Wasted potential

>introduce a side-kick
>completely remove her for no reason
fuck this shit, the same thing happened to smoky but atleast he appeared in the end

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We got to see her naked though so who cares?

Araki just...Forgot.

Why does that little girl have wheels for shoulders?

we already have sadpanda for that, anne still is wasted potential

You can't be wasted potential if you have no potential.

What did you want done with her? She had no connection to the Crusaders' quest, they were nice to her and made sure she got home safely and abandoned her silly dangerous plot of globetrotting as a long child.

maybe she could've fucked jotaro, or gotten a stand and helped them, or just become a speedwagon 2.0

Too soon

>the same thing happened to smoky but atleast he appeared in the end
The climax of Part 2 basically bookends the story by re-introducing elements/characters from the start. Specifically Joseph fighting an obviously superior vampiric foe with female hostage, Smoky appearing, Joseph running away as a gag, and the Hamon Cola trick being enacted through a volcano.

>wasted potential
What potential?


Did you expect a gang bang?

i expected character development

>people expect Araki to go along with all of their headcanons and yell "LOL HE FORGOT" if he doesn't

She honestly wasn't that great and I guess Araki wanted a plot device for the early fights.
Would be nice if she appeared at the end though.

I believe araki was pressured into her for the fanservice because the numbers were low

then why didn't he keep her for more fanservice ?that makes no sense

Id guess numbers went up or he convinced editors that they will with the upcoming chapters and since he didnt want her he dropped her asap

Time travel Josuke got a sex change after saving himself and became Anne.

Top 3 sexiest Jojo character.
The others were Lucy Steel and the ghost girl from Morioh.

I hate headcanonfags so much

They wouldn't willingly take a little girl to go fight DIO even if she did have a stand.

they took a fucking dog with only 3 legs

Technically the dog took them to DIO's hideout to fight him.

Being near the presence of a Jojo gives you insta MAD GAINS

Her developing a stand wouldve even worse, so why are you even complaining

why would it be worse ?

Why would a child and a literal nobody with no redeeming qualities get a stand out of nowhere? When other people died trying to get it from the arrow and barely anyone gets a stand naturally besides the Joestar bloodline and some exceptions

We take dogs to war in real life. Not little girls.

i dont fucking know, araki could have created a reason

the dog had only 3 legs, if anne had a stand it would make way more sense to bring her then just to bring iggy without his leg

They would not kidnap a child and bring her to a deadly battle halfway across the world just because she had a stand.

For her to reappear in Diamond is Unbreakable as a newly awakened Stand user and agent of the Speedwagon Foundation.

anne wanted to go on adventures with them tho, she wouldn't refuse to fight dio

>the dog had only 3 legs
And a stand

he still only had 3 legs, i dont see why the couldn't take Anne with a stand to fight dio

She was there to be fanservice.

then why the fuck did they not keep her

Because Anne doesnt have a stand



It doesn't matter what she wants, they would not do something so irresponsible. She's a child, whether she has super powers or not.

Jotaro and Kakyoin were fucking 17.

Explain it then

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And Anne was not 17.

there's almost no content with her and none of it is good I checked

A case of same face

Ripped as fuck 17YOs with stands



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there is little content, but some was pretty good

sadly some of it was lost because of sadpanda shutting down

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I remember I waiting the whole time for her to be an enemy stand user and then was confused when nothing happened.

Yes it would? 3 people died.

Can you not tell the difference between a dog and a human child?


Whole thing on Runway girls fell short flat. My body is ready for Lord Dioeggio.

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No one got time for useless brat.

The reason it's wasted potential is because it didn't go anywhere. It was resolved, but it wasn't worth doing at all. Imagine if they carried the genius baby with them for several chapters but the baby wasn't a stand user and they drop it at an orphanage and no one had a reason to threaten the baby and the baby never becomes relevant ever again?


they didn't die because they wanted to, bringing anne with a stand would be the same as bringing iggy with 3 legs

God I want ecchi of her so bad

>it didn't go anywhere
>It was resolved

watch the monkey ship episode

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The anime in itself gives you nudity.

No because a dog is not the same as a human child

I want more. Had to crop frames in the anime because there's almost nothing and about half of it is getting dicked by the orangutan.

