ba dun dun dun dun dun
ba dun dun dun dun dun
Its Where's my sword ya simp
o shi e teo shi e teo
Same thing
How did brain go from being a fucking tournament fighter, to being a thug lord, to being the Greatest Warrior's pupil and successor?
He lost, he trained, he lost again, was saved and gained a friend!
Would be funny if he ends up fugging shaltear
Shalltear literally says she doesn't dislike persistent men second time they meet.
Brain is running around looking for Gazef successor to train up, not sure there will be enough opportunities for him to meed the vamp again.
I think in WN he was turned into a minion vampire by Shalltear and she's fond of undead dicks.
>secondary outfit is even better than primary one
Peroronchino was a man of refined taste.
Ded thred.
Ded franchize.
Ded fanbase.
Fuck Maruyama the coward for slamming brakes on the hype train.
Chair is easy, so it's quite possible.
when's volume 14 coming?
>He lost, he trained, he lost again, was saved and gained a friend!
Like a traditional shonen hero. When will he get the necessary power up to face Ainz?
That's Climb.
I don't think Climb would even care if he found out the truth
Me too, I think somewhere along the way to ascend above her humanity Renner would eventually fuck up and Climb would see her for what she truly is.
She would immediately lose her spaghetti running around in her mind how Climb would now hate and leave her.
Climb would just draw blade and dispatch unfortunate witnesses and ensure Renner that she's still his Light.
Renner-sama can't be wrong and if she is - the world is to blame we'll just have to correct it.
If Climb's really a chosen hero, he would slay Renner the moment he finds out she was a race traitor who colluded with the literal dark lord to undermine mankind itself, then put all the blame on Ainz and go on the path of revenge.
Fuck waifus and daughterus.
Overlord is at its best when Ainz is interacting with men.
>Fuck waifus and daughterus.
That's the idea, yeah.
why would you fuck you daughteru you sick fuck?
Why wouldn't I? Would you rather spend a decade raising her for another mans dick?
>Overlord is at its best when Ainz is interacting with men
If you self insert as Ainz perhaps
I want to insert myself into Clementine.
Who do you self-insert as?
You mean someone isn't?
You get a son in law to bro it up and knowingly complain about women with.
Gazeff cuz I want to die
No reason to complain about a woman I personally raised for myself. I mean I'd be a failure if she turned out wrong.
One of sexiest things about Clem is that she's laughably weak in the grand scheme of things.
Warrior over 30lvl isn't laughably weak for NW she's probably in the strongest...ten thousands.
She came out wrong when she came out of your wife's vagina without a penis and that's just luck of the draw.
Again, the good part about having a daughter is eventually getting another son(-in-law) and maybe grandsons.
> eventually getting another son(-in-law) and maybe grandsons
We can make those too.
In my opinion, Neia is a bit cute.
I think Clem's fans are about evenly divided into people who want to abuse her, be abused by her, and those who want to start a happy, loving family with her. With sone overlap between the groups.
Mutual abuse is foundation of long-lasting marriage.
This, the ups and downs are what make us worthy.
>me basejumping
I really liked that OP
What would be Neia's reaction to learning His Majesty didn't save her life but instead resurrected her using a ninth tier spell?
don't you mean 'love'?
as divine interventions go resurrection is above being saved from dying
Inquisition flames to heavens.
Clem is not for hard BDSM.
I mean, just look at the way she went out.
All the more reason to literally headlock and hug her tightly for a steamy pronebone. Ropes would just be extra kink.
I'm pretty hardcore but puking out my own intestines would be safe word territory for me too.
>just look at the way she went out.
squirming and shrieking sexily?
>squirming and shrieking sexily?
Maybe to a gurofan.
It was a great scene, I liked the anime addition of the biting and missing teeth too, made up for the lack of shades on Ainz.
Don't jizz yourself /g/
I want Ainz to sit on me.
It's hard but I can take it without the sound.
Do you sleep in the freezer? We have to make important clarification here.
>t. anyone from nazarick
post worthless characters
At least they taught Hamsuke a martial art
Zenberu was useful in v11
You're right, that made wasting five episodes on bland boring bullshit completely worth it.
If it was ever brought up again and actually had any relevance to the overall plot, it wouldn't have been wasted. And don't act like a couple lizards popping up in the background in some episodes counts as relevant.
>5 episodes of isekai geograpnics insight into aboriginal tribal community
What an ignoramus look at him and laugh!
