Sounan desu ka?

Episode 5

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Other urls found in this thread:!D8dikQrB!TMpetf5cT44n7m1AP_0EXA!Tw0ThIqI

wtf this show is giving me a schoolgirl fetish?

You didn't already have one?

So after Kyoani fire, Mai got isekai into this show?


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They are starving for dicks bros

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fertility isn't a fetish, user.

Asuka's fat tits are amazing. She could survive for weeks on them alone.

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Eating rabbit

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Picked this show up recently and ended up liking it a lot. Feels like I'm actually learning something and the girls are cute.

Subs out

How long is Homare going to carry all her dead weight friends? It's time she showed them how to cook some long pork.

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Crazy shit.

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Aw fuck.

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Every day. Also, nice episode. Rabbit genocide soon.

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Shion is so cute and perfect.

Where the fuck are they stranded? It's been almost a week and no rescue attempts are being made.

Based fat eriri


Can you fuck that?

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The fish doesn't look well-cooked.

They just do what they can to survive

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They wash their clothes and underwear from time to time in the stream.

Beef for weeks.

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Run girls she has ntr rape man face

Is this works for real? I think the air should passes between the fingers


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And last one

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Best episode so far, I feel so happy for them.

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Kino, thanks user.

It would be funny if they all got sick from eating improperly prepared food.

Where did they find the water anyway?



Apparently deserted islands can be absolutely filled with trash.

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Yea it would be funny if we got a diarrhea episode haha.

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lurk 2 years before posting

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I guess the wet fingers and oil on the skin help trapping the air, its not for long I guess.

Don't know if I'm gonna watch it, is it good?

Are they ever gonna do something other than eating shitty seafoods? Why aren't they fondling each other? I don't understand.

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>Why aren't they fondling each other?
Too starved.

>That one Grisaia arc

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When will the girls met the island inhabitants?

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On Gilligan's Isle.


Can't they just suck each others tits and get plenty of nutrition from that? There are two tits for each, which should be plenty.

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Well, first thing Homare told the girls were to look for trash on the shore so I think the author made his investigation right.

Oh, no.

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Even if they managed to induce lactation, milk doesn't appear out of nowhere. There wouldn't be any net gain of nutritional resources, it would all just be passed around in a circle of milk.

Made for sex.

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user trying to invent a perpetual motion machine.

Sweet, now I just gotta crash an airliner over the pacific to experience the sounan.

>it would all just be passed around in a circle of milk.
wew lads

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Asuka has some nice Asukas.

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Sure it's hot, and I'd love it if they did it in the anime, but it's not useful for survival.
They'd be better off eating their own or each other's shit in case there's some partially digested food left in it.

Why is loli Homare so cute and perfect?

It's her enthusiasm to learn that makes her adorable

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>but it's not useful for survival.
they could at least give it a try. it's not like this is a method taught to her by her dad. these are truly new frontiers here, okay?

That bubble blowing thing was pretty cool. I want to try that some time.


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>when you raised your daughter right and she's an alpha female capable of taking care of a useless harem

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Would this show be better if all charactres were adult guys doing the same things for survival with each other like author initially planned to get shoot down by his editor to change them into girls?

THe fujos would have loved it. But it would not have sold well overall.

I'm really glad that editor has better taste than the mangaka.

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What if they change into dick ball futas? The kind where the ball make 50% of their body weight? They defy physics anyway.

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Was her dad just a survival nut, or did they actually strand somewhere? Where the fuck did they strand? First they're eating raw deer nuts in winter, then they're having a BBQ.

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>Was her dad just a survival nut
That's the way it looks to me.

Besides being a survival nut her Dad hates normal work, is a cheapskate because of it, and is ignorant of mechanical and electrical devices. So they travel by the cheapest means possible, on third world charter aircraft and used boats and cars that he has no idea how to fix.
So they constantly get stranded as their transport burns, breaks down, sinks or crashes.

Imagine the paizuri you'd get from those two.

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>survival nut
The proper term is "prepper", user.

>there are islands no man has set foot on that are full of human garbage
We deserve to get wiped out by climate change, don't we?

