Why aren't you watching this year's SMARTEST anime?

Why aren't you watching this year's SMARTEST anime?

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Arifutera? I am

Because later it turns boring with all the chemical things, rocks, and metals, i'm not fan of chemistry.

Only stupid people watch it.

I'm so tired of seeing this shitter's face already

I've already seen Release the Spyce though

Because he has one of the ugliest designs I have ever seen.

because i'm a brainlet

i actually think all characters based off of ssj2 gohan look cool
you just have shit taste

seems like one of those "smart shows for stupid people" like Sherlock

you saw that epic pasta too?

No, I watched it

>dude I have this character who is supposed to be really smart, how should I convey to the audience this idea?

Attached: Albert-Einstein-E-MC2-Sheldon-Rick-and-Morty-T-Shirt-Physics-Science-Men-s-tshirt-vespa.jpg_q50.jpg (1000x1000, 37K)

Most reddit anime of the year.

Why are you falseflagging to make the people hate this anime?
It must suck to have a life so devoid of purpose.

t. reddit


smart in the sense that the author can open wikipedia while writing it and pretend he know these stuff.

you fags would call death note rick and morty if it came out today

>he likes dr. cringe
Dr. peddle is the definition of r/eddit

Even if it tryies to be smart, the characters are too unreal. Its funny to watch how the creator struggled to make a story trying to be both acurrate and at the same time cartoony. That said it is fun, so probably best shounen of season.

Attached: asi habló zaratustra.png (500x375, 158K)

>the characters are too unreal
What's a realistic character to you and why are you looking for realism in a series for kids?

I'm not gay.

Isn't it obvious? Because most people here are far too stupid to appreciate it

"pretending to be smart" the anime
Nope, I'm not redditor

Because that other faggot wouldn't stop screaming for no reason in every scene.
2 episodes was enough to see he wasn't going to stop being shit and ruining the show.

t. offended brainlet trying to distance himself from browsing /r/anime

>it's ok when Blacked Clover does it

>ITT: trolls trolling trolls

I read the manga and it nosedives after that High School Gorilla arc. No need to disappoint myself again.

I... i would not!

But you're, user

>he doesn’t know that Taiju gets dropped almost completely in the plot and is only added dozens of chapters later (i.e. the next season, if ever)
Don’t even try to defend Dr. Stone if all you can do is compare it to shit, Stonefag

I can live with the fact that Tsukasa can kill lions and shatter rocks (as you said its a kids anime) with his bare hands. But:
Tsukasa is just too smart for his age AND strong.
Senku is just too good natured for being a nerd at his age.
Yuzuriha is too suicidal for her age.
Taiju is too retard for his age.
Not just them, all these characters and the way they move arround in the series. It would make more sense if they were adults but obviously the autor decided to make them kids so he could sell them as shounen.
Also its too stupid that all the characters that revived knew each other, everyone in this manga is almost flawless and everything just works conveniently arround them.

There's a reason I don't normally watch shit like this.
Being a chemist I thought this one was at least worth a try based on the premise. Unfortunately a needless character was added that was ruined everything. Senkuu just monologuing for the first episodes before anyone was revived would've been significantly better.

>this year's SMARTEST anime
I already watched Senko-san though.

I bet you appreciate shit as well.

Is this bait? ooooo

kys falseflagger

You are pushing it to me, so no.

ITT: Stoneshitters dEsTrOyEd by FACTS and LOGIC

>Yes, my favorite anime is Dr.Stone, how can you tell?

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I am. On Fridays. Fuck off falseflagging cunt

Only stupid people call this a "smart" anime, like OP. I know OP is doing it to intentionally be contrarian but you just come off as dumb. Fuck off with this false flag shit plz

It's still pretty good anime.

based and bat shit pilled

youre complaining about shit thats explained later
>all the characters that revived knew each other
its the other way around retard, they only revived people they knew cuz its a better allocation of resources
i bet you think god created the earth because its so perfect for us and not natural selection that selected the animals best suited for the environment

How far will the anime Go?

>youre complaining about shit thats explained later
Thats bullshit, they are going to give halfassed explanations like most of Bruno's gang background stories in Jojo. I am sure.
>its the other way around retard, they only revived people they knew cuz its a better allocation of resources
Please, they just justifiy later that they "knew" each other, when they all met at the begining is like they don't even know anything more than their name.
>i bet you think god created the earth because its so perfect for us and not natural selection that selected the animals best suited for the environment
You are terrible at bets, never step on a casino lol going out of the way with religious vs science bullshit. (also you are a brainlet if you think just natural selection is in charge of evolution, but guess not everybody in Yea Forums is good at biology)

>youre complaining about shit thats explained later
Don't try to understand the mind of a brainlet. If all they watch in their life is shonen anime they will become confused and irritable if a show doesn't immediately explain everything that is happening via long exposition dumps. He also likely doesn't realize that for the majority of human history, shit was run by people who were age 10-20 because you didn't often live longer than that or have the vigor to stop somebody younger and stronger from wrestling power from you.

main character laughing is getting repetitive
someone needs to do a compilation at the end of the season