Name 1 anime with more hype moments than this. Just one. You can't

Name 1 anime with more hype moments than this. Just one. You can't.

Attached: ttgl.jpg (800x450, 570K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Real cute, kid.

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Oh yes I can. No character in your overrated show can stand up to the strength of pic related!

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That's nothing

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I saw Promare two nights ago and honestly the ending came very close. Imaishi is simply the god of hype.

Look up when speaking to me child.

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>Gunbuster reference, which is actually a getter reference, in a boneless getter rip-off

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>Uses fan service the show to show anyone up
I mean they are made by the same studio man

pic related

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>he thinks KlK is fanservice the show
kek faggot couldn't get past Ep 1.

TTGL and Getter Robo are completely different tonally so it always seemed asinine to me to compare them like Yea Forums constantly does

>Kill la Kill

I watched the whole thing they get fucking naked in the end you flaccid fool.

>therefore not hype

Trying this hard to fit in on Yea Forums

desu it IS a fanservice show, I also seen every episode and the writing is very horrible after the first few episodes. Majority of the anime feels like filler.

That's TTGL yes. I got bored as fuck at the dumb early fanservice eps and dropped it.

>feels like filler
Says a TTGLfag.

>he thinks KlK is not fanservice the show
Imagine being this brainlet

you'd have to be retarded to think the nudity was 100% fanservice by that point in the show

Of fucking course it's not. That's merely the pleb filter, now go back to crying over your panda whatever.

That was literally the climax of plot about clothes, not a part of fanservice of any kind.

Next thing you tell me is that Dr. Stone is fanservice show because they're nude when coming out of rocks, instead of it being just a logical thing.

Well I get why they do it. But I mean it seems like TTGL was the result of watching super mech shows like getter, or Gaogaigar, diebuster, gunbuster. I feel that TTGL is a love letter to those shows.

You have to be fucking stupid not to realize that was the whole point. Weaponizing fanservice clothing. It was so blatant with all the posses and shit that you have to be legally blind not to see it.

lucky star desu

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I get comparing them because TTGL was obviously heavily inspired by Getter Robo and shows like it, but the way Yea Forums calls TTGL an inferior getter knock-off is so dumb. They're both great for different reasons.

Dont be fucking stupid dude. KLK was everything about showing women and men in bondage clothing. One of the generals was wearing a fucking gimp outfit.

Agreed. Ttgl did things a bit more flashy and would not pull their punches in areas.

Stop replying to a rec thread.

Getter is fucking great
TTGL is just alright.

Yes, but TTGL uses so many concepts from Getter and Imaishi is a huge Getter fan, so it's natural to compare them.Spiral power is just getter rays and anti-spiral is the getter emperor. The final villain tells the protagonists that the power they use is dangerous and is going to destroy the universe. The difference is Getter team actually goes wtf and questions it while Gurren Lagann team just goes YEAH BUT THE FRIENDSHIP POWER THOUGH

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I'll agree that TTGL solves the problem in a very over-the-top shonen-esque manner, but this seems like kind of a reductionist take on the ending.

Thing is I never got into the believe in myself speeches when I was younger because they were never said in a way I believed it.
In TTGL I actually believed the lesson got through to this kid in an emotional way I could understand. Every other show that tried doing this in other genres like shonen or what ever that isnt super mecha just never sold it well. Somehow super mecha shows are able to do a real good job expressing such strong emotion.

Thats not the case though. The spiral power is the fighting spirit. Not friendship.

>I feel that TTGL is a love letter to those shows.
It literally is, you dumb fuck

Yeah, it is. I'm just trying to say that TTGL uses the concepts and plotlines from Getter but simplifies them. That doesn't mean it's bad but it feels too bland and tame compared to getter because of that. Though it's still good for different reasons.

Then why do you get pissy about it existing?

At the end of the day they just had different goals, I think. TTGL is a feel-good motivational show through and through while GR is much darker

>Yea Forums
That would be /m/.
The whole of what makes TTGL fun is channeling that feeling you had when watching robots punch each other as a child. The composition is all about that.
That's not what Getter or any other of the classic super robots are about.

