Boku no Hero Academia

Chapter 41 time - and with the pacing picking up speed after DvS; it's BvK and SvI all in one chapter, with a friendly looking, good hearted, ex-vigilante at the end.
Overall, corresponds to the first part of Episode 24. Don't forget, if you want a place for shipping dicussion or a place to dump images of your virtual wife, and are always around. Yea Forums is for Anime and Manga discussion, not for shipfagging!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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shiggy cute

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End of dump.
A lot of animeonly content for that chapter, so this webm's a bit longer than usual *ahem*hey hint hint, if you want a easy way to make some reaction images/oc, press F11 while watching, paste it in mspaint and bam you've got a clean, good quality image. Works for literally every subbed anime you'll ever watch too, it's great!*ahem*

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>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!

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Is this going to be an R18 doujin?

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Don't you dare summon him. These threads are bad enough without the worst spammer on the site; just fuck off to

Why the fuck is she lying on her desk?


>That desperate screaming from Compress
Actually got me hyped up something fierce

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>Toga is the only Villain who's design is also meant to work on the good side

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I'm pretty sure what he means is that she displays psychopathic tendencies rather than sociopathic ones, in that she can effortlessly blend into regular society unlike every other member of the league. She can be 'normal' cute when it's required for her to be

Giga is actually the fat guy given a Quirk by All for One from OfA flashback. Screencap this.

>Compress's hat is now crooked
Arguably the greatest casualty of the arc

Having 'a cuteness' doesn't mean 'can work on the good side'. A lion or a bear can be 'a cuteness' but will still try to rip your face off.

I'm really curious about people still following this series unironically, what are they expecting exactly? there's nothing interesting on the horizon, all the developments are shit, the overarching plot is the worst I've seen in any battle shonen

personally I only follow it because I want to know if all the retarded theories like bak u go, all for one being deku's father and traitor ochako will become true, I just want to see the shitstorms


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nobody gives a shit what you care about

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I only got into this series because it has an invisible girl and I will stick around as long as it has an invisible girl.
I'm only going to leave if 1. she dies or 2. she becomes visible.

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fapping material


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>already half a dozen (You)s
>n-no one cares baka!
ok nigger

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How will Deku avenge Kacchan's death?

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>all dismissing him

Feel like giving up yet from the shitposting?
This is what I feel from your post, pure desperation.

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I suspect this conversation means almost as much to Deku as "You can be a hero".

And even if the translator could be excused by ignorance for using male pronouns to refer to All Might's predecessor at the time, it still grates now.

By living the life Shiggy never could

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I gotta admit, I was anime-only at the time of that phrase popping up. It completely caught me off guard and actually really hit home

>And even if the translator could be excused
Nope, Caleb is just a shitty translator

I like the anime better, where Bakugo figures out Kirishima can only stay ultra hard so long, and keeps bombing him until he excesses K's limit. It shows a more thinking Bakugo.

Pretty sure the only reason that happened was because BONES wanted to give Bakugo to tear off Kirishima's clothes up for the fujobux.
The manga makes him more calculating, the anime more reactive; both have their strengths, but ultimately the manga always takes priority.

It's a lot worse that at the start but I don't think it has sunk to garbage tier yet. That, plus my desire to have all my questions answered, is enough to keep reading.

Really, I'm wondering how Twice is holding Toga with broken arms.

Love finds a way, I guess.

mina catching a grimer

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His mask is broken, too...

its way better than at the start.

How about if she becomes visible, we see what she looks like, and then she becomes invisible again?

No (you) for you. Go seethe and wheeze.

I continue with this series because I find it intriguing. A story is a trip through the author's mind, a look at the world through their eyes. If it goes in ways I don't expect, that's part of the fun. If in ways I don't like, I can endure or stop reading. Only children regardless of chronological age read something they hate just so they can proclaim their hate to the world. Such prove themselves unworthy with each word they utter.

That does not matter. If it is the hatefag or one of his ilk, getting (you)s is the whole point. He doesn't care what people say to him, each (you) is an affirmation he can actually have an effect on the world, and is not a completely worthless, inconsequential loser.

Strangely thin for Hori's art

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Nope, still ruins it. Everyone will immediately adopt her canonized appearance. Drawings of her visible will propagate and everyone will think of her confirmed appearance as "her". That changes her from "an invisible girl" to "a girl who becomes invisible", worth significantly less.

