Gio Gios Bizarre Adventure

Worst part my ass

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>Giorno finally develops a personality for one line and the show ends
bravo Araki

Why do people act like Giorno has no character traits?
>Wants to prove himself
Being a bit stoic doesn't mean you don't have a personality.

According to Yea Forums if a character isn't crying or shouting cringey """comedic"""" one liners every other sentence he has no personality

The ending was shit but I’d say it’s only behind 4 for best part overall

Because we have stoic MC swith more personality in the same series.
Giorno is just there doing stuff but doesn't develop something you'd call a standouit personality until the end.
Literally any other jojo has more personality than him.

seethe harder, maybe watch another shonen if he's that great, you'll find many more like him outside jojo

Honestly part 5 is kind of weak in my opinion, but it definitely isn't bad. The protagonists don't get as much time to interact with each other as I would have liked, but part 5's villains are amazing. Black Sabbath has one of my favorite designs, and King Crimson is probably my favorite stand.

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Part 1: Cliche and uninteresting story, 3/10

Part 2: So over the top in a charming way I can't help but enjoy it despite its obvious faults, 5/10

Part 3: Horrible toilet humor. Dio is still an awful villain, 2/10

Part 4: Does things better than part 3 but still suffers from final boss fights being trash, turns away from actual engaging story lines for uninteresting filler episodes, Kira is a bad villain and not utilized as well as he could have been, 4/10

Part 5: Part 4 but the small town aesthetic is switched for an Italian mafia one, 4/10

Conclusion: Jojo is shit.

>I can't enjoy toilet humour
Okay nerd

thats not a problem at all
you do realize that all people have different personalities right? some people are just better than others, hence "worst jojo"

The fact that Diavolo's punishment was so wildly cruel for a crime that wasn't especially severe, considering Giorno wants to do the exact same thing, really drives home how much he deserved to win. It sort of deflates the ending to have GER be so absurdly powerful that it just wins, with no special logic or clever tactic

>what I saw most recently is best part!
fuck off normie. P1 is worst, P5 is second

Diavolos punishment was way over the top especially considering Giorno is going to do everything Diavolo did except sell drugs to kids (and probably not try to murder his own daughter). Araki just wanted a super big punishment. P5 is shit in all regards

You know, Jotaro is stoic as fuck. Everything he did made me cringe yet faggots love him.

you're cringe


Jotaro is awesome and his dumb one liners are great

I don't get you diavolo defending fags. Sold drugs to children, asshat of a leader, buried his mother under floorboards, killed his adoptive father. He should suffer for being a hidey ho fuck who would slaughter his own daughter. Christ you people are weird.

Of course "do I fit in yet" edgy 4redditors think the only other character in the part with consistent values has no personality

I don't know. He has a pretty subdued personality, but he's not bland. He has a strong sense of justice, he's actually very kind, but absolutely ruthless if you cross a line. I wouldn't call him stoic, because it's very easy to determine his emotions.

>Dealing drugs and killing a few people means that you deserve to experience death constantly forever

>diavolo defending fags
youre trying way too hard to fit in here.
>asshat of a leader
how? So long as you didn't try to find out his identity he was chill
>sold drugs to children
as Giorno will sell drugs to adults, who will then beat their children on that drug induced high

Yes being a shit person who murders many for selfish gain deserves the worst punishments. He kills his own men with reckless abandon.
>don't question authority
He's going to restore virtue to the gang. He probably won't allow drugs to be sold.

>he probably wont allow drugs to be sold
why would you think that? He only ever showed issues with selling drugs to children.
>dont question authority
where? again trying too hard

You said as long as you don't try to find out who your taking orders from house were fine. This is bootlicker mentality. The sale of drugs is a huge no in the Italian mafia. Diavolo went against this which is another reason he is a faggot who deserved to die forever. Keep defending a drug peddling daughter killing shitlord man your looking real good my guy.

You not house

>dont find the boss who's trying to stay user, he'll kill you if you do
is different than questioning authority. Again youre trying too hard to fit in, go back to instagram kid.
>the sale of drugs is a huge no
>never really mentioned in the show though
your IQ is sub-0. How old are you?


I'm glad this garbage is over, now is time for us stone chads

Actually argue what you said you fucking retard. Watch any mafia movie or TV show and you'll hear what I said. It's not different it's actively taking blind orders. Instead of trying personal attacks over the internet stand by your words and actually attempt to argue an idea you have. Christ people like you ruin the site with your reddit tier conversation skills.


Part 7 is reddit’s Part

whats ur favourite anime then? you probably just have shit taste

What's wrong with the ending? I see nothing.

