Why do manga/anime make post-apocalyptic life look so comfy and desirable?

Why do manga/anime make post-apocalyptic life look so comfy and desirable?

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post-apocalyptic life = less humans = comfy

Because they don't expect people to go full retard. In Western fiction, when the current social structures break down, individuals go full Soddom Gomorrah Lockean state of nature style. In Eastern narratives, people will just dust themselves off, and form smaller, more independent societies.

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Because there's no manga equivalent of The Road, that book took away from me any fantasy of comfy post-apocalytic life I could have had

If you managed to survive the apocalypse what would you do? Live like a sewer rat and not bath, or starting over and making sure not to commit the same mistakes as the world before

Just end the fucking world.

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I don't see why humanity as portrayed in Yokohama Shopping Trip is somehow less realistic than The Road. How can you know for sure that we'll become cannibalistic rapist monsters that literally eat babies, rather than a humbler people who have been mellowed by a less hectic pace of life?

I don't even know what "The Road" even is or what's suppose to represent, and honestly? I don't care.

Anime and manga or fuck off!

>starting over and making sure not to commit the same mistakes as the world before
Why the fuck would I do this? Are you retarded? I don't give a fuck about the world outside of my field of view, why should I care?

Hobbesian. Hobbes was the "man is a wolf to man" guy who thought without a state people would cave each others heads in for fun. Rousseau was more of a romantic on the other hand and partially bemoaned the rise of states and governments as they by their very nature limit liberty.

Caring about the world beyond your field of view would be repeating the mistakes of the world before

That's pretty retarded tho
yeah you have looters and whatnot if a natural disaster hits a big town or w/e but that only makes sense if you expect things to normal afterwards. Life after the world ended would probably much closer to what humans are naturally drawn to, it wouldn't be much different from the stone age or something. Sure there would be bloody conflicts here and there but people wouldn't turn into bloodthirsty morons after a few days without modern society.

It's more likely that a post apocalypse society would look more like Yokohama than Mad Max. Murder hobo societies wouldn't last long.

Obviously it depends a bit on what the post-apocalyptic world is like but assuming we're talking about a YKK-like world I'd find a comfortable spot to live and just spend my days quietly enjoying life, doing odd tasks in exchange for the necessities of life. I don't have any goals for myself so being free of the need to make money just to have a roof over my head is really all I need. If it goes full Mad Max or something I'd probably just die though.

I think it all boils down on the state of the earth after the disaster. In YKK its still perfectly possible to lead a somewhat normal life because earth itself isn't that fucked, but on The Road everything was barren and scorched so eating each other was pretty much a given.

Complain about the lack of air conditioning and prolly jerk off

>jerking off without first securing a source of drinkable water
Yeah, you're gonna die.

Yeah the world of Fist of the North Star sure looks "comfy"

That picture is flipped from the original, and it's making me irrationally annoyed.

is this manga even good? Give me your top 3 reasons why you like this manga.

Masterful pacing
Great art
The best-executed ending I've ever seen in fiction.

>Girls Last Tour
>Humanity Has Declined
>Sora No Woto
>Dr Stone
Be a pilot, without all the annoying paperwork and laws and social pressure to get in the way. Me and my STOL bush plane (Supercub, Beaver, Caravan?) just delivering supplies, transporting mail, moving people, whatever odd jobs to get by. Or maybe I can make an electronic repair shop if that's too difficult.

I like the art style. It has several characters that it shows growing up over however many years the story takes place. And I just like the type of story it is in general. It's slow and calm and has the characters exploring the world that was set up in the manga. I saw it recommended next to manga like Girls' Last Tour or Mushishi, though it's at least less depressing than Girls' Last Tour. The only problem I have with it is that the chapters are really short. This isn't as much of an issue since it's finished, though it must have been pretty annoying to follow monthly and the chapters still feel pretty bite sized even if you read it now.

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Head up to Alaska and you can do that right now. Come bring me my mail.

McCarthy is too cynical to take seriously.
Its like an emo teenager learned how to be a great writer.

I do not remember that chapter at all.

In most eastern post apoc stories most of conflict comes from all the men immediately becoming rapist murderers

No black people

It's chapter 95 in volume 10. The few times a gun is used or almost used are pretty cool in the series.

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Yea Forums has the lowest level of discussion of any board.
Yes, even Yea Forums.

I refuse to believe that when Yea Forums exists

Fucking shit! I don't remember ever seeing a gun in it at all.

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Nah, Yea Forums and Yea Forums are both lower, not counting joke boards like Yea Forums and /bant/ and /qa/. You won't see a dozen posts in a row of people just saying seethe/cope/date/tranny/based on this board

Nobody's ever shot. I think the two sections I posted are the only times a gun is in the series outside of the very beginning when you can see that Alpha has one in the shop.

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/3/. The vast majority of posts in a given day are shitposts about what is and isn't ""industry standard"". I wanna say like 70, 85% or so?