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They have obviously run into that arch villain, the Skirt Shortener! Toru's victorious because there's nothing to see and she didn't wear underwear today...

>hori is glad because he can now walk down stairs without collapsing from exhaustion
literally the meme with faggot who couldn't open his bottle of onions


this is hori

Attached: eecV3Eb.jpg (1019x806, 571K)

I'm not seeing the connection

hori needs to start lifting

there is a shitposter trying to make out hori as some communist sjw soiboy

Attached: f1b55634ce219091fe172a4564e55bd0cb4178c77f3c53bc803735037791231d.png (512x512, 300K)

>can do 10 minutes of recipro now
>will still serve as a means for jobbing as a mere stepping stone for Bakugo and Shoto in the next sports festival

Attached: Kek.png (166x358, 89K)

what the fuck are you talking about you sperg, I'm saying hori is a pathetic weakling

Have you heard his preference in women? Dude's high test

stop trying to be an internet tough guy

Imagine being so insecure over other people enjoying a series that you feel the need to attack the author personally

Attached: 1556809931731.png (785x669, 56K)

>high test
he looks like a 12 year old girl

what happened to her healthy thighs

>you can't even climb a simple flight of stairs without getting tired? pathetic.
Maybe if that faggot stopped fapping he'd have more energy.

Attached: Fetish.jpg (760x1144, 200K)

Imagine the size of his stash, and then tell me how you expect him to stop

Everyone's got a dark flavor out there. Like imagine how many lewd sketches he has of John-chan onaholes or weird Fluffy Tier meat sack Nomu sex machines or various characters committing acts of hand holding.

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Why is Donovan touching Togata's ass?

Was the last time deku and shiggy properly met back in the mall? Feels like they should have had at least a little bit more engagement at this point desu if they're supposed to be the main antagonist and protagonist

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you know why

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I tell you whut boomhauer this sake taste just like texas homebrew

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why did you post this?

dont remind me of this

who could resist that smile

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What if AFO is actually Deku's dad

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That’s stupid, user

I like how he talks so casually with her, he does act like her friend.

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What if? I mean, there's no real consequence. What does it matter? It doesn't change who Deku is or who he wants to be.
It doesn't hold MEANING. It would not even be a twist. It'd only amount to a Star Wars reference.

Yo yo, listen to this... What if Deku's cock is actually 14 inches instead of 13?

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Bakugo would be mad

The lord really blessed her with some childbearing hips

He's 5 at best.

It's rewind time.

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In 7 years, maybe.


do you seriously believe deku finding out his father is the greatest criminal in the history of japan and that his access to seven quirks is likely thanks to him would have no effect on him? are you retarded?

At this point? It really wouldn't. It would just galvanize him to proclaim that All Might is his real father and he'd reject AFO all the louder. It is completely out of theme to suddenly suggest he'd have any moment of weakness over it when he hasn't spoken a single goddamn word about his father in literally the whole series. "His father" does not occupy thoughtspace within his head.
Again, it'd amount to a Star Wars reference. The problem is that Deku is not Luke, who desperately wanted to know about his family and who he is. Deku has not shown, for a single panel of this entire manga, that he cares about his father.

Reminder the Top 20 monthly booklist is all MHA. Based.

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Where are the tinder posters?

That All Might looks pretty low quality.

That sucks, the most popular it is in the west the worst fans it will attract

and monopoly board

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edgy deku

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Fuck bros... Ehy is shiggy so cool?

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>Mineta as the cheapest student

Thanks for the dump.

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Hopefully she just rewound him enough so he got his quirk back, and not all the way to non-existence.

quads confirm

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Post it.

>Father as figure.

Thats nice, the board itself looks shit though.

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While this is a nice conversation, it really highlights Deku's lack of inquisitiveness about OfA and the history of what he's inherited. Granted some of that is on All Might too. Still it's a real flaw in the story structure, and is a flaw in Deku's character which the story doesn't seem likely to address, much less correct.

deku has gross hands

this series isn't necessarily huge but super marketable for some reason

do they just know much burgers love capeshit

What makes you like deku? He's so plain and annoying

Iida is fucking baller whenever he's allowed to be relevant

He triggers people off the map. That's good enough for me

Wouldn't Mineta or Mirio be better?

thanks for the dump

he cute

Mirio has got an annoying spic attached to him, and Mineta doesn't have enough screen time to trigger people.

