Shinkai: "The hatred surrounding Your Name helped me realize what kind of creator I want to be"

>"I’d be out at a bar or something and someone next to me would be criticizing the film. Or I’d be at home eating with my family, we’d turn on the TV and some famous person would be insulting it. I started to feel like I was really hated."
>“At some point, I asked myself, ‘Should I make a film my critics will like, or should I make one they’ll hate even more? I decided on the latter."
>"I felt like I needed to make a movie that would make my critics hate me even more."
Based or based?

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Other urls found in this thread:

His approach and thought process on the matter is childish and narcissistic

So he decided he wants to make even more bland teenage romances, good for him.

>quote couple controversial sentences in a overall sensible and informative article
Is OP russian troll?

Cringe, Your Name was shit but so was everything else he made except that one for the footfags.

No, just your regular poster on 4channel.

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Truly the Next Miyazaki


>caving to petty whiny critics who never produced anything creative in their lives

>executive producer
>former video game producer
>voice actor
>manga artist
>best-selling author
>acting coach
>storyboard artist
>background artist
>professional photographer
>director of photography
>director of animation
>digital painter
>graphic designer
>character designer
>sound designer
>color designer
>has an asteroid named after him
>married to a retired actress and producer
>9yo daughter is already a child actress
>is still in his mid-forties
It's not hatred. They want to be just like him, but they're talentless hacks.

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I'd rather specialize in one field and carry out my job excellently than be average at everything.

What's with the massive Shinkai hate? Is it because he made the most successful anime film? Before 2016 nobody even talked about him that much.

So he’s fully succumbed to making pop-schlock now, huh?

Can't wait for Tenki no ko to be a massive hit as well. People SEEThing over his success is nothing new.

He wasn't even that liked before 2016, he's a Hosoda tier director at best that made the anime equivalent of Titanic.

>What's with the massive Shinkai hate? Is it because he made the most successful anime film?
Pretty much. The exact same thing happened with Titanic, and then Avatar. When you're at the top, everyone's got their crosshairs on you and every little flaw gets exaggerated because being overly dramatic about everything is how people make an impression on the internet.

>russian troll
We only have SEA and Leaf trolls on this board.


I love Titanic and hate Avatar. Your Name was not bad but it's an extremely overrated ordinary movie.

I don't approve of this thought process.
Imagine if you're a frog "programmer" who can only speak french, can only drive a motorcycle and can only "develop" shit on Microsoft Word VBA. But you're the best in the world at it, though.
What's the point of your fucking existence? You don't even understand half of the shit you're typing because you don't know english.

The non-childish way would be to not listen to them at all, and make what you want, without trying to appease them, nor trying to go out of your way to make them dislike it more.
But perhaps the best possible thing would be to listen to them and consider if they have anything useful to say, and then either make adjustments, or ignore them, depending on whether you think it'd make your movie better or worse.

>What's with the massive Shinkai hate? Is it because he made the most successful anime film? Before 2016 I didn't watch any anime and this is my first day on this board

>can only drive a motorcycle
>best in the world at it
>What's the point of your fucking existence?
based retard

>caring about other people's at all
>instead of just create things you enjoy
not based

And master of none.

Enough to make you SEETH.

>he's a Hosoda tier director at best
Way too generous.

>I will keep shitting the same thing over and over again just to spite haters

Im not sure if based or not

Sure he can pursue other aspects of work but if he qanta to maoe the best product possible he should stick to what hes good at and let people who are better than him at those othee apects do that work on his project. He could even get better at those aspects in his free time if he's so passionate so that eventually he can work on those aspects in an actual product

>former video game producer

This is the most pathetic thing I've read all day.

Kys. Cuck.

Non STEM majors please leave

>well now I hate him even more
You played right into his hand.

Go back to india.

I remember how Yea Forums loved Shinkai when he was a nobody making small independent films. The second he became famous you fags jumped on him. Pretty sad state this board is in

Quite a lot of those things listed are things he did ages ago when he was making more independent work. While he still does a lot towards his films it's not like there isn't a lot of staff involved in them these days.

No we didn't.


Yes you did.

>whining about people whining
You're bottom of the barrel fool

>Whining about people whining about whining
Barrel of the bottom

Yes we did. I'm talking way back, back in 00s. Everyone loved Hoshi no Koe, it was fucking great. The Place Promised in Our Early Days was seen as a clunky debut, but nobody hated him for it, people wanted him to get better.

which one for the footfags ?

Garden of words

>the asano approach
fuck yeah
kimi no na wa was by no means bad but he played it extremely safe on that one

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>so was everything else he made
Hoshi no Koe is a masterpiece, 5cm had a couple of good shorts in it. When he tries to branch out, he fails, when he sticks to his romantic drama shtick, he's great.

Literally suffering from success.

Shinkai is a manchild doing movies for other manchildren. That's his thing. I don't think it's necesarilly bad, there's a market for that and could be way worse, see the MCU.

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He would have made the same cheesy romance flick again and again regardless of what his critics said.
Still pretty funny that he lets critics live rent free inside his head like that. Fellow shitflick directors such as Michael Bay just laugh at them.

kek, must be Hollywood shill

>does bubbly romance films
What does manchild even mean at this point?

Someone I don't like.

FPBP. Only a talentless hack would make something to cater to critics one way or the other. A real artist would be far more concerned about turning his vision into something great.

These stupid romance films are quintessentially teenage. Making these films makes Shinkai either an opportunist who makes soulless shit for profit or someone who is still stuck in the teenage mindset even though he's a grown man, AKA a manchild.

>someone who is still stuck in the teenage mindset even though he's a grown man, AKA a manchild.

