Overrated bitch

Overrated bitch.

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You're just jealous she's not your wife.

Ryuuko is better

Overshadowed you mean?

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Are you even trying? Weak, really weak bait, user. You can do better than this.

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Satsuki pleases old men for life fibers! Ohohohoho!

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Fuck that's hot.

based as FUCK user

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Oh no

You are totally right.

you like seeing the honorable lady satsuki reduced into nothing more than a high quality cum doll?

Is it that obvious?

How dare you

I'm glad her videogame sucked.
I was tired of seeing her fans shilling the shit out of it.



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>autistic shitty friend

Sorry you don't know what good taste is then

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where were you newfags when this aired you woulda been so butthurt on how she overshadowed buttko asstoi

Bless the Kill La Kill game for fixing the series's mistake

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what a coincidence, I just finished rewatching it last night. It still holds up. Wasn't quite the same without having a KLK hype thread tab open though. I wanna go back

>implying it doesn't get better with every rewatch

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You bought the game. Right, user?
You wanna support s2. Right, user?

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>You wanna support s2.
No, that would be totally unnecessary.

got the crack yeah

Found the Switchigger.

I bought the game, wish APlus knew how to fucking optimize it so the particle effects didn't rely on my goddamn CPU but I can't do much about that considering I've tried next to everything to force it to use the GPU.
Considering this was Season 0.1 I'm pretty content with it where it is, this had a better final boss, shittier aftermath and the anime had a shitty final boss but a better aftermath, it's a balanced product now at least somewhat even if this 4 hour campaign could've used more meat

Why would i want a s2 to a show that a perfect wrap up? Things don't need to continue indefinitely, and good endings are hard to come by. I love Kill la Kill and it doesn't need a second season
Now OVAs with short hair Satsuki and Ryuko being tsundere sisters to each other I'd take any day