what is the significance of this formula on Dr Stone's jacket?
What is the significance of this formula on Dr Stone's jacket?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was a weak attempt to connect with dumb normals.
God doesn't exist
>E = mc2
Everyone is main character too
It’s supposed to be the formula for depetrification
That he's smart, nihilistic and has a quirky sense of humor.
To bait morons like you into making shitty threads about a non-subject
Drown yourself to death
And this page too
He's a fucking dork and he thinks it's cool.
Drop a bomb on him
That his show is shit
It's Senku's Wilson. What did you think it's meant to be?
This formula symbolizes the humiliation and defeat of Japan by the weapons of science
>no alcohol
dude, make a hydrometer and a still
He didn't have anything to ferment. Most of his days were spent solely surviving, for six months straight. It was only when Taiju awoke and his endless stamina became available to the team did they acquire enough provisions and manpower to try anything more than exist day to day with rudimentary tests every once in a while.
That's when Taiju managed to find grapes, and so Senku had something to ferment and made a still.
Seriously why would a Japanese guy put that equation on his shirt? Why not the rocket equation or Newton's laws of motion which are more directly related to spaceflight?
read the fucking thread
it seems dr chad is too smart for the average shounentard brainlet after all
Brainlet bait
I think.. it's like.. he's super smart wow
This is pretty funny. It's like wearing a t-shirt that says "I am aho" in English while walking around Tokyo.
>dr reddit
>Dr. Bazinga
>Lost in prehistoric level technology Earth with little to no resources beyond herbs
>Has yet to start distilling alcohol since that comes much later
>cuts his finger deep enough to let out that amount of blood, just to write a note on his jacket
This guy is supposed to be smart and aware of potential consequence, right?
>He didn't have anything to ferment
literally anything with carbohydrates can be fermented
he could have made alcohol out of tubers and roots
If he had any
eggs must crack in 2
You overestimate Senku's ability to gather materials. He is not good at that. He also had to spend a long amount of time learning, by hand and through trial and error, how to make earthenware. Because he can't make a still without at least that, and he sucks at craftsmanship.
sorry I don't watch anime version of Rick and Morty
I don’t know man
He spent an entire flashback chapter just to make clothes and start a fire, other than thinking
Bump here please. Also, a Surprise in the OP WEBM....................
It makes him look very smart.
Die instantly
Why do you hate Jojo?
I have never seen so many Yea Forumsutists seething at a series. Picked up
>Stone "Chads" actually think posting this makes E=mc2 any less cringe.
Fuck anime adaptions. These threads weren't even half as bad before the anime only shitters came along
>t. filtered brainlets
>unironically defending E=mc²
>he uses "Chad" unironically
Yikes'd and cringepilled
What does E=mc^2 mean?
Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
What does that mean in the real world and why is it used by every hack who wants their characters to look smart is a mystery.
It tells you that he's smart.
So I don't watch this, but what is, if any, the justification for the formula being applied to petrifaction.
read the fucking thread
You realize alcohol production came about with agriculture for a reason, right? It’s really hard for a single person to gather enough calories in any form to have enough of a surplus to ferment. Fermentation is kinda wasteful and takes a fair amount of time. It’s especially difficult if you’re trying to get other shit done. Especially if you’re trying to distill anything; it’s going to be very difficult to get anything above ~20% ABV without metal or glass, because you have to have an initial fermentation, and then a distillation.
This mango is still stupid but the history of alcohol is pretty neat.
But what does it mean user, everyone knows what the equation is supposed to represent. An user even posted you a page out of the manga to show how it's applied.
>inb4 he starts shouting buzzwords
>what does that mean in the real world
the fuck did you mean by this? it's used all the fucking time in nuclear, particle and even amo physics
Wait that's stupid. Even ignoring the physics after 3700 years or whatever you're eventually just gonna run out of shit to think about. And I really doubt he was just sitting there singing all day singing Baba O'riley to himself.
He probably meant like, how is HE, an animeonly supposed to use it to improve his life.
natural ethanol production was occurring way before there were even humans
Try paying attention faggot shitposter. It's corny sure but it's what motivates Senku to understanding the petrification process
he was counting seconds, retard
time has no end
>knows every science in the history of humanity
>run out of things to think about
This is not a self insert series user. Senkuu is not normal.
youll never get to 20% without distilling even with modern yeast cultures, starting from scratch with random wild strains hed be lucky to get 10%
lets see you doing any chemistry with rotting 5% max berries
I think a petrrification progress would be enough motivation in and of itself
Yes, but hacks who use it to make their characters "smart" don't know.
I'm 10000000000% sure it's because he likes Einstein.
Let me break it down for you
>Senkuu revived
>triedto figure out what made his situation possible
>notice nitric acid
>need big oaf to survive in the wilderness
>splash nitric acid on him
>nothing happens
>try it on other statues
>nothing happens
>try it on swallows
>nothing happens
>starts to lose his mind due to mystery+pressure of surviving
>figures out the secret
>in an autistic rage scribbles it on himself to come back to reality
>Trusts Taiju is gonna wake up cause he's not a pussy and has been thinking of his waifu all this time
It means mass is lost into energy everytime a chemical reaction takes place
lmao nah
lol not even close
He likes Edison too. Can't wait for normalfags to lose their mind over
he ded?
