I haven't seen this movie yet. What do I think of it?
I haven't seen this movie yet. What do I think of it?
The sex scene was a bit over the top, i felt like I was watching Team America.
The incest subplot was unexpected.
I wasn't expecting the transformers crossover.
They really channeled Rami in the scene where Alita was talking to the glasses negro about despite being 13% of the population, they commit 50% of the crimes. Caught everyone in the theatre by surprised when I first saw it.
That Robot Milk became an important plot point, you dumb fucker.
I've been wanting to watch this movie for a while, and now I hear this shit. Is this legit or just larping shit?
>can recharge another android by breastfeeding it
You mean a retarded plot point, baka hentai
When she beat the guy at chinese checkers, did she really have to Shoot him in the face ?
It just felt off somehow.
Wished I watched it in 3D IMAX
watched it on a flight, its shit
very good movie. You should watch it on big acreen if possible
the action is nice. the plot, not ao much. but the setting is cool
have you read the manga?
Honestly it was... interesting. No, really. It wasn't exactly a fantastic movie (tough it was decent-good) but what I liked is that it tried to find its own way.
And after all that eyes bullshit, some scenes were just "holy shit, they did it. THAT is her. THAT is motorball" and I couldn't help but be taken back to being a little user reading his bizzarre manga.
I found interesting as well that Kishiro liked it even if it's definitely not faithful in many big issues. Like the almost absolute absence of grotesquerie, which is what fueled the manga.
Critics said the movie wasn't good. It was an actual fateful adaptation. Critics didn't want to say the source was actually bad. Fans love it. Just look at the approval rating versus critic ratings.
This is like the opposite of ghost in the shell. Why couldn't James Cameron get that movie instead?
its a movie you can make time for if you see it on a TV slot. Nothing industry changing
Was the manga really like this? I watched the film and it was a lot different than what I thought it would be. The way it's all structured is really weird and different too. It's interesting how she can just beat up everything and has to regain her memories. But she is basically alive for like a week and goes from child to falling in love at sight then fighting the worst of worst people only to learn that the real baddie isn't even there. Is there going to be more or is that really the ending? It felt like quite a tease, but I can't see how they can shovel in anymore when Alita is the only character to carry herself.
It was pretty good, they should make an anime based on it.
really good. She made the movie and is one of the coolest movie chars of the last 9 years.
i liked it a lot, its faithful to its source, and (imo) is the best live action adaptation we're gonna get in a while (unless theres some weird live action japanese movie out there i dont know about)
They tried to fit 2 volumes in 1 movie. Typical problem in adaptations. Alita does change a lot through the books, but also does her situation and sometimes environment. It's meant for a series, not a movie. You can't stay faithful to the story n that format without it being a clusterfuck.
tell me right now this kid doesn't look like a combination of Drake and Josh. also, as someone who loves Christoph Waltz, robots, and the fact that I didn't mind Alitas uncanny anime face, this movie sucked. I was super dissapointed.