Kemono Friends

English dub Trailer is out.

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Other urls found in this thread:脚本 from:@kemonofriendsch&s=09

some of these actually don't saund terrible, at least for a dub, but who the FUCK though that Margay voice sounded okay?

>jah-PARI park
Great now Lucky Beast sounds like a running shitty TTS engine.

Tsuchinoko sounds pretty good from the one line we got.

They also dubbed PPP song

>another thread so soon, especially after the other one got deleted
The dub sounds so weird, especially with the mix of some VAs trying to imitate the Japanese versions while others go in a completely different, unfitting direction. At least it probably won't be as painful as I thought it was going to be, especially since Lucky Beast doesn't sound like the other English one

Not even a dub can make be worse than S2

The also redid all the zookeeper segments with english speaking experts.

It sounds alright I guess. Arai-san doesn't sound squeaky enough, but that's probably a blessing. Looking forward to the streams of it so we can look forward to the new zoo interviews.

Kemurikusa dub when?

but why

I'm not sure if a english voice would make Wakaba more or less annoying in the early episodes.

Was that fucking Haruko voicing Tsuchinoko? Either way, the dub doesn't seem like it's going to be that awful. Sure, there's a LOT of generic female voice acting going on, but most seem to be close to the tone they should be. Not gonna watch it though.

Who the fuck would even make an english dub to an anime that isn't popular at all in the west?

How bad was season 2? I wasn't able to keep up with things at the time.

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No S2 was made.

The dub doesn't sound good but at least it wouldn't have done as much damage as S2. sounds extremely rough though.
Extremely terrible, bullying all Friends regardless of if they were old or new

It beat YGO Arc V as the most hated anime on nico nico. There was a 99% drop of sales between S1 and S2.

If ever a second season pissed all over the first, this was it.

Fennec sounds like a fucking cunt

It really is strange, some of the voices at least try to sound similar but others like Alpaca's completely miss the mark. Other changes like "Triple P" and parts of their song completely clash with each other and do not sound good, like with the length of some words being crammed into parts or imitations of the Japanese syllables early on. I'm a little glad I didn't get to hear Moose because of the mixed results from the other characters. As other anons said, I think the only part I'm really excited for is the zookeeper segments and maybe suffering with anons on stream

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Bland overall but got really terrible and even insulting near the end.

>nanoda is translated as "yeah, no duh"
I'm not sure how I feel about that.

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The beginning showed little promise as it played many tropes from S1 as jokes, including Kaban's most infamous line. Every episode followed a bland and obvious route; find a friend, ask if they know something, they have a problem, Ceruleans attack, Kyururu solves the problem. A few episodes deviated from that formula, but ultimately fell flat. Likewise, the new Friends were harshly outshined by returning Friends, and they made a few Friends into unloveable bitches. Then, there's the biggest sins they committed. I'm just going to greentext them for post count.
>Kaban was a side character who got shat on every chance the director had
>Friends openly antagonistic or mean with no redemption, such as Roadrunner the memes from her episode were absolutely top tier
>Serval outright forgetting Kaban, even after they reunite
>Caracal. Just Caracal. Literally a third wheel character.
>That infuriating ending; dropping the S1 theme right after Kaban gets dumped by Serval on the beach

Now I'm mad again.

Mine made almost everyone suffer, especially Kaban and the new dog Friend. It got even worse when he did some artshow to reveal shitty "lore" changes to make everything much worse.
>Arai and Fennec are turning into bullies

There is no S2 fuck you.

You better BELIEVE theres gonna be a dub stream.

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What's the status on this?

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Recently got release info, as well as a trailer with an English visitor.

Coming out on 9/24, yes that's one day before the 2 year anniversary of suffering.

And two days before Tatsuki's birthday. Maybe bad things only happen on odd days in September.

that's just silly

So how much of the money goes to Kadokawa? Does Tatsuki even get any of the money from the S1 sales?

I want to but I don't know if friendanon is even alive anymore
There's some American tourist lady, hopefully that means no Ky*ruru. There's a little bit of hope.

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>releasing it one day before 9/25
Interesting move by them, I wonder if it was planned.
I thought the irodori birthdays were the numbers on their ears/horns though?

what is this S2 you are speaking of?

KF never got a S2
or you are talking about the games?

Like I needed other reasons to drop this shit. The margay is no longer a special, special cat.

Working full time so no streams, but ill make time for this

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What if they interviewed Sharon-neesan again and she calls the margay cat a SUPER special, special cat?

I'm wondering who they got to talk about Tsuchinoko?

why is she sounds too serious

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Gaijin Goombah

>still months away
It would definitely be nice though, I can't wait

Damn, you're not even joking

Tanoshii is serious business.

I can't believe friendanon is no longer fucking dead. I was wondering what happened since everything just sort of stopped suddenly with not much news. Glad to know you're still around at the least
Wait, that's serious? Isn't that just some youtube e-celeb? I looked him up and the first thing I saw was that he didn't like KF, I'm really confused

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This isn't tanoshii anymore...

KF2 for halloween and dub stream still planned, and maybe KemKusa again if theres big news for it

Hopefully it's going to be a family friendly dub. This is a show to watch with the family.

It probably will be. The closest thing to non-family friendly content I can remember out of KF is the naked Friends

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I want to hear Kaban or Serval say "FUCK".

>KF was rebroadcast at a early morning timeslot back in summer 2017
>huge hit with kids
>not even NK shooting missiles could delay the last episode
Those were magic times

If Mine stops maybe the suffering will finally end

Well Arai-san already says the N-word.

If I remember correctly, Serval was the most popular with the evening crowd while Common Racoon was the most popular with the morning crowd.

>that awkward dubbing of the PPP song
>completely regular voices unfitting for some of the characters
Are they even going to keep some of the gimmicks like Lion's two voices? It feels really weird and bland for some parts

>It beat YGO Arc V as the most hated anime on nico nico.
Why did the Japanese hate Arc V so much? I liked how it used all the different summoning methods instead of focusing entirely on whatever was the new one.

>kissing with prairie dog
>big american tiddies
>family friendly

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I wonder what they'll do with the big fat American tats

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>cursed KF2 stream is still happening
I can't wait for suffering

The kissing part is easily explained by the fact that the episode aired during their mating season. When the zookeeper explained that it made sense to my family why she was acting so amorous.

Wait what exactly am I looking at?

Get raped by Ceruleans and turn into a sexier Cerulean Queen that impregnates Gen ?-x Serval with her fat futa cock.

>people are surprised a dub is poor

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>this sort of posting for the American has already started
I can't wait to see how far it goes

Poster image of some kind for upcoming mobile game.

Kemono Friends 3 takes place some generation(s) after the Nexon game but before the anime, so it's literally just KF2. No idea why they skipped 2, unless the Yaoyorozu anime is 2 so they're just going back to original naming conventions with 3.

The dub might be shit but damn if I'm not nostalgic about KF1.

I doubt anyone who has experienced a dub even a little is truly surprised, probably just a bit disappointed

He receives a total of 00% for being the ones that produced it.