>uses the concepts and plotlines from Getter but simplifies them
>one of the main thematic motifs of TTGL, the drill, is simply a cool weapon in Getter Robo

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I think it had something to do with how the ost was implemented so well into the show, not to mention the music itself is really good. I will agree it is simpler but its also the script flat out telling the character his problem and how he comes to terms and conquers it.

Kinda like devil man compared to shounen fighting shows?

Yeah, probably the creators favorite weapon.

Look, I love Gurren Lagann, but there are PLENTY of good choices to BTFO OP. This thread is full of them. Of all the anime out there, you’re going to pick KILL LA FUCKING KILL? One of the worst cases of failed self plagiarism clusterfucks on the planet? Watch more anime user.

I don't think anyone has a problem with the anime itself, it's mainly about annoying TTGLfags who think TTGL is totaly unique and original. For some reason they refuse to accept that it's about big robots punching each other

It’s both of those things.

The ending was pure bullshit and Yoko was a shit character

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There is also no reason to compare them because Getter is a manga and TTGL is an anime.

It's honestly the execution that sets it apart from super robot shows that came before it. This user sums it up perfectly.
Yes, when you look at the ingredients it's a very by-the-numbers mecha show, but it's how it uses those ingredients that makes it greater than the sum of its parts.

Imagine getting pleb filtered by Gurren fucking Lagann

>One of the worst cases of failed self plagiarism clusterfucks on the planet?
Please explain. Haven't watched KLK.

That was easy.

Attached: GaoGaiGar MUH COURAGE.jpg (1440x2160, 984K)

They wanted to do Gurren Lagann again but without Gainax money or a tard wrangler for Imaishi’s autistic sensibilities. What remains is the ramblings of a madman switching from 0/10 shit tier animation to pure sakuga on a dime multiple times in a single episode and a complete clusterfuck of plot and character progression. Basically the opposite of the perfectly tight Gurren Lagann.

>self plagiarism
Watch more anime.

By pleb filter, I hope you're implying that only plebs like Gurren Lagann.

>n-no you

Keep on hoping.
>muh ending I can’t cope with loss i’m gonna be Gar forever mommy WAAHHHHHHHH

Who are you quoting?

I’m translating pleb to english here is the original text:

How can a man's scream be so perfect

That's completely incorrect, Kill la Kill is very different from TTGL and it baffles me that anyone could think they're at all alike beyond Imaishi's signature over-the-top directing style. In fact, Imaishi and Nakashima have gone on record that they did not want to try to surpass TTGL with KLK as they knew doing so would be a foolish endeavor.

That's what I was thinking. KLK doesn't look like TTGL, doesn't take inspiration from the same sources, doesn't have the same themes, doesn't have the same tone, doesn't have the same characters and narrative, but somehow it's "self plagiarism". Seriously, watch more anime.

kamina is such an annoying bitch

There seems to be a translation error because he's not defending Gurren Lagann

Hey, if you’re unable to pick up the stylistic similarities, or the clear hail mary grab at the end, that’s on you. It wanted to be a Gainax production and it lacked the talent and funds to pull it off, like every trigger production.

Wew must have really struck a nerve huh?

Haikyuu, Initial D
Don't think they're MORE hype than TTGL, but certainly on the same level

Saint Seiya.

>they didn’t try to surpass Gurren Lagann
Well at least Kill la Kill succeeded in some small way. What a piece of shit.

No one ever said that. The problem is that it got so much attention as it did that some anons thought ttgl fags didnt know this.

Yoko was a fine character. I mean look how strong she was losing 2 men in jer life and kept fighting.

Ok fuck no. user I love ttgl but KlK is its own fucking thing. It uses the similar progression and style because its from the same studio, like how pixar makes its movies.