Yeah, RIP
;_; stop larping about emc2 then fags ;_;
Things will never be the same
Fucking this. I would bully the shit out of this nerd
wait, in the manga he did not have the weapon in hand, right? it was a karate chop?
He did, because he was threatening Yuzuriha with it a moment before he did this. The anime fucked up the scene and made it look like he slashed Senku's neck or something, when the manga showed he broke his neck like he said he would.
he had weapon
Retards used a slash sound effect, fucked it up.
So many idiots that started crawling about in Dr.Stone threads after the anime started airing.
>Why would a man who prides himself in science have the most well known scientific formula on his shirt
as all equations must be algebraically reversible it means anything that has energy has mass
obligatory post
>Forgetting about c2 on purpose
Then why are Yea Forumsutists so massive yet lack energy?
Checkmate Einstein
Enough of the shitposting, let's talk
What would the force of impact be assuming a gorilla tackles you at her top speed? Could Senkuu survive?
Do you think she has the term "free use" in her vocabulary?
Even I don't know what that means.
Help me out, I got the speed, gorillas can move at 20-25 mph, let's say 20 cause she wouldn't be in combatmode. Does anyone know Kohakus weight?
Why's he still a fucking bonehead after 3000 years? With that much time in your hands and nothing to do except ponder things, you'd think that anyone would turn into a great philosopher.
>With 12000 years of human civilization, people still monkey out
He only has his own thoughts. No books for inspiration, no one to debate or keep his bias in check.
Also its a side character who sure as shit isn't there to impress people with his intelligence
He's been thinking about smashing Yuzuriha's hymen for 1700 years
Waifu>>>everything else
At least all this shitposting means Dr. stone is successful.
Judging from twitter most people enjoy it. There is a running gag amongst a minority that couldn't handle the cliffhanger and caught up on the manga in 2 days.
chrome is cute
Fuck off dumb spic
dr. redditfags sure aren't from here
t. filtered brainlet tourist
hi plebbit
>not searching for fan content
What a looser
> chosing to live like a retard in a stone age with 50 IQ savages instead of having fun experimenting and doing science with Senku
What a fucking retard.
user, we went over this
Tsukasa did nothing wrong
>shonenspic calling anyone a brainlet or tourist
The irony is thick. Deport yourself.
E is equal to Minecraft 2
>nothing but buzzwords
We get it, the smile intimidates you, go complain about it on your own website instead of coming here.
Typical "SMT friend" problem (except for the Faggots from Nocturne): they do like the MC but their ideals come first.
So far all the evidence suggests you're the redditor. Baseless claims get you nowhere.
>didn't even mention which website
>he automatically starts thinking of reddit
Time to go home
why do redditors hate dr chad?
wow this thread is awful
It's the smile, they can't stand someone being smarter, better looking and more capable than them. Senkuu reminds them of what they could've been.
senku is so beautiful
Dr. redditfags sure are in denial
Anime ruins another comfy series.
t. redditourist
Yo, where my mangachads at? Why didn't The Sen build a damn prop-plane after they got oil?
What is his secret? He is easily one of the most if not THE most handsome MC. Is it his charisma, honesty and faith in his passion?
Deny it all you want but all the evidence points towards stone fags being braindead low quality posters like you from reddit
I don't see the point, they want to transport people, so a ship would be better.
i truly believe that he is the most attractive MC of our time
i think it's the confidence, how determined he is, and those eyes that i am always lost in
Why do you know so much about reddit, then you claim you're not from there. Odd.
Better equation: E^2=(pc)^2+(mc^2)^2
Here m is the actual rest mass, no relativist correction needed because that’s taken by momentum.
>Why do you know so much about reddit
Because of all the braindead cancer like you who post here
Why do all the redditors use this retarded logic? Or is it just the same sperg doing damage control?
I think it has to do with his character aswell, he comes across as kind of scummy, but the more you find out about him, the more it becomes obvious he's a really kind person and wants to share his passion with others. He knows when to be silly and when he needs to be serious. He is just in control, despite not being strong. He is an enigma and I want his babies.
Not user, but quite simply: things become heavier the faster they move, and that there is an equivalence between mass and energy. That m is not the rest mass, but is the relativistic mass that is a function of velocity.
A more general expression is given by .
>he didn’t want to be worshipped. “He had left behind specific instructions regarding his remains: cremate them, and scatter the ashes secretly in order to discourage idolaters,”
>Father Einstein
the most well known scientific foruma is C^2=A^2+B^2
As much as he talks about logic, Senku's emotional as fuck. He chose to wake up his highschool friend and his friend's waifu, instead of some actual adults.
it flips dood. you can find the mass of something by dividing its energy by the square root of C
if it was reddit i'd give you gold for this
Senkuu is too based to care about what people want, same reason he holds Edison in high regard, not for what kind of person he was, but what he brought to the table.
absolutely. he has so many sides to him he's just really interesting and unique all around and you just really wanna root for him
>ywn ride his hard cock
it hurts so bad
c is a constant, not a variable.