>its not different
retard. Its bootlicking when youre doing whatever a large body tells you to. When youre getting paid large amounts of money to do your job and not piss off your employer its called a job. Are you literally this stunted that you cant tell the difference? or did you see "bootlicker" on your first trip to /pol/ and wanted to try it out yourself? Im just trying to secure the underage b& to get your cancer off my board

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Part 5 is reddits part. The blatant homosexuality, poor writing, and overly pushy sense of self righteousness is what appeals so strongly to plebbit



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This but you switch 5 with 3

>not piss off your employer
Your working within an organization where you aren't supposed to even think about who the leader might be unless you want to get shipped back to your squad cut up into many pieces. Boot. Licker. Get off the site with you reddit tier smoothbrain.
>my board

Part 1 is the closest contender to worst part but even though its pacing is awkward as fuck and the Adventure is a bit lack luster, it sets up shit like Hamon, the Ceaser family, Dio, and other shit that gets elaborated on later giving it some charm. Like a rough start to a story that gets better

Part 5 is the middle of Jojo and feels so disconnected from every other part. Its pacing is a little better than Part 1. But Girono is nowhere near the best Jojo, his personality falls flat compared to the other main characters and alot of the side characters. And partly because everything that happens in Part 5 is a bit lackluster. The whole premise of the Italian Mafia with Stands causing trouble is fucking dope as shit but it feels more like window dressing since the whole story takes place in like what? A Month? Not even? And it ends with Girono becoming head mob boss? Up until they betray the Mob everything before feels like filler. It is fun filler to give it credit

It did more with the arrow and Requim Stands but Everything in Part 5 has no connection to anything else. Kinda like Part 4. Which could be fine if Part 6 didn't involve Dio's Bastard Kids and have Girono, who now has the most OP stand and is Dio's, to be absent from the whole damn thing.

>If you work in a high paying job with a murderous leader youre a bootlicker
I bet you feel proud that you found that word huh? Saves you from actually having to think when you can just spam your new phrases. P5 fans have never been the brightest

Nigga I'm 20 and have been on here since I was 12. Shove it.

>you'll find many more like him outside jojo
Goes for basically every jojo. Especially considering how influential jojo was

Not at all what I said. Actually read before replying.

kinda agree but id give it a +3 baseline in points

Im pretty sure the whole story takes place over only a few days, maybe a week. Remember most of the story theyre traveling by train, plane, or automobile across a relatively small country. They never stay in any place for very long either. There may have been a like 2 week window from ep. 1 to the time giorno actually joins but the bulk of the story is just a couple days of literally non stop fights

>what is a strawman
>instead of formulating a half decent response Ill just say "actually read" haha goteem
you HAVE to go back. P5 fanfags belong on reddit and you know this

You saying shit I clearly did not say. Diavolo defenders are gutter tier retards.

He's just kind of a basic shonen character with not a great deal going on as opposed to
>How many breads have you eaten?
>Do people sleep on top? How do they put pressure on their body if they do that?
>...your face, that is.

Kek, you just described the entirety of Jojo. I take it back, Jojo as a whole can be classified as, “Reddit: The Manga.”

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Can you calm down it's a TV show dude.

>"J-jojo is the greatest I swear. I'll refute his claim with a clever image. T-that'll show him I know it will!"
Yes an overrated TV show and manga that has been shilled around Yea Forums by it's underage fanbase whose only backing point is "ITS FUNNY LE MEME HAHA"

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Based, hopefully we will see the adaptation of the based and literally CHADpilled part that is SO soon

Hoes mad? Hoes mad.

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Jesus youre life must be terrbile, having such a shit taste

>for a crime that wasn't especially severe
>murdered a bunch of innocent women
>was the root cause of a drug crisis in Italy where he made his clients addicts since childhood
>was going to kill his daughter

how out of touch with human decency are 4channers to think Diavolo's punishment was too severe?

It is the worst part, but all parts are good

>as Giorno will sell drugs to adults
you dont know that
Also in the original Godfather, Vito Corleone wanted out of the drug business and just wanted to make money off of gambling casinos, strip clubs, and alcohol.
I reference this movie because Araki clearly makes Bruno to be the Vito of the manga and Giorno shares his sentiments.
The part where a stranger begs Bruno for vengeance for the death of his daughter alludes to the Godfather too.

it was too severe, eternal painful deaths, still being punished long after his mess is cleaned up

Zoomer buzzphrase with no actual counter-argument? Zoomer buzzphrase with no actual counter-arguement.
>”Ah yes I’ll post another image, instead of defending my beloved series. It is in fact the only series I have ever read because I’ve only ever picked up at least 3 manga.”

then it was his fate to suffer. also it isnt like it was Giorno's doing, it was GER

Pure evil characters in Jojo tend to suffer for eternity in many parts.
Kars is still floating in space.

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No character development, fuck giorno's pink suit, convoluted solutions to defeating the enemy, Giorno's healing isn't fucking consistent, Diavolo cannot into time, only reason why smelly people like >>>OP like it is because of it's visual flair (even though there's little-to-no fight scenes, just talking about the ability instead of fucking.. SHOWING IT... LIKE A SHOW IS SUPPOSED TO DO.)

