Say it with me! Dragon Ball should've ended with

Say it with me! Dragon Ball should've ended with

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Dragon Ball should've ended with

The tournament at the start of the Buu Saga.

the spic genocide.

Dragon Ball should've ended with

Dragon ball Zuper GT Kai

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Goku saving that Tortoise

cell saga ending.

Cell Saga

Goku, Vegeta and Frieza all dead in Namek.

Five seasons of GT.

Dragon Ball should of ended when Goku learned the Kamehameha wave

with Dragon Ball. DBZ was a mistake.

Son Goku defeating Piccolo Jr.

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Goku killing King Piccolo

frieza saga. and Goku remains dead.

Oolong getting his wish granted

This but goku and frieza die in namek

Goku impregnating Bulma.

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Dr. Slump

She was so trigger happy to shoot a little boy she just met. Is that what rich girls do? Just go to poor neighborhoods and shoot the poor?

Goku vs Piccolo

Goku, Kuririn and Freeza die and stay dead. Bulma and Yamcha don't split up and help Chichi raise Gohan, Piccolo and Vegeta train him and the three become the protectors of the planet.
All of this is shown in a nice epilogue and then Dragon Ball ends forever.

Goku and Bulma would have been a better couple

Either Vegeta's sacrifice killing Buu or Ultimate Gohan killing Buu and finally becoming the proper savior of Earth and letting Goku and Vegeta rest in peace.

the most garbage of opinions

I couldn't even pay attention to the king picollo fight in dragon ball, I find that sad since it was the climactic fight of the original dragon ball.



Goku walking in on Piccolo fucking Chi-chi

camping is the most important

I feel like Toriyama would be a great hentai artist

The first Dragon Ball. Otherwise it's Dragon Balls and that's a whole different kind of anime.


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Goku and ChiChi going to hell and fighting Grandpa Gohan

Kino moment. But Goku letting Piccolo Jr. live was even better.

Third tournament.
Once Goku became the strongest person on earth the manga just became about setting the bar farther and father back, geographically of course.
Truly now I'm the strongest in the
>origin of time
>jumping out of the computer running the simulation and punching god in his nutsack
It'll just keep getting dumber and dumber.

Saiyan saga.


It will probably end with some reset, memory-wipe, or something else to reset the scale limit.

Where is Chichi pantyshot?

Man i must say i love your idea