Reminder that this is the moment Hunter x Hunter reached peak apex kino and literally no (soft) seinen and...

Reminder that this is the moment Hunter x Hunter reached peak apex kino and literally no (soft) seinen and (hard)shounenshit has reached its heights ever since.

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>hunterfags can't post without using tons of buzzwords for their trash manga

Is that the all you can say?

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This is the moment you should have dropped HxH.

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thats all that has to be said

why is his hair so tall

Homo x Homo

here's hoping you find a new hobby before you an hero

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Killua fags are known retards, Gon chads are the true Übermensch

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Why haven't top nen users like Ging, Pariston, Chrollo and spiders tried to achieve peak physical form like that?

Dead series

Gon is a psychopath lol

No, that's the moment where the author stopped giving a fuck and HxH started its downward spiral.

It's been a complete shit show for years, MC no longer relevant, nothing interesting happening other than rubberman going crazy (if he wasn't already crazy enough).

And Netero was a sociopath kek

>Ging, Pariston, Chrollo and spiders tried to achieve peak physical form like that?

Like Killua said, form like that can be only achieved through decades of endless training. I doubt any of them give enough shit about being the strongest to sacrifice years of life and diving into madness like Netero to achieve such feat

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CA isn't even the best arc, zoomer

are you getting paid to shitpost?

I can't imagine why else you keep making shit threads

Are you getting paid to bump these threads?
I can't imagine why else you keep replying

>soft seinen
>hard shounen

cuz I want to know

nobody actually thinks hxh is great, right? it's all a joke, right?


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They're content with their strength

>not even in the top 3
>doesn't have a banner
joke of a series

>tank top
>short shorts
>retardedly long hair
He looks like the dream of a homosexual,hunterfags are pathetic.

look at all that normalfag bait

Hisoka will die of old age.

I don't know shit about HxH but I always assume these posts are ironic because that looks stupid as fuck