>season 2
What? If anyone told you there was a season 2, you got trolled.

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Yeah Ai Nonaka (Nexon Serval, Reticulated Giraffe) showed up as a surprise guest at the KF party.

People always say anime characters all sound the same but I literally cant tell the difference between any of these dubbed characters. I wouldnt be surprised if they were all just 1 person. They didnt even do anything interesting with Alpaca. At least a Southern accent. Fucking something.

>at least a Southern accent
I don't want to associate Alpaca with the grossness of dip spit.

Yeah, it really sucks. Doesn't sound like they did anything special with most of the characters and it's really bland compared to the Japanese voices, though that's not really any surprise. Be ready for normal sounding Shoebill, consistent voice Lion, and more.

>japerry park

Goddamnit, this is a horrible dub
Latin dub when?

Remember all the theories anons had for how they were going to fuck up S2? None of them even held a candle to how badly Mine and the new studio ended up taking a shit on the franchise.

And just as we were starting to recover Mine came back around and dumped a bunch of new lore in his art show that made the whole thing even worse somehow.

>Mine came back around and dumped a bunch of new lore in his art show that made the whole thing even worse somehow.
Not that user, but i've been disconnected of the whole thing since the end of S2.
What Lore did they drop?

From what Yugioh-fags in the thread said the series started off really strong and then it started just shooting itself in the foot and getting worse and worse with the asspulls and the whole thing was a slow downward slide compared to KF2 having a couple mediocre average scores in the beginning and then falling off a cliff when Kaban returned and that leaked spoiler was shown to be true.

Imagine even considering watching a dub. How much sadder could ones life get?

probably the "DUDE IT WAS ALIENS" guy from the History channel

Not that user but to sum it up since I don't have the whole thing copied
>Kaban is unstable and will either be erased or turn into Mirai because of her strong will
>the adventure at the end of S1 was pointless because that island was deadly
>dog will never meet a human and will suffer alone
>beasts will never be happy either and can't become true Friends, also reminder that Friends die and beasts die faster
>Ky*ruru is pretty much Jesus, a true human unlike Kaban, and is a perfect replica made by the Cerulean queen in order to connect with Friends and probably fuck them too since he's a Mine self insert
I think the reason for most anons is just to see how terrible it gets

The main highlights? The humans are confirmed dead so Kabans journey to the next island was pointless, the next island was a cerulean filled wasteland and Serval died. Kyururu is confirmed a boy who is a human clone born from the previous Cerulean Queen's egg and is going to "Act as a bridge between humans and friends" (Not so subtly implying he's going to bang the friends to repopulate humans). Human friends like Kaban are mutant freaks even among friends who go through stages like a pokemon. If they try to resist these stages or get to depressed they disappear from existence. Kaban can also never leave the park without disappearing because Mirai's will in her brain won't let her. Eventually Kaban will turn into a copy of Mirai. That confusing "2,000 years" answer to when KF takes place was confirmed. spoiler]The discordfags went full denial mode when the lore was leaked from the show and then had a meltdown when one of their own went and confirmed it.

>KF gets a dub
>moose and lion get trans people to voice them
>even if that's not the case normalfags'll realize their designs are based on the male of their species and start calling it pro-trans

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Kaban also can't succumb to despair or she literally dies, which is why she forces herself to smile.

KF2 and all that horrible dog shit at the art show aren't canon and I'm happy Mine finally shut the fuck up and crawled back into his hole, as I haven't heard nor seen hide nor hair of him since he announced all that fucking bullshit.

Also Kaban if she had a loli(er) form would've had green hair because reasons. The only aberration is the Kaban we know, apparently. I wish everything that happened involving KF didn't make me so unreasonably infuriated.

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>young Kaban and adult Kaban are both old Mine designs

rmasu2 already did some lewds of her.

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It'd be interesting if it didn't result in Kaban being erased and wasn't so obvious an attempt by Mine to erase any trace of Yaoyorozu from KF.

Is she the biggest in KF?

Full cover art.

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Also Beasts have a shortened lifespan and only have a very small chance to become a normal Friend.

I don't think Mine has made any sort of public appearances or given any interviews post-9/25/2017.

>friend bios
Probably the most exciting part of the inevitable stream.

Please delete this, I don't want to imagine what could happen to the beautiful image of my husband-wife and her rival. Another one of the things that's interesting is how it makes it obvious that Mine is trying to take over and revive his old designs, including that scrapped tomboy
Yeah, the concept they had could have been neat if they didn't make it so fucking dark and terrible with their obvious intent.

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Fuck, meant to place the second sentence at the end

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When will moose fuck her to display dominance as she and her american milkers pose a threat to her rule

Dumb Mooseposter

The art show lore dumb was somehow far worse than S2's treatment of Kaban.
S2 bullshit pales in comparison.

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there is no s2 but some fag named mine did released animated shitty fanfic and called it s2

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This is the real season 2 plus 1 prequel episode.
Not sure if the crossover chapter is actually part of it or just a side project.

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There is some pretty good art of her now. I wonder if she'll be working with (You) in KF3

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I still find it hilarious how despite using a different studio and all the profit from S1 to invest in a better budget they somehow not only made the animation worse but had to rush and outsource it to multiple chinese studios on top while the original was made by a tiny ass team and turned out on time while looking better.

>not posting the color version

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In the end I’m glad that the furryfags got what they deserved and this cancer died out relatively quickly before polluting all of Yea Forums. Now if only the discordtrannies that spawned from the generals also would have died that would have been perfect, but I guess you can’t have everything.

That's the difference between people passionate about their work and people who feel like a giant target is painted on them every time they sit down to work. But remember, anyone can make Kemono Friends.

Someone just leaked the OP to KF S2. The last couple seconds are completely blank though, for some reason.

I wish someone would paint Mine's back with a red laser bead. Maybe then he'd stop raping KF's dead body.

>kemonomimi is furry
>nonexistant discordtrannies
Not only is that wrong, you should also fuck off back to Yea Forums or bother the Beastars threads

why the fuck would you want a dub for kemonos?

why would you want dub for anything? are we on neogaf or some shit

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Needs an edit to put in Tomoe in.

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She also says "it's common knowledge", as a play on common raccoon.

I don't believe they got Sharon, but they at least got Lauren again.

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It's a curiosity to see how bad it is.

It's not like anons actually want a dub aside from maybe a few EOP idiots, most are just accepting that it's happening and want to see how bad it will get

>why would you want dub for anything?
because fuck you, JSL

I thought most people here just want to see the new animal facts.

Based Discotek.

>>not even NK shooting missiles could delay the last episode
Anyone have the screenshot of Boss dying atop the burning boat while the newsreel about the missile shows on the bottom of the screen?

for me any excuse to enjoy some season 1 again

there is no season two. kf were a self-contained project, there is no need for a fucking "franchise" you amerilard onions-based capeshitters. no fucking franchise. kaban and serval went on a journey and are on a journey to this day, as the legend goes. the end.

