Why did Togashi make such a shit character?

Unironically now that the dust has settled, do we all agree that the Chimera Ant Arc is the worst one in the show?
Yorknew is probably the best, with Hunter Exam and Greed Island being pretty close seconds, and Zoldyck Family slightly edging out over (((ants))). Boring overstretched plot, OP characters inserted just so the main characters can grow stronger, no explanation whatsoever except muh evolution. Muh animals can feel. The An*toids should've gotten exterminated in 5 episodes by a few guns instead of this bullshit. Shame that an anime that could've been regarded a masterpiece had such a weak arc.

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Actually I'm watching it again and even if this arc has good things(character development,storytelling,soundtrack and the best battle in the series) I think that the fucking should have died in less than 20 episodes.Overall I still consider HxH as one of the best shounen even with the many mistakes it has.

>One of the most developed villains in shonen history
>Called a shit character
Maybe Togashi's work requires a level of intelligence that you don't possess user. It's not for you.

Cope. Literally name one reason why any of the aftermentioned arcs are inferior to the antniggers.
They ruin the credibility of all praised hunters and of all power order we knew just because Togashi decided to be a hack and forced himself to make some shitty race that would instantly mogg every hunter. You're delusional if you think this arc couldn't have been done better, rewatch it again this time without skipping anything and notice the difference in the flow of every other arc and this shitshow. It's overglorified and overrated. It's a brutal brain filter indeed, takes to have one to understand how shit it is.

Celll gone boring

The first half of chrimera ants are boring as fuck, but the palace invasion is one of the best arcs in any anime

Based. Wish there was a more stable power hierarchy than that, I am still bitter about Meruem surviving the bomb. Togashi decided to chase two rabbits, by making Meruem survive the bomb and die by Komugi's side, and it felt forced af. I believe there could've been a way not to mog all hunters and still make a decent character development of Meruem.
Also, Netero should've damage Meruem some more, then his loss would be more bearable
I also hate that during the election arc Hisoka and Illumi murdered and mogged tons of hunters without even getting a scratch. So long for organization's credibility

I believe Hisoka and Illumi killed in total 123 hunters, yeah I disliked that part too. I will never forgive Togashi for that.

This sums it up pretty well, also fucking lmao at greed Island being "good".

I suppose you need to have a pretty high IQ to understand RxM.

its a pedophile monster wanting to rape an underage disabled girl. what do you think? its propably some creepy selfinsert from togashi

komugi is an adult and meruem is a newborn though?

best arc will always be york shin but the start of chimera was really good, i liked the horror and mysterious feeling of the trio adventuring in Ngl then after that it became boring.

eww thats even sicker

The plot is hardly stretched out in the manga when the only fight that does not really further the plot is Leol vs Morel. The big issue is that the anime is literally adapting the manga at 66% of the speed in which it adapted Yorkshin.

The explanation for the ants is pretty simple and has nothing to do with evolution. The Life Force of everything the Queen eats goes into the next generation of ants, and the Royal Guard and Meruem were made from hundreds of humans.

The arc is meant to put the Hunters, and especially our main characters, Gon and Killua, in an extreme situation. And it is important to put them in such a situation because we had already seen them fight human outlaws twice and it was no longer interesting.

Gon and Killua are finally established as competent Hunters after Greed Island, so throwing them in a very dark arc, against what is pretty much alien invaders, was the perfect idea for the time, and serves to explore a new side of both characters.

Togashi is respectful enough with his audience to only write if he has some new story to tell (three kings being a Tournament was not his idea), unlike most other Shonen mangaka who tend to just repeat themselves over and over to sell more copies to their dull-witted fans.

Overall, Chimera Ants, or some other arc of a similar nature, is exactly what HxH needed at the time.

Are these just bait threads? Chinese cell is bad but hes better than anyone else in hxh

Like if you don't like him you should have dropped the anime/manga way before you got to him. I can't imagine someone actually sticking with HxH until Tue chimes arc and then not liking it

>anthaters are raging powerlevelfags

I know someone who’s name is Sasuga.

I love the fucking Chimera Ant Arc.

Is the chimera arc a faithful adaptation of the manga? I mean, the one thing that bothers me the most about this arc is the retard amount of narration during the whole thing. And the worst is that what was being said could easily be conveyed through characters' thought and actions.

