Did he really deserve it?

Did he really deserve it?

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Was getting stabbed in the sewers by the drug addict something that was real and his first "death", or was Diavolo killed by GER and already in the death loop when he crawled into the sewer?


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It was first death

No one does. Fate is a big theme in JoJo and Diavolo's entire personality and stand were about cheating fate while paying lip service to it, making him the ultimate evil. But, in like 9 years Pucci ends the universe so it'll be fine.

no. anyone who says he does is a fucking idiot
>b-but all those kids!
fucking idiots who can't comprehend the idea of infinity. he isnt dying three times, ten times, thirteen times, he's dying infinitely.
>b-but drugs!
are you a fucking idiot? do you have a deficiency? even if he drugged raped and murdered everyone in fucking Italy, he wouldn't deserve an infinite death
we aren't talking 400 deaths, 1000 deaths, 3000 deaths. We're talking literally infinite deaths. Do you know when you'll die? 80 years maybe? 100 if you're lucky? Well Diavolo is dying each day of each year an infinite amount of times. By the time the sun explodes, he'll be dying. Any fucking retard who looks at me straight in the fucking face and tells me that he deserves an infinite death is getting fucking punched, just from being so fucking retarded.
Nobody deserves a literal infinite death, and all these cucks saying "but he's a bad guy!!" are fucking stupid and should try to die a couple hundred times, see if it's "not that bad" or if they "get used to it"
Giorno is an asshole for doing that and makes himself much worse than any character in the entire series just from that one action.

I agree with you 100% user but come on
>even if he drugged raped and murdered everyone in fucking Italy, he wouldn't deserve an infinite death
That’s reeeeeally pushing it

No one says he really deserved it, not seriously at least. "But he sold drugs to CHILDREN" is only used ironically, I mean, drug dealing in general is a serious crime, without taking into account the fact that he also gave stands to maniacs like candy in Halloween.

Literally no.

What are those deaths that he suffers? From the first two, I got the impression that he really died stabbed by the junkie, but his death never fully realized and he kinda went back to life during the autopsy, just to die again, and his soul was kinda trapped in his body, or going back to his body over and over again. That doesn't really make sense, because eventually his body would fully decay and where would he go back to? Also the situations shown in the future are totally different and random. Is he just living iterations of possible deaths for people? Is he jumping inside of people that is about to die? If it were the second case, it would be interesting if he gets a hold over it to control people during their last times before dying, though it would still suck.

nobody is saying he only deserves one death, or three deaths, or ten deaths. but he'll fucking exceed 7 billion deaths, 14 billion deaths, 18 trillion deaths eventually.
Maybe a hundred deaths? A million? I don't fucking know, but literally infinity? Literally fucking infinite deaths? Think of the biggest number you can. Double it. Add three. Now cube it. Diavolo has exceeded that number of deaths. Does anyone deserve that? Could anyone deserve that? Is there anything anyone could ever do to deserve a fucking gestalt death spiral?

I forgot here that even if his crimes were serious, they weren't worth eternal death

It's a mental torture, or torture of the spirit. He'll experience the cause (dying) but never the effect (sweet release of death). I agree that the autopsy doesn't really fit in there.

infinity is a long fucking time, there is not a single mortal on earth who I believe deserves infinite punishment.

Wouldn't the ultimate evil in that case be Dio and Pucci? Dio's idea of Heaven was "everybody knows their fate, but I can fuck over it and do whatever I want", which is King Crimson on steroids, and while Pucci at least seemed fine with respecting his fate, he wanted to erase the Joestar line which would have screwed with fate too. Pucci was punished by being erased from reality, which seems better than suffering eternal deaths but worse from a philosophical standpoint.

yeah but the causes of death are just randomly picked from all the possible causes of death that a human could experience?

>Diavolo has exceeded that number of deaths.
Bro literally chill is just an anime, damn lmao

I actually ended up feeling bad for him

Pucci wasn't going to change anyone's fate or even his own, just thought people would know peace from it. Dio had a weird obsession with meeting fear with joy all the way back in part 3. Diavolo alone wanted to avoid his own fate and sit on a throne.
There's nowhere related to go after his junkie stab so it just resorts to random deaths.