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Why would anyone willingly watch a dub.
What is wrong with you people.

This, I don't know wtf is wrong with this place. Imagine having a brain that's incapable of telling the difference in quality between japanese and english voice acting.

That seems to be a more recent, new interest after an user brought information about it. Aside from that the main interest seems to be seeing how shit the voice acting is and criticizing it

You know, the reason people get called out as ESL is because we're speaking English here and the only way to tell if someone is ESL is if their grammar is so mangled to be incomprehensible. Nobody's insulting the idea of learning a second language; that's a thing to celebrate. You just have to learn it well enough to not parade around words you don't understand the meaning of like an idiot. Like this.

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I need to refresh my anger towards everything after 9/25 and want to see how terrible the VAs are.

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>it's dead you guys, any day now...

At least read the thread before jumping to conclusions dumb user

Before, this song made me smile, now it makes me cry

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Why would it make you sad? It's only used in moments of wonder and discovery in the first anime. I think it's used in Youkoso Japari Park too.

It makes me sad because it reminds me of better times

I just have one question, if I buy this where will part of the money go to? If its to Inodori sure, I get 10 copies, or is it to Kadokawa? Someone exblain this thing to me.

At this point I'm watching KF3 just to see how bad it can get.

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KF3 is a game, not an anime.

I love this song to bits. It's my wake-up alarm and it's so pleasing to wake up to. I absolutely can't listen to Kemono Parade or that one duet song Kaban and Serval sang in one of the character CDs (the one where they sing about how much they love each other, how they're BFFs 5ever and how they'll always be together no matter what) without thinking of the fake KF2 and getting really upset, angry, mad, and frustrated that I have to do something else to try and forget again. I will never stop being mad about Kemono Friends.

raccoon and alpaca were the weakest, but serval was serval, sky dreamer was outstanding, tsuchinoko was outstanding and jaguar sounded like a nee-san. there was effort and care put into this production, i'm so happy. i didn't think kemono friends could be good in another language, i'm gobsmacked how wrong i was.

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That just show's much I care.

Probably none to irodori, maybe a portion of it to Kadokawa. Probably best to wait for someone to either host it on a stream or post it online
KF3 is just a game from sega, unless they actually end up making a show from that too. Doesn't seem like it will be too bad either for now

The only thing they need to do to not fuck up another show is by not even implying Kfaggotru exists. Kaban not existing at that time means they could get away with Serval being BFFs with Gaijintits, but I think people might take it the wrong way or get an inadvertently bad reaction because it'd remind them of Kaban and Serval again. Really, it might just be best to not use Serval again, just to be safe.

It's not already out? I saw the dub at Otakon on Friday, I didn't know it was a sneak preview.
Nothing about it was particularly noteworthy, for better or for worse, at least as far as dubs go—except Serval kept saying "A-meow-zing!" with got old fast. As usual, half the girls sound older than their Japanese counterparts.
I stayed because I really wanted to see how they would do English Tsuchinoko, but the dude in charge turned it off five minutes into Ep.4 to make room for the next anime's showing.

>Really, it might just be best to not use Serval again, just to be safe.

That's like telling pokemon not to use pikachu.

I don't think it really sounds that great, it suffers from a lack of direction thanks to the VAs being unable to decide whether or not they want to mimic their Japanese counterparts and either weakening or dropping some of the fun gimmicks. PPP's song sounded especially bad, I think it just simply fits with all the other mediocre-bad dubs. The only thing that makes it special is it being KF and helping to make anons suffer

They really should have done that with K****** too though he simply shouldn't have existed, there are plenty of other popular Friends out there and they could have simply used Caracal or another major Nexon Friend as the main companion instead. It does seem like they're going to make that new group of Friends a little more important so hopefully they avoid reusing Serval and doing that sort of thing, all signs seem pretty positive so far for a KF thing without Tatsuki. I'm glad they're trying to make it fun and cute instead of shitting on previous teams involved and fans

Other Otakon user here, I'm still salty they cut it short even though there was plenty of time. I thought Serval's phrase and all the puns were cute. The JP counterparts say these lines just as much, if not more

You couldn't be more wrong. compare it to any sentai or funi dub and it's hands over feet better.

Just because it's slightly better than other dubs doesn't mean it's good

Sonic Boom was a game as well as a show
and the show ended up being a huge fan favorite

>Lucky beast doesn't sound like an elderly british wildlife narrator

the biggest missed opportunity of all.

>Not already watching it with your family.
I've got a little 4 year old nephew who runs around the House going "Meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow!" and rewatched the scene of Hululu falling off the truck 15 times in a row.

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>All this fuckery
In the wise words of Dr. Eggman

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Welcome to Mine's Magic™.

Are we still welcome to the Japari park?

It's got nothing to do with mating. It's actual behavior of the actual prairie dog animal

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fanfiction is what

They may have done alright with Sonic's show but that doesn't necessarily mean they'd do good with KF. One can only hope.
This, it's fun to watch with family. I feel like I've created a monster though, now my family has to deal with a little girl going mya while running and trying to do the Lion voice thing because she was cool in her eyes

The voices sound pretty fine so far
sounds awkward but it's a stupid pop song to begin with so I'm not bothered by it

No. And the happy meal brains went bad as well.

So Tiger's doomed to die soon, but Kyururu's probably going to knock her up anyway.

Got it.

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Prairie dogs are actually cool as shit. They have an entire language of warning barks that describe what specifically the danger is, how much of a threat it is, and how far away it is.

>Lucky Beast voiced by Davit Attenborough
I would watch the dub purely for this if that were the case.

Tiger died at the end of KF2. While standing on a roof with nothing above her she was somehow crushed by falling building rubble from above.

They fucked on the boatride over.
It was a very long boatride.

Tiger is already dead, but your favorite Friend will probably be "connected" with soon enough.

holy shit you fucking fixed her

>fixed her
Friendly reminder that Kyururu is a boy, and that's r63. Still, it is an absolute improvement.

The adventures to Tomoe Roadrunner and Dog is a much better S2.

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>not localizing it to furry friends

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>animal nakama

Beast Friends would be the logical choice if they were going to change it

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i get if you are upset but you dont have to lie about the ending. serval cried when kaban said her line back to her just like how s1 serval cried when she saw mirai. she is not the same serval.

Did Toki overdose on tea because of her loneliness?
That would just increase the shitposting

Tomoe is a creation by a nip trying to fix what was wrong with KF2 that got super popular. I think at this point she actually has more fanart than Kyuru does.

She's not handling this whole "being alone" thing very well.

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She was the same Serval. She even acknowledged in the first episode that she used to run around with a weird friend in the past.

>Kaban (so named for her backpack)

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acknowledging that doesnt make her the same one and the fact that all she could do was cry confirms as much.

Last Period already did that joke with their entire episode dedicated to the 9/25 controversy

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I hope Serval keeps calling Lucky Beast "Boss" in the dub.

I want to help fix that issue

discotek rescuing another show from CR limbo.

Maybe even more than before since so many anons need healing that can only be fixed by meeting their favorite Friends

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I wanna visit Alpaca's café!