Why did her dad teach her knife fighting?

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You never know when that might come in handy.

Survival is serious business

possibility of encountering natives

Why did he make her eat deer testicles?

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Gotta be able to eat anything if you wanna survive.

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Probably won't be whiny bitches and be the broest of bros.

They're not JKs

Like salty milk and bitter coins.

If we go by their JK personas, it'd be
1. Survival nut guy
2. Sporty-looking hunk full of muscle mass, but very poor stamina and actually average strength
3. Rich corporate heir with no knowledge of real world
4. Math nerd you'd never expect to have nerves of steel
Basically the same, but with less T&A.

The name Asuka is blessed with cowtits.

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Best timeline.

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why aren't they naked all the time? I want to see full body tans.

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Sleep tight, Asuka.

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Does Homare plan on creating her own Outer Heaven on the island?


She needs to be ready for the trucks.

With a metal cooking pot they've moved from the stone age to the iron age

She needs it to protect her harem.

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I never considered giving and receiving anilingus part of pampering.

Hypothesis based on the anime so far:
>It will turn out they're on an island that's actually near the main Japanese island chain
>Maybe the island is a nature preserve so it's rarely visited and has no permanent residents or much in the way of infrastructure
>Their island is also within cell phone range and they could have easily called for help if they just had a working phone
Did anyone have a cellphone I wonder? If so what happened to it?

I'm sure none of their phones work after they swam to the island.

Bless them

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Sometimes you can restore a wet phone by rinsing it out, taking it apart and letting it dry for a few days. We also know they HAD at least one phone with a charged battery. It was very suspicious the plot required them to sacrifice a cellphone in the first episode.

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Homare seemed very displeased at having to waste it on the shark.

Those beauties would give me a reason to live every morning if I end up stranded on a deserted island.

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I want to use Asuka's tomboy tits as pillows while I sleep.

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>Homare's bra strap following the curve instead of a straight line
one fucking job

Based Asuka's boobs.

Perfect since childhood.

Every day until you like it.

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Two boys and two onee sans or okaa sans or female senseis would have done it for me

It would be better with Dr. Stone so they can build coconut radios and bamboo rifles.

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Unfortunately it didn't happen in the manga yet though Asuka did have to poop once during a chapter.

Gilligan's Island at least had a radio.

Did she eat all the eggs?

Many thanks stitchanon

Why can't Mutsu invent something? She's the professor of the group but so far Homare has done everything.

she improvised that rabbit trap just in the previous episode user

Big tomboy tits are so fucking good.

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I marathoned the first 20 chapters of the manga, and I think it's pretty lame.

I can appreciate the information they try to give us, but a lot of it feels out of place or weird.
Like "oh you have to drink 2 liters of water a day!!", yeah except when you just survived a plane crash and are trying to survive. To begin with, you don't even have anything to MEASURE 2 liters you stupid dip shit roastie.
Or "look, you can electrocute a shark with a cell phone... or something!", like yeah, but wouldn't that cause the shark to become more aggressive and try to murder you even more?
I also noticed in one chapter that they are BATHING in their fresh-water source. That girl is just sitting there, with her poopy ass, which she probably can't wipe because they have no toilet paper, in their fresh water source. Yep nothing wrong with that.
And then there's that girl who's afraid of an outdoor shower. Even though they're trapped on a diserted island, where EVERYTHING IS "OUTDOOR", and literally the only other humans beside you are 3 girls, so why be afraid of getting naked?

There are many more things that bother me, but those are at the top of my mind right now.

This is the problem with it being a short, they all become useful as time goes on, even Shion but we're never going to get to that point at this rate

>Heh, I don't like to brag but I'm a top athlete
>gets tired easy as fuck and almost the first to whine
The fuck sport did she used to play, Go Home club ain't a sport I ever heard of!

