2020, I am forgotten

2020, I am forgotten

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Hopefully not in the minds of whoever is looking at the building codes in Kyoto

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They were robbed of a future even more glorious than the one ahead of them.

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It's 2019 you dumbass.

thots died, no one cried

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>no one important died
>no data lost
>free publicity
>tons of money
Eh, It hasn't even been a month and everyone already forgot, Maid Dragon S2 migth happen sooner than we thought.

>no one important died
you can actually fucking fight me

Attached: mPfnIrI.jpg (340x565, 46K)

Just a single hack director that already needed to retire, may he rest in peace.

>2019, I am getting a government bailout

Helping a studio that went through a tragedy is hardly comparable to "a bailout"
But I guess I shouldn't expect any less from burgers.

>literally crawling on their knees begging their government for money

>govt gibsmedats
A fate worse than death.

>no one important died
What did he mean by this?

Ah, republicans. Gotta love em.

He doesn't even know who died
He would have said it regardless


he's right tho, just a shitty director, some animators died but they are expendable they'll just hire some more and train them lul based shinji aoba actually helped KyoAni

hope you get skinned alive

Plenty of names have been released already and all of their threads died without even getting to the 100 replies.

How do you feel about "too big to fail"? Your government sure loves giving handouts.

The Takemoto threads were reaching bump limit every time.

Fuck off KHK.

And the other 2 people who were confirmed were a cleanup artist and a colorist. It's sad none the less but it's really not a big surprise their threads would be smaller.
Oh but I forgot that the number threads you get on 4channel totally equates to your worth.

>I'm a dumbass calling others dumbass

>Just a single hack director that already needed to retire
>Fucking Takemoto
Not even new fags and Kyoani haters are that much brainless as this guy.