>spend two and a half hours ignoring the plot and fucking around with basically zero consequence or development of important characters
>the only significant thing that happened is laughably generic character development to characters who are never mentioned again
>the one interesting and vaguely unique character is interesting and unique for five minutes before devolving into Generic Love Interest No. 48 for Generic Warrior Protagonist No. 26
>""plot"" so basic a child could predict how it would go from its tease at the end of S1
>entire premise of needing workers/army is pointless when SUGOI AINZ SAMA can just magic an army out of thin air
>whole arc could be entirely cut from cannon with zero impact on the story
>only loss would be MUH WORLD BUILDING
I mean, sure if that's what you're into.
>insight in low-level shitters isn't important for sasugasms contrast with Nazarick at all
You're dumb. Stomping literal who redshirts wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting. Overlord always invest in character development, even for shitters that will be rolled over forever.
This show apparently isn't for you try Naruto.
>anime only
The lizards show up later on in season 4 if it gets it, it also shows ainz goal and reworking the guilds.
Armies are still important since we don’t know what’s out there that can back them up with sheer skills, gears like an undead dragon lord.
Not with those biceps
>Stomping literal who redshirts wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting
Too bad that's exactly how the arc ended.
>Overlord always invest in character development, even for shitters that will be rolled over forever
If only the lizardmen character development was actually interesting enough for an entire arc. If only it was at least as interesting as the rest of the series, it would have at the bare minimum entertaining.
>Too bad that's exactly how the arc ended.
Too bad you're an imbecile who can't read for shit: lizards were developed as characters and a faction before being snuffed out.
>was actually interesting enough
It was you're just a seinenshitter pleb with LOL EPIC STORY expectations from every arc.
made to be raped
>Get beaten by Vampire mistress
>Traun, gain her respect and become her minion
>Fug her
Best femdom story I've heard
Yes, yes, but what sort of rape? Does she get raped by humans? Monsters? Do they kill her at the end or do they have her live as a sex slave?
Marital rape.
What would happen when they find a lone player that isn’t hostile to heteromorphs?
Resurrection experiments.
Ainz already said the first thing he plans to do if he encounters a player is to kill him and see if resurrection works on players.
>ainz encounters lone player
>kills him
>turns out resurrection doesn't work on players
>also turns out the player wasn't alone but came together with a whole top tier guild
Does Ainz try to negotiate or just bunkers down in Nazarick and never leaves?
He wipes them out with 100500 95lvl mercs, runic weapons, 11 WCI, power of autism and Enri.
If you were a player, how would you have conquered the Holy Kingdom?
I really want to know how her story ends up
Take Club as my 2nd wife.
who is the first wife?
Dragon Queelf
but she's an alcoholic old hag
And we can get shitfaced together
>make her change forms on top of you
>go over the world genociding hostile shitters for wild magic
>NTR the Optics leader
>Threesomes with Calca while Remedios forced to watch
>Record home AV and project it for BDL to see
>Threesomes with Calca while Remedios forced to watch
Isn't calca just chunks of meat or did I miss something?
Yes you missed reading the chain before jumping in.
I don't think Remedios would mind Calca having consensual sex with her husband.
He knows it works. The 8CG were players and they were resurrected a few times.
did they fuck?
Bad show
season 4 when?
For the last time, yes
No but Brain fondled Gazef's corpse when it was still warm.
>illustrated by jews
does Narberal desire the bone beyond her deference to Albedo?
*violates ur NAP*
I almost forgot Overlord used to have good looking animation
Inb4 this happens to Keeno too, when Ainz is Momon armour
It would be cuter if Entoma slowly eats her alive.
>Create cute monsters that eat anything
Imagine if Entoma and Solution had to babysit the SBs "would be" babies...
Good party tricks.
Realistically could Clementine have done or said anything that would save her life by the moment this clip starts?
If you isekaied as Clem at that point how would you survive?
I've been wanting to get into Overlord for a while Should I just read the web novel or are the animes worth it?
Read the Light Novels then watch the first season. The other two are optional and terribly animated but the OPs and EDs are pretty good and it's nice to hear some of the scenes from the LN since the voice cast is pretty strong despite the shitty animation.
Read the WN only if very bored with the lack of content after exhausting everything else.
>I know where WCI is I will tell you if you spare my life
breeding pens
Entoma doesn't hold candle to even Muffet.
Her design is supposed to be an eldrich horror.
She's like 90% makeup with her face, arm etc bugs.
>bringing that garbage here
fuck off
You first.
It sounds so Halloween I love it
please fuck off back to your containment general
>caring what labels are put onto your spidergirl waifu