Competitive enkou

>I can appreciate the information they try to give us, but a lot of it feels out of place or weird.
Because you're ignorant
>Like "oh you have to drink 2 liters of water a day!!", yeah except when you just survived a plane crash and are trying to survive. To begin with, you don't even have anything to MEASURE 2 liters you stupid dip shit roastie.
They're using salvaged water bottles to drink from, which are a standard size
>Or "look, you can electrocute a shark with a cell phone... or something!", like yeah, but wouldn't that cause the shark to become more aggressive and try to murder you even more?
No, pay attention
>I also noticed in one chapter that they are BATHING in their fresh-water source. That girl is just sitting there, with her poopy ass, which she probably can't wipe because they have no toilet paper, in their fresh water source. Yep nothing wrong with that.
It's running water, retard
>And then there's that girl who's afraid of an outdoor shower. Even though they're trapped on a diserted island, where EVERYTHING IS "OUTDOOR", and literally the only other humans beside you are 3 girls, so why be afraid of getting naked?
She isn't a slut

>She isn't a slut
Stopped reading there. What does that have to do with showering naked in front of your friends?

Good thing it was the end of the post isn't it, retard-kun?

Don't call me retard! Ok but here's a plot hole. The two of them went diving underwater to catch snails or other potential animals.
The one girl remarked "it's pitch black!!!", implying she can't see anything because of DARKNESS.
Then the other girl makes makeshift swim goggles by forming an air bubble and balancing it in front of her eyes.
This allows her to see even though there's DARKNESS

Dont get stranded. You'll probably die.

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Oh shit there's an anime? I started the manga last week, sweet. Has the reverse-trap shown up yet?

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Thanks for the advice. I wasn't planning on getting stranded on a deserted island.

But let's be honest are your survival chances much better?? imagine you get stranded on some Japanese island, and you don't know any of the plants or fish. What now mister smarty pants??

the girls are hot and it's entertaining, so yeah.

Homare is so cute.

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Even QUALITY Asuka is notable chunky compared to the others. Too bad we didn't get any good, detailed shots of Fatsuka's body aside from her tits.

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Also it's like 10 minutes long so easily digestible, same for Tejina, I couldn't take that if it was the full 22 minutes, don't know how Bocchi was able to get that

Gross, now if they were horny highschool boys.

If this follows the typical anime pattern then Homare's mom is even more alpha and survival skilled than her dad

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>implying the dad didn't win custody in a death battle on top of a nuclear equipped walking battle tank

Why would a survivalist need these?

>asking why a camel has its hump
come on son

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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Is Homare hafu? Otherwise how does a jap dude have a daughter with blue eyes and blond hair?

Well at least you can scavage for tools


should i watch this?
gimme a quick rundown

4 girls get stranded on an island and they try to survive.

is it yuri?

No comrade premier, it has only begun

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not sure
someone mentioned males get introduced later on

sorry user, i don't watch star trek


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Homare's mother is dead. Her father is kinda traumatized over it. Says she died because she was weak and set out to make Homare stronger because of that. It's all explained in the manga.

So that she would remember the basics of CQC.


They really need to tie up Shion so she'll stop molesting them.

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Yeah but the current trend in anime is for the blonde/blue-eyed characters to be gaijin or at least hafu as in Asobi Asobase, Love Love Sunshine, Sakura Quest, etc

nice right hand

Ah yes the thinking man’s Anime.

She's really twisting her arm there.

I really appreciate that we get to see survivalist Hayasaka in her underwear almost every episode. Truly the most blessed of timelines.

user please, that's not star trek.

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Reminder that this was the hottest scene in the manga and it's a shame that we will never see it animated.

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This isn't going to end with them being stranded on an island thats not actually deserted is it?

No, it's actually deserted.

Shion is fucking useless, why don't they just eat her.

rimjobs for SURVIVAL

How about they eat each other and boost morale?

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Same reason solid and liquid look so different

Shion is pretty dam cute

>they find a destroyed tokyo towah

Asuka meat is too tough.
Megane meat is too flabby.
Homare meat might as well be poisonous.
Shion meat is premium.
Shion is the only way to go here.

Gonna dump 64-65.
As usual point out any grammar mistakes thanks.

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Harem building is hard work Homare, keep at it.

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Big Boss doesn't half ass on parenting.

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thanks as always

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Why don't they all drink each other's milk to survive? It's an unlimited supply with those honkers.

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What knife is this and why does she have such a great taste.

