Whats Yea Forums opinion on Gate

whats Yea Forums opinion on Gate

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It’s good for what it’s worth the same way Wendy’s is good despite being fast food

Starts out good, but the obvious thing that it seemed to be leading to never happens, and it just stagnates on unearned hero worship.

I’m still waiting for the japs to start decapitating the men, bayoneting the kids and enlisting the women into the brothels

well I liked it

it is near impossible to find any merch of this show

Some anime never get nearly enough things scanned.

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really bad

Honestly I got bored like 3 episodes in

One of the best idol shows

Make the other world shit in magic just so the jsdf can win.

Imagine a novel with no real conflict but one that pretends to have conflict and forces dumb plotshit down your throat regarding that nonconflict anyway.
That's gate, where our heroes beat a dead horse that's not threat whatsoever chapter after chapter.

I recently watched it. Enjoyed it, but was dumbfounded that the king or anyone else didn't employ magicians since modern armies don't have a defense against them. That sleeping spell from the elf is fucking OP, so just imagine that but with more spellcasters and on a bigger scale.

Not only that, but while I enjoyed the three fantasy girls, I wish it had stayed a group of soilders instead of a guy and his fantasy groupies.

Forgot to add, but near the end I just started feeling bad for the bad guys. Like fuck, what do you do when you really don't stand a chance?

What made them think trying to make them idols was a good idea? Is that what's normally done for girls actively trying to have sex with the MC?

disappointing popcorn fodder

post brown elf quickly pls

She's not dressed enough to post in most of them.

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Lelei was cute

There should have been a great focus on Lelei SoL when she wasn't advancing her knowledge of magic to bring her closer to the level of a god and helping scientists study magic.

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cool concept, poorly executed and ruined by harem shit. People will defend it, but really they just like the girls

The harem parts would be much better if they went further instead of having Itami keep rejecting anything physical with the girls.

Straight up the most retarded attempt at disguising JSDF propaganda. Everything that wasn't propaganda was unoriginal cliché trash.

This. Leaving all the propaganda aside, the show is pretty meh: bland girls and MC, lack of political development (like, we see other governments discussing about the Gate, but they NEVER do anything), etc...

One good thing about the show was the primitive humans getting totally fucked by modern military technology. Just that

I’ve never seen this show but I always wanted to see one of these isekai shows where the modern military just steamrolls in and sets up a pseudo-Third Reich in the middle of elfland and runs the place like starship troopers

or maybe better yet the actual Third Reich rolls in and takes over and commandeers all the magic users and magic artifacts and dragons and lolis and shit and uses them to win the war back in the real world

>One good thing about the show was the primitive humans getting totally fucked by modern military technology. Just that
in too many of the shows the modern military hardware gets BTFO by stupid shit and the soldiers end up having to use arrows and pointy sticks like a bunch of fags
this isn’t Sid Meyer’s Civilization, your fucking veteran trireme is not going to sink an Iowa class battleship

Putting modern units against primitive ones was always fun. When it could be used to more easily explore a world like Gate's, it could have been even better.

Could have been cool but the haha our MC is an otaku and loli bait was just fucking awful. It can't decide if its a comedy or a serious show

>One good thing about the show was the primitive humans getting totally fucked by modern military technology. Just that
that genuinely never got old for me
I loved it

Angry about nobody picking up and translating gaidens

I enjoyed, kind of not so good as a story but it felt like a celebration of how far we have come technologically.

Wasted premise. It could've done so much but chose to be a shitty harem instead.

It's like a wee/a/boo and a fa/tg/uy came together to write an anime.

And they both had a passing Yea Forums level interest in /k/

Filthy crossboarders.