fucking their real-life daughters.

But it was the other way around. Loki raises nephew to be her husbando.


wait what I thought this was a dad anime, I was just about to pick it up.

Please tell me he doesn't fuck the kid

Another one bites the dust.

The anime is pure dad-core and it's one of the greatest SoLs out there. It's the manga you want to avoid.

He doesn't fuck the kid. Unfortunately, he waits until she grows up.

They didn't think about it logically.

>people actually defend post-timeskip Usagi drop
Imagine it's Yotsub&. How would you feel then?

Normalfags can't separate fantasy and fiction from reality. If it offends their delicate normalfag sensibilities its verboten. Women tend to be especially bad offenders in this area, at least in my personal experience.
I just had a very frustrating discussion about this very subject this evening as a matter of fact.

But it's not, retard. Yotsuba and Usagi Drop are different for that very reason. They function differently as stories. They're not comparable and it makes no sense to compare them.

Daughterwives is patrician taste.

Because most of them were shipping him with the milf.

stay mad

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Looking back now he was an ugly bastard.

he didnt in the anime. Just dont read the manga

They married

Remember usagi drop and Uchimusumes, and most of these "raise your nbr daughter to a wife" are all self inserts of the authors , both females in their females characters.
since basically in a society where all marriages experiences a couples of cheatings, this is a fetish where cheatings problems of all kinds are completely inexistent, in Uchimusume it was clearly leaking from the chapter, when latina became afraid of Dale cheating on her, with her sister, The author made it sure to explain how "since he raised her with such much care and love, he could only see her AND NEVER HURT HER LIKE THAT".
Basically its a female fetish mostly, till it remain "female" demographic, its cute ,its wholesome , heartwarming.
For the same reasons some males likes this too, or either for purityfagging , but When males likes it , They consider it creepy, since its "grooming".

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KnJ author is also female. Genji Monogatari author is also female. There's a clear pattern.

user most women want to fuck their dad, you didn't need to right all that to justify this simple fact.

They were just giving that user advice based on their post. You're too eager, calm down.

haven't watched Uchimusumes whats it all about?

Yeah. Retards love to shit on the male lead as the self-insert, but it's really the daughters for the female authors. Secondaries are retarded as always.

>it's okay because women do it

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Because that was never the fucking end goal. Daikichi sacrificed EVERYTHING to raise Rin. He could have continued with the bachelor life but offered to take in a small child that no one wanted because she was illegitimate. Daikichi always saw Rin as a daughter and nothing more and Rin having Daikichi as a father figure even though she didn't consider him her father as she already had one with Gramps. Daikichi was a parent to Rin nonetheless. The mangaka obviously had some kind of Electra complex to turn a heartwarming story into what it's infamous for today.

Pro-tip: "Ctrl+S" will instantly write the spoiler tags for you

So. Because you're a normaltard moraltard who can't separate fiction and reality.

There was never any context that Usagi Drop would go down the route it did fucking zoomer.

Kill yourselves normalfucks. There's nothing wrong with raising a daughterwife for yourself.

The sense I'm getting is that this series is very similar to Kodomo No Jikan? So like in the anime he's just a good father figure and all the blurring of lines turns out to be a red herring, whereas in the manga he lives in the gray area, falls in love with her, and wifes her good when she comes of age?

If so I'm picking up the manga immediately. Help me out f/a/m.

Sure, user. I would love to see the faces of the social workers who have to see your slovenly pedo face trying to adopt a young child.

>that was never the fucking end goal
What was the end goal to you, raising her only to give her to another man? Are you literally a cuck? It's precisely because he sacrificed so much for her that he deserves her

>how dare this author write something that offends my socially conditioned normalfag sensibilities
literal NPCs

Usagi drop manga is the true great ending. Fuck NPCs and fuck haters

>All this ironic weebs shitposting
The manga ending is shit no because he ended with the kid, but because is rushed as all fuck. Kodomo no Jikan did x10 better

I dare you to adopt a child and raise them to become your wife. Oh wait it's all fantasy you will never fucking do it irl.

I will do it, nothing you can do to stop me.

Isn't she his half-sister too? That's like double incest when you think of it


You got it.

What I wanna know is, why do newfags force themselves to like the ending? it was just the authors daddy issues gushing out of her work.

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Now post the real version

Who’s pretending? Yea Forums has been in a steady shift towards depravity for years now. The concept of the daughterwife is excessively popular. Even Boku no Pico isn’t a pleb filter anymore since the rise of traps.

It was a major shift most people didn't see coming. The entire reason people read this manga was for a wholesome story about a guy making sacrifices raising a kid. They even introduced a love interest for both Daikichi and Rin. Then, all of a sudden the story does a 180 and suddenly Rin wants to fuck her guardian. It's just weird. I guess you could argue she dropped subtle hints early on in the story with Rin not wanting to be formally adopted and her name changed, but that's a bit of a stretch.

The author can write whatever the heck she wants. I'm not offended or disgusted at the ending or anything. Just found it strange and it didn't seem to fit the story and characters.

considering yotsuba is basically an illegal immigrant, undocumented with no family, marrying someone she knows is probably her only option if you want to be realistic.

Normalfags like being outraged at things

Never really cared to read Usagi Drop, but from being in the opposite position, I can see why such a sudden change up would piss me off.

Fucking author, you know exactly why anyone is reading this piece of shit, and it wasn't to see two faggots play house for 5 minutes then never see each other again.

Thats the fucking point you retarded normalnigger, it's fiction, so why are you getting so buttblasted?

I have no problem with incest if it's hinted at

The first part of this manga did not hint at incest at all

if the author is female i am offended also. imagine writing an entire manga centered around the fetish you share with the other 99% of females, fucking lame.

based & pipepilled

So women want their dads to fuck them as they raise them. I want to raise a daughterwife.
Everyone is happy.

But society says no.



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I can separate them and I am not saying it should be censored, am I? Simply doesnt make the story better for me.

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Self-inserting is such a dumb meme.

Kodomo no Jikan never pretended to be a daughter raising manga, she wanted to fuck her teacher since chapter one and that's good and honest, Usagi Drop pretended to be something for 80% of its run then in the final chapters the bomb is dropped, it's so ridiculous that Daikichi doesn't know what the fuck is going on.

Calm down Muhammad

>It's precisely because he sacrificed so much for her that he deserves her

lmao at this supreme gentleman logic

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I'm only offended by how hamfisted that entire final part was. There was VERY little foreshadowing and NO actual development that would lead to this. It's one thing if Rin developed those feelings on her own but the fact that he ended up feeling the same about her was just pulled straight out of the author's ass. The sudden shift is extremely jarring and makes no sense. Also, remember how little things like worrying about Rin's kindergarten etc were taken into consideration throughout the manga? The ending completely ignores that the topic is taboo, that they would be at best ostracized by everyone and that all their friends would be disgusted. Instead we just got a "and they lived happily ever after" ending. It's trash.

>user most women want to fuck their dad

Sometimes I really wish I wasn't socially inept so I could get a daughter in the future and have her lusting after me, such is life ;_;

What's the fault in the logic?