Because humans are literal trash and the vast majority of them dying is good for the planet.

Most people who believe this also believe they are among the special few who deserve to live, and would not be willing to sacrifice themselves for the planet during a great culling.

It's a pretty damn famous book.
I'm not even a Yea Forumsfag but this post made me angry.

He's just a retard that's trying too hard to fit in.

He is baiting you niggers. The fact only you two replied to him proves Yea Forums is the best board.

How would he know The Road isn't anime or manga if he supposedly doesn't know anything about it and doesn't care to know about it? He obviously knows what The Road is, he probably even read it, he is just pretending to be retarded.

I would make the Kotobuki Corps real

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Make the Garupans real while you're at it.

I only just finished YKK a few weeks ago but I never noticed how weird the old artstyle looks.

Didn't both Japan and China have their society collapse several times? They probably have some experience on the matter from their history.

Egypt too.

let's just make anime real

Blood Meridian is still great, he's high brow edgy

Or we go to Glie

Different types of post apocalyptic, western usually uses nukes and pollution.
Japs use everything.
It just because a tribal war era again until one takes complete control and civilization advances further.

t. Yea Forumstard
slice your wrists

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru.

Locke believed in the "noble savage" ideal, you're thinking of Hobbes, who said life without strong government was "nasty, brutish, and short"

It's not weird so much as it just makes Alpha look old even though she's supposed to be so "young" and inexperienced with the outside world

What's comfy about Sora No Woto? Do you actually remember it?
Girls Last Tour is also a struggle. They have to keep moving because there is no food left.

because they were hit with an apocalypse in 1944 and were unironically brought back to their roots.

The Japanese ones people label "comfy" usually involve resignation to one's fate, embracing the inevitability of annihilation. Something like YKK.
The Western ones usually all involve people trying to survive, but even Japanese ones with a significant cultural bent to them are still recognizably the same genre as their western cousins so long as they're actually about surviving. Something like Gakkou Gurashi.

>The Japanese ones people label "comfy" usually involve resignation to one's fate, embracing the inevitability of annihilation. Something like YKK.
YKK's situation is odd. even with the ever rising sea levels there's nothing to suggest that the current human population is suffering. In fact they tend have all the food they can eat. Infrastructure has been affected in some nebulous detrimental manner yet somehow Oji-san's gas station in the middle of fuck all nowhere still gets gas throughout the series, even when his apparent only customer no longer needs it. Kids are also still being born, and seem to grow up healthy and strong. I know it's not the point of the comic so I shouldn't really care but the Twilight of Humanity depicted doesn't really add up.

western society is retarded and thinks Lord of the Flies was making a point about all of humanity, when it was a satire of a specific, older book, and the actual point of LotF was "you rich colonial fucks have dehumanized your private school bastards, they're greedy beyond all common sense, they're useless in a crisis situation, and these stupid brats are the ones going to be running the world when they grow up."

if you don't know why you should care you're beyond help and no words will ever convince you.
its a feeling thing not some silly thinking thing

Lord of the Flies is about der Wille zur Macht right down to its title being a reference to Satan and every freshmen in high school that wrote about Jack being Hitler is closer to the money than you are.
You should be embarrassed.

Western individualism without Western society translates to violence as the individual prioritizes the wellbeing of themselves and their own people, even at the cost of other's wellbeing.
Eastern collectivism without Eastern society translates a new decentralized and usually regional society/political system to take the place of the old one as people value social harmony within their new societies over individualism.
Western apocalypse is the dissolution of the state, Eastern apocalypse is the deconstruction of the state.

You do not recognize the bodies in the water

Came here to post this.

Societal breakdown would be vastly more peaceful in a collectivist society than a individualist one, especially when the latter has more privately owned guns than people and a stand-your-ground/castle-doctrine culture.

Man is weary of industrial civilization.

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Oh, an YKK thread.

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This thread has been sponsored by the Kaczynski gang

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I'm more of a Killdozer guy myself

Because there are less people on the planet fucking things up.

We're you just not paying attention to what happened to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina

Or the Bosnian Serbian war

gee an anarchy worked out in Spain amrite?

Noble Savage was Rousseau, Locke thought that the fault in the state of nature is that there wasn't a third subject who can solve conflicts between people when problems relating to their natural rights arise.
To solve that problem, you make the Social Contract and here comes the state

I'm more of a Quesnay kind of guy

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I don't really remember post-apocalyptic anime that is comfy and desirable.

I always hated how westerners handles post-apocalyptic setting with everything being gray in brown like in most games which isn't how it should be. Nature should take over a lot of world with so few humans and there should be a lot more collors and greenery.

Neither China nor Japan ever reverted to a tribal war. They were still literate, civilized societies, just torn by war and disorder.

You're replying to it, dumbass.