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Makeshift knife from a sharpened hedge shear.

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what kind of release is she actually using?

doesnt look like the sort of thumb release they usually use in Japan...

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If I recall, you actually don't want to be doing this.

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>Chinese red head
Is that a motherfucking Tokyo Ghoul reference?

If anyone knows the proper fishing terms used in this chapter that would be helpful. I didn't spend much time researching fishing.

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A doutsuki rig is like a 3-way rig expect with 3 hooks along the sinker line.

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Friendly reminder to throw the fish guts back into the water. Fish love that shit and will stick around the area, thus giving you more fish.

But Shion is best girl

fyi the snell lines are the lines used to tie the hook onto the sinker line.

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Done. Now we are at the mercy of irregular weekly releases.

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Thanks so much+

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Thank you very much user. Caught up with the raws already?

Embarrassed Homare is so cute.

Yup and there's no chapter this week if I remember correctly.

What a dork.

The fish looks like a dick

How can I downloaded all the chapters you translated? Can you make a folder on Mega or something?

I really like it when only these two appear. Thanks user.

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Still mad they increased the bust size of all the characters (particularly Homare, still can't get over it)

which of the sounan's am i supposed to self insert as

Shion x Homare has a special kind of dynamic. Shion is like a princess but at the same time she seems to be the only one who can throw Homare off her pace

She'll now proceed to pleasure herself with that fish!D8dikQrB!TMpetf5cT44n7m1AP_0EXA!Tw0ThIqI

Thanks a lot, user.


around Mutsu, never relaxu

>doing the same things for survival
Yes, I really looked forward to watching guys strip half naked all the time, hug one another, piss into each other mouths, and kiss to share their spit.

There are things that are only watchable 1 way, user.

When Homare decides to eat one, will she kill the most meaty one, or the most useless one?

So Homare has a little bow on her panties, and Asuka has a bunny.
Do we know about the other 2?

Why do they bother to hunt for food when Asuka can easily breastfeed all of them?

Glasses girl wears shimapan if I recall correctly. There was a panties guide or panel in the manga but I don't have it saved.

I feel sad that literally no man in the world would be able to satisfy her when they get back.

who could ever compare to homare?

she's probably into horses or silverback gorillas

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Only her daddy.

by god

doujins where?

Only if we ever had doujins. Besides yurishit ones and natives raping the girls, we can only hope for some heartwarming incest ones.


is there any nudity in the manga?
I want to see homare milkers

Read it and find out by yourself


But it even worse than the other two.

How accurate is this?

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>jacking it to yuri doujin set in an deserted island with only girls in it
>suddenly hear from the horizon
what do?

>like author initially planned to get shoot down by his editor to change them into girls
Gonna need a source for that.

Gee Homare, why does your dad let you have TWO shish kebabs?

This episode was too hopeful. I hope they get crushed down back to reality in the next one. Angelic Howl when?

How did Homare get so much more thicc since the first episode? She's almost at Galko-chan level now.

How many of us are watching this show just because Asuka has a character design that's straight out of a hentai? Be honest.

I watch almost all shorts every season and I enjoy this one in particular.

I'm watching for Homare.

I like all them.

I'm watching for the harem building

Large chested, short haired tomboys are my fetish but the rest of the girls are good too.

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I would be down for this

Tomboy + Big Boobs is the most sexual combination out there, the only combination that can beat that is Tomboy + Big Boobs + Mommy.

replace middle with lord of the flies

I'm watching it because my goggles are strong enough, and because MAO. Gal really came a long way.

I have found my people

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Watching it for the desuwa

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Asuka's existence greatly enhances my enjoyment of this show but it isn't the only reason why I'm watching it. It's just fun as a whole.

I watch it so I know what to do in case I get stranded on an uncharted desert isle.

Man I wanna fuck Shion.

Shion is so fucking useless. If they had a guy, at least she would've been useful as a baby factory.

Came for the HSL. Stayed for Homare.

Everyone would be useful as a baby factory.

Shion's use is literally being Homare's wife. It should have been obvious after this episode.

imbecile shiller

What did Homare do with the rest of Shion's body?

