It's getting harder to enjoy anime and manga as I grow older. All of the protagonists are so much younger than me...

It's getting harder to enjoy anime and manga as I grow older. All of the protagonists are so much younger than me. Nobody wants to write a manga about a protagonist in his 30s.

In my 20s, I enjoyed Oyasumi Punpun and Boys On The Run because I could relate to protagonists in their 20s with miserable lives. Now, if I try to re-read these manga, I just feel envious of the characters for being younger than me, and regretful about not preventing my life from getting even more miserable as I aged into my 30s.

Any good seinen manga with protagonists in their 30s?

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You sound retarded.


Use user.

Kaiji is great, but any Fukumoto manga will do you good. I recommend Strongest Man Kurosawa in particular.

Bleh. I turn 46 in two weeks. I was a founding member of FanimeCon back in the mid-90s, along with Aaron Pilgrim, Jin Kim, Bruce Turenne, and Mike Wright. I'm still into anime, though now it's something I enjoy and not a lifestyle like it was for me back in the 90s. At least Crunchyroll looks better than old 5th generation VHS fansubs did. And no, I don't normally hang out on Yea Forums - I've just been poking around recently to keep up with the aftermath of the KyoAni fire.

Anyhow, I don't need protagonists to be my age. It's all a fantasy, after all. Yeah, occasionally it hurts a little watching Okaasan Online and realizing Mamamko would be about ten years younger than me, but it doesn't stop me from liking the show. And other than that, who cares? As long as it's a good story with good characters, that's what matters.

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I'm 30 and the only shows I can't watch anymore are the ones where I'm supposed to take high school problems seriously. I just don't give a shit. High school comedies/romance are still fine though, why wouldn't they be. At the end of the day youth is the most transformative stage of life so it will always be the most exciting period for storytelling.
That being said, there are entire genres that rely on older characters. Spy fiction, war, space operas, etc

Fuck niggers and trannies

This actually alleviates a big fear of mine as I grow older. It's nice to hear

Read josei.
Bonnouji, perhaps. I think the guy was older than the girl, who was mid 20s.

>OP can only enjoy a story if he can directly relate to (read: self-insert as) it's protagonist.

100% pleb teier

wait what? Kaiji is 25 years old it is literally in the first chapter

Take your medicine, grandpa.

>rec thread
Kill yourself.

46anon again. I guess I can agree with that. One of the first anime I ever saw back in the day was Video Girl Ai. It literally made everybody in my college anime club cry. When I rewatched it in a fit of nostalgia a while back, it just seemed dumb. All I could think was: "Look, if you like the girl, just fucking tell her already. The worst that can happen is she says no, and you end up right back where you are now". As beautifully animated as 5 Centimeters Per Second is, I kinda think the same things about that, too. Look kid, do what you need to do to hold onto the girl, or let her go and move on. Don't just let life kick you in the balls and then mope about it until you're 40. To paraphrase our President, you gotta grab life by the pussy. As I get older, I have increasingly little sympathy for those who can't.

based boomer

Go read Homunculus. It's good enough that I will post it even in your shitty thread just so other people hear about it.

>needs to self insert in order to enjoy media
What a retard

>Fuck niggers and trannies
Not my type thanks. I'll leave them to you.
Thanks, user. With only one exception, everyone I knew from my otaku circles in the old days is a functional adult who's doing fine and still enjoys anime as a hobby. As for that one exception, well, I wrote this a few years ago, and a couple of people who also knew him back in the day says it matches their memories pretty well:

No user. You're not in your 20s. You're not your body.

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>All I could think was: "Look, if you like the girl, just fucking tell her already. The worst that can happen is she says no, and you end up right back where you are now
Well that's dumb. The pains of adolescence and growing up are the purest pains in the world. The fact that they're formative years add an apocalyptic feel to it all, a first kiss can be everything, a first heartbreak, a first friendship and a first adventure...
At the time, rejection can be the end of the world.

1. Make the transition to manga, anime caters exclusively to stunted development old men, manga has a much wider variety
2. Accept that you are getting older, and your tate is also changing. Enjoy it for what it is.
3. 20th century boys and the adult takagi manga scratch my itch, maybe it will to you. Personally wholesome slice of life families does it for me, and stuff like urasawa mangas and older stuff does too. Newer stuff is meh.

ReLife might be up your alley

First, you should think about what you just said.