Besides, people are smart enough to just ignore Miriofag and grapefag, but Deku NEVER fails to get (you)'s.

hes the best written shonen mc

But literally everyone loves Deku.

This is true, the greenpill is mandatory

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He's just a really hardworking and likeable kid, like genuinely nice

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So this is
A stupid ass reason to like him.

mineta only triggers obese tumblr whores

oh wait... are you trying to tell us something about yourself user

Bakugo acts like a Smarty Fluffy

>dekuck self-inserter

So that makes being a miriofag better?

>"Oh user, I almost forgot your daily dose"

Attached: IMG_20190725_112909.jpg (2048x2048, 170K)

>daily dose
>with a 12 incher
this is gonna hurt


That's a good crazy face there

>My master, that is, my predecessor
Is this a bad translation or intentional missdirection by Hori?

Fuck off, im on the Villainpill.

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>implying that there's more than one

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Bad translation. The translator didn't known his master's gender(as no one other than Hori and maybe his editor and staff did at the time), and just guessed at it to make a less awkward english sentence.


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You are wrong

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Japanese doesn't have gendered pronouns so translators have to guess pronouns if they don't know the gender of the character. It's the same reason why westerners think Crona has a gender when the Japanese version of Soul Eater intentionally leaves it completely ambiguous

He’s determined and inspiring, but not in that in-your-face loudmouthed way you see with so many shonen mcs. I’m also a sucker for heroes with matyr complex. He also cute

Current Iida shits on Shoto.

Shiggy should've forced Deku to suck his dick in the bathroom. It would've really shown his hate for hero society.

I like characters that are earnest, heroic and hardworking but also legitimately competitive.

I read a fic with that scenario the other day. It was good until it was Bakugo who found him afterwards and helped him through rape recovery

How long until Deku develops newtype magic?

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>Current Iida shits on Shoto
>Quirks the surrounding area rendering speedshit null

Attached: Flashfreeze_Heatwave.png (360x450, 236K)

>ywn be chest deep in Momo's Momos
>ywn grab La Brava's milkies

Worst timeline

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They look like dad and daughter


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If Dabi in a Todoroki, he really can't use a little of ice? He has his mom's adn after all

>The last panel.


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I'm certain La Brava calls Gentle daddy sometimes

he inherited Endeavor's fire quirk but Rei's resistance to her own ice quirk

How does that stop recipro turbo?

I'll tell you when/if you manage to graduate from 4th grade English.

There's a reason Shoto has three older siblings.

"Oh, M-Midoriya!! I wasn't expecting you to be back home so early...I was going to surprise you with this cute new lingerie I bought that I was trying on just now......"

Attached: 69939374.png (520x348, 84K)

>Dabi is a Chodeoroki
lol as if

"What? You ran in to Bakugou? I told that idiot to just hide under the bed..."

Why so mean

I consider myself a teacher

Anyone have the awful Todomomo pic from Shitichan?

Attached: 915.jpg (592x800, 86K)


>that buldge
I sure hope so!

It's unlikely. Endeavor only mentioned Touya's superior firepower. If he could make ice as well, I think it would've been mentioned.

Momo's face looks like a sexbot

That’s sakimichan for you. God if the TMfag was here he’d spam it constantly.

I don't get it. The ugliest thing here is the earring on shoto.

>unironically think that Toga has a really creepy gross face
She's not cute at all

It's not ugly art on its own, but the style makes the characters look really weird and off model

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I'll be honest I only read this shit for Hawks and will only watch season 5 for him and skipping the rest.

>that toga

Attached: 2f652406a453fbecf7359a4cef34ad52d26c6d5a31c916e5c6d4402c72fb2d2a.jpg (509x509, 46K)

>Shigaraki dressed like a productive member of society

I always wondered how Dabi walked around without being recognized with those obvious scars.

People like you are just the worst.

Should be easy to walk somewhat concealed given all the muties

Frankenstein looking motherfucker

I'm basically just waiting for the Todoroki Telenovela to finish and Hawk's storyline to conclude. Then I'm out.

