How the fuck does he look this good at 56?

How the fuck does he look this good at 56?

Attached: vic.png (750x400, 215K)

By stealing the innocence of children- Monica probably.

Monica actually is jealous and accused him

I assume that this is a dubber, since you are posting him on Yea Forums.
Go back to the tonami general on .

So what became of this?
I thought the US didn't have defamation laws, yet apparently he's suing for defamation?
How does that work?

Not anime

Attached: (you).png (544x499, 264K)


>trying this hard to fit in
Lighten up.

Wasn't going to post in this thread but I'm bumping it just to piss off

Attached: 1556150790760.jpg (1440x1080, 87K)

We do, its only in the case if you get fired because of it. They really fucked him so he is gonna fuck their pocket book

I liked him in FMA.

Attached: YOU.jpg (600x600, 58K)

>I thought the US didn't have defamation laws
you thought waaaay wrong.

It's almost over
Bitch will win
Shield will lose

Attached: its over.png (478x336, 345K)

How do you know?

probably never dome drugs and eats a healthy diet +exercise

Kill yourself.

they do, it's just harder to sue for (((reasons)))

I read something about Rial signing something called an anti-slap or something, but I haven't the faintest clue what that is or what it does.

I want to support Vic, because Rial is a lying cunt, but KiwiFarms supports Vic, and KiwiFarms is a hive of hypocritical moralfaggots who stand against everything I care about, like liberty. Is the enemy of my enemy truly my friend?

That's grade school logic. Just do what you want