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Except that's the name of *that* doujin.

Animal Friends would be better

i' ve seen 623 anime to completion, and if i like a show i always watch at least ep 1 and 2 of any english dub it gets, and i can tell you from 4 and a half minutes of twitter video clips, this is better. sorry, your opinion is invalid, you're just a sperg on the internet for the duration of the summer. go buy a new trapper keeper, kid.

Beware lonely birds, they might be very clingy, give them a bit of attention and they'll take it to the next level before you can react.

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Arigatou for posting this user-san. Happy extinct friends heal my heart.

>getting this angry over dubs
I agree that it's better quality among dubs user. That doesn't change the fact that it's not good. Are you okay?

>compare it to any funi dub
>when 95% of the cast are funi VAs

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The only reason I would care about this is if they were airing it on TV for kids

Why the hell would they do that?

I'm sure I'd be able to handle a cute bird like her

That one made me chuckle so for that alone I can't say that the voices are bad.

I can't believe that I'm actually excited for a dub.

worse than Virgin Soul?

Because it's fun, simple and educational. But its just a dub for ironic weebs to watch on the smartphones so who cares

>rewatched the scene of Hululu falling off the truck 15 times in a row.
Why would you show him KF2? Do you hate him that much?

Her cafe seems like such a comfy place to visit, though a lot of places seem pretty great too. I wonder what the best places in Japari Park would be to visit

>i'm incapable of having fun
who hurt you

kemono friends is about heart, it's the underdog story for the ages. whoever directed the dub wasn't a slouch. there is respect exuding from this production, when everything funi churns out is a slap in the face. i'm sorry you're too autistic to comprehend this. do you even watch anime bro?

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Kids don't watch TV.
They watch Netflix, and Undertale and FNAF fan videos on youtube made with minecraft editors

Ahh, it all makes sense now

>Maybe even more than before since so many anons need healing that can only be fixed by meeting their favorite Friends
Getting a personal tour around Japari Park from Kaban dressed up as Serval would be the best.

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>who hurt you
Go back

Tsuchinoko is GREAT
Owls are good
Serval is only okay, but full of fun

Overall better than expected. This is not total victory, but a milestone has been reached.

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I will become a 「SAND・STAR」

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Thank you for showing your true colors user. I never said it can't be fun, but objectively the quality isn't great and it isn't deserving of the praise you gave it earlier

Hopefully never.

I'll take Kaban in Emperor's costume.

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Getting to go on an adventure around Japari Park shaped by your favorite Friend would be fun. A great journey like Kaban's but extremely different depending on who you pick. Imagine all the possibilities!
I want to conquer Japari Park with Moose and her army!

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>Lucky Beast sounds like a running shitty TTS engine.

>pretends a follow-up season doesn't exist because it wasn't good.
This autism needs to stop.

If they had Microsoft Sam voice Lucky Beast, it'd be an excellent alternative to Attenborough. Fucking Attenborough TTS software when? He isn't getting any younger.

Microsoft Sam wouldn't really be that fun. I actually just tried that in Word, and Lucky's lines sounded very wrong.

What season 2?

Beast Friends sounds like Best Friends thus it is better.

KF1 = Nexon game
KF2 = Yaoyorozu anime
KF3 = KF1.5 = new mobile game
It's confusing, but think of KF3 like MGS3. Despite being a sequel, it takes place before the events of KF2, which is obviously the pinnacle of the series.

Morbid curiosity and the fact that I can have some blu-rays on my shelf that can just be set to japanese audio with subs.

Last Period was so much better than it had any right to be

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>an adventure with Moose or Lion sends you on a conquest to take over Japari Park
I want a Fire Emblem Kemono Friends now. More importantly though, what would other journeys with Friends be like?

>She knows her singing needs work
>Go around Japari Park with her, asking other Friends what they think would help
>Do all sorts of silly things to try helping her sing better
>Eventually the journey ends with her realizing that her song is just fine
>Ending credits is her singing about the entire journey, with scenes being shown that match her song's current lyrics
>Final lyrics thank the one that went around with her through the whole journey

I'd love to see a point-and-click adventure game remake of Kemono Friends, if not one set in it starring a clever Friend. If yoy were to follow Small-clawed Otter around all day, she'd probably spend it all playing in or around the river, playing with her pet rocks, napping while getting carried away by the river current, eating Japariman, or chasing her old family of otters that kinda sorta recognize her before she turned into a Friend.

The fanbase is shit and the games are nothing but weeb gacha money grabbing tier shit, KF doesn’t need to get even dirtier

I mean more of the turn based war/strategy side of things than anything, though I guess there are much better examples of that.
Beautifully wholesome

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I didn't like nu-Kaban at first but watching her suffering made like her and want to protect her.
Kaban trying to act like Serval beach thing didn't hurt her and the owls coming to comfort her made me like their friendship.

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I just saw this I don’t read nip and I haven’t kept up to date since the shitshow that was S2. Are getting an S3? A game?

I still don't like how stupid Wakame is and how useless she is at protecting herself, which was a fucking major point of the first series, which is why I still refuse to believe she's Kaban.

Exploring abandoned park facilities with Tsuchinoko or running the cafe with Alpaca!
That's for KF3. For now it's just a game (arcade and mobile), but there's potential for it to become an animated series apparently. Thankfully it doesn't seem like Mine and the KFP people have much control over it and aren't going out of their way to shit on KF like S2 and the art expo did so there's something to wait for.

It's both a mobile and an arcade game. There's a handful of Twitter shorts featuring different Friends interacting and some interesting shit they've shown (architecture blueprints for one). As much as I hope they succeed, I also hope people don't give them financial support since it'll end up in the pockets of the faggot-ass KFP board companies. That being said though, Sega's completely innocent so I do also want them to succeed too.

She is basically a depressed guilt ridden emotional train wreck I don't really expect much from her.
Also I hate how they made basically all the bad end comics cannon.

Attached: Owl Friends are best Friends.jpg (1003x5701, 1.33M)

None of the Friends from Mine's fanfiction act how they should, I would just forget about those poor imitations as soon as possible if I were you user

KF3 really is at a rough point with Sega being hurt by KFP's shit and the fact that fans may be reluctant to try something new given all that has happened. Since it seems like it's going to be a gacha game it will sadly probably get easy money from gacha addicted nips so I hope they get more out of it than those corrupt fucks back at Kadokawa. As long as they continue on their current track I'm definitely going to root for them though.

>it seems like it's going to be a gacha game it will sadly probably get easy money from gacha addicted nips
Given how long it took them to reach their 50k or whatever number presub goal, I'm having doubts it'll be a financial success past the initial launch, especially if they give little incentive to pay into the gacha. Hell, considering elevens are still absolutely pissed about everything going on, one can easily assume that everything Mine, Tomason and the KFP has done will also cause consumers to be extremely wary with them. If they play it safe, they sink slowly. If they make the wrong decisions or get on people's bad sides whether by accident or because of shit servers or thr game is plagued with bugs or anything else goes wrong, it'll invariably become magnified and have a far more negative impact on their financial performance compared to if KF3 was its own thing with no existing stigma around it. I think that Sega's only real opportunity to make KF3 work and sell well and stick around longer than the Nexon game is if they have some sort of ace up their sleeve that is done well and launch and everything else proceeds smoothly. Shit, all it would really take to sink KF3 for good would be more "lore" from Mine or another KF project that people see as shitting on the KF anime.