Why? I'm a quiet lurker not bothering anyone.

I only read this shit for Shoto and Bakugo.

How can Twice be so sexy?

>compress instead of taking off the mask and balaclava draws an inconspicuous c: on the mask

But he's "mutated" in a very unique and recognizable way. I really doubt there is anyone else who looks like him.

i wonder why nobody ever rags on todoroki self-inserters

As I said, it's a easy.
He could tell anyone he had a quirk that makes him extra sensitive to sunlight

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This art is made by a woman, this is a pic of momo self inserters

? Todomomo is the second biggest straight ship in the series. If it was Mina of some other girl then we’d call it out. No one complains about Ochadeku until it’s some stupid shit like DekuJirou or Dekucamie

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Where is the full interview

>American gamedevs dish cigars cuz "it's bad to make it cool uuhguhguh"
>japs keep making cool guys smoking
I'm glad

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Endeavor's a horndog?

I want the "the League of Villains try to buy alcohol in broad daylight, drunk"

Toga as a OL is... uh...

I've genuinely liked it since the beginning and disagree with what you've said.

Attached: Super Stare.png (264x360, 53K)

>that compress mask

Why is Spinner looking at Toga like that?

I like that he's almost always willing to do the risky madman stunts to win but despite it all he's always worried about helping others.

Attached: DVT.png (487x272, 85K)

Ah, ok, I can see this.

So to speak.

>OL Toga

Attached: blushing toga.jpg (625x625, 75K)

Attached: dekuck.jpg (387x628, 84K)

It's just that Sakimichan draws exactly one face and bodytype so even if her art looks good technically once you've seen a few pieces it's so incredibly samey.

Holy shit, Vinland Saga....

That hit me pretty hard. Great episode. Lovely character work, awesome shots, good fight, and some wonderfully stirring voice acting at the end.

It's how NEETs look at thots

Attached: Deku's Backbone.png (826x893, 323K)

Hori really is a comic fan huh

Endeavor's the incarnation of No Way Fag, he just had to give it several tries till he got a kid with both powers (presumably after the first kid, Dabi/Touya, was vulnerable to his own flames and sustained his burns). Wonder what it'd look like if Fuyumi had gotten Shoto's Quirk.

We have already seen Dabi, Twice and Spinner in similar outfits. Does this mean that the other members of the league also wore/will wear this outfit once?Is this a preparation for a new shigaraki design?

Only Dabi is close to a functional drunk because he's used to being constantly fucked up from all the opioids he's taking. Everyone else is too sloppy to be able to purchase anything.

Wrong thread dipshit


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Feels good being a Twicefag ever since chapter 115

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This picture doesn't make sense because nobody else in the world deserves their quirk either by this logic, everybody was born with them

>smoke in a non-smoking area
damn villain

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panicked compress gives me the fizz

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I feel like there should be another female member of the LoV. It feels unbalanced with just Toga.

truly prime meat

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Wait how was all might the number 1 hero for so long when endeavor had the most resolved crimes? Was it purely because of popularity?

I will be happy

I would only believe this if you got quints

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Of course, Compress is normally the most collected of the League, him loosing his cool is about as bad a sign you can get.

cute and canon

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Based. Wish Hori would improve on showing this side of Deku rather than the whole ‘sugoi kacchan’ it has become

this is still cringe as fuck no matter how many times you post it, you nigger.

I buy it

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compress is CUTE

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Miss me with that shit, real pairing here

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my villain academia is the best thing this series ever did

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forgive me lord for I am about to sin, hard

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all might is/was insanely popular with everyone, endeavour's fanbase was much smaller, mostly being what was it, 16-24 year old males?

It is forgiven child, good luck to you.

Attached: 10.png (175x190, 16K)

cute and electro stimpilled

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because All Might is the best face in Japan while Endeavor is a heel who can barely even pull heat

fuck off faggot

Ranking is a measure of popularity, cases solved and general effectiveness. Heroes are as much public figures as they are crimefighters, for better or worse.

