Who wins in a fight?

Who wins in a fight?

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Shit thread

They’re both weak as fuck but I have to give it to Tejina

Senpai because she is smarter.

Senpai would accidentally beat herself up.

This is literally the best prompt I've seen in ages.
My vote goes for Tejina-senpai.

senku is too dumb to win

Senpai is a better mc than onionhead.

this, also my vote for Senpai

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Senpai because she knows magic

She is going to win by accidentally slipping and sitting on his face.

This kills the stonevirgins.
Magic > Science.

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Tejina because she is not a shit character

>Tsukasa depetrifies her, thinking she will be a valuable ally.
>She somehow manages to fool him by showing her magic skills due to the fact he probably never saw those types of tricks before.

What the fuck is your problem?

Tejina is fun, Stonefags are cringy underage pseuds

You have no argument

His head is like a daikon plantation and I hate him for crappy phrases like "1000 points to you" and E=mc^2 (oh fuck that Einstein meme). Also when he distillate wine there was a mistake - his device didn't contain refrigerator which helps condense alcohol drops

If it is a fight for my cock, Senku.
In a real fight, Tejina.

Are Tejina's phrases any better?


Rick Sanchez

Here's an argument
My ass

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That's dangerous yet based.

Best thread on Yea Forums.

Stop bullying the stonefags.
I'm actually starting to feel bad for them.

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Here's the answer to your argument
My cock

I will always side with vegetable emc man

Who's bullying?

>due to the fact he probably never saw those types of tricks before.
He was on a TV special with Gen, that's how they first met. And Gen knows lots of magic tricks.

They unironically think their show is better than the rest this season and that's just retarded.

>Magic > Science.

any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic

this but unironically

also another vote for Tejina-senpai

Flawless victory for Tejina-sempai!

Yes. Because she is already dumb (and cute)