Possible dropped plot line, but that’s getting into fan theory shit. Otherwise Josuke took after the kid’s style to honor what he did for him so it’s all poetic and shit that he looks a lot like him.

Nothing to explain. Not the same uniform. Not Josuke. Just a backstory to explain Josuke's empathetic helpful nature to strangers as well as his short temper about his hairstyle.

You can always learn to draw user.

any good Jojo doujin?

both are alive creatures you retard

Sorry user but in human society not all living creatures have the same value. The Joestar party would bring a dog to fight but they would not bring a little girl, even if she did have a stand.

of course they fucking would
if they took a dog AGAINS'T HIS WILL to fight, they would take a HUMAN STAND USER that wanted to fight dio, to fight

They wouldn't take a child.

Dude, they died because Araki wanted, lol, every fucking single stupid ass shit retard stupid fight could have killed more than once character if Araki want too, their were some stupid way to give those characters a "conclusion".

>if Araki wanted
Guess what, Araki wanted Anne to not have a stand and not join the group

they would if they took 3-legged iggy

Dog =/= kid

Iggy had a stand, Anne didnt

He's talking about IF Anne had a stand.

depending on the stand anne got she could be as powerfull as iggy, maybe even more powerfull

That wouldn't matter because they would not bring a young child to battle. They wanted to return her to her family ASAP.

Fucking what? Just done with the first 25 episodes of part 3, she is not the mother of a future jojo? She was hella cute.

That is koichi imaginating the story.

she ran away from her family, she didn't want to return

user, she is a n

i wish she was, she completely vanished and didn't even get to fuck jotaro after the ending

completely wasted potential
>not a stand user
>not the mother of a jojo
>doesn't become helpfull like speedwagon with the speedwagon foundation

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She's a child. Her wants are irrelevant. They sent her back because that's what responsible adults do and they wouldn't have changed their mind about that even if she had a powerful stand.

yeah, and responsible adults bring a dog agains't his will with only 3 legs to fight a immortal vampire

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I don't understand your logic. Why do you think dogs and kids are the same thing?

The only doujin with good art was the gorilla rape one. And the bestiality made it unfappable.

She gets to join the gang in 7th Stand User’s Chaos Mode update.

both are living beings that aren't as strong as adults

but they took iggy to fight dio anyways

i dont fucking know what a 7th stand user's chaos mode update is i just finished part 3

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One is a dog and one is not a dog. How can I be any more clear? Dogs are not kids. Humans do not treat kids the same way that we treat dogs. They brought Iggy because Iggy was a dog and not a human child. Anne was not a dog. She was a human child. Do you understand?

All I remember was the one with the fucking orang-utan. A 3 way with Jotaro and Doughnutman would have been acceptable, even as OOC as it is.

Side-kick implies she did something useful.
Besides, the last thing SDC needed was another fucking character to do nothing until DIO.

normal humans treat every living being as the same unless they are food or non sentient

A dog with a stand

No they don't. This is so blatantly incorrect that I'm just going to assume that you're baiting or are from another planet and drop the discussion right here.

Jotaro should have impregnated her

doesn't really explain why he is bleeding, seems like an important thing, especially since they talk about it. definitely seems like a dropped time thing

Your logic doesn't quite hold up because the Crusaders treat Iggy 100 times better than they treated the kid.

It holds up. They wouldn't have brought a child stand user to fight DIO.

>Side-kick implies she did something useful.
Sidekicks are rarely actually useful

they would

Nope. They wouldn't.

jotaro should have smash, you don't have to a edgy teen all the time

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she is Jolyne`s mom

so she is easier to transport

stupid brats are only in the way of bara action

Males Anne's age are the target audience for shonen manga, including Jojo when it was in WSJ.

I think Araki will make this into a curveball subplot in a later part after P8 where events that happen in the alternative timeline also affect past events in the pre-Pucci-Reset timeline. Maybe this is Josuke from part 8 going back in time or being sent to an alternate dimension like the stand from Valentine was able and realizing he can influence his own fate. I am 100% sure this mistery is yet to be resolved.