I don't, this series should've been about toshinori

his motivation for being the number 1 hero was much more inspiring

sinning is okay as long as you apologize and make up for it later

Now these guys know what's up


Deku doesn't say shit until it really pisses him off

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>casual/undercover LoV
I like it, I want more

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how does deku get away with being so damn cute all of the time

>neither character is important enough to piss anyone off
>fairly good chance of actually happening
>good eugenics
in many ways the perfect ship

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It’s his original quirk

>fairly good chance of actually happening
Where in the world

>office lady toga

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Attached: c51.png (400x200, 73K)

>neither character is important enough to piss anyone off
only kuckinari. jirou is one of the most prominent female characters
>fairly good chance of actually happening
>good eugenics
destined for a la creatura baby

yeah they need someone to replace magne

it's a fairly universal law that a character who attempts to be a playboy and fails will end up with the one girl he overlooks

>decuck self inserters

Holy shit I didn't know Compress was secretly Mumen Rider all this time

According to who? Your delusions?

>self-inserter poster self inserter

Attached: 1560581959883.jpg (600x960, 121K)


Damn you're mad

Name one poster who's cringier than kamijirofag

Kaminari is actually included in a lot of merch considering how little he does


He just is

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Dekufags are all either women or fags.

Dekufags who ship him with Jiro

so what will dekus reaction be when he founds out that shiggy killed all might? because lets be honest, it will happen

Attached: jirou ruffles.jpg (800x800, 180K)

I just went to a convention and 100% of Shoto Todorokis in attendance were cute girls. Explain this?

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Fujos ruin everything

males who like Shoto enough to cosplay as him are too autistic to go out in public

rule 63 is the future

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Dabi looks more suspicious this way, poor fool.

Also, I wonder if when Compress is finally getting his face reveal.

Cons are for weirdos

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I never got this whole calling yourself a character fag. I like Deku but I wouldn't call myself a dekufag. Or is anyone who doesn't hate a character a characterfag? If it's a favorite character thing then I'd call myself an All Might fag if anything.

Attached: All Might.jpg (256x197, 18K)

i'm going to the doctor! bye bye everyone! i love you!

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I just read all of BNHA last week or so because these threads caught my eye and good Lord does it suck ass. I had an extremely low opinion of the fanbase before reading it because it seemed to be a clusterfuck of stupid interpretations of the canon, but now I know that the canon itself is so devoid of anything resembling a plot or characterization the fans are simply creating value where none existed in the first place. Deku and Bakugou are bargain bin discount Naruto and Sasuke. Hori is incapable of writing anything except "cool" battle scenes. At least write some actual training sequences, you one-trick fuck. "Battle with lower stakes" doesn't count.

It's a good thing the fujos swarm all over this clusterfuck because they're probably keeping it alive. The only thing I personally want to see from this is Deku's dick up Bakugou's ass, metaphorically or literally. Knock that arrogant piece of shit down.

I hope he stays alive until the end.

Hope they detect cancer

hopefully he euthanizes you

Twice is ugleh

stay safe!

Good luck but don't come back

Fuck off enabler

kill yourself

Hope the straight jacket is tight enough.


I can't believe shpo did another pop step besides this one and I missed it up til now

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>bruh lets be edgy for no reason

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I hope you feel better

shut the fuck up you white knight nigger

go back, nigger

Fuck off faggots

kill yourself newfag

What the fuck is that gif

Why did I watch all of this gif

Attached: it's time to.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

"Ahh!! My clothes fell!!! Look away, Midoriya!!!"

reminder to report and ignore off-topic posts

it's all just gay as far as the eye can see
also, nice sfw snuff rape

Attached: 1534165181992.jpg (900x1200, 256K)

>unironic faggots
>schizo whiteknights
Holy shit purge this place

You use logic on an Illogical Poster!

It is super ineffective.

that's pretty impressive for something his mother helped make

It's to late paisen.

Attached: sad frog.png (622x653, 800K)

>can telepathically manipulate objects close to her
>at least one person's weight
does she know how to use summoning swords?

Not if you tell them to fuck off instead of replying like these faggots here
Or saying shit like "based strapfriend", holy shit.

Don't describe yourself like that, I've been reporting you as much as I can anyways

Attached: report.png (400x400, 249K)

He's hardworking and caring. Compared to other Shonen protagonists who are high energy and annoying he feels like a breath of fresh air. He's very inspiring also and it shows with other students of 1-A.

Did it hurt you, fatass whiteknight? Report the schizo instead.