>all that Homare fanservice


and by we I assume you mean chinks and indians?
idiots like you think everyone is the problem and that's how they keep selling you those garbage "green deals" that hardly make a difference

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What kind of expression is this supposed to be?


In reality, sucking venom is not recommended, as it can enter one's mouth and harm him.

For me, it's Mutsu.

They used a plastic cap with a hole specifically so it wouldn't enter the mouth.

>Or "look, you can electrocute a shark with a cell phone... or something!", like yeah, but wouldn't that cause the shark to become more aggressive and try to murder you even more?
Predators in general back off if they feel like the prey is more trouble than it's worth

I'm watching for the damedame harem too. Hopefully we'll get a few het doujins tho.

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Doujin of Homare's daddy and the girls. Teaching them all how to survive.

The "never shot a bow in her life" release, I assume

You do realise that other countries dump their trash in countries like India and China, right?

They aren't friends, they've only just met each other

Shion-san is so annoying. It's played off as a joke, like haha she acts like a spoiled princess. I hate people like that. It's not funny in the least.

>not enoying their suffering

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Disgusting fake looking huge cow breasts. I hope you're not actually aroused by that.

>cute girls suffering
I didn't sign up for this

Attached: [Erai-raws] Sounan Desu ka - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle]5.webm (800x450, 2.81M)

Aspergers confirmed?

The premise of this series is that four 'cute' girls are in a plane crash then get on a deserted island. Yes of course you signed up for this.

Angling's the right term for fishing with a rod and line, everything else looks right as well

Why is she such a chad bros?

If only all harem MCs are like her

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Homare relieving their horny needs WHEN?

Never. It's not that type of manga/anime.
If you're waiting for that to happen, you will wait forever.

Anime is not gonna reach anilingus at this pace

>Yea Forums Champion 2019 nominee

Don't make retarded comments and I won't have to correct you

Cute Shion screech

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cute desu

China and India are huge countries with huge populations. Americans actually produce the most garbage per capita.

We actually just sell our trash to the third world. We do not dump it into the ocean or rivers.
Hence why our rivers (at least here in Europe) are so clean.
Like said.
Although even if we can't sell our trash to the third world, we STILL wouldn't dump it into the ocean or rivers.
The fact that China takes our trash and dumps into rivers, that's on them. That's not our fault. They're free to burn it or send it into space, or whatever the fuck else.

The ending feels really familiar. Anyone knows if there is there any other opening/ending that has a similar beat at the beginning?

You are the person scanlating Asuka as well? Based.

I suspect those things were added after the premise was changed.

There are really no uncharted islands anymore, in this age of satellite photography. There are plenty of uninhabited ones though, which a small group could survive on, but things such as lack of a reliable fresh water supply have made colonization infeasible.

There are still new islands getting created by volcanic activity.

Yes, it's one of those necessary weasels, but it wouldn't have been terribly useful anyway without a power supply.

I think most uninhabited islands are uninhabited for a reason, e.g. US islands used for nuclear missile testing, or Norwegian and Canadian islands in the artic that are too cold to survive on.

Your best bet is probably getting on one of those private islands that are either rented or used as summer resorts by the mega rich. They're probably uninhabited 11 out of 12 months a year, but at least someone will come save you eventually.

But Homare has two other wives who are more useful.

>Hence why our rivers (at least here in Europe) are so clean.

have you been to new jersey? or how about texas or south dakota where any of the numerous tar sands and oil rig plants are?

>new jersey? or how about texas or south dakota
Ah yes the famous european states

New volcanic islands are just bare chunks of rock marginally above the waterline. Not something to survive on.

Yes, there's always a reason, but that doesn't mean they're unsurvivable. The South Pacific is dotted with islands where people attempted to colonize them at one point or another, like Henderson Island and Palmyra, but lacked the resources to make a worthwhile settlement, despite being habitable in principle. Lack of a reliable fresh water supply is one of the most common problems.

>despite being habitable in principle. Lack of a reliable fresh water supply is one of the most common problems.