I honestly can't see KF3 as anything but a swan song, a last hurrah of sorts for a franchise that has effectively died twice now.

That is a fair point, the support was never great from the start and aside from a small group of dedicated individuals I can't see much care or money being given when you put it that way. It's way too easy to ignore or forget about the bad things that happened when you have the smallest amount of hope. Even though everything truly ended when 9/25 happened I hope they're at least capable of making KF3 an enjoyable experience that doesn't shit on the franchise even more before KF probably finishes dying out and everyone can rest.

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So, what is Kemono Friends 3, gacha shit?

Honestly, if the franchise dies with KF3, I think that'd probably be the best sort of situation. At least with Sega we know they'll do something nice and pleasant as a sort of send-off, along with whatever goodbye festival the VAs put on. I think it's appropriate that the story of Japari Park, the ultimate fate of Kaban and Friends, it all ends trailing off, letting people decide for themselves how to fill in the blanks as we all know there's no way anyone else but Yaoyorozu can give an actual end to the story now, and that's impossible. I think Mine's biggest mistake was not realizing that he gave away the future of his own creation to someone else until it was too late, and by forcibly taking creative control back he somehow wrote himself into a corner without ever having had to lift a pen. People ought to fucking take this whole thing as a well-examined study case on how not to manage a multimedia franchise and how creative control is the heart and soul of a project.


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>Pavilion won't run on emulators now
>Uninstalled Festival because it sucked
>Probably won't be able to emulate KF3, let alone understand it since Google Translate doesn't fucking work with photos on emulator either

I hope we get a /vg/ general again, at least long enough to translate the game's story when it comes out.

I think they sound cute especially Prairie Dog, Otter, Kaban and Serval. I want a /ai/ Pretty Series dub to sound like that

>reading a pathetic dubfaggots thread
Yeah no, you can go right back to plebbit with this shit. Yea Forums watching dubs, what the fuck. What happened to this board's self-moderation?

No, the Tatsuki's birthday on September 25 seems to be a rumor made only for the sake to make more drama.
There are several hints about July 24 being Tatsuki's birthday besides the date being written on the horns of his avatar on Hentatsu.
If you go to the Pixiv profile of irodori you will see that it states that the birthday of the owner of the account is July 24th and Tatsuki was the founder and has always been the leader of irodori, so the owner of that Pixiv account should be Tatsuki.
Also there are several tweets directed to the old personal Twitter account of Tatsuki wishing him an happy birthday on or near to that date, for example:
Also, Neko, the avatar of Isa aka Heian on Hentatsu, has a date written on her ears, so that seems to be also a birthday.
What is truly a mystery is the birth years and exact ages of all the three members of irodori, plus the birthday of Yuuko, but they should be around the same age and on their early thirties.
But yeah, they releasing that game one day before the second anniversary of the 9/25 disaster is very clearly an extremely pitiful and futile attempt to try to extinguish the flames of the fury of the fans on that anniversary, as expected from the idiots of KFP.

Yes, the royalties for Tatsuki are literally 0% for his work on KF1 and he was not even paid for being the guy handling the series composition and the scripts on KF1 thanks to a technicality abused by KFPA. Basically KFPA at the start of the production contracted a guy called Shigenori Tanabe to handle the series composition and scripts, but Tatsuki took that responsibility for himself, so Tanabe did not work as originally contracted, but as Tatsuki was not contracted on the way it was Tanabe, then he got 0 yen for his work on the series composition and scripts, basically he worked for free for KFPA without knowing it.

>not Beast Buddies

Literally 0% of that money goes to either Tatsuki or irodori or Yaoyorozu, all of the licensing money goes straight to KFPA, the production committee of KF1, that is compose by companies like Kadokawa, TV Tokyo, AGN and a few more, but those three are the dominant companies on that committee.
How big is the percentage of money that goes to KFP for each unit sold of the English dub Blu-ray or if it is a plan fee when they seal the contract or even both I do not know, some more knowledgeable user should answer that.

At least they didn't use it in S2.
Our JP comrades seem to be hoping Tatsuki is properly credited in this, also some are wondering why they went with Kaban instead of Bag.

Yes, I am subs only, so I am not interested on that dub, but I still want to know if Tatsuki is being properly credited on this dub, that is, if his name appears on the series composition and scripts credits instead of the fucker of Shigenori Tanaba. Now if the worst happened, that is, the credits are wrong and can not be modified because the discs are already authored and finished, then they could at least put a paper inside the Blu-ray disc case clarifying the whole thing about the series composition and scripts credits, so the right people get the right credits.

Why would it be furry? Just because furfags appropriated the term kemono?

Part of me wishes they'd somehow fuck "canon" and bring her back.

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God I wish that were me.

user, it's not a follow up season. KF2 was a different show.

I watched a few episodes on Friday and I can confirm she does.

>dub uses cerulean instead of cellalien
Discordtrannies are seething

Discordtrannies are dead. The art show killed them after they couldn't deny the reveals and couldn't mental gymnastics there way into it being anything other than what it was.

You're pretty right, unless it's actually really good the sooner the pain ends the better it will be. Maybe this will teach people how not to kill great ideas.
Pavillion isn't working for you? Still seems fine on my end
Discordfags probably have been killed off through the pure concentrated suffering of the art reveal but blessed

>Black Cerulean
What? Did it have any voice?

Since her beast form is dead they can bring her back easily as a Friend, though I don't know why you would want more of the fake fanfiction version of KF. In the real KF2 that we can never get she would have either been a Friend from the start or been redeemed through something like Kaban's purity

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My guess is the roars and any other sounds it may have made

Shoebill looks like she could use some refreshment on this hot summer day.

This site has texts from the first mobage and Pavilion. It will probably have KF3 too.

Summer activities with Shoebill!

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Lewd summer activities with Shoebill!

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Just hook that shit to my veins

especially since I heard the follow up seasons sucked

Are they called Japari buns or Japari manjuu in the dub? The new human in Kemono Friends 3 calls them Japari manjuu in clear English.

Also, what is this 9/25 disaster people are talking about? I feel a little out of the loop here.

I remember people getting excited about Kaban's return and going nuts over her more adult form.

If it's true that the mobile game takes place before the anime it'll be hilarious if Sega at some point has a in-game event that wrecks the second season's canon.

Anime songs suck. It's that simple.

I seriously did just for fun email Animal Planet I think sometime around the airing of episode 7, suggesting they pick up the show. I didn't get a reply.

It would have been much better if KF2 and everything after 9/25 was simply bad

>Also, what is this 9/25 disaster people are talking about?