I really hope he has a bigger role in the next arc

I used to tolerate togafag when she posted cute shit, but once she started talking about raping Deku with a strapon it was too much

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>>literally nobody gives a shit about him in the class outside of his friend circle; but Jobzawa said that everyone looks up to him for no reason in the second worst arc in the manga, so he's inspiring now
He's about as inspiring as Bakugo is teamwork friendly

If it's against the rules, it gets reported. Simple as.

>He's about as inspiring as Bakugo is teamwork friendly
>Who is Ochako
>Who is Iida
>Who is Shoto

>tolerating shitposters of any kind

Attached: 1541502694028.jpg (1024x576, 52K)

Good, I hope you press that report buttom whenever the schizo shows up.

Why do people hate Ochaco/Bakugou?

Only dekufags do because it threatens them

In a way, Stain should count.
Deku forced Stain to save him from a Nomu.


No one likes that pairing ironically.

t. Krumbs

because it's for self-inserting landwhales who want to "fix" a bad boy and seething betas whose heads are occupied by deku rent-free

Sure dekufag.

>Not wanting to rape Deku
What a fag

See? Mad.

Of course everyone looks up to him, he and Bakugo made everyone give 100% in the combat training arc by going balls to the wall, was at the centre of the USJ All Might save together with Bakugo, Kirishima and Todoroki, he BTFO everyone in the sports festival race and made Todoroki go full power to beat him, beat All Might together with Bakugo for an exam, he fucking did near EVERYTHING himself in the camp arc where they were all nearly killed with two broken arms and a smashed body, was at the centre of the Bakugo rescue again, and took the initiative and tried to lead them at the license exam. He hasn't done much together with the class since then but they know what he's about.


God, this post made me dislike deku even more.

>dominant sexually aggressive women are a BAD THING
Look I don't care about the shitposter but you really need to reassess your LIFE user

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i gotta see this shit to the end, so i can see the inevitable hall of anal devastation pt 3

>literal mentally ill shitposters aren't a bad thing



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>Mirio raising Overhaul's child

Dont mix 3d with 2d you retarded pig

jin booby

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>literally all muscle
Toga is a lucky woman

Who is Eri?
Who is Kota?
And who, for that matter, is All Might?

Speed readers get so caught up in their low caliber headcanons, they forget facts.

It's quite funny, some ochako self-inserters hate Deku because they feel unironicly cucked and underappreciated, they invented this fantasy about how Deku doesn't appreciate Ochako, you can catch it in a lot of their twitter bitching and fanfiction, where Deku always falls in love when she loses uraraka even if he has a "girlfriend" in their story. It's nuts

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Why shouldn't they?

Why does Hori hate Ochaco?

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>tfw we're probably going to get the same amount of chapters, if not more
i hope you're ready for the ride

Attached: 1564039800352.png (241x317, 46K)

retarded thots constructing a twilight tier fantasy out of one single interaction in a 200+chapters narrative

Doesn't that apply for every ship that isn't dekuchako?

Because she's popular.

Woman are jelous by nature, even if you're friends, they can get really cunty if you pay more attention to other girls instead of them


See? Fat.

Attached: unknown-7.png (69x77, 10K)

Melissa is the only exception aside Ochaco

Spoken like a true seether

Spoken like a true eater

Attached: jontron vs frog.jpg (850x1186, 338K)

Their fanbase are delusional and borderline retarded

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I have several question about this image.

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There's not a single period or comma in that sentence

the worst part is that the artist didnt even get froppy's feet right

Attached: ochacopuke.gif (500x281, 2.12M)

kys footfag

See? Acting like children because you feel threatened. I'm sorry a crackship can make you that buttblasted.

>She will lose focus if she works with Deku
Besides that sudden flash and her getting her feelings in check she sure didn't seem distracted during the course against 1b? Shipping aside she jumped in and rescued Deku because he's in danger and she's doing what she's meant to do as a hero and a friend?

Where can I find all the viz chapters?

He literally just doesn't know any other way to indicate her romantic interest than showing jealous situations. He's not a romance writer and has probably never experienced it in real life himself.

She’s rich, she can do whatever she wants

grow up kid

See? Acting like obese children because you feel overweight. I'm sorry a little weight can give you hemorrhoids.

Fucking hell, my sides are gonna burst.