NASA should get in on that.
We shouldn't colonize Mars if we can't even colonize habitable Earth islands

Mars has a lot more space to work with, as well as plentiful deposits of ice. Again, the decision to colonize a place on Earth is an economic one.

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Gonna need to have bbq everyday.

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how does that prove that india and china don't have terrible waste management? Regardless of how much waste they have or don't have, they're responsible for the vast majority of pollution.

per capita statistics are fucking stupid and don't count waste produced on an industrial level, which far outweighs anything that an individual person can create. take your green new deal shilling elsewhere.

>they're responsible for the vast majority of pollution.
I like how western countries are completely absolved from responsibility for their trash as soon as a third world country takes it in.

How old are high school girls in Japan?
We don't have "high school" in my country, but during my equivalent school years, i was 17-19.

I wouldn't call that unripe...

Unless there's a specific problem with the trash - like in the Phillippines vs Canada situation from a little while ago - I really don't see why it's our responsibility what the third world does with it.

The problem with trash is that it's trash. USA in particular generates a lot more waste than other countries compared to how many people live there. Then they dump it into some third-world country with shitty waste management for pennies on the dollar and pretend that the third-world countries are responsible for all that waste ending up in the environment.

>Environment Minister Yeo estimated that the plastic recycling industry would earn Malaysia 3.5 billion ringgit ($841.95 million) this year.
>Zuraida said she planned to introduce new rules soon that will make it harder for factories to qualify for an import license.
>“I understand plastic recycling is quite lucrative. So I am also thinking should we miss this economic opportunity? This is something the committee will study,” Zuraida told Reuters.
>If such an option is pursued, Malaysia would do so on strict terms, require high-end, green technology and allow factories to operate only in heavy industrial areas, she said.
>The factories are currently located haphazardly, including near or within residential areas. In Kuala Langat, southwest of Kuala Lumpur, a massive recycling factory nestled between palm plantations was shut down three months ago.

It just sounds to me that third world countries need to fix their shit and handle our trash more efficiently. Then they will make BIG BUCKS from this. Why is it my fault if they have trash factories near residential areas? Malaysia is a country with a relatively low population for its size, they have enough space to build their factories ANYWHERE but they build them in residential areas.

Will Homare use local resources to make a quadruple dildo and fuck all the others at the same time?

I feel like she could make a ship if she really wanted to.

>per capita statistics are fucking stupid
How else should we weigh them? Per GDP? Or should we just take these arbitrary patches of the globe we've carved up and call them categories?

Per capita is actually racist because white people are taller than Asians and thus need more calories, water, clothing, soap, etc.

So rather than "per capita" we should do "per inch of body height"

How do 4 girls stuck on an island relieve their sexual urges?

They don't need to, the satisfaction of surviving is all they need.

Apart from the hugging, no

Even the handholding?

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user, the fact that they could trash their environment freely is the reason why the USA produced shit there. It was the only way to get it that cheaply. You could blame these third world countries (who really did it to survive in the highly competitive world economy), but that doesn't change that the USA is suffering from these effects as well. The same is true for other rich countries.
It's almost as if capitalism doesn't really achieve an ideal outcome. But TV told me it does!

>a few inches taller
>needs a "gas destroyer" SUV instead of a bicycle

>He doesn't hold hands when sharing a hammock with his friends


Why do they have to be competitive in the world economy?

why are their tits so big?

For better survival

So we can watch them shrink over time.

boosting morale

Because they're poor and if production gets moved to a cheaper country they're even poorer?
They have to compete with China for fuck's sake.

They are also blessed with the title of best girl.

Sorry for the typo.

The fact that China refuses to take foreign trash now is also part of their plan to clean up their environment.
And no, back in the day, you dumped trash into your rivers jsut like any third world country - you only stopped, because you sent it to them.

>Per capita is actually racist

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>Although even if we can't sell our trash to the third world, we STILL wouldn't dump it into the ocean or rivers.

Bold claim.

You first need to build a proper recycling industry for that. I bet you would just dump it into your rivers just as you used to back in the 70s once China and India starts banning your shit.
Just look at the US now and how they struggle because China doenst want their garbage anymore.

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Why don't Americans just take the trash, and put it into one of their less relevant territories, like Alaska?

