After all the infamous "hunterchads" keep selling how this is supposed to be the only mature shounen, superior and all of that, I decided to watch it.
When does it get good? Because 7 episodes in and this is still pretty shit. I want to drop it every episode.
The world and the characters don't have even a tiny fraction of charisma that other famous shounen anime (shounen is not a genre etc fuck you) have.
Of course, I know that it can't have become that popular while consistently being this bad. But if it takes too much longer then I might as well only view HxH shilling as trolling from now on.
After all the infamous "hunterchads" keep selling how this is supposed to be the only mature shounen...
Chapter 1
>7 episodes in
Just keep watching, nigger. I admit the beginning is a bit hard to get trough, but believe me, it's worth it.
watch the 99 anime. "Hunterchads" will tell you that 99 is shit and 2011 is the best anime ever but they're retarded zoomers whose first anime is hxh 2011 so just ignore them. 99 is the true kino, 2011 skips a lot of stuff especially in the first chapter and it has shitty backgrounds and coloring
People like this show for two arcs, the fourth and the last.
Everything else is very average, painfully so even since the pacing is horrible.
If you are interested in understanding why people like this show just power through it and wait for the interesting stuff.
I only watched the '99 series, which looks a lot better but is even slower and does not have the final arc, so I can't say whether or not it is worth to watch it just for the chimera ant arc.
I can say that the yorknew arc isn't anything that special either, and definitely not worth the 40+ episode you have to endure before you get to it.
Alternatively you can always read the manga.
Now wait for the hunterchads to post a pasta and a clown or something. At the very least that level of delusion is usually fairly entertaining.
It takes a while to get good. At least make it through the Hunter Exam arc. And it really picks up around the Heavens Arena arc where they start to expand the power system.
Why do people like you do this?
Seems stupid to watch the 99 version since it ends earlier in the story. The transition to the 2011 version would be weird.
>all those don't wake up mom whispers
Jesus christ this is actually hard to sit through
There is something about battle shonen that tends to attract the most deranged individuals and shitskin
Idk what that is
hunter exam arc is the most cliche, uninspired, boring shit ive seen in a while, how do people still defend this
i hated the beginning i honestly felt like falling asleep. it got better when the exam ends and they go to the heaven arena thing
Bro you just posted cringe
It's more stupid to watch the 2011 version since 99 is clearly better in every way. The only good thing about 2011 is the Chimera Arc. And 2011 skips some stuff at the beginning so Gon's motivation for CA seems pointless. It also makes the tone of the series much light hearted and childish to subvert your expectations in the CA.
Also Greed Island, the arc before CA, is better in 2011. And it's a bad arc in general. So what I'd recommend is, watch 99 until you finish Yorkshin arc, then continue from 2011. You'd get used to 2011 in Greed Island and it wouldn't feel weird in the Chimera Ant arc.
read Naruto or One Piece instead
Drop it then. You act like you're doing others a favor by watching it.
I know you're just trolling or false-flagging, but I'll bite, if you think the beginning of hxh is better than bnha I can only think you're delusional.
Don't tell me all of this was skipped on the first chapter...? Or if it's just showing the atmosphere, then yeah, the looks are better, 2011 seems more kid-marketed.
Oh man, that seems far away. But if the manga is better, then I might as well go for it.
I'll give this heaven arena a chance, thanks.
I'm not, but for years I have read hxh posters invading other threads, so I couldn't ignore it any more
HxH has two outstandingly good arcs. First one is through episodes 37 to 58, the second one 76 to 136. Later episodes of the second arc ( 111 - 136 ) are the main reason HxH is considered a masterpiece. Rest of the show is not that good. I personally liked the other arcs but there is a bunch of reasons why someone might feel dissatisfied by them and your opinion is nothing exceptional.
>Don't tell me all of this was skipped on the first chapter
It's just showing the atmosphere. The first episode skips a character that is important in Chimera Ant arc
>Don't tell me all of this was skipped on the first chapter...?
It wasn't. It seems like stuff mostly from the fourth arc and yes, it is far away.
Hope you like the bare bones characterization or that you can stomach badly paced shonen, otherwise it is going to be a chore
Those are selected screenshots. The same can be done for 2011.