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>characters just go to point a to point b because the author said so: The adventure

Then it was Italy's fate to suffer

(until part 7)

But for real, fuck the other parts, they sucked so much that they became obsolete after Part 6.

its good but not great, i'd say on par with phantom blood which i didn't enjoy until he met with zeppeli and went to that village
sc is still the best with an actual memorable cast of antagonist, darby's, hawk, gorilla ship stand, hol horse, alessi, boingo oingo
shit man, i seriously can't remember the name of any minor antagonist in part 4/5

Giorno only had one good line

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>"Oh spare me. You really thought you'd be that lucky? A worthless piece of shit like you?"
>"A man can learn more from defeat than success or victory"
>"Your resolve lights the path ahead... more brightly than the rising sun!"
> "You wouldn't believe me if I told you it was an accident, would you? So I'm going to be disposed of, right? And you came here fully prepared, right? When you're going to dispose of someone, you always prepared for the possibility that you could end up being the one disposed of, right?"
>"When someone insults you, even murder is forgivable? I see. What you told me is very important. You insulted that innocent old man's life. So I changed one of your guns into a banana. You should savor your last meal as best as you can."
>"You told me there were 2 paths, but sadly, you only have one."
>"Kono Giorno Giovanna ni wa yume ga aru!!"

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westernf/a/g needs characters to behave like
>*character shenanigan*
so it can be called a personality

I agree, it is the worst part and it is ass.

Just kidding, 6 manages to be even worse.

Third worse.

Cutiest mob boss


As an American, I thoroughly hate that how true this has become.

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All true

>>I'll refute his claim with a clever image
what claim? "Jojo bad" isn't a claim that needs well structured refuting

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The anime really made it a lot better

Jotaro became a lot better when I realized he unironically thinks his cheesy oneliners are cool.

I feel like GER and his eternal suffering is more of a testament to his power and abilities than it is to any character's cruelty. It took such an impossibly overwhelming attack to fully and surely defeat him, in the situation he put Giorno into.

Also, Diavolo didn't have any redeeming qualities so I don't get why people feel bad for him. At least Kars saved animals from being run over and refused to step on flowers. Dio considered Jonathan and Pucci his true friends and was moved by Vanilla Ice's suicidal loyalty to him. Kira's goal of a quiet life with no stress or any true worries is relatable for pretty much everyone, even if the reason he wants it isn't. Diavolo's best qualities all lie in Doppio, who himself isn't exactly a good person and doesn't suffer the same fate as his counterpart anyway.

Dude you're a faggot lmao

He's such a fucking tryhard it's honestly pretty endearing

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>you dont know that
He literally says that adults taking drugs is fine by him. But kiddies is no-no. Therefore, drug trade can go on.

The absolute butthurt radiating from that edit

I mean you could argue that he's just saying what Bruno is thinking based on his analysis of him rather than an actual sentiment Giorno himself might or might not share. It's never made all that clear. But, Giorno seems to have a pretty idealized idea of what a gangster is and should be so if we go off that you can also make a case he disapproves of the drug-trade all together for the negative effects it has on people's lives.

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Diavolos goal of an anonymous life with no stress or any true worries is relatable for pretty much everyone on Yea Forums.

i kek everytiem i see it tbqh. i like going back and imagining his thought process is actually like this during these moments.

It is never mentioned again and the only time it is, it's specifically about kids. Why can't he just simply say that the drug trade in general is a problem to him. Would Bruno honestly not agree to that aswell? But their motivations are extremely muddled and hypocritical either way so.

>this show is shit
>watches 200 episodes of it
what a fucking retard

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to be fair, jojo is highly enjoyable shit

The inverse is "You call a show shit you haven't even watched!"

What is the minimum amount to watch before you can criticize something?

Yo, Angelo

they will always try to insult you for having opinions they disagree with so I wouldn't worry about whether they used whatever variation of based or cringe they choose to do it with

Obviously user is a shitter and shouldn't be taken seriously, but good god as someone who used to do reviews for various games and shows, I've hated this argument in comments that if you dislike something you should just now watch it all the way through/give it a chance so you can actually criticize it fairly.

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for most anime I give it the 3 episode rule but you need to get through part 1 to start enjoying jojo which is 10 episodes so thats beyond me

purple mista kinda sexy tho

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The answer is both "all" and "none". Watching all of it gives you the complete picture to make your own judgement. But if you're going in with a huge prejudice so you can yell IT'S SHIT every other second, your judgement is so clouded and biased you might as well not waste your time.


Do you think he rides Giorno's boipucci every night?

Subaru (the owner) is voiced by Giorno

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All these characteristics were in the initial 10 chapters only. Bruno took over afterwards.

there should've been some sort of confrontation between bruno and giorno because they sort of just resolved their issue about the boss in 2 seconds and bruno never found out that giorno killed polpo

Wasn't Giorno supposed to resemble Jonathon in personality? I thought he was a more stoic and edgy Jonathan. Was made worse by how the other characters were so good they overshadowed him

You stupid faggot.

Jotaro is still entertaining as fuck and shows his softer side since he's gradually developing his character. Then he appears in two more parts that gives him even more development rather than just staying as an a stagnant, one-dimensional yes man after he lost his personality in 5 episodes.

>horrible final “fight”, being just a boring chase for the arrow
>lame body swap shenanigans played mostly for comedy
>after Gio gets the arrow it’s a complete curb stomp
>final chapters are just a shitty monologue on fate instead of giving an epilogue or closure to the characters

Jesus what a shitty ending. We don’t get to see Mista get to mourn Bruno’s death or see what happened to Trish but we get Mista wrestling with a rock instead.


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