No, Canada.

Does she have brain damage?

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They have even more irrelevant territories, like Puerto Rico.


Very cute.

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Lmao if you watch anime you get cucked by time itself.
I can read a chapter of the manga in 5 times the amount of time an episode lasts.

Unironically, drink bleach unironically.

It takes you over 1.5 hours to read one chapter?

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I worded that wrong.

>white people are taller than Asians and thus need more calories
Did you just try to excuse the murrican penchant for stuffing themselves with burgers until their body morphs into the very shape of a burger with race?

What is happening here? What's the context?

I am not a vegetarian, but this anime makes me feel uneasy. The aren't going to kill the rabbit, are they?

Surrounded by sharks in a small raft, they toss Asuka's poo to lure the sharks away and escape.

Rabbit, boar, duck, they kill all.

>they toss Asuka's poo to lure the sharks away
Lucky fish.


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The USA can just unload their junk on Alaksa or something. Or sell it to some Indian reservation.

Or they can just wake up and get over this "durr carbon bad" bullshit and burn it.

According to this questionable website I found, Russia produces more trash than Japan, despite having a lower GDP, but both countries having a similar population size. And Russians aren't fat Americans.
So the only conclusion is it must be the 6'4'' Russian giga chad genes that causes this

Or they can take it down to the deep sea where the anglerfish live. Nobody is going to even see the trash there, so if nobody can see it, it's nobody's problem

It's pretty much proven that carbon emissions make the climate worse. 'Why deny reality? Oh right, you're murridumb.

There's no objective proof that this is true

dad should get more screen time

Is Homare still a virgin or did daddy pop her cherry?

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It explains why she has emotional issues and can't bond with other people

It's as good as proven. The models are accurate, and every year they're confirmed more.
Again, why resist? Because US politicians told you so? They're just working for corps who don't want to pay for CO2 emissions.

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Homare is pure.

Do you think eating deer testicles was some sort of euphemism?

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stop this, Homare is pure

Have you never been at a testicle festival?

Pure slut for the girls and her dad.

Only a slut would wear this kind of fancy bra

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There are no accurate models. Every year there are more and more cases like climategate that shows that studies were flawed. The very fact you use the line "politicians work for corporations" shows you are a socialist tool who just wants an excuse for more handouts.

both you and the guy you are arguing with are "not even wrong"
any counterfactual if-then statement is trivially "true".
in other words, it is equally meaningless, and irrelevant either way.


Homare has drunken her father's seed for nourishment/hydration in previous survial situations. Fact.

i thought the rocky mountain oysters were actually oysters

i love sluts

What you call "climategate" didn't actually invalidate anything.
>Former Republican House Science Committee chairman Sherwood Boehlert called the attacks a "manufactured distraction", and the dispute was described as a "highly orchestrated" and manufactured controversy by Newsweek and The New York Times.
I guess they're all socialists.
If anything, "climategate" shows how much climate scientists are under scrutiny by certain elements, and yet their theories couldn't be disproved or even damaged. Fucking funny.
Is that all you have, or do you want to link some breitbart articles?

it is known global warming is happening, but it is impossible to determine to what extent human activities contribute to these trends.
the ONLY effecive means of cutting emissions is nuclear energy, and NO "green" politicians even dare mention it.

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thanks stitchanon.

Fine, user. Just that effect of man-made carbon emissions on global warming is proven. The smear campaign you name dropped didn't even attempt to attack the science, they only quoted some lines out of context trying to discredit the scientists. Don't be a moron.

I shouldve known better than to google that.

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>Azumi Waki voicing a spoiled brat
she should only voice sweet lovable characters

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>Dumping toxic waste on anglerfish

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Factually true. If an oil tanker crashes in the middle of the ocean and no one is around, nothing happens.

My wife, Mako, is cute.

>almost no fan art
shame it's not popular

Me on the left.

This proves that asuka is best girl. She goes the extra mile for her friends.

Would you drink her hot lemonade anons?

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How do the girls manage their sexual needs?

All the rough survivaling must have broken her hymen already.