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Yorknew is by far the best, but do you guys think the SW arc might beat it when (if) it's finished?

The amount of set-up is simply crazy.

Based although a little bit to late.

I dropped the manga during the chimera ant arc.

Good for you und good riddance

>The An*toids should've gotten exterminated in 5 episodes by a few guns instead of this bullshit.

Actually read it, faggot.

I don't mean to offend or say the manga is bad. But I was reading it while it was going on, or rather, when the hiatus stuff started and it wasn't going on. I've seen stuff like this with Bastard!! before, and by stuff I don't mean the story or quality of the manga, but the author slowly quitting and stalling his own manga for depressing reasons. So I just stopped reading it when it did eventually resume.

>greed Island a second best arc
Imagine having a taste this appallingly bad.
As expected of a brainlet with attention span of a goldfish who complains about muh pacing.

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I think it has it's issues but it's a good arc with a lot of strong emotional moments

>Are these just bait threads?
Yes. That's why they get spammed once a month before they get banned.

The start of greed island was pretty good.
It would have been better without bomber jobber .

>greed island
>anything but atrocious

Attached: Naamlooshkjhl.png (158x218, 86K)

Greed Island's good

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With hunter x hunter, it’s better reading the manga first because the 2011 intro’s & outro’s shows spoilers about everything.

You should do more of these in the future

so hard to be on board with any of the characters in the ant arc, cause they're fucking ants. Octopus friend? It's an ant dude. it has Cat ears? it's an ant, it'll lay eggs, build a poopoo nest and worst of all, be stupid loyal to helmet ant. Think I finally woke up like 30 episodes in and liked the shogi and the vague promise of these ants redeeming themselves, both in terms of meta-value to the story and in their morality. But just as the antcat is cornered, all that is thrown away.

Felt like filler, went from introducing new interesting characters and powerspikes so often, and then has an arc of that size with weak characters and Gon getting kicked the shit out of him every 5 or so episodes, being so useless. Like a trance man, as soon as the arc went over to epilogue with the dad I immediately remembered what I like about HxH. Now when i recommend it i say "from the minute you see an ant, it's all downhill". I don't like telling ppl what parts they'll like and won't like but I don't like sending them into shit they'll hate either, that arc to me is not HxH at all. bring bisky back.

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He's a good character but a bad villain. He can't even be called a main villain since him and Gon has no interactions, nor does he pose a threat to Gon. He has a good character arc, Gon has a good character arc, but they're completely seperate. And he doesn't affect the story as much as a classic villain, like Cell, would. So he kinda feels pointless. Though that doesn't mean CA arc is bad, it's a character focused arc

Cope harder. Greed Island was a fun experience that still made sense in terms of power level and respected the well established universe. Out of the 50 or how many episodes the last arc was, only 10 were necessary. Pointless naration due to hack voice actors not wanting to voice out thoughts, disrespecting the audience in assuming they're all brainlets that need everything explained instead of allowing them to form their own opinions on the matter.
It had a few good fights and Gon's breakdowns were great but in the end it's a completely flawed arc that pales in comparison to the other.
Same as the above, true "hunter chads" know to enjoy a good and light experience instead of a edgy shitshow, if you weren't such a brainlet you'd realize that.
Undoubtedly based, if it was 10 episodes long it would've been a great arc. But the anime is still great and I'd recommend it to anyone.
On the matter of your first answer, I haven't read the manga except post anime so I can't say how well it's done there. But it showed massive flaws in anime due to the massive need to explain everything throughout the narrator, aswell as so many quite frankly boring and pointless characters having too much screentime when in reality you couldn't really connect yourself with any of them.
On the other answer, I agree that the idea behind the arc was great and a few episodes almost manage to carry it but I simply cannot ignore how much of a shitshow the majority of them were. Glad to see some atleast offer their point of view instead of m-muh hunterchad brain.

finish high school and have sex

>The arc is meant to put the Hunters, and especially our main characters, Gon and Killua, in an extreme situation.
It could've been done in a different - better way. Look at the current arc for example.
>And it is important to put them in such a situation because we had already seen them fight human outlaws twice and it was no longer interesting
Speak for yourself. That's exactly what made HxH so interesting to begin with. CA arc threw away almost everything HxH established in previous arcs to favor generic shonen power level progression with some cheap philosophy. Once again, read/re-read the current ongoing arc to understand what I'm talking about.