Noble savage was neither. The phrase shows up in neither Locke, nor Rousseau nor Hobbes. It's often falsely attributed to Rousseau, but it's actually used by some English poet whose name I forgot. Though understandable, because Voltaire (basically a troll before the internet) loved to slander Rousseau as a primitivist. He at some point accused Rousseau of wanting men to walk on all fours again.

it wouldn't be like that everywhere, but you can bet that groups of looters, rapists and brigands would be a common scourge.
Small medieval villages constantly attacked by the raping dregs is an international thing.

Kurosawa Seven Samurai, it's not very different from the apocalyptic future of Mad max. You certainly don't have colorful idiots that go around on modified machines, but the level of cruelty is the same. Without a clear system of rules and punishment, many people disinhibit in the worst version of themselves.
And it is not like that the brigands are all poor victims who are starving and have to steal to survive. many of these rapists and looters grow in hatred for poor conditions and in world without rules, they have no reason to limit themselves.

Because otherwise the MC insert may have to work, struggle and put in effort

They gloss over the bad parts .

No antibiotics or modern medicine
No internet
No electricity
No running water
No a/c or heating (besides fire)

Lets not forget you have to farm or hunt your food and good luck during a famine.

>No antibiotics or modern medicine
it doesn't suddenly go away, it just gets used
>No internet
>No electricity
did electrons suddenly start not working?
>No running water
did water suddenly start not pooling?
>No a/c or heating (besides fire)
fires are comfy, as is sitting under blankets
if you really need A/C (like its over 120) you just put in a window unit and run it off a generator

Why can't there be any post-apocalyptic with action ? It's always a SOL.

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t. American

Does Alice from Hell count as post-apocalyptic?

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That's probably the only decent one I ever read.
It's edgy but done in the right way. The other ones are just plain bullshit.

>people wouldn't turn into bloodthirsty morons after a few days without modern society.
This is actually pretty much exactly what happens every time theres a moderately severe natural disaster.

it's only comfy and desirable because you don't see the literal shit that makes modern society preferable

I see, but it's still closely linked to Rousseau's ideals at times.
Thank you by the way, I thought it was a Rousseau's quote.

Because today japan want pretty people doing cute things in a comfy world. In 90 post nuclear setting with dirt and despair was pretty common. Even Miyazaki Conan which was one of the sunniest, was not comfy at all.

This so much.

True. I think that an important thing to realize when understanding Rousseau was that he is more or less transitionary between the Enlightenment and Romanticism, mixing ideas of both.

Yes, Rousseau is interesting.
Although the conclusions he reached were a bit too drastic in my opinion.
Then again, I live hundreds of years after he died and I've seen what happens with the General Will in totalitarian societies, he couldn't possibly know that.

His contribution to modern democracy is still really important, and for that, I appreciate him.

Ted did nothing wrong

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much of the world is at the level of a post-apocalypse basically, or worse. depends on the population.

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Fragmentation of a political state does not equate to the collapse of society.

I think Rousseau was too optimistic. If you look at some of the earliest pages of The General Contract he notes that a person selling himself into slavery makes zero sense, is illogical and therefore would never happen. Because of this he would've considered the idea of people voting away their own liberty for free shit impossible. History proved us wrong and people did/do that shit all the time though.

As much as Detroit is a shithole, it's really easy to cherry pick pictures to fit your narrative.
Detroit absolutely sucks, but it's not post-nuclear bomb tier.

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A lot of Enlightenment philosophers had that problem. I can't really fault them because of the culture at the time, but in hindsight history (and the revolution) sure proved a lot of them wrong.


pine trees please leave

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Mono no aware

I'm not sure if comfy and desirable are the words I'd use.

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Post-apocalypse is pretty rad if you can secure some cute girls to repopulate the Earth with with superior firepower.

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I mean Fist of The North Star didnt make it look comfy at all. But that honesty is what i liked about it.

fist of the north star is basically mad max with the main character being a combination of bruce lee and sylvester stallone

80-90s. Do you even remember how they was like?

Nah but the show was badass.

Exactly why its badass. Dude can make niggas explode. Dont know what more you could want in a show

>This is actually pretty much exactly what happens every time theres a moderately severe natural disaster.
This is not true. At least not in mono-ethnic societies.

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Just that?

The hokuto Shinken could literally do anything

i dont know wtf they tought you but if that is what you take from LoTf you are beyond saving

only in nigger countries

Well of course. But thats the feature most people remember or recognize.

>with superior firepower
What superior firepower? Unless you are a genetically modified ubersoldier alien who got isekaid into post-apocalyptic Earth chances are that you have no firepower at all.

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>but people wouldn't turn into bloodthirsty morons after a few days without modern society.
That's LITERALLY what happens evey single time

>Yes, even Yea Forums.
I take it you haven't been into that oncology ward lately, literally every other word posted is either "nigger" or some other sort of Yea Forums tier speak

>Why can't there be any post-apocalyptic with action

>what is Desert Punk
>Hokuto no Ken
>Battle Angel

Go back to Yea Forums with your shit taste.