Asuka is too retarded to think about it
Shion doesn't know what sex is
Homare doesn't see the point, but will help if you ask
Mutsu probably does it every night

How do you make this, i need to put a lot of ss in photoshop

For straight up or down stitches I have an easier method, but for one like that you put all the screenshots on the canvas, rasterize all the layers, hit Edit->Auto-Align Layers, Edit->Auto-Blend Layers, mess around with the layer masks it generates because the auto-blending isn't perfect, and then smooth out the rough edges with black shapes on a new layer on top.

>any counterfactual if-then statement is trivially "true".

That's not how logic works.
Sure, if I say "if it rains, i'll use an umbrella" and it doesn't rain, i can do what i want and the statement is trivially true.
However, there are different layers to logic.
There is the layer where you think about what actually happens. Is it raining? No? Great, so I can choose to take an umbrella or not.
But then there is the layer where you actually observe each case and see if it'd hold true. What if it rained? Would I even be capable of taking an umbrella? No... because I don't even own an umbrella. So how could i ever use one? If it rains, I can't take an umbrella.
So the meta-statement "if it rains, i'll use an umbrella" is actually false.

>the ONLY effecive means of cutting emissions is nuclear energy, and NO "green" politicians even dare mention it.
That's because nuclear energy isn't green.
It creates nuclear waste, which has to be stored safely for dozens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of years.
>b-b-but muh desert in nevada!
Okay so MAYBE it works for the US, but not every country on Earth has the luxury of owning deserts

>turn part of your country into a nuclear wasteland
>you can now safely store nuclear waste there forever
Crap, I'm a genius.

>"if it rains, ill use an umbrella" is true and not true
you're asserting p and not p.
that is a contradiction, my friend.

what you are bumping up against are the fundamental constraints on logic (like completeness).

I will humor you partway, in that it is in the "best interests" of people to make fast decisions based on non-logical heuristics, but you cannot claim that the heuristic is "logical".
At best you are using a probabilistic pseudo-logic, such as would horrify pearl-clutchers like George Orwell or Steven Colbert.
To belabor your example, your current ownership of an umbrella is circumstantial (that is, inductive, rather than deductive evidence that you will not use an umbrella), seeing as you could buy, borrow, or steal one.

The bottom line is, Bayesian realists running amok with ornithological "inferences", will always horrify the Karl Poppler/Auguste Comte crowd when, taken to extremes, they claim that observations of nonblack nonravens substantiates the claim that all ravens are black.

>that is a contradiction, my friend.

Exactly, hence why the statement is wrong.

Some user earlier said
>even if we can't sell our trash to the third world, we STILL wouldn't dump it into the ocean or rivers.
don't sell trash to third world = A
don't dump trash into oceans and rivers = B

if A then B, is what the user asserts. Like, he claims that if A is true, B is true.
But we were discussing where that's actually true. Maybe if A, then B doesn't happen.
That would be a "contradiction" as you say and invalidate the whole statement as a whole.
Do you get it? This isn't rocket science. Ask your math professor or whatever you're studying.
And don't use those big fancy words like "belabor" on me, i'm not a native English speaker..

what happened to this thread?

Only if I get to pump her full of vitamin D afterwards, it's only fair.

One gets to wonder whether it's worth to reach the bumplimit by means of two arguing autists.


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do you guys have the heart to kill a sentient creature? I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt when I put myself in their place.

That's good. It's those of us that feel nothing that are worth pity.

I've cooked fish I caught before

it's not

Homare is so fucking hot and sexy

next week

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let me guess, the rabbit gets away and is Assuka's fault

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Tits and blood!

Largest / most intelligent creature I've killed is a fish, so probably not. Maybe in a survival situation I could.

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>The way Shion says flambe.
The show should be renamed sounan desu wa.

Shion finally gets to be useful

Wait, I thought her first useful moment was the boar hunting episode?

It was easier than I imagined. TV always makes you think that you'd feel bad about it or hesitate, but that never happened.

She was first useful when they were bashing rocks together.

>kill a sentient creature
ples don kil

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Kill Kaos then, that's not a sentient creature.

She's the only one with the dexterity to make a decent stone knife for butchering the rabbit