So, Is Boruto canon?

So, Is Boruto canon?

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Shitters can't give more than a one word answer, isn't it being overseen by Kishimoto???

The character? Yes
The show? No
The manga? No

What about the movie?

How does that work if the character is in those?

No. It’s the GT of Naruto.
In 10~15 years Kishimoto will come out and say he never liked it, and he’s ready to do the real Naruto sequel. Sooner if Samurai 8 fails.

Saying that it isn't canon it something good.

Boruto was introduced in the original manga. It's the same way Pan is canon to Dragon Ball, but GT isn't.

Kishimoto wrote Story and Screenplay, so it's canon.
Fanfiction is also using canon characters. The two arent mutually exclusive...

but GT is still popular you faggot (see FighterZ, Dokkan, Heroes)


It is until Samurai 9 ends and a decade blows by and Kishimoto comes back and makes his equivalent to Dragon Ball Super.

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wasnt dragon ball super set up so that GT could also fit within the cannon?

or that was a lie from the internet?

That's a lie. Super has gone out of its way to make sure it wasn't canon, like Kibito Kai was unfused or how Frieza is no longer dead.

GT literally cannot fit into the timeline anymore because of Super, so you've been lied to.

i cant belive those bastards from the internet had the audacity to lie to me.

what has the world turned into.

Honestly I was a relatively big Boruto dick sucker but seeing it referenced to GT, Makes things clear, and I can see Kishimoto retconning it.

it's a separate timeline as far as shitty games like xenoverse is concerned.

Boruto is actually an Infinite Tsukuyomi dream. When Kishimoto comes back to write for Naruto again, it will have Naruto waking up from the God Tree.

Because Obito won, not Madara or even Kaguya. That's why Obito was called the "Coolest Guy" in Naruto's dream.

but desu i dont actually care if its cannon or not. i liked it a lot when i watched it and it had the feel of the original dragon ball.