Computer: Make anime real

Computer: Make anime real.

Disable safety protocols.

Attached: StAr-TrEk-prop-Enterprise-D-ship-holodeck-_1.jpg (400x300, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"Unable to comply."

ara ara, you shouldn't be in the demilitarized zone, maquis-kun

Attached: trek anime.jpg (600x757, 67K)

Gallons & gallons

Attached: TNGAnime.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>member when shaft was based

>its a holodeck episode

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Captain, you look....different.

Read this in Chakotay's voice

>read this in patrick stwearts voice

It's easy to be a saint in paradise. You shouldn't have handed my planet over to the spoonheads you smug Limey bastard.

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Computer, no. Good anime.

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Why were they so great duo?

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>anything after Voyager
Gross desu


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This exact order except Enterprise is better than Voyager unironically.

There are five lights.

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I agree. Enterprise is underrated.

They're both good, except for last season ENT

ENT and even STD are better than VOY.

Weyoun would be perfect as a loli, being all pouty whenever you say the Founders aren't God.

How can one Starfleet Captain be so based?

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Use a replicator to replicate your waifu! Checkmate atheists!

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Seven of Nine is literally the only reason I kept watching Voyager.

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The last season or so of ENT was pretty good, it would have turned out alright if it hadn't been canned early. It probably has 20 good episodes out of a hundred, not a great ratio obviously but compared to VOY which has one good episode in the whole series (the one with the bad guy from Robocop), it's decent.

Odo is the most moe Star Trek character.

Computer, replicate a wet pussy.

Was 7o9 the original 3d waifu bait?

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was he tsundere for quark?

DS9 has this hynpagogic feeling that makes me so tired every time i watch it, even the intro has it

Probably, remember we didn't have streaming porn services in the mid 90's. We were beating our dicks to scrambled porn channels and victoria secret catalogs back then... Those truly were dark times.

I'd forgotten this feeling

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I wish I was familiar with Startreck so I could get all its memes

You should give it a chance, try TNG or the Original series for a few episodes and you'll get why it's so addicting.

>you will never have a bro like Quark to cheer you up when you get NTRed

> It's a starfleet commits xenocide to protect its perfect utopia episode

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not just xenos

What is the anime equivalent to TNG?

yes, and?

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I actually thought the last season of Enterprise is where it finally started to find its footing, minus the Orion episode and the finale.

>DS9 over TNG and TOS
Don't even start, DS9fag.

Will never be based as Kirk though.

Office Lady. Big titties. Hot.

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Its called getting bored and that is what DS9 is most of time.


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I don't find it boring, I don't like it nearly as much as TNG but it's still pretty good

I'm not sure what it says about the current state of Yea Forums, but this is the best thread in days.
PS: Who are your favorite Trekfus?

>yfw only one person in the image is still alive

I liked the mirrorverse episodes.

They had to redesign her uniform to be less sexy. Goddamn it Jeri Ryan


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Why was STD so fucking garbage?

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Well because the Klingons don't act like Klingons first and foremost

"I've always known I'll die alone".

Honestly that's what Discovery should have been instead, a mirror-verse series. It would have let them do all the flashy combat and near-extinction plot without having to rewrite/retcon canon

I didn't watch it but it managed to incur enough hatred from Mike that he said the words "I love this job, yum yum" on camera and that seems like an accomplishment.




the best part of DS9 is Worf actually gets shit done and doesn't purely exist to job like in TNG

You going to watch it?

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I'm split on this, on the one hand I've yearned for post-Nemesis content for awhile, but I'm not sure my heart can handle seeing Picard broken like that and his likely inevitable death

So they're still trying to push him as being totally French despite the Scottish accent?

Reminder that if this yellow shirt chad was sent to the Dr. Stone timeline he would have taken down Tsukasa and rebuilt civilization by the end of the third episode


>Discovery writers have a part in this
I want to be hopeful, but it's going to be a steaming piece of shit, only partially saved by Stewart's stellar performance.

nigga you drunk?

i watched the trailer yesterday and it looks dogshit, so no


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I'm cautiously optimistic. Emphasis on cautiously.

Mostly I've been dying to see post-DS9, post-VOY, post-Nemesis stories for 20 years so I'll watch it for that alone.

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>Disable safety protocols.
Nothing good ever comes from this.

looks like garbage but ill watch it anyways

>When the only way to watch star trek now is Seth Mcfarlane's walmart star trek

It was too early, and too autistic to get big in nippon but I wish there were some directors who were trek nerds in Japan.