Sorry for my english :3
I meant "uncommon", not "exceptional"
stop posting the same 2 webm in literally every thread and post actual comparison if you're trying to say 2011 looks better
>stop posting the same thing
>he keeps posting the same thing
I just googled and downloaded the pics faggot, I don't keep them saved to post them in every thread. You clearly saved and named these to post them whenever someone says 99 is better and you don't have any other argument.
Kill yourself.
I took the webms from someone else faggot. You can download them while keeping the filenames. Keep getting triggered by them. .
It becomes really good from episode 31, then it becomes fantastic In Yorknew Arc (EP 38-58). Arc after is less dark and gritty then Yorknew, which i don't like that much but it's great. Then from EP 75 till the end i would say it's genre defining masterpiece.
Just keep watching.
Also, forgot to add: Don't watch 1999 anime.
I'm not getting triggered. Everytime someone says 99 is better, all you do is post the same 2 webm. You're not even trying to prove that 2011 looks better. Here, I can find nitpicked shitty animation too, does that mean 2011 looks like shit?
I'm the opposite. I prefer the fun arcs to the dark ones.
Heavens Arena and Greed Island are real comfy.
you should read the manga instead of being an animechild
The anime shits the bed in the first two arcs
Is this supposed to be your example of nitpicked shitty animation? Because that looks fine.
I kinda agree, but on my first watch i didn't really liked it. But after finishing the anime i love even Hunter Exam even tho i thought it was mediocre at best on my first view
>nitpicks while complains that his choice got nitpicked
But the manga looks like it was drawn by ONE.
you’re a retard. ONE is exceptional at drawing. togashi’s linework is just better.
>ONE is exceptional at drawing
you just got BAITED bro. das rite.
LMAO based
Hunter x Hunter looks generic as fuck.
Because every other shonen copied it?
i got to the part where the ant king is born and takes over the big ol castle and the arc is awful and horribly paced so i gave up. it certainly is genre defining, proving once and for all that endless battle shounen is garbage and to be avoided
Friendly reminder Y Togashi is a lazy unhealthy hack
I never got the point of people doing Yea Forums style shitposting with shows like they have an investment in it when everyone where torrents stuff.
It was the opposite for me, but that's fine. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoyed it as much as i did
you don't know anything about animation and directing if you think that looks fine.
>missing the point
I'm saying nitpicking to shit on something is stupid. Both 99 and 2011 look good in general but they both have bad scenes. If you want to prove a point post the good looking scenes from 2011 instead of posting the same 2 shitty webm, that just feels desperate
>people continuously fighting over 99 anime, 2011 anime, and manga when you can just do all 3 and not be a low power level retard
When will the low iq summerfags learn that all three have pros and cons
Fuck you bitch
I feel bad for people who started getting into HxH by watching 99 anime because they'll drop it because of retarded pacing and filler without knowing what true Hunter x Hunter is.
Oh do shut up, you mumbling retard.
it's literally just a generic shonen
mental disorder. Their fanbase has a lot of ill people for some reason. Like the pitou fag
2011 anime doesn't get good until episode 43.
I think the really decisive thing proven by this long-running argument is that all three mediums for HxH look like shit.
Drop it.
you got memed
this scene broke me, bruv.
The 2011 anime is so soulless and shit, why did it have to be this way bros?
Sasuga all hxh threads
fucking this
>Their fanbase has a lot of ill people for some reason.
tumblr fujos
like they like to pretend they are being ironic about wanting to fuck and rape the boys but they really aren't
>The calendar loses a precious component. The remaining months gather to mourn. The mourners play a melody, while the eleventh moon quietly rises.
>Uvo-san, can you hear us? We are playing a requiem for you.
>It was the start of a stormy night, fierce and drenched with blood, yet somehow overwhelmingly sad.
It was the moment when i knew: I'm watching high tier kino.
based and /thread
>Infamous hunterchads
They're literally underage subhumans
dunno about that. the pacing is fine, it lets more time to breathe. what I really like about the 99 version is the comedic aspect. it's way more funny than 2011 because the director had a great comic timing
that's the key. Their Yea Forums sings video was them all trying to whisper to not wake up their parents.
Of all examples you had to use bnha, the easiest target of any shounen?