>you cant compare two things that have a lot of similarities because theyre two different mediums
are you retarded

Symphogear is pretty much an 80s shounen disguised as a magical girl show

So you dismiss everything that I mentioned >KLK doesn't look like TTGL, doesn't take inspiration from the same sources, doesn't have the same themes, doesn't have the same tone, doesn't have the same characters and narrative)
because they have "stylistic similarities", which is obvious for a director with a strong distinctive style (should we call TTGL an Abenobashi episode 4 self plagiarism)? Do you have any actual argument to back up your "self plagiarism" claim or you're just shitposting?

It’s not from the same studio you massive idiot. The fact that you think it was is my point.

While I like TTGL more overall, I think KLK is aesthetically superior to it, partly due to the fact that it's truer to Imaishi's unfiltered style. Based on your "tard wrangler" comment, you seem to not be so much of a fan of it, so I can understood your ire towards the show, at least in that regard.

Self plagiarism isn't a thing. Its called personal art style.

Gurren Lagann is a particular brand of Imaishi that he attempted to grasp in KLK, especially towards the end. Playing dumb (or maybe you really are dumb) to that fact by talking about what KLK does differently isn’t changing that fact. It was diet Gainax and anyone with experience can see that. No way is it approaching anywhere near the “hype” of Gurren Lagann because everything is watered down shit.

Yeah they were you fuck nugget. Trigger made ttgl with a partnership of gainax. Trigger made kill la kill. Dont be a moron.

Maybe if you like CG and flash tier animation. Dead Leaves was fine.

Go back to school.

Not that user but trigger didn't even exist until 2011.

Point and laugh at the newfag.

Go to a school.

>KLK is discount Gurren Lagann
Kill la Kill is discount Project A-Ko you newfags.

I feel Getter is just plain worst paced, or rather, it sacrifices the quality of the plotlines for the sake of the concepts, which while appreciable in hindsight is plainly not as engaging while actually watching for the first time uwu

>Gurren Lagann is a particular brand of Imaishi that he attempted to grasp in KLK
Not it isn't, and you keep being vague about these "stylistic similarities" because you don't have an actual point, while I mentioned facts, things that are actually not the same at all. I'm starting to wonder if you even know Imaishi's career outside of these shows.

Where the hell did you hear that from?

Let me ask why is ttgl concidered as one of triggers series?

Kill la Kill is discount a lot of things. The point is, it’s shit. It can’t even kiss the ground Gainax walked on and to imply otherwise is to be a massive newfaggot or to have such shit taste you have to be on suicide watch in case you swallow you tongue.

To be fair, everything Gainax did post-2000 is garbage so it's not a surprise.

we're talking about art. facts are meaningless here.

>while actually watching
Pro tip, bro: nobody who says Getter is better than TTGL is talking about any of the former's anime.

It was directed by Imaishi and shared a lot of the same core team members

>lake water and salt water arn’t the same, salt water has salt!
>yeah but they’re both similar

I’m done with you. If your argument is that Kill la Kill isn’t literally the exact frames as Gurren Lagann so they are nothing alike you are a waste of my time. Drop it.

You know how animations are often made right? Who ever they hire is through contractors. Often than not they have their own studio to work from but not enough money to make it on their own as a studio.

If you're talking about the anime, yes. They're just random scenes from the manga mixed together in a rushed plot.

What the hell even is this comparison? If you want to make a point, Gurren Lagann is Milk and Kill la Kill is water
>they're both liquid so they're the same!

You are fucking retarded

Aka trigger. I mean if we really want to get autistic with details then you can call Imaishi and his entire team pretrigger at the time, but when they became their own studio they took their style with them.

But FLCL, Gurren Lagann and to a lesser extent Panty and Stocking are all great.

Even trolling has a limit user. Mind showing proof of this?

>idiotic analogy
Like clockwork.
>If your argument is that Kill la Kill isn’t literally the exact frames as Gurren Lagann so they are nothing alike
I believe I mentioned a lot of things that are not the same. Should I post them again?
>>KLK doesn't look like TTGL, doesn't take inspiration from the same sources, doesn't have the same themes, doesn't have the same tone, doesn't have the same characters and narrative)
Meanwhile, all you've been able to mention are "stylistic similarities", with no elabation whatsoever. Who is wasting who's time?