The day Tatsuki tweeted that he had been removed from KF and would not be working on KF2. That was the day the entire franchise began falling apart at the seams.

>I heard the follow up seasons sucked

KF2 didn't suck, it was infuriatingly bad and went out of its way to shit on things from the first season.

I'm not sure about how they'll treat it for the dub but I wouldn't use the American from KF3 for expectations with the dub since there are things like the different Lucky Beast voices. I don't know how you kept up to date on things but don't know of 9/25, since that's the day everything died when Tatsuki was removed.
What sort of community have you been hanging around if people were getting excited about Kaban returning just to suffer more?

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Hentatsu ONA by Tatsuki post-KF

I don't usually remember dates that well. There are some dates I remember like 9/9/99 because that was the release date of the Dreamcast. Anyway, it was here that I saw people going nuts seeing Kaban with a more adult body.

Also, is it true that the Japanese subtitles were off? If so, has anyone translated the subtitles?

Understandable, carry on then.
I don't want to fully translate but subs for that image are off, changing the discussion from KF3 to how large those American breasts are. If you were wondering about the official KF3 material though, probably not.

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It was this video's subtitles that I was asking about.

>speedreading posts

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>thinking that comic has any relevance to the official material
It's just a little gag by the artist using the different languages for a joke, nothing more.

Dub threads and dub posters should be insta banned. Fucking kill yourselves.

I've tried to avoid watching anything other than the only season, but how are the Youkosu Japari Park shorts? It doesn't seem specially bad at least in the first couple episodes I saw

They're fun. My sister even waved and said goodbye towards the screen during the goodbye part at the end of an episode when I was watching it with my family.

Latin dubs are no longer the god tier they used to be. I'd watch it nonetheless

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I just wanna see my cute ezo-chan again!

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They're ok. I don't find them very engaging but they're not boring either. Watch them, they last 3 minutes per episode, so you're not loosing anything

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Right after the Greek dub

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It's nice, especially the latest translated episodes. They recount the original mobile game's story, so it's essentially a prequel to season 1.

Dog seems a tad too happy here.

Κεμονο Φιλοι

Why are you making shit up? The dub's director was literally in the Discord talking with fans and she said "We went with Cerulean because that's what has become more ingrained in the fandom, even if Cellien is technically more correct." And everyone was completely fine with that.

Discordfags have been bitching and moaning nonstop that their Cellalien translation is the true translation because of an iphone case. If that actually happened then post proof

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They're not that bad, I don't watch a lot of latin dub anime but the Yama no Susume dub was decent with the exception of pronouncing Hinata as Inata.

Cute onahole

There was a season 2?

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What's the problem exactly? Just update your emulator

This is really useful, thank you user.

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Let's be honest, you wouldn't be able to handle a friend.

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I wanna play with her so bad


You can't handle her, user!

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Why not?

>Our JP comrades seem to be hoping Tatsuki is properly credited in this
It is credited to KFPA, at least

Babysitting a cute fluffball of endless energy and mischief is too much for a regular human.

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I'm surprisingly okay with how it all sounds. I think it'd be cute if the VA's sang Youkoso

Now that Fennec VA has left the Franchise , who is going to replace her?

cute feet!

Clearly the right way to go about doing things would be taking things to extreme levels that your favorite Friend can barely handle then

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But that still sounds like fun

I could handle it. I worked at a youth center and had to deal with a bunch of energetic little brats. Dealing with one well-behaved one is nothing.

Even professionals get tired of the incessant pleas for attention and sexual harassment.

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I could handle it. Just lock her up.

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Those 10 kilos of fish a day aren't doing you too well, Otter.

Well, KFPA has always been the copyright holder of KF1 and all things related, so that Blu-ray and dub are obliged to credit KFPA on all places and times necessary as the copyright holder, if they do not it then that could count as a copyright infringement.
What the Japanese are asking about is how they handled the credits on the OP and ED sequences and on whatever extras or official materials or sources where they may appear, that is, if Tatsuki is credited with the series composition and scripts or if Shigenori Tanabe is still getting those undeserved credits, for example, the fans on Japan are fighting an ongoing battle with different parties so they fix the credits on their services, websites, etc.脚本 from:@kemonofriendsch&s=09
If Discotek does not acknowledge and try to fix this problem, then they will get a lot of shit from the Japanese netizens.

that's because they try to avoid what's going to happen instead of accepting it

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Well, seeing how they reacted and managed the whole situation about KF2 and KF World, then they are pretty willing to accept with a forced and false happy face whatever shit is thrown to them if it comes from a official source, even if that means to contradict themselves, make a 180 degree turn on their former beliefs and make a fool of themselves.
Also, I thought the whole thing about using words like Kaban and Cerulean was Crunchyroll forcing their stance on Discotek, so the dub matches with Crunchyroll's own translation, but well, the people here is already accustomed to use Kaban and Cerulean, so I will not make about about these words, but I still dislike PPP being called Triple P.

Those fags are willing to change their own narrative and eat their own words whenever an official source tells them to do so. When Fennec's VA annouced her retiring from KF, they threw her shit saying that "anyone can imitate her voice" or that "anyone can do a better job".

Like if the song at 5:30 could be sung by any VA

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Kids don't watch Dora? Also is there any Dora crossover art?

>saying that "anyone can imitate her voice" or that "anyone can do a better job"
What the fuck is wrong with these people? They claim to love the VAs, content, and more but then they are more than willing to turn on those who are truly innocent and simply listen to those in control. I'm not sure if it's worse than "anyone can make KF" or not but that behavior really amazes me.

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I always thought it was because of their anime color.

While I agree that Kemono Friends is a "kids friendly" show, I don't think KF is a "kids oriented" show, just like your average moeblob show is aimed at 20's yo men. In fact that kind of mentality is what made 4K butcher a lot of shows when they brought them to this side of the continent

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Jesus, what even happened to my image?

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Because the adult visuals of Kaban was one of the few things s2 got right.

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I wonder if season 2 will get a dubbed HDBD release or just get a sub-only SDBD release. Depends on how much Discotek thinks it looks worth it.

>kids oriented
Except it is. The initial timeslot was just shit.

her new design looks super competent
you could leave her in charge of the park and it would all turn out okay

Good question. I checked and the file name is the same on both posts (1561144546620.jpg).

You're back to shitpost already?

>kids oriented
Except it is. The initial timeslot was just shit.

it's the good old mootswap

We can look on the bright side and be glad that the image didn't swapped with something from /pol/ or something like that.

Are you okay user? Is this the level of posting you have to rely on now that your other shitposts don't work as well?

What timeslot are they even gonna air it in?

I'd doubt that by simply taking into account that KF was at its core a gatcha game about moe characters, which a child wouldn't be able to play since they rely mostly on microtransactions.

Besides, it wouldn't make sense to have a franchise segmented on "the child-oriented section" and the "adult-oriented section"

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The gacha was dead in the water. And S1 was edutainment.