Just like Shiggy lmao

Thank you for proving my point.

Thank you for proving my weight.



With or without proper grammar, they are still a bit retarded

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that's not borderline, that's full blown retardation

>mirio icon
Not surprising


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Thanks, i hate them only reading that.

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i doubt these anons killed their entire family by accident

>pedo defender
>marvel drone
>not a communist

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If it's Monoma I will post my nudes here

Her family money is dirty money.


It's time to summon fast might

Attached: all_might_running_PLVSVLTRA.webm (1280x720, 392K)

Of course not, that would be tryhard and gay.

Even evil Momo would be cute

Attached: momo excited.jpg (700x759, 426K)

Someone very close to one of the teachers and capable of remaining unnoticed.

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that's because they don't see ochako as a character but as their idealized self whose only role is to allow them to vicariously suck bakugo's dick

I hate you so much.

Attached: meep.jpg (1024x816, 59K)

The janitor

Her “crush” is superficial with no substance.


big hmmmmm

Attached: eri bullying.jpg (740x840, 121K)

that doesn't answer the question, are you retarded?

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They believe she's some yaaaas queeb slaaay character, when in reality she's just a kid who also happens to be a teenager, who also happens tp be in love with a character and naturally kinda jelous

Attached: jssvdxgdh5vctaf8g2ej.jpg (1600x900, 89K)

I posted bullying, you posted abuse

Attached: eri pat.png (746x1920, 315K)

Kendofag's eri was the cutest

Ochaco, Monoma, Toru and Setsuna have a weekly traitors club meeting and share findings

The sassy robots. They’ll be BNHAs Sentinels.

Attached: eri happy.png (1280x1308, 400K)

He won’t. Deku will die when he saves the world.



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>Vampires are good people

I only follow it because it takes like, 5 minutes to read. The quality has dropped hard, like Bleach’s did.
Still not bad enough to drop, it hardly something I stay up waiting for.

i'm glad that eri is happy

>Tumblr art

don't bother arguing with delusional redemptioncucks

Attached: 1564276589230.png (1053x1388, 1.3M)

Or beta males

I know he's still generally around but I miss him anyway

I just miss his Eri.

>Ever passing OfA down to a quirkless shitter

Literally the only thing Kachakko has going for it is the "OMG he acknowledges her as an equal", when in reality he didnt believe it was her who came up with that plan with the rubble from his blasts and it was Deku who had to put him in his place and tell him it was all her.

So in reality it has fuck all going for it.

It seems the numbers are Toga´s grades for their disguise skills, everyone fails.

Why does he have scar?

It has Bakugo thinking she's strong and this comic where ochako is trying to encourage him to be friends with deku.

Attached: Kacchako_Manga.jpg (652x1024, 96K)

>Pairing looks better
>Not self-insert crap, woman inst set up with a beta male

Again, he thinks shes strong after Deku tells her it was all her doing, he didnt believe it was her. That comic only proves any time they've interacted shes thinking about Deku.
>implying it's not a self insert ship for landwhales
Roastie please go and stay go

And that is still impressive coming from Bakugo, who literally thinks he's better than everybody.

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If you're going by that logic that Bakugou acknowledging and accepting someone as their equal because of their strength or bravery then you might as well say KiriBaku will has as good as a chance of happening since Bakugou acknowledges Kiri for his bravery and determination.
And a yaoi ship becoming canon is laughable

There lies the difference numbnuts. Acknowledging a girl is different than acknowledging a man. One is gay and impossible, the other is straight and likely.

Backucko has talked to like 2 girls the whole series and doesnt hang out with any females. This dudes a fag.

Only one girl is strong in his eyes though

Attached: That's kinda gay.jpg (1843x980, 612K)

he's victorysexual
his penis doesn't even work

Fun fact she talk about the relationship of him and deku, and kachan menace about that and they never speak again after this

i want to be bakugou's only female friend!
i want to pressure him into being nicer

Many characters haven't interacted in a long time, that doesn't mean they don't speak.

Who’s more delusional Kachacco or todomomo


Ironically, the only girl that spoke the most with Bakugo was Jiro.

Jiro looks like a guy tho

>Girl who looks most like a boy is the only one he can talk to

Fucking fag I swear

tits or gtfo, slut

The girl who spoke the most with Bakugou was his mom.