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This thread has reminded me how little I get to talk about/watch Star Trek with other people, and it feels bad

How about you post the actual trailer, instead of giving cancerous youtube "personalities" hits?

The Orville wasn't too bad if you ignore the bad episodes.

There is sometimes a thread once in a blue moon on /m/

And Seth McFarland. He needs to stick to voice acting.

It's going to suck and there's nothing we can do about it

Late reply, but S4 (and S3 to some extent) just felt like more of a loosely written Trek offshoot novel. I still enjoyed the characters and the occasional return to the Trek formula, but it just seemed to lose the appeal to me.

Where do I start watching star trek?
I've only seen a few episodes here and there.


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Ugly hag

i think starting with tng is a safe bet desu

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I can get that. Personally I think season 3 was completely out of character for star Trek, and I generally disliked the temporal cold war shenanigans (save for plasma canon Stukas), butt I loved it when they did the naive explorer bit and the federation building

Netflix has most of the big ones I think, if you're willing to use that

TNG is the safe bet unless you can put up with TOS being a product of its time... Just be advised that for TNG and DS9 they may not seem great until a main character has grown a beard

That is a cute kurisu i will save it.

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Do it by release date of the series.

TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and then ENT. TOS may show it's age, but I still feel like it's a great starting point because it really delves into Roddenberry's mythos and lays the groundwork for the future series.

yeah, because those DS9 blu-ray remasters are so readily available.

I have hopes and dreams that one day they will be

Speaking of which, which scenes got the limited remastering in the what we left behind documentary? Any good ones like the battle for DS9 or battle for Chin'toka?

>men start dying of blood loss from nosebleeds

12 crew and 23 passengers can be classified as yandere.

What sets TOS and TNG apart? Are TOS ideas just not as interesting or is the main difference the production quality?
As long as the concepts are interesting I'll start with the original.

I started TNG. It's really good, even the """mediocre""" first season.

Looks like she's coming back too.

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No good matches found.

Part of it is the low budget which hampers the special effects in sometimes funny ways, sometimes the acting can be pretty corny, and gene Roddenberry's writing can be hit or miss at times (to pull an example from TNG, the federation is apparently so utopian that Wesley literally can't grasp the concept of addictive drugs, and the plot of an entire episode was got a virus, need to wipe and restore the computer)

Chronologically it would be

STD (canon optional)
Endless Eight

TNG and DS9 overlap as they're occurring at the same time. And DS9 (overlaps with Voyager.

TOS was made in the late 60's, TNG was started in the late 80's, so TOS is very dated in terms of technology/sets/action. But in terms of exploring the final frontier, TOS sets the initial bar. Some episodes are stinkers and season 3 doesn't compare to the first two, but I still think it's worth it.

Ironically, the first season of TNG re-uses old sets/plots from TOS. It feels somewhat TOS-like, but future seasons really elevate it.

>gene Roddenberry's writing
He wasn't really a writer.


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Why can't there be an anime like Star Trek?

TOS is garbage by today's standard. Watch a few episodes, then forget about it, unless you find it entertaining.
TNG has severe problems at the start, it's clunky. Later episodes are all hit or miss. There's very little over-arching plot (some Borg, some Klingon stuff), just pick random episodes.
DS9 goes nowhere in the first season (Bajor politics, seriously?) but then they start the dominion story, which spans the entire series. The plot is entertaining and the character chemistry is great. It deviates from the TOS/TNG formula quite a bit. It's gloomier and more plot centric.
VOY must seem pretty good at the start, but it has some of the worst episodes o the entire franchise. Janeway is a cunt to be honest, and most characters are useless.
I hated ENT at first, but on a rewatch it wasn't too bad. Still hate a bit what they did to the Vulcans.
Avoid STD, it's pretentious garbage.

So my recommendation is, watch DS9 from the start and give it a chance at least until season 3 or so, and watch random TNG episodes in parallel. Use an episode guide, they'll tell you whether an episode depends on previous story.

What was wrong with the orion episode?

Great now FGO Moriarty is teaming up with TNG Moriarty! And now both know of the existence of the Super Dragon ball!
Are you happy now!?

Mostly it was short clips but the fight to retake DS9 got the full upgrade.

Looks pretty good for her age desu. Just compare her to Janeway or Troi.

