If you kill him, you'll be just like him!

>if you kill him, you'll be just like him!
really nigga?

Attached: 1553296346084.gif (347x500, 334K)

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Something something he had to be a level headed leader

yeah their issue was basically "there's nothing wrong with you killing him, however killing him because you're angry and have lost your temper is not a quality of a leader"

kinda dumb but whatever.

It's a ridiculous quote but it isn't an unfounded belief.
Mussolini aspired to return the Italian pride and reconstruct Rome, had the support of Italians, but commited a lot of war crimes and end up a failure.
Jonestown Massacre happened because the guy aspires to create a utopia filled with selfless people but to do so, he end up becoming a controlling dictator who enclosed everyone from the world till the authorities came in he had to make everyone go anhero.
Putin came into power in a corrupted and weak Russia and became a strong man who alleviated the situation of the people but we all know all the assassinations and corruptions that he has to do to maintain the peace in the politcal status

Same goes with
>"If you stare at the abyss long enough, the abyss stares back at you"
>"Road to hell is paved with good intentions"
>"Those who hunt monsters must be careful not to turn into monsters themselves"

>but commited a lot of war crimes
No such thing as war crimes.

No such things if you won.
Otherwise, you will be sent to court, trialed, then executed for it.

It's almost like most anime is for kids and you are way out of its target age.

imagine being an FMAcuck, lol

Attached: Mayuri.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

I mean you're not wrong but I'm more talking about from a legal standpoint.
Shit like the Geneva Convention is just a gentleman's agreement that everyone has agreed to ignore when it's inconvenient and there is no way to actual enforce it without more war if the other country doesn't comply.

Techically, if one side ignored the laws of war because it was inconvenient, they may receive severe international backlash. And by backlash, I mean, massive sanctions, banning travel to the country, and banning import of goods.

That shit can easily make a country kneel. especially if it's just a mid-size country with few allies. Or worse, if his own allies abandoned him. Like N.Korea being threated with Chinese abandonment

No such thing as crimes.

The problem is, and maybe I’m just an autist, there is minimal correlation between revenge and being a good leader. What difference does it make whether Roy kills Envy himself or lets Riza kill him, considering either way Roy is allowing Envy to die. It’s such an arbitrarily created problem, like if for some reason Riza told Roy that “desiring power” or “wanting to protect your subordinates” is a flaw when it honestly isn’t. I can appreciate that the characters don’t have a problem with Roy’s revenge boner like a lot of shows do, more they believe there will be ramifications later on, but those ramifications are expositited to the audience as if it’s totally a normal thing that would occur to people’s minds.
>Roy don’t kill Envy or you’ll be a bloodthirsty tyrant
>explain how
>j-just believe me
In contrast Scar’s “revenge is bad” arc makes sense because involving people who had nothing to do with it only causes suffering to people who don’t deserve it, cycle of violence and all that. So Scar’s arc is at least logically coherent. The plot haphazardly pulls an Aesop from its ass and tries to teach the audience something that doesn’t apply

It's more like "if you needlessly torture this villain who can't fight back to satisfy your personal grudge then you aren't fit to be leader of a country" which is actually a good message to teach people.

Given during the big wars everyone starts doing illegal war shit to their own convenience, the only real issue here is whether or not your country is allied with America when the shit hit the fan.
To be fair though, a country probably shouldn't be that attached to the global scale, you're not much of a country if you break down immediately because of sanctions and trade bans.

Legally not true but objectively you're right. If you can commit a "crime" and no-one can stop you from doing it then effectively that's just nature taking it's course and given there is no really universal laws, what is illegal in one place could be legal in another.


This trope's retarded cousin the 'I'm so skilled I can defeat them without killing them' is actually my all time least favorite bit of immoral white washing in children's programming.
>teach kids they can both solve their problems with violence but never have to get their hands truly dirty

Nah, big countries have a lot more expectations to go with them.
If they "just" ignored the Laws of War, the supportof the people would plummet and the leaders in charge may or may not be mobbed. Pray that he only gets a coup.

Lol moralfag

>if you kill him, you'll be just like him!
Pretty much, yeah.
Revenge is an act of vanity whereas justice is impartial and the expected response from a true leader.

There is nothing wrong with revenge. We are humans, not machines.

Envy is not a human, so kill it!

>there is minimal correlation between revenge and being a good leader
But there's a really strong correlation between acting on impulse (anger) and being a bad leader.

>I'm so skilled I can defeat them without killing them
Just thinking about certain characters who employ that shit sets off my autism. I don't mind the idea of a character who wants to avoid killing, but they also need to show that sparing your enemies is an incredibly dangerous thing to do for both you and your allies and even if you have the skill required it doesn't always work out.


This video should prove why that ideal isn't as simple as it seems.

>he's dead, I'm not
How is that being like him?

Yet another thread where Yea Forumsutist don't get that self-indulgence is a bad thing

I find it really funny that the two English VA's who played these characters in the dub are married. I wonder if doing these scenes are how they met?

Attached: Rusto fucking died.png (500x307, 78K)

Great example of this got shown in the Vinland Saga anime. Thors has that exact no kill policy and it ends up getting him killed despite the fact that he can solo scores of men barehanded.

>Resist the urge to kill someone you hate.
>Watch him get so depressed and pitiful that he kills himself right in front of you while crying.

His patience was rewarded.

>you're not much of a country if you break down immediately because of sanctions and trade bans
Pretty much every country, including the US and China would break down if there were severe international sanctions. The only exceptions are small totalitarian shitholes like N. Korea that don't do too much trading in the first place.

>including the US
Can never happen due to the vastness of wealth and intelectual property the country holds. The world would be fucking itself over before it fucked the States.
A giant on clay legs. The only reason the country is even wealthy at all is because it was allowed to ignore international trade practices and rules for decades in exchange for cheap products and labour.

Both bad examples, is what I am trying to say.

>wealth and intelectual property the country holds
those aren't held by the country. they are held by international corporations ran by people that would lose no sleep over abandoning Usa for the sake of their profit margins.

>have this philosophy
>still uses a philosopher's stone to restore his eyesight despite knowing how a stone is created

I just want consistency.

I don't think killing an enemy is being impulsive.

>Can never happen due to the vastness of wealth and intelectual property the country holds.
The problem with the US is it's a democracy. It would survive without global trade, but the price of basic commodities would increase, leading to mass protests, riots, and political action. China could just gun down the protesters and call it a day, but the US can't because we give a shit about their lives. As a result, a unified global sanction could actually force the US to change course (though I doubt it'll ever happen). China could last longer by killing any dissenters, but they would revert to 1960's poverty levels.

Funimatuon? Maybe, its also they both got fired for sexual harrasment

Chasing down a fleeing enemy when it wasn't your main objective there are a ton of more dangerous immediate threats kind of is.

They were partners in crime with Vic? News to me.