For stating why people often confuse ttgl for a Trigger production? Okay

No, you can’t call them anything but Gainax, because that’s what they fucking were. Nothing they did outside of Gainax touches the quality of what they did there. Trigger is not the same. Trigger has never produced a FLCL, or a Gurren Lagann. Hell they barely have a Diebuster.

*no elaboration whatsoever

>implying shit la shit was hype
Just as big as a shitshow as Kiznaiver and Franxx. The only decent thing Trigger has done is LWA.

Have Gainax ever done something that wasn't plagiarized? What fucking hacks.

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Oh really then tell me why is gainax still a studio. Gianax doesnt own that style, the people at trigger do. Because they were the talent gainax hired. Trigger is made of the people who made TTGL so yeah they own the style simply by producing it, gainax just threw money at them and said make an anime.

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and Gunbuster is just Ace wo Nerae in space. What's your point?

>What's you point?
I'm mocking the retard earlier ITT

Kill yourself. You can’t retroactively attribute an accomplishment made by an entirely different studio with plenty of different people and just give it to another studio because some of that team went elsewhere, ESPECIALLY if that retroactive attribution would be their ONLY great show.

>Everybody who disagrees with me is a newfag or has shit taste.
Never thought I had to use this again. There is no such thing as self plagiarism.

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BECAUSE THE STUDIO WHO MADE IT, THE TRIGGER STAFF YOU MORONIC MONGREL. Gainax cant copy right on an art style just character concepts. Its like claiming someone elses hands belong to you.

So stop talking because you made a mockery of yourself already.

Your entire argument hinges on the supposed "FACT" that Trigger has never made a good anime, which is not the case at all. Kill la Kill, Luluco and Promare all fantastic. Also,
>ESPECIALLY if that retroactive attribution would be their ONLY great show.
You seem to be forgetting PSG.

>Never thought I had to use this again. There is no such thing as self plagiarism.
Well I mean in the context of ttgl.

>the joke
>your head

Hi entire argument hinges on false perception of who actually made what. He focuses on brand name and doesnt look at who the people are inside the brandname.

>i was just pretending to be retarded
Pretending to be retarded is still retarded.

The transition is not 1 for 1. It’s not a Trigger anime, period.

My entire argument hinges on the fact that Gainax and Trigger are fundamentally different studios and that a few of the same names doesn’t mean they own it. Do you understand the historical implications of anime projects if we take your “argument” as fact?

>humour is pretending to be retarded
You still don't get it, do you? There was no pretending to be retarded. I just copied all of the guy's arguments from ITT that were comparing Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill but applied them to Gunbuster and Gurren Lagann, all the way down to "everybody who disagrees with me is a newfag".
Everybody fucking knows that Gunbuster and Gurren Lagann are very different, like how Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill are.

Reread the entire thread.

RE: Cutie Honey OVA1 > KLK > Dead Leaves > PSG > Luluco > MACHSPEED > OvalXOver > TTGL

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Do you even know which people you are talking about? Who is missing that made TTGL better?

>he had to explain his shitty strawman joke
This just gets worse and worse

>that guy was retarded enough to say those so everyone thought it was him
That's both funny and sad at the same time

>you dont get that I am purposly baiting with false equivalency in making this one retard realize he is a retard by pretending to be retarded which is still retarded.

user, fighting fire with fire in this wont help you.

Do these look like the same list to you?

Fuck yourself. Trigger will NEVER own Gurren Lagann. Attribute it to Imaishi or Nishigori if you must, but Trigger wasn’t even fucking THERE.

Panty and Stocking is somewhat forgivable but I can't take anybody who praises FLCL or TTGL seriously.

And I want to know from you. Tell me which people are missing and what they did that wasn't there anymore.

The only thing I can think of that TTGL had over KLK was the raw manpower Gainax had pump out the episode 15, 25, 26 and 27 movie-quality animation. It's no secret that Trigger is poorer than Gainax at their height, but the key talent is still mostly all at Trigger, hence why Kill la Lill was so good despite the obvious budget restraints. Also, I must reiterate that Promare was FANTASTIC from an animation standpoint, easily rivaling Gainax's best sakuga moments.