TOS and TNG are mostly the same animal but TOS is, after all, 25 years older, has a smaller budget, lower production values, and a tendency to 60s camp. That being said, TOS starts out with its strongest season and basically runs out of money/ideas by season 3. TNG started out bad but mostly gets better as it goes.

Number One, please leave my office immediately.

For all ENT's problems, I thought seeing how what would eventually become the Federation got started was pretty cool.

I guess I just don't like the whole "evil irresistible women compel every man they meet into doing their bidding and they can't resist because they're men" trope. I hated the episode of Agents of Shield that did the same thing.

Also the Orion women looked like third rate used whores

>Why can't there be an anime like Star Trek?
Why can't there be a Star Trek isekai where an ubernerd gets hit by a truck-kun, wakes up in Star Trek, tries to save a bunch of lives and make everything better, but instead accidentally ruins everything and causes the collapse of the Federation, forcing them to go on an epic journey to fix their mess and set everything right again?

Whatever you do, DON'T watch it chronologically, or at least don't watch Enterprise before the original series or something insane like that. Usually they don't beat you over the head with references, but they do exist and there's a point to watching the shows largely in production order.

I've just watched every series, some rewatches but largely for the first time. I watched TOS when I was young as well as TNG, and I like both. Even with that, I still had trouble getting through the original series. The production is bad, the plots are very contrived and fantastical, and rarely is there an episode that's grounded in anything even somewhat realistic, which is the complete opposite of what Trek eventually becomes. There are some incredible episodes in it--The Tholian Web, for example, ranks among the highest episodes of TOS or TNG for me, so there are breakout episodes that show real brilliance and clear mastery of the medium. But the sad truth is that they're few and far between compared to episodes like Catspaw.

I think the best way to describe it is actually to say that TOS is way more about character interactions than TNG is, but even that's misleading. Both are principally character stories, but character interaction is the ONLY thing that carries TOS, whereas characters and character interactions are still primary for TNG, but plot, pacing, budget, and actually sane and consistent writing push it forward about equally. DS9 goes even further in that direction, where characters and plot alone are about equivalent in their importance to the show overall.

My recommendation to you would be to either start with the six original Star Trek movies after having skipped the series, then watch from TNG onward in production order, or suck it up, acknowledge you may not like it much, and just watch through TOS entirely so you get the full experience. Personally I would recommend the latter, because the character interactions ARE great, everything else aside.

>the Ferengi-run capitalist Holosuites never broke down
really makes you think

Considering what scientist and officers of the federation do on a daily basis, that would have to be some monumental fuck up.
The Federation already just runs around causing space-time anomalies, ruining local regimes, causing mass extinctions, pissing off inter-dimensional deities and still exists.

They broke all the time.

All you have to do is synthesize some omega particles and watch the galaxy burn

>the federation is apparently so utopian that Wesley literally can't grasp the concept of addictive drugs
that wasn't really the point of the episode: wesley understood very well that the "drug" was addictive, and was the only one scrupulous enough to investigate the effects of the drug before "consumption". that everybody else jumped onboard so fast doesn't really make the federation look all that utopian imo. the bad writing in that episode was more about its reagan-era "just say no" preachiness than in a lack of character/world realism.

Making 2D 3D only makes it PD

This, and the socialist federation was constantly fixing them for free

In the TNG season 1 episode "The Neutral Zone", a bunch of 20th century losers are unfrozen and brought aboard the Enterprise.

Also, the Enterprise investigates missing colonies, and it turns out in season 2 that those colonies are missing because the Borg ate them.

If someone isekai'd into that episode, they could try to introduce Picard to the Borg early... and then watch in horror as the Borg kick their shit in and blow up the Enterprise, killing Picard and his crew.

After MC-kun escapes in an escape pod, the rest of the story would be them going around to round up B-listers and C-listers to face the Borg again.

The catsuit was retarded and she would have looked just as sexy in uniform

the Ferengi holosuite breakdowns never had any survivors to talk about it.

Are you talking about the episode with the game? Because I was thinking of the one where Yar was talking about her shithole of a home planet

Might torrent it, no way its actually good

>hyper-capitalism drives social equality in Ferengi society
>Federation smugly preaches multiculturalism while telling conservative smaller planets like Bajor what to do
>"Do you know what the difference between the Federation and the Borg, captain? The Borg tell you before they assimilate you."
>genocidal black ops unit needed to protect idealistic Starfleet officers from brutal turths of the universe
>militaristic racist Cardies depicted as smart and charismatic

How the hell did DS9 get so redpilled?

It had an anime-ated series