Sounds like Yea Forums more than anything. Look at how narrow this board's interests in anime are.

Fellow creators the creator seeks, not herds and believers. This is what all creators should strive for, disregard popularity to produce meaningful things. That is if he really means it.

I'm not saying I'm liking his stuff or whatever this might lead to. What matters is having this approach allows culture expand in all possible and impossible directions and have the most variety.

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> Look at how narrow this board's interests in anime
That's definitely true. There are many teenage shows that Yea Forums likes like Eva, or shonenshit like Fate, SnK etc. but Yea Forums also like moe which is for adults.

>These stupid romance films are quintessentially teenage
What? This is the dumbest thing Ive heard in a thread in a while.

Basically, when 5/cm was still fresh and Yea Forums circlejerked it relentlessly, every one of those ronery fucks basically went "MUH FEELS, this reminds of me of that one (only) gf i had that i never got over"

he basically sold out and now is doing hollywood summer flicks

You don't understand that because you too are a manchild.

Your Name? Whats that? Some irrelevant anime that aired in the same year as Masterpiece Silent Voice?

And you are? And actual toddler?

Reactionary filmmaking doesn't stand the test of time.

No you seem confused, Silent Voice was a fun little one shot manga, everything that followed it is vastly inferior to the original and should be burned

>romance films are quintessentially teenage
Only in that all romance films appeal to youngsters I guess? I don't see how Garden of Words or Hoshi no Koe are quintessentially teenage

People hate him because he makes the same movie over and over, which was okay when he was just a literalwho that only lonely faggots cared about, but now he somehow lucked into mainstream success and people compare him to the prophet, Hayao "I burned KyoAni down myself" Miyazaki

but he's excellent at all of those roles

>People hate him because he makes the same movie over and over
And they hate him even more when he doesn't, see Children Who Chase Lost Voices.

Yea Forums will try its hardest to justify its petty hatred against Shinkai when his success is really the only reason.

The reason why hacks always do the same shit is because they fail if they try to do something else.
That's why we call them hacks. A normal artist doesn't want to create the same thing again and again, there is a reason why these people limit themselves.

Specifically aiming to make something critics hate means constraining your creativity just as surely as aiming to please critics, though.

>Hanakana voicing a cake teacher showing off her feet to a student

Post the article where he actually admitted it

Yeah or you call them AUTHORS with a unique style. That really just depends on whether you like them. Can Miyazaki make a second set of characters? I don't think so, every on of his movies has the same set of characters.

Never heard any valid criticism of HnK. It's still a timeless masterpiece, no matter how you look at it.

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Take 5cm/s for example. Its ENTIRE premise is just ronery feels baiting you. The characters are literal 1-dimensional cardboards who are thrown at you with no attempt at making them feel like unique people. They are avatars for the audience to self-insert in so they can relate it to their own lovesickness and relationship drama. That's why every thread about 5cm/s was always just lonely faggots whining about being lonely. It's why the movie is popular. But there's nothing of substance behind it. Nothing at all.

I also seem to vaguely remember that there was some hilarious aspect to the "plot" like how the only justification for the two never communicating was literally because they didn't own fucking phones.

I never watched Your Name so I can't speak about it, but I sure as hell know that Shitkai circlejerking has historically been committed by pathetic brainlets.

When will Yea Forums make a short film?
He did his first one on his own for 8 months w/o a job, even got awards for it
When will Yea Forums do it?

> and actual
I'm talking about Shinkai's romance films in particular.

>romance films in particular
So.... all of them?

His style worked well for short films, not for full length movies

Shinkai is just Michael Bay to Tomino's Kubrick. All style, no substance. Tomino and Kubrick can actually make you think, and that's priceless.

CoD infinite warfare the most disliked video on youtube but guess what? It was the best selling game in the US and Japan. Critics can dislike Shinkai's work as much as they want but sales don't lie.

>someone next to me would be criticizing the film
They were actually insulting Keit-Ai because they mistook it for Shink-Ai's movie. Are you proud now, Yea Forums?

Nah, he makes the same type of stories Hollywood makes, I don’t see the hate aside the people who watched the movie and at first they thought “what a brilliant portray of love and scifi!” But after a second watch they realized it had nothing original or interesting. So they felt embarrassed and now they are screaming “shiiitty” because they can’t admit they scammed themselves.

I was over in Japan on a 2000-mile bike trip with my Argentine cousin and we saw this advertised everywhere; it looked like the most cliched garbage possible...
Good to see Japanese have the taste to see that as well.

"Specialization is for insects"

>everything that followed it is vastly inferior to the original and should be burned

Well they did get burned (sort of)

I really love this guy direction but he sucks too much at writing scenario, His writing is like your average eroge writer from 2005. And he is supposed to be a literature major graduate

BASED as fuck


Yes, and some VNs too.

>makes bland teenager romance movie only teenagers like
>How dare adults not like it
>I'll make an even worse movie, that'll show them
Confused nigga.jpg

When will Yea Forums burn Comix Wave for stealing keit-ai?

Maybe they just watched the movie and didn't like it. That's a actual thing that can happen.

>the anime equivalent of Titanic.
Way, way too generous.

Back in the 00s, people didn't know that this promising young director can do nothing else and will end up copypasting the same formula for the rest of his career.

>"just bow down to the jews and whiny bitches online!"

i liked this one

>specifically making it to piss them off
>they love it
Really showed'em

Is Shinkai the Kojima of anime?

Don't know. But Kojima follows him on Twitter, and there was this.

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this, it's the same thing that happened with Amélie. But he's still being childish about it