>I just feel envious of the characters for being younger than me, and regretful about not preventing my life from getting even more miserable as I aged into my 30s.
Here, you basically say that you wasted your 20s reading manga instead of fixing your life.
The very next sentence...
>Any good seinen manga with protagonists in their 30s? say you want to continue doing so in your 30s.
Why? Go fix your life.

Second, you should probably realize that in a lot of manga, the age of a character is just an arbitrary number that is convenient for the author.
Most isekai manga will have some 16-18 year old hikki NEET who lives in his own apartment, even though this is pretty implausible, and is really more likely if the guy is in his 20s or 30s.
So stop worrying so much about a character's literal age, and focus more on what place in their life they are, and whether you can relate to that.

I Am A Hero

Read manga:
Ore to Akuma no Blues
Yamikin Ushijima-kun

and there is a lot more

If there's ever a season 4 of Free!, it might be with them in their 30s ;-)

No I don't agree. I think as we age we sort of lose touch with real romance. I haven't been in love since my early 20s, I don't think I can be in love anymore. Can you? Don't think so, all those stomach butterflies are pretty much dead by the time you're 30. So we don't get to diss those youngsters who are in love. Unlike us they're not dead inside and it's not a bad thing.

>Yamikin Ushijima-kun
Damn nobody ever mentions that one, it's pretty good.

Women can be "not dead inside" until they're about 50.
Women win again.


This kinda makes me scared for my future because I was never a weird smelly otaku that liked to watch anime for cute girls and fanservice and fought toys. Maybe I will grow out if it...

Yeah but they have a tiny pea sized brain and no penis at all. That's pretty sad.

Probably because it's long and isn't even 1/4 scanlated.

On the contrary, they have a lot of penis and they get pumped full of testosterone too

This is the worst looking VHS transfer I've ever seen.

Spokon. The nerd hobby you're supposed to get into after 30 is watching sports, sports are aimed at 30+ male audiences and so is sports anime. That being said, athletes are young, so you will still be watching young people. They're not the target audience though

>30 year olds acting like they're 80
fucking Burgers

Thanks, Ojii-san.

If you don't have children, your 30s will be pretty much the same as the 50s of somebody who did have children. You skipped 20 years of filler and arrived at the same stage of life.

You didn't skip the filler, you ARE the filler.

Umareru Kachi no Nakatta Jibun ga Anna no Tame ni Dekiru Ikutsuka no Koto. Technically it's about a 30+ years old loser dude.

>my own life is just filler
>my kids life is what's really important
Mom is that you, what are you doing on Yea Forums

Anime is for children

Trying to snap some sense into my faggot son.

Hey don't forget, I'M the important bit of your life. You can just fuck off and die, your life is filler. Give me money.

Get off the couch, get out of the basement and go out of the house. I'm begging you, just please go out and meet a girl, I'll give you money just... just go meet a girl and go out on a date. Stop wasting my money on toys of little girls.

Literally me and my mom. I'm 29 btw

I'm 30 and except for getting depressed when I realize there are millionaires younger than me I don't feel any different than when I was 16.

So you failed to grow up? Congrats, I guess.

>Can't enjoy something unless you relate to a character.
Why, OP? Just accept that these characters libe radically different lives than you and have different personalities. See stuff and explore the way they are and why they are that way, now how they relate to YOU.

bro I'm in my 30s and I haven't felt the need for a self-insert character at any point in my life

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Thank fuck japanese and french maybe italian comics has comics that can be appreciated by all ages. Imagine being old enough to get tired of comics but you can read only the Japanese Shonen bullshit and Superhero shit Americans love.

Space Brothers
Mutta is like 33 at the beginning of the series
You'll still feel envious though because his past present and future is more successful than yours ever was or ever will be

I guess Kurosawa is best for you, he's a loser in his 40's

Checks out.

I'm almost 30 and I'd rather read a story with an underage MC.

It isn't stated how old Kaiji is in any of the parts, but assuming that he graduated from high school when he was 18, and then moved to Tokyo for 3 years, he's around 21-22 by the time the arc starts. Endou states that if he works off his debt he could be free from it in 11 years when he's around 32-33.

By Part 6, I believe he's around 23, since Part 1 I think takes place over 2-6 months, Part 2 states that Kaiji has been trying to make it big from gambling for around 6 months after Part 1 ended and he spends about a year underground I think, and he stays at Sakazaki for 3 months.

im nearly 40 and feel the same