ITT shitty anime characters

i'll start

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>Will A.
fuck you

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fuck off

I never thought there would be a protag, which let´s me appreciate fucking Jotaro, but Giorno is so much more bland.

Esspecially after Part6 you see Jotaro has character he just sucks at communicating so much.

GioGio is like StarWar's Rey
he's so cool, everyone loves him and he knows every trick in the book, we have some drama? let's call Gio, he will fix it. Brah, he's bland and boring.
Every other character in the show could made a better protagonist
let's change the name of Bruno Bucciarati to Bruno Joestar and BAM!
the serie would be 100% better

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remove Jonathan and kakyoin

>we have some drama? let's call Gio, he will fix it.
Name 3 instances where this happens

You remove Jonathan from this image right this instant, young man

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Sucking at communication has been Jotaro's issue since part 3, senpai. His character info in the manga says that he doesn't say what he's feeling or thinking because he feels people could tell just by looking at him. Which is only half-true since he only really emotes when he's emotionally overwhelmed. Makes you wonder what happened in highschool to make him go from a cute autistic mother's boy to an equally autistic edgelord.

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>he's just like me!


>Jolyne's not there

this, but unironically

Stop baiting user

dilate and have sex

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