What the hell was the point of this character?

What the hell was the point of this character?

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purple haze feedback

Swiss cheese pants

Araki forgot.

He was supposed to be an enemy but Araki thought it would be too sad so he made Green Day instead

Really liked his stand. Too bad it was only seen once

He was meant to be a traitor but Araki rewrote him to be a coward who bails on the group at their lowest moment unwilling to commit to a literal death sentence.

His psychology is a direct reflection for the viewer to acknowledge that sometimes people with Stands are incredible fucked up mentally, before Diavolo is ever introduced as the central antagonist.

Be too OP for the franchise but too pretty for Gayraki to splatter him. So he was written out.

he's not OP at all. he would've died before Narancia.

Is it confirmed that Green Day existed to fill the spot that a Purple Haze fight would have had? The idea of a plague killing everyone in a city does seem like something Purple Haze could easily do.


Can you Jojofags keep this shit to 1 or 2 threads? You're as bad as Attack on Tianafags.

to have the best spinoff of any anime octagonist ever

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It's implied.
They're all shit too. Help me gas the animeonlys and we both win.

if you want generals you can always go back to plebbit.

part 5 is over and the hype will probably die down in a few days
don't think you have much to worry about

He left the show at the exact point the plot started to go full retard mode. A silent wink to the audience.

The saddest death of Part 5

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Attached: ripfugo2.webm (1280x720, 2.1M)

Where is it implied? A plague-spreading enemy could have been planned even after Purple Haze, especially if Fugo were to fight them right after they turned against Diavolo.

Fugo was also the one who was telling were the group went and stuff. He should've continued with that.

>everyone complains how team members are always loyal to the MC
>Fudo goes against the grain
>everyone flips out how much of a pussy he is
Araki was subverting expectations before GoT made it cool.

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It's not literally implied in the manga. But we know Fugo was supposed to be a traitor, so when a guy shows up with an ability that's suspiciously similar to Purple Haze you can assume some things. Or don't.

>Stand has the power to outright kill anything near it just by standing there
>not OP

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That would've been fucking kino.
Araki's reason for not including it are bullshit; he claimed Bruno and Shigechi were some of his favorite characters and proceeded to give them some of the cruelest deaths in the story. But having Giorno kill Fugo was suddenly too dark for Shonen Jump. Fucking stupid.

From Bunko Volume 10.

Attached: truth behind fugo.png (609x396, 52K)

Oh and that novel is called Golden Heart, Golden Ring.

Wait, did Araki just confirmed it as canon?

What about PHFeedback? I just started reading chapter 1.

I feel like Fugo just up and leaving the party betrays Bucciarati's trust in him almost as badly.

It's nice that he actually care about his characters feelings, even tho he ended killing Bruno anyway.

Nah Fugo taking on the whole gang knowing their abilities would be retarded for him. If it made sense he would have done it.

stand was too powerful
got written out
same with abbachio

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>>everyone flips out how much of a pussy he is
no one is
stop projecting

Read the thread, caveman.
Araki did the art for it and it's referenced inAll Star Battle where Giorno and Fugo can have a dialogue that is essentially the ending, plus one of Fugo's attacks is something he does in the climax of the light novel.

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>tfw you're too high IQ to die for a girl whose tastes in music you don't even know

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Green Day is nothing like Purple Haze

>except Giorno
>Josuke could probably fuse it with a healing plant
>Jotaro would just time stop before it gets close and donut Fugo
>Diavolo would just ignore it thanks to King Crimson

Ah yes, Josuke and Jotaro my favorite Part 5 antagonists.

Abbachios stand

>Too powerful

The most he could have done is view Joseph at the coliseum battling Wammu.

I remember a scene from the manga where Mista licks Giorno's hand and calls him daddy. But it didn't happen in the anime? Bros..

be my favorite character

uhhhh why would he go back that far though

Because that was a sick ass fight.

It was actually very interesting to see how Moody Blues, despite being a high-utility stand, was used so offensively - as if to compensate for his lack of combat ability.

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>Purple Haze
Stand with a deadly flesh eating virus that eats away at its victims, killing them in seconds.
>Green Day
Stand with a deadly flesh eating mold that eats away at its victims, killing them in seconds.

Attached: fugo & purple haze.jpg (600x734, 471K)

>Purple Haze
Close range stand that kills you nearly instantly with a virus once you get infected. Giorno can make an antidote.
>Green Day
Long range stand that only partially damages parts of your body with mold, only if you move a certain way. Giorno can't stop the mold.

There's not a single moment during the Green Day fight where Fugo could have done what Cio did.

Do you think there's a possibility that after scraping the fight with Fugo that Araki perhaps, changed the fight? Pretty bizarre, I know, but just maybe...

he didn't even have a real fight, either. he was pretty much narancia's older brother. maybe both of them should have had a heart to heart before narancia went swimming after the boat

Or maybe he just made a brand new fight with a new character named Cioccolata and a new power called Green Day.

can't deny that

It appears we have reached an impasse.

I was expecting something new after they had the scene of him looking at the bird.

>enforcing generals
just leave the fucking board, idiot.

He was supposed to fight the gang, but Araki changed his mind so he didn't do shit.

Araki sounds way too pure to be someone who regularly draws nails getting ripped off and animals getting killed

What's normal for him ain't normal for you

Different coliseum user.

have sexual relations with older professors

I get the feeling that Araki originally planned the "Fugo vs the Gang" as a simple idea.

The whole Green Day fight, while similar in superficial things, would play heavily different with Fugo

Unless Fugo hit himself with the arrow giving him the ability increase the range of his stand I dunno

>His psychology is a direct reflection for the viewer to acknowledge that sometimes people with Stands are incredible fucked up mentally
We've always known this though since Part 3 with Dio and the villains of the week with stands

Pussying out and pretending you're his friend while betraying him is different

>Pussying out
Never happened

he didn't do anything wrong you fucktards

It’s a very simple explanation; Purple Haze is a good stand to write a single fight around, but it’s ability is way too overpowered to the point where it and by proxy Fugo himself would have to be written out of every confrontation in some way as the eventual win condition, which is a lazy way of dealing with a character in any medium.
It’s the same scenario as with Heaven’s Door in Part 4, an ability so bullshit that it strictly had to be neutralized before every fight Rohan got in, and thus restricted the kind of antagonists Araki could make to fight him.
tl;dr removing Fugo was a good idea whether Araki’s thought process was different or not.

araki could easily evolve stands to make them more powerful

So you're saying Green Day was originally meant to be an evolved Purple Haze? I don't think so.

being cute

keep in mind that most of the Green Day fight took place during the night, and we know that Fugo's virus gets destroyed very quickly by sunlight, so he may not have even needed something such as the arrow to increase his range.

Fugo is also vulnerable to his own virus.

He was the result of a cut plotline. In the end he did nothing wrong and was 100% right anyway.

He didn't like the idea of a betrayal of a long running character. His original idea based on the comment would be that he was spying them for the boss all along, not just facing them after leaving the party due to being ordered by the boss.