That doesn't suddenly change the purpose/goals of KF as a whole. Though there is a family friendly nature about KF, it's still something mainly made for otaku

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Yup, there are pretty damning screencaps on the archives about they throwing that sort of shit to Kana Motomiya, the funny thing here is that I did not see KFP or whatever related company or official staff throwing shit to her, more like giving the standard kind words of goodbye and giving thanks to her for all her work done until then, so those attacks were completely unwarranted and one sided from them.
Meanwhile you have the same bastards giving a love letter to Kimura for his work on KF2 and defending Mine and KFP on the anime subreddit when someone made a post exposing the shit that happened on KF World and then making a post on their subreddit continuing with the defense and accusing anyone going against them as being antis and haters making shit. And lo and behold when their own witnesses confirmed as true nearly all of the things they were incredulous about.
And yeah, Kana Motomiya was very fitting for her character as Fennec, not only with her voice, even the shape of her eyes and face and her expressions were very fitting with the character. And when they talked about the former Fennec voice actress before they suddenly started talking of her as a better Fennec when Kana Motomiya announced her retirement?, if that retirement announcement did not happen, then that voice actress and her past role would still continue to go unnoticed without no one caring and talking about because that was a past already gone long ago.

Dumb, jealousy-prone, spicy cat.

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Wow, I didn't know it's actually real

I uploaded those images to my hosting site on 16 Jan, 2018

The original objective of Mine Yoshizaki was to make a franchise that would last "100 years" and could be enjoyed by people of all ages, be it adult men or pre-school children and Tatsuki was very much of the same opinion about that sort of focus on the public. Also, both Mine and Tatsuki were of the opinion of the anime having an educational aspect, that is people learning about animals, even of not so know animals like servals.
But now if you have in mind that the game was a gacha mobile game and that the anime was a late night anime, then that puts it de facto as a franchise with teens and adults as their main focus, even if the children are welcome as well.
The funny thing here is that Kemurikusa does not seem to be mean as kid friendly as KF1, but even so there is a good amount of reports of small children watching and liking the series, so it seems the irodori/Yaoyorozu series have the charm to attract both small children and adults.

The Kimura Support Letter will live to the posterity as an example of how much of a bootlicker can a side of the fans be. While the nips call Roadrunner a Gomasuri Kuso bird, the real Gomasuris out there are those redditors/discordfags.

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The more I hear about them the worse they get, it's funny how they accuse anons of being shitty with all the things they do. I'd much rather deal with the kuso bird

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Please join the extinct species conservation project. We have very attractive incentives.

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Mayo wolf deserves to live again

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What is she so happy about? She's dead.

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Can I work on maintaining other populations instead?

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titty wolf

Those are some very squishy, puffy incentives.

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What is she doing holding such a dangerous child? Doesn't she know what might happen if she keeps him around?


In an attempt to rape the rapist, she will probably get raped by the rapist

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Hopefully she drops him a couple hundred feet in the air afterwards.

Showing it to kids

Yes, Common Racoon. Common Racoon will always be Common Racoon.

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The only moment KF2 made me happy

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It's sad to think that anyone would want to hurt a KF character, but then Kyururu exists. It's like that non-existent S2 for Minami-ke.

Did he get his sketchbook back after this? I can't remember.

The chuuni birbs gave it back.

I don't think of Kyururu as anything other than an ugly Cerulean. He was born from one, he ought to be treated as one.

It's not worth it, escaping extinction will just cause "him" to create a child.
This, hopefully a Friend realizes what he's trying to do and puts him down

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We don't talk about s2. Please stop making kf threads, faggots. Let it rest in peace.

There's nothing common about this dumb raccoon.

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don't tell me what to do

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It should probably be fine as long as there aren't constant threads and there's actual news to discuss, especially if they do end up making KF3 into a show

Kemurikusa Russian Dub when?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 5.42.24 PM.png (972x592, 368K)


So uh, when are we moving out?

I think that would be pretty difficult with things like the names and all the subtleties that may get lost with a translation, but well, I think you should make that question to Discotek, who knows, if KF1 becomes a good seller maybe they could also get KK and even KF2 if they want to go the completionist route.

I like it

When Mine ends the suffering and either gives up the franchise or finally buries it


Don't leave your friends behind.

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Which Japari bun do you want?

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The two in the middle

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ara ara

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Are the tit freckles canon?

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Yes, they are

Attached: file.png (842x1000, 725K)

But I don't want to go

God I hope so, I want to see her special Japari buns and explore her secret park

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I'm not attracted to the humans, only the animals. What is wrong with me?

Attached: 75565503_p1.jpg (1280x960, 364K)

There's nothing wrong with that user. It's okay to have a unique taste in Japari Park residents

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Kaban (Wakame) is already exploring.

That's a bit worrysome user, Friends are basically humans with some moe traits based on animals, so a human shouldn't be so different. Perhaps you don't feel atracted to this particular big tiddy human?

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>Fucking up everything stablished including relationships among characters, but keeping the "sci-fi elements" (whatever the fuck they mean with that) is a form of """respect"""

Attached: EAcftb6U4AAsdRw.jpg (809x573, 38K)

"sci-fi elements"?
What the hell are they talking about?

Perhaps it's their more unique features and designs that draws him towards Friends instead of regular humans? Also, Kaban should be focusing on taking back Serval instead of assaulting tourists.

Attached: EApqTifU4AECSZw.jpg (800x960, 213K)

>weird sandstar and park technology shenanigans is all it takes to make KF2 good
>from the guy who said anyone can make KF and claimed to know its strongest points
What a fucking joke

Why didn't anyone say it was tiger day?

it's always tiger day

Attached: 324ade5b3606518c4fed33807c4e990b.jpg (1813x2020, 551K)

Either most anons didn't know or tiger posters are as dead as Amur

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I know I am

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Amur is so cute. I want to dive into all that fluff and die.

i miss boomslang user

>Kaban should be focusing on taking back Serval instead of assaulting tourists.

Please don't judge her, she's been feeling so lonely after Serval dumped her for Kyururu

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excuse me

Attached: b3518df9743380a5e5d213fa235253b8.jpg (1091x1200, 184K)

There was a Tiger thread last week or so on /c/, so I don't have new pics other than the ones I posted there.

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It's the same with the Kemono Friends Dub. The product has a Niche but devoted fanbase that appreciate when names and subtle details are left somewhat cryptic.
The people buying the dub will probably be happier if the Mushi's are still called Mushi's instead of bugs, and if Ritsu still says Nya instead of Meow, or some elaborate catpuns worked in. They'll get the dub for things like Rin speech in episode 7 and Wakaba's in cry in episode 8 attempted by new actors. and more than anything to just have an excuse to watch the series even more.

I made that! I almost got banned because the /c/ mods don't like underwear!

My bad, some of the pics I posted had pantsus or compromising attires.