Pucci literally created the SBR universe.

retard, no one cares for a 12 year old dumb brat with no value to the plot

Thematic relevant to Morioh's golden heart and Josuke kind hearted nature.
Literally not the same uniform, and he doesn't wear it even remotely close to how Josuke does.

Why does the mystery man immediately know Josuke is sick?
Why isn't he dressed for heavy snowfall?
Why does he look like he's been in a fight?

Kek. Now I want someone to draw her being reverse wheelbarrowed. Wearing only the shoulder wheels.

Ask Koichi, he's the one telling the story.

>introduce a useless side-kick
>completely remove her when you realize your mistake
I see no problem here.

Also, not developing this any further

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she was made to be fanservice, of course people care

Im actually more mad my based boy Boingo didnt show up in DIamond is Unbreakable. It would be pretty cool if he got to show up after he redempted himself in Stardust Crusaders.

characters like anne/boingo/stroheim either died for no reason or just dissapeared, araki really is a dumbass

Jolyne's mom is already pretty irrelevant as a character, just have her be an aged up version of her instead. It would at least go a ways to explaining how Jotaro gave enough attention to a female human being to put a baby into them.

Exactly you dumb fuck. So what if there comes a stand in for example part 10 that can access other universes/timelines like the Stand of the president + time travel and he ports some character that resembles Josuke or whatever to that timeline so he can safe young Josuke? I am totally sure we will get something of this sort in the future.

I still think she is jolyne's mom.

>Episode where boingo shows up and reveals Rohan is about to get killed by Bites the Dust
>shenanigans ensue as they keep following the magic comic but he keeps dying everytime and then going back to morning
>Rohan uses his stand to overwrite the comic and survive
>manly high five
>show ends with epic Boingo/Rohan ED

Those aren't contradictory statements. "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet" is also resolution. Generally, as an author, you only want to include elements that actually have literal or thematic importance. What would you actually lose by excising her from the plot? The monkey hitting on her?

Post the frames.

Give me the links that i download it for you.

its obvious, he's red with fever, collapsed in the backseat of a car, and his mother is on the verge of panick
he's wearing a woolly cardigan beneath his jacket
because he got into a fight

>forced to insert female character to solve sausage fest complaints by editors
Jotaro just needed a case of the not-gays, runaway girl is worthless and was always intended to be worthless
>wasted potential
go write fanfiction about it, nigger

because its symbolism for Dio's defeat, you retarded faggot

i am just assuming it was lost, i dont have the links

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>The monkey hitting on her?
Yes, that was really important

Gto your favorites on e-hentai and copy the link. Sad panda shit still appears.

Araki wanted to do more with her but readers really didn't like her so he just got rid of her.

she doesn't she only gets a shitty stand
it's a good fan game but you might want to play after finishing part 6 due to spoilers 7thjojotranslator.tumblr.com/post/168240582711/a-updated-version-of-the-7th-stand-user-is-here

She's just there for the monkey hentai

>forced to insert female character to solve sausage fest complaints by editors
His editor wanted a little kid for the group, then when Araki make the kid a girl the editor asked to remove her and as Araki refused to add a little boy they settled on a dog (Iggy).


Shoulder pads are /fa/ as fuck you uncultured swine.

source ?
i dont know if this is true but, even tho anne is super cute Iggy is still a way better character i guess

user, that's racist. We call them "people of color" now.

It did until the end of part 4
Now everyone's a retroactive twink. Fucking Jolyenes buffer than NuJonathan now...I think Araki legitimately forgot about Jonathan dragging four guys across a rugby field, swinging about a huge fuck off sword and smashing rocks with his bare knuckles

Unironically better than Ararararaki.

We already had polnareff we didn't need him jobbing to make a 10 year old look good

Keep crying, Yea Forums

Another waste potential on "mama" stabd user

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>ugh why isn't the character in this monster of the week episode a permanent one ugh ugh ugh

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>monster of the week
>she outlived at least 4 of them

There were some.

>jotaro survives his head being cut in half

speedwagon was only usefull on part 2 tho

joseph had one fucking hand you faggot iggy was doing quite well

joseph had a robot hand you dumbass, iggy didn't even get a leg from the speedwagon foundation


jospeh didn’t have an op stand like iggy you double faggot

who fucking cares iggy died and joseph didn't