Is Kurisu literally perfect?

Is Kurisu literally perfect?

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If she's so perfect
why is she dead?

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just another annoying tsundere
at least mayuri is pure and cute

Existence was not worthy of her.

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If you have to ask, you already know she isn't.

Mayuri's interactions with Okabe are boring and can't hold a candle with Okabe and Kurisu's. See: S;G0

I've only seen the original, is S;G0 just as great?

>ywn have a Kurisu gf

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Mayuri is an osanajimi which is better while mutually siblingzoned.

Faris is better.

*blocks Kurisu's path*

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She's totally 2D.

>I can't solve this problem
>Proceed to call grape sour

S;G0 a shit. A SHIT


If she's so great, how about you post her flat little belly, huh, tough guy?

Yes. But why the fuck won't her relationship with Okabe progress beyond kissing once? Fuck you SciAdv

Not that guy. I have read the VN and dropped the anime at ep 3. VN is hell bullshit

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Yeah, that's the stuff

overall, no, but it has its moments. fuck fatima, though

>Not having the trap as waifu

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S:G0 lacks Kurisu and the quality gap between the two couldn't be any wider. Even Maho couldn't make up for it. A bitter Suzuha and a jealous Mayuri make for a poor replacement.

dumb asukafag post

Obviously. She's marry-on-the-spot wife material.

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Not in this timeline, kouhai.

you can smell this image


Amadeus has two (2) figures.
Salieri has zero (0) figures.
Show me a Salieri figure and we'll talk.

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Don't watch the SG0 anime. Just read the VN. TRUST ME.

smelly butt!

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>only 2

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>Makise Kurisu
>1:4 scale
>bunny ver
I am intrigued.

It's pretty great.

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I just spent $100 on her swishy labcoat 1:8 figure. Amazon wants $300 for her 1:4 bunny figure.

Dammit man this isn't good for my wallet.

A reminder to ignore kurisufags.

What did he mean by this?

Shit statue, literally not Kurisu body. Face is ok.
Also not that good statue. Face is not ok.

How is it not her body?

No. That makes her better.

You're not smart enough, user.

It's some generic tiddybait body, not Kurisu one.

Not really.

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I don't know if the proportions are right or not, but it still doesn't feel like Kurisu. She's not some fap-fodder bunnygirl.


Oh my, how did this official art get here?

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sg 0 is a great anime and you should watch it but sg is a masterpiece

Yeah, yeah, I know. Still doesn't feel right.

It's just a bit of fun. Even Huke got in on it.

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kurisu's proportions are all over the place like okabe's, but in the shower scene she had a nice sized chest.

Everything is beautiful in death

What I'd do to get a whiff of her sweaty unbathed body

Now see, that looks and feels a lot better. In-character, keeps the tights, has the lab coat still on her person. If the figure looked more like that it'd be great.

Her ass isn't that big

Read it then watch the post credits scene of the anime.

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Literally bad artwork, you hentai.

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0 really makes you appreciate how good the original dynamic was.

Not even the best girl in her own show.

I've always autistically enjoyed Faris more than Kurisu
God someone please help me.

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Kurisu and Okabe's interactions were the bread and butter of S:G, and without it it leaves a very different Okabe. Which in turn affects the chemistry of the entire lab.

Why would you enter this thread just to tell lies?

Yes, she's a Mary Sue. She literally has no character flaws.

>autistically enjoyed
What does it mean for one to autistically enjoy something?

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>mary sue
>reddit girl
>waifu bait
I feel like I've seen these labels towards every main girl in a every popular series that has romance in it. At some point these insults have no meaning.

Give me some characterflaws for Kurisu then. She even has the stereotypical "beaten by her daddy" and "worshipped by literally everyone, even her rivals" Mary Sue traits. The entirety of Steins;Gate 0 was people jerking each other off about how pure and perfect Kurisu was.

She likes imageboards.

read her spinoff manga, she can't fix her relationship problem with her father, she can't solve the equation of world line convergence, she has no friends, she spends her time on a 2channel, she tends to be a bit too nosy in other peoples business. Kurisu doesn't even love herself.

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>Kurisu doesn't even love herself
That doesn't sound like her. Didn't she say something about not wanting to undo her mistakes because they're part of her?

Anime art style looks like shit

I don't think Kurisu wanted to worry Okabe, because part of the reason she "gives up" on trying to save herself is because she didn't feel like she has a right to exist. Dr Nakabachi told to Kurisu's face when she was a loli that he hates her and will erase her existence and then made her cry on the phone when she wants to make it up to him.

Literally my phone wallpaper
God I want kurisu to bear my children


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Even if I'm the only one, Moeka is my perfection.

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