Don’t bully best girl!


Attached: week3_5.jpg (800x600, 42K)

who fucking cares

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The real ideological conflict between Shiggy and Deku is their choice in red sneaker types.

You do you cuck.

>Not taking the villainpill
Better teacher, better bros, better father figure, better everything.

Momo too for him or you didn't remember the first season

Anime isn’t canon.

Damn that's some good OC

That one arguably is settled since Shiggys got disintegrated a few chapters ago along the ground he was on.

That happened in the manga

>Implying he won't buy new ones.

Post page

>Only having one pair of shoes

still not clever you dumb whore, back to facebook

haha i got u

merely pretending

Go back to discord

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I screencapped your shit.

kirishima negro

calling it now
that was foreshadowing

What she said sank in, not herself.

what went wrong?

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I wish AfO was my boss

Attached: memories.png (878x399, 211K)

They wouldn’t get along when they were kids

he recognizes her very hurt, because she is right and he is shocked in all the pride

He’s insane though

>Giving Ojiko all the umbrella space
>Suit is all wet

He did literally nothing wrong.

afo is a very kind person

he's never been shown to be anything but wonderful to his followers

You can see why people followed him until All Might murdered most of his more active followers, the man is kind to those loyal to him, but his enemies get utterly destroyed.

Attached: Follow AfO.gif (540x250, 936K)


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bakugou needs to be more bullied

Isn't the point of the image that Deku position in the world and most of his achievements are thanks to a borrowed power, a power he never honed or improved on his own.?
He could quit school for a year, hit the gym until his body can use OfA and that is it, while the rest of students have trained and suffered to improve their quirks to be where they are.

It makes no sense in the strong and is pushed by ntr degenerates and fat women

Bakugou a SHIT. SHIT.

Except that’s incorrect.

I guess this implies the Volume will have Twice on the spine.

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i want to bully his bakubutt with my strap on

Attached: k-kacchan you are amazing.jpg (811x536, 365K)

Dekushitters btfo

I still hope it’s kaminari

he's pretty obviously looking at mineta

Where my gays at?

Attached: 1564265259808.png (800x698, 282K)

>Twice clones spelling out the word "contents"

No. Kirishima is the one looking at mineta, Deku is looking at Bakugo while trying to talk with mineta.


/cm/, /y/, tumblr, reddit, really anywhere that isn't here.

The only really gay character in MHA has been Kirishima

i'm not a gay boy but i like gay boys

not even true

And tamaki

Hori is really having fun with Villain Academia. Drawing Twices spelling out Contents is the kind of effort you only do when really enjoying it.

hori you fucking westaboo

Then that's true of All Might as well. It's also not borrowed because it is Deku's power now. To say he never honed it is also untrue, because he has trained with it by that point in the story.
Also I'm pretty sure the purpose of that image is for Bakuwank/being bait.

i wish this manga didn't have death in it

but it's great

Attached: splatter.png (1839x1300, 940K)

no i don't like killing, watching people die makes me sad

I wish this manga had more death in it

but why would you want people to die

They're not real people

i know but it's still sad
because like what if that happened in real life

cause it's entertaining


It has happened in real life, people die all the time due to mass shootings and it's a tragedy, I want it happen in manga because it gives a good showing of what the heroes are up against and you can speculate how they can fight it. I don't want it to happen to real people because that would be horrific.

who cares
people die all the fucking time in real life
they're dying now. I don't care, and neither do you.

i don't think so, i think it's really sad
also don't think like that, you shouldn't think of death as funny, it's really serious and very sad
yeah i guess that makes sense, i guess it's less bad in manga but i still think it's sad

>It's also not borrowed because it is Deku's power now.
He uses the power but it will never truly belong to him.
>To say he never honed it is also untrue, because he has trained with it by that point in the story.
Deku is struggling because his body cant withstand the power, not because the power is immature

i do care, i pray everyday that everyone stays safe and no one gets hurt

you don't care. you might spare a passing thought, but you don't actually do anything because ultimately, you don't care.

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i really do care, praying really works and i pray all the time and if i ever see someone getting hurt i'll do my best to help them

how can you have such a big problem with people dying when your favourite character has one of the highest kill counts in the manga?

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you make me sick, I wish I could kill you

please don't hurt me