I do believe HxH is average at best but it's a fucking masterpiece compared to my cringe academia.
im actually glad hxh exists because it acts like a lightning rod for all the retards and shitposters so actual good anime/manga like Attack on Titan can still have enjoyable communities
You mean comedic fillers?
this honestly has to be bait. Even if you were underwhelmed by the first few episodes, to think that they are that bad, I can only think you've allowed hype and memes to warp your judgement. Also, everyone I know irl who is into MHA is an insufferable ironic weeb. It is the most basic, bland shonen to have come out... ever, probably. It hasn't advanced the formula of the genre (yes, battle shonen is a genre at this point), one bit. MHA is so reliant on tropes and cliches of battle shonen, it almost seems more like a parody of the genre than a serious attempt at a new IP.
Just go back to your basic, ironic weeb bullshit series for children and leave the chads to watch our superior show
>enjoyble communities
>AApedo, Eren-selfinserter, I rabu Piku, Shipfaggotry
Yeah, you need to go back
*insert funny boi-oi-oing sound to inform the viewer that this scene is a joke*
wow, high class comedy right there. Almost on par with The Flintstones
Hisoka will die of old age.
why do you feel the need to post the comparison to Gon yet again. The fuck is with you shitters and fanbase wars
>manga like Attack on Titan can still have enjoyable communities
I mean, I agree about huntards but come on, AoT community isn't any better
and that's how I know you haven't even watched it
I was busy watching superior adaptation and reading original manga by ToGODashi sensei.
you're missing out on something good, tho
If there's no filler version i might watch it, otherwise.. eh..
I listened to ost tho, it was really good.
What’s wrong with fillers? HxH had some good filler tho
I don't want to experience HxH story not in the way Togashi intended it. Fillers were probably written by some hacks without understanding tone and characters of HxH
this, 99 direction was literally kino, in comparison 2011 seems like it was directed by a clown, just the most inapropiate use of soundtrack ever.
2011 tone is all over the place.
It gets better at chimera arc tough. But yeah, watch 99 till greed island, then start with 2011.
did I say something wrong? That is about the level of comedy we got with 99, no?
>Fillers were probably written by some hacks without understanding tone and characters of HxH
That's the case with the entirety of 99, not just the fillers. Obviously the story of the non-fillers is the same, but the tone and direction are completely removed from the manga. 2011 is much closer to the source and superior in every way to 99 regardless
1) there aren't a lot of filler episodes, maybe 3 or 4
2) the boat filler is a lot of fun and is a good transition between phase 3 and 4
how they handled Gon in 2011 made him literal trash. Not to mention removing key scenes with kite. It's really sad so many people fall for the shitposters and start with '11
if that's the case you shouldn't have watched 2011 though. It doesn't understand the tone of the manga and definetly doesn't understand Gon's character.
They're adaptations, they're not supposed to be direct copies of the manga. That's why directors exist. If you want the creator's original vision just read the source material
well, from the top off my head, I can think of the scene during phase 2 when kurapika spills the beans about the sushis. when watching it, I was expecting it to be over the top with lots of sound effects, but it's quite the opposite. and there are many other scenes like this one.
I personally liked it, to each their own I guess
For the love of God, fuck Togashi and fuck the way he intended it. If the fillers were good and enjoyable, they’re worth a watch. Let Togashi do something about the hiatus first before I gonna respect the “way he intended it”
>no new IPs in the last 26 posts
99fag doing damage control kek
Cope und seeth
this, and also mandatory 99 and 2011 comparison. I don't agree with everything said in the article, but it's a very interesting read
Yea Forums in general needs to learn that biases can change someone's perspective of their first time watching a series. The more they associate a series with the people watching it, the more unfair they tend to be when looking at its good and bad aspects, and you'll have people like OP who goes to watch it just to spite it.
>people actually having a normal conversation and not shitting on each other for once
>REEEEe 99fag
fuck off
meant to answer to him my bad
The fuck is this, you stupid fag?
76 episode
From Chrollobro right?
Yo ignore this homo retard
That’s how I did.
Read the manga, watch 1999, then 2011 and reread the manga again
They read the manga.
>only Yorkshin and CA are good
Pleb opinion.