Opposite for me. If you don’t like FLCL especially you lack that which makes me trust your critical judgement. Gurren Lagann is great but i’ve heard reasons to hate it that doesn’t denounce your personhood, PSG is just OK.

But FLCL? Fuck off, you have bad taste, end of story.

I’m not spoonfeeding you, if you can read you can see, it isn’t even half of the same people.

Except Kill la Kill was pure shit, plain and simple.

>No replies, because objectively the truth

FLCL is genuinely the most annoying and obnoxious anime ever made. If I wanted to watch an early 00s OVA with puberty symbolism I'd just watch Alien 9 or some shit.

>Gurren Lagann team just goes YEAH BUT THE FRIENDSHIP POWER THOUGH
you completely missed the point of Simon handing over control to rossiu at the end of the series you dense fuck

>It’s annoying (but PSG isn’t)
>Muh patrician alternative!
Yep, you’re one of those. Get help.

Nothing in TTGL is as hype as the opening Garlock scene aka every fucking star in the universe is our enemy.

>I’m not spoonfeeding you
The thing is, you can't. You have no idea who these people are, what their roles are and what they added, all you can do is post a link and hide behind a studio name.

you are an easily amused ape, what do you know of hype?

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If you can't read the link that i’ve already spoonfed to you that’s on you. I’m not playing your childish game of who did what on the production of either show, I wasn’t there.

What I DO know, is the names are not even half the same, and what I ALSO know, is the shows couldn’t be further apart in quality (Gurren Lagann being an instant classic and KLK being little more than a trainwreck).

Do your own research or fuck off, I don’t care which.

Don't even need to read the rest of the thread, good job completely derailing this into
>wweh klk good
>it's a titty anime, please shut up
for the next 300 posts

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Nostalgiafags here for babbies first Yea Forums watch cling to it forever.

Both ttgl and klk had their own charm, you need more than "I didn't like it therefore it's shit" to call a show objectively bad

FLCL feels like it was made specifically to annoy me. Everything about it, from the artstyle, voice actors, characters, the referential nature, the humor, the plot, the randomness, the "irony", and then the sudden putting its head up its ass towards the end just rubbed me the wrong way.
Haruko might be the most annoying character I've come across in an anime, her voice makes me want to ram a knife through my eardrums and everything she does makes me wince.
Outside of the vocal tracks which were admittedly great, even the soundtrack is actually ear-gratingly repetitive to obnoxious levels too.
PSG is admittedly guilty about a lot of these things, but it never once tries to justify itself with its head off its ass. Hence why I said "somewhat forgivable". I still don't like it but I see the appeal.
FLCL made me want to seek help because I thought I was going to fucking kill myself.

Attached: FLCL 13.jpg (787x590, 76K)

>you need more than "I didn't like it therefore it's shit" to call a show objectively bad
says who?

Isnt that was mech in general does?

Even if I understand the concept of subjective taste, I simply cannot bring myself to understand you, simply because FLCL is the polar opposite to me. It’s the anime that is specifically tailored for my taste, my favorite thing in any medium. I’ve watched it upwards of 30 times in the 14~ years i’ve been with it and will continue to go back to it until the day I die. I love Haruko’s voice, I love the animation, the atmosphere, the aesthetic, the sound track, the themes and lack thereof, the ability to approach it both intellectually and at face value and still find joy. It’s simply my favorite anime, and even after scouring tons and tons of anime, I don’t see that changing.

Obviously I was getting heated, you can have your opinion but DAMN are you my polar opposite.

I'd say BNHA, if you are not retarded and can connect in an emotional way with the characters, the show will give you tears after tears

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And now i’m curious, can you name a few of your favorites? I don’t want to shit on you, i’m just curious to see what somebody who just HATES my favorite show likes.

Brigadoon, but for the sake of something more recognizable/popular I'll include Dennou Coil too.