That depends on what you mean by 'scientific' formula. While they're both used in physics, E=mc^2 was derived directly from a physics theory, while the pythagorean theorem was derived from mathematical axioms. Either way, the correct answer is F=ma
He is not nihilistic at all.
I really enjoy seeing him express himself emotionally, even if he says he finds that emotional blabla silly, you just look for that little bit of emotion that comes through and it makes it all the more charming.
When do we again get the comfy sequence as in the end of EP1
It shows that the author is a chemist and not a physicist, unless Senku’s petrified body was somehow moving at a significant speed (which would be hilarious).
If the stone is just a shell how does the body survive all that time? Forget about the brain. That’s 2000 kcal/day, thinking hard will just give around 20% more. Was it “phased graviquantum superconducting inverse tachyon condensing technobabble nanites”? If he was solid stone how does he think? Was he a consciousness uploaded (or rather copied) into a computer? Then the original Senku is dead. Maybe he was thinking so hard he awoke from the stone Matrix? Trying to tie a scientifically accurate premise with magic alien petrification is uh...good luck author.
F=dp/dt, don’t separate out mass as that can also change, like in a rocket.
It is how I know he is smart from a single glance. An idiot wouldn't wear that.
Could be next ep, next ep starts from the very beginning when Senkuu woke up, 6 months before Taiju and he goes full primitive technology.
Granted we need to go through part one with Taiju and Yuzuriha running away. The main crafting is when he gets to the village and lays out his plan, ep 9 is my best guess for that.
If he really wanted to show off he was smart he’d put down the field equations
We just have the basic idea, you turn to stone fully and your consciousness fades over time, every 7 days it reaches its maximum. The manga is at a part where a more detailed explanation might be close. As of now, it's regarded as sci-fi. Even in the main story you won't get all the info at once on different topics, but rather it gradually unfolds.
why relativity equation and not conservation of energy equation what an idiot
If Senku is so smart, why isn't he wearing glasses
There's no such thing as a singular "conservation of energy" equation, the left and right-hand sides are entirely dependent on the problem you are trying to solve with initial and final conditions. In this case the initial condition is "mass" and the final is "energy"
He never even plays chess
Your average 80 iq huntersoy can't understand the scientific process.
That really comes across as piss poor justification the author forced in because they thought writing the theory down on his jacket was "cool".
The key point on that page is the "thinking" part, yet he wrote down the theory?
The theory isn't even about how enery comes from nothing, it's that mass and energy are interchangeable. It's about linking spacetime.
It has absolutely nothing at all to do with what that page suggests, which comes across as the author not even being read up on the subject.
Might as well have slapped the second law of thermodynamics on there instead.
Senkuu could have alternatively written "I think therefore I am" in engrish but E=mc^2 sums up the entire train of thought just as nicely. Saying it has nothing to do with what the page suggests is flat out wrong.
A vague superfician reason is still vague and superfician. It's still piss poor justification.
You might like the show/manga, but you don't have to defend every little detail about it whenever someone criticizes it.
In what way is it vague or superficial? It is literally the equation which represents the physical concept that allowed Senkuu and Taijuu to be revived with nitric acid alone.
Okay class, who here can tell me how much mass was used to keep Senku's brain running for 3700 years?
For bonus points use the numbers we are given for seconds of petrification to get a more precise answer.
More like, you're desperate to find the tiniest "fault" with it. It makes sense why he wrote it, according to you he should've written a whole thesis on it for 2 eps straight.
>He reads shounen
>Calls other shounentards
seriously considering putting together an infographic on everything we do and don't know about the petrification and its mechanics so that we don't have to argue and answer the same questions every thread.
i can write it and put it together myself since i'm pretty good with that sort of thing but if anyone wants to help find each chapter number where more lore about the petrification is revealed that'd help me a lot
If Senku is so smart, why didn't he count backwards?
>Only the manga is releasing
>Discussion is always great with people getting hype over hype moments and enjoying the emotional moments
>Usually only 1 thread is made at a time
>Anime comes out
>Multiple threads are made constantly
>Is now constantly associated with Rick&Morty despite there being no reason for it
>Hype moments are ruined by constant shitposting that tries to find fault in every scene
>Can no longer enjoy discussing the series with others
Do you faggots on r*ddit do nothing but sit around and wait for anime adaptations so you can ruin them? You are all like actual animals that spend an eternity waiting for the right time to strike for no reason. Why can't anything be enjoyed anymore? Why am I so angry about this?
The manga threads are still good and the anime being popular can only help the series rather than hurt it.
I only see newniggers who hate dr chad posting wojaks and 3dpd in here, wheres your evidence redditourist?
I thought that too, but it's like r/iamsosmart can't let it go. Really feel bad for anime onlies. Granted I've seen people started reading the manga so hopefully things filter itself out
who are you falseflagging for, redditourist?
Just stating facts
Also you need to stop projecting
Sorry multiple people are calling you out for your shitposting.