>Giorno is an asshole for doing that and makes himself much worse than any character in the entire series just from that one action
That's what kinda makes it worse than other cases. Ussually, when a villain gets some kind of eternal torment after his defeat, it's because of his own hubris, like with Cars. But Giorno just can do it with his own hands, one punch by GER is an one-way ticket to hell. It's an extension of Josuke, who could also casually turn people into objects, but with Josuke at least you can think that eventally the person would die or the object would be broken (it might not be the case, maybe Angelo is also for some thousand of years as a rock). Also, who knows, while Araki never went deeper into the implications of Diavolo's predicament, it might be mitigable or escapable somehow, after all, Kira came back as a pretty chill ghost after being dragged by the evil hands.


he sold enya the fucking stand arrows

All the eternal torments ended with part 6.

magenta magenta

Yeah, but by resetting the universe without Jotaro, he was already changing Dio's fate in that new universe. From what I remember, Dio wanted to be able to be the only one that's not shackled by fate. Diavolo didn't come as such a fate cheater, it's true that King Crimson let him avoid his own fate, but it's also true that his fate was getting King Crimson as a stand. He didn't do anything like trying to be immortal (which would be cheating the fate of death), and while he wanted to avoid pitfalls in his future, he still fell into lots of pitfalls. Well, I'm all for symbolism, but Diavolo doesn't really come as someone that commited a crime against fate. If it's because of his stand, GER also wiped his ass with fate, since he erased what was fated to happen when Diavolo saw his last vision.

Basedest post itt

Only if the universe changed enough to give Cars and Diavolo a different fate. I don't think it's Cars' case, since suppossedly the difference between the two universes is Pucci's absence and Pucci was born way before Cars was shot to space, but in Diavolo's case, maybe there was some butterfly effect that changed Giorno's entire story.

>Eventually, he stopped thinking
Unconscious = not suffering
Dio wasn't intimate with fate like Diavolo was. Him wanting not to be shackled didn't really involve cheating fate like Diavolo did.
>it's also true that his fate was getting King Crimson
Which is why I don't agree with Araki on the subject. You're absolutely right. Diavolo was underutilized as a villain and what was done, was poorly executed in my opinion. The strength of part 5 was your love of the cast and how terrifying Diavolo was at some points even if when more was explained, it wasn't great.
cars' mind went dark. I think it's implied the Joestars avoided their troubles in the new universes so Giorno didn't become a thing and Diavolo never gets Requiem'd.

Cars was fucked before Jotaro or Jolyne. After seeing how every prisoner is free at the end of SO, the new Jotaro is probably even more OP.

Druglord got killed by a junkie. Fitting end if think.

The better question is; do the people who tortured Junko deserve Diaovlo's fate?

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So, how many people share his fate?
Giorno mafia boss and shit. He have enemies. They all will suffer same hell?

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In the case of Cars, I admit I didn't feel all that pity, because there was no other way to stop him. He will stop thinking and even if it will not be a real death, it is nevertheless a well-deserved end for someone who wanted to bring the world into an eternal hell under his reign.

With the Diavolo, I admit it's a bit too much. if it were set to be a 100 years thing or even 1000, i would be full okey, but for eternity? oh come on Giorno...

Literally noone would deserve it.

Pucci rebooted the entire universe

Out of thread but would pocoloco's super luck defeat ger?

Giorno would slip on a banana peel and never punch him

Yeah, but everybody basically walked the same path, the only diffference was the people that were killed before the reset took place wouldn't be in the new universe, with all the dominoes that it implied: Pucci killed all the joestars so they won't be there, but then Emporio killed Pucci, and Pucci not existing retroactively brought the Joestars back, though Jolyne has a different name and life story because Jotaro also took a different path (very likely because, without Pucci, Dio also did some different things and well, stuff changes, personally I think that it's because the new Jolyne isn't shackled by the Joestars' fate of being screwed by Dio). Or at least that's what I got from Part 6 ending, I might have gotten it totally wrong, I probably got some stuff wrong, but I'm pretty sure that the events of Parts 1 and 2 should have been the same.

>it is nevertheless a well-deserved end for someone who wanted to bring the world into an eternal hell under his reign
Did he really want to do that? I honestly feel that Cars was never shown doing anything really evil, it's implied that he killed tons of living beings to perfect the mask, and he genocided his race, but that was in the past. As the Ultimate Lifeform, he would have to reason to kill anyone, and not any need either. He clearly had a respect for natural life, and he had no need to kill humans, not even to eat (and considering that he was immortal but his body could still be destroyed by weapons, fucking with humans wasn't a priority).

I'm tempted to say yes, but I don't know how, it feels that Giorno wouldn't even get the arrow if that went against Pocoloco's best interests.