You were probably the user that rec’d me Brigadoon in the 00’s thread. It’s fun so far. Dennou Coil is good as well. Interesting. Well, carry on you crazy bastard.

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If you can connect in an emotional way with the BNHA characters you are probably retarded

We were all 13 once user. Remember when Elfin Lied was powerful? Zoomers are just zooming.

Yeah that was definitely me. Have fun mate.

you have to be retarded to connect with the characters user...

Based and truthpilled.

Wait til SBR is animated

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>not ascendant_pucci.png

nothing personell kid

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With all due respect to the Gridman was pretty much 99% hype all the way through

of course it was, since half of the scenes were frame by frame copies of Obari's works

thats because its nothing but hype

Holy shit, I'd kill myself if I had taste this bad haha

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The baby dan dan scene was great.

t. Manchild crying from youtube reactions. Pic related.

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Scryed get's pretty hype.

Ascendant pucci is great and all but it still doesn't make up for the the rest of part 6


lmao retard

you might be taking shots but I am bulletproof

This will never not be the most hype anime cliche
>villain beats the shit out of the protagonists and is winning and gives some monologue about how it's hopeless
>main protagonist stands up

The latest Symphogear episode was so fucking hype.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 04 [8F7EE1E5].mkv ( (1920x1080, 774K)

Nothing more hype than seeing someone pushed into the corner rise up.

Getter Robo Armageddon: Stoner Sunshine, Shin Shine Spark
GGG: Goldion Crusher
G Gundam: Shuffle Alliance attack, LoveLove Tenkyouken
Macross Plus: The final fight in general
Eva: Dance like you want to win
Jeeg: "Theres no air!" "I dont need it"
And thats just a handful of /m/ only exables, you need to watch more anime. And this is coming frome someone that likes GL quite a bit.

Attached: [ZetaRebel] Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack (BD x264 1080p DTS).mkv_snapshot_01.55.33.1 (1920x1080, 164K)

One Piece.
But it also has 871 more episodes, so I'm not sure the hype-per-episode ratio can keep up.

Couldn't you use ANY non-empty word when talking about Gurren-Lagann?

t. Woman

Dragon Ball

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>Kill la Kill
>Pokemon (Over the series run)
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5
(And more importantly)
>Combattler V
>Daitarn 3
>Shin Getter Robo
>Literally any version of Mazinger Z
Just because the director SAID it was a tribute to oldschool Super Robot anime, doesn't mean it is, or a good one. I don't think the show's bad, but it doesn't capture ANY of the hype, appeal, or fun of the genre it's trying to represent.

This guy knows where its at. Also, how is TTGL supposed to be a getter inspired show? OG Getter Robo HEAVILY goes into the horror genre, which is something TTGL doesn't even touch on. It just used the Getter Rays and THATS IT.

Naruto v Pain

Attached: source.gif (500x285, 800K)

Could have used full 20 minutes, or even a couple of episodes for that rushed scene.

t. Manchild loser

Fucking what?I'll give you the first few seasons,but after it was cemented that Ash wasn't gonna win any league ever there was no hype.

There are still some pretty hype battles in the later seasons. Over the series entire run, there are culmitively a lot more hype moments than TTGL. That's my logic at least. I agree the first few seasons are the best for story telling though.

>protagonist gets up again and again
>but oxygen and punch harder won't cut it against a superior fighter so protag dies without making a difference
>antagonist wins


Shinge KINO Kyojin

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Brigadoon's not as obscure as you think it is, my dude.

what did flcl plagiarize?
cause I wanna watch it

Bible Black my dude

It seems like theres a lot to love in this series, I just wish I could bring myself to give a single shit about majong

The first half of KLK is better than the first half of TTGL sans episode 8 but the second half of TTGL is way better than the second half of KLK.

You can't see how being loud and obnoxious is annoying? Sasuga Imaishi autist

Are we limited to considering one season, or any franchise?

Samurai Flamenco

Kill la Kill. Not even an argument.

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kill la kill has bad writing and only 1 likable character


>The transition is not 1 for 1. It’s not a Trigger anime, period.
Its by the same people you fucking troglodyte