Attached: 75789994_p0.jpg (1500x2000, 1.05M)

they really didn't like this one

Attached: a9b2ec3d83d46d3c155a669547b712e0.png (1920x2560, 273K)

or this one

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especially not this one

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this one too

Attached: 1562876033100.png (693x990, 690K)

This is the first time dub is better than a sequel.
The fuck Kadokawaka

what's wrong with question marks anyway

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Then I guess they wouldn't like this one?

probably not

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I don't think they'd like this one either

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>accidentally summoned the tiger poster who just turns threads into /c/ imagedumps
I'm sorry

Attached: 1559959924863.jpg (535x495, 57K)

Much worse. Virgin Soul actually had some decent elements as long as they weren't focusing on the stupid fucking Hitler romance

I'm done, actually
sorry, it's hard to contain myself

Attached: aa9db645fcfe1925f05edafc46a6eed8.png (568x569, 393K)

Thank you. It's understandable since Friends are so cute but please try to control yourself better

Attached: 1489786958691.jpg (2508x1771, 3.18M)

aren't they?

Attached: c1ca87d946ccc520072afb8292f2d1bc.jpg (2080x2600, 944K)

A lot of moeblob shows have certain elements that make just a little too much for young children, usually concerning the types of fanservice they use.

Meanwhile KF could legitimately be shown to children with basically no changes. The only slightly objectionable things i could see are MAYBE the prairie dog kissing (which has a very good explanation) and some of PPP's outfits leaning toward the slightly racy side with how much ass they show.

Again, KF was reaired in a children's early-morning block and was a huge hit.

>kemono friends dub
>when the hype is long dead after kadokawa managed to kill the series thrice over

eh? they've only managed to kill it twice, right?
Nexon and S2?

There's a difference between being uncompromising and catering to adult audiences.

Kemono friends is a slower paced show than most kids cartoons, but I think it's a clear enough story and focuses enough on the characters that it would stick with them when they watch it.

They may not understand what Frienz are, but they're find it funny that those girls think their animals and don't realize their wearing costumes.

Eh, you can find gems here and there, and when they don't change names you can get way more natural pronunciations too.
A personal favorite:

Anyone here plays FFXIV? Are there backpacks and hats similar to Kaban?
Also I want to create Kaban but I can't decide which haircut looks better. Can anyone here give me your opinions on these haircuts?

Isn't there a fluffy hair option? 2 kind of resembles but it's a bit too flat

Attached: file.png (350x398, 242K)

There's also a difference between being geared specifically towards children and being good for the whole family though, as the user was sort of saying. Sure KF may have certain traits that allowed it to be successful when airing in the morning for children, though if you only focus upon that you ignore its popularity and extreme success when it originally aired late at night and became extremely popular among older audiences. Success among children does not change the purpose or target audiences of KF. Besides that, the user he was responding to was just a simple shitposter, you shouldn't encourage him.

There's this one and the other fluffy looking ones have long hair.

Attached: 07_29_2019 21_46_14.jpg (1920x1080, 254K)

Why is every female dubber have the same cute voice? Legit thought Serval is voiced by WEB from Easter

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Minmi Requiem

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Good night Friends, let's meet again in a future thread.

What are the subtitles saying?

Haven't put in the effort of fully translating but to get the general message across
>first panel is accurate
>second panel is accurate talking about spreading KF3 and "as you can see, I am not Japanese" but adds in "also my tits are huge"
>these breasts are filled with hopes and dreams for this new stage, which is why they're so big
>for every increase in 10,000 pre-registers, her size increases by one

>for every increase in 10,000 pre-registers, her size increases by one
We'll see you later guys I need to create a few accounts

Wakame is the only happy meal brain left in Japari Park. All the alcohol and sea salt went straight to her head.

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If only it were a real deal

I've been waiting for this.

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It's Lily all over again. It's coming back to me...

>trans "people"

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I really hope this doesn't happen, the suffering is already too much to handle

Serious answer is thatit isn't really their fault.
It's an abnormality to have improper amount of estrogen and/testosterone on the wrong gender. As such, they suffer from gender dismorphia. Nothing wrong with that and hormone treatment &sex change are the only thing we have that can keep them away from depression, for now.

The problem is people taking it as normal and even promotes it

>are the only thing we have that can keep them away from depression
But they kill themselves after "transitioning" and especially after they sex"change".
>Nothing wrong with that and hormone treatment
Yes there is.

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Not their fault. It's just the best treatment we have right now. Being trans is both a mental illness and a physical one, making it very difficult to fix.
The current disgusting trend ruined the perception of trans.

>It's just the best treatment we have right now.
Will you also say the best treatment for the "trans blind" girl was blinding herself?

>The S3 is a fucking mobage
IThe S2 was lukewarm, I lost interest on this franchise. It's such a shame.

Whatever that means

It was way worse than that.

What the fuck is this?
Are you rusing me?

Except Pokemon not using Pikachu would be the greatest thing to happen to the franchise.

KF2 doesn't exist for a reason and KF ended with the only anime.

Fuck off shit taste.

Anime has the best songs of the entire music genre.

Nope. It's all thanks to Mine's magic from his art exhibit.

I wish, somehow Mine managed to make it worse than all of our doom and exaggeration posting and fan comics ever predicted.
The art show gave Kaban levels of suffering we never thought possible.

Attached: Punished Kaban.jpg (1295x5447, 3.04M)

I almost think he was trolling with all those lore dumps. It's almost like he carefully tailored it to annoy people as much as possible.

Why is this a thread if kickvic isn't allowed because it's dub shit. And don't tell me shit about gossip because there are threads dedicated to ripping on Haruhi's seiyu.

Most of the awful shit was focused on Kaban so I just figured it was more of a shot at her creator and S1 in general.
Kaban is the product and a reminder that his franchise was ran by another man once, so she is basically his step child he beats to get back at that guy.

Attached: kaban battered stepchild.png (1440x900, 2.03M)

Have you tried not being a sperglord and just discussing フレンズ?

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No. Fuck your furry moe shit.

furry moe > tranny dub drama

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And out of everything you could have used as an example for something that could be here instead of this thread, you used kickvic? It's drama only very loosely tied to anime and much more related to celeb bullshit, of course you wouldn't be able to have threads for that

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With all that was revealed it's clear he wants to take complete control, erase traces of Tatsuki's influence, and hurt both fans and characters as much as possible

Hello. I like Friends.

is that 3d animation? looks really cheap

You can't stop me from marrying an alpaca, Mom. You don't understand.

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Who wouldn't want to marry this magnificent creature?

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Paca and Paca

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just get Haley Joel Osment to do it

She's taken

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That's because it was, as Kadokawa had hired a small team who works on little cg projects and didn't give them much to work with either. It's funny though since it did better in the first season with the smaller team because they actually cared

At least Kaban's cute.

Attached: D67qwg9UEAE6K9E.jpg (1388x2047, 513K)

Only Ky*ruru can ruin Otter's fun.

>not “thats grrrr-EAT!”

What will she sound like?

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>Kyururu groping himself

Attached: D61pmg8UwAEZC6R.jpg (1200x1200, 197K)

bet it's Tomoe

I like this Kaban

Attached: EAuNa8QU0AAYDNw.jpg (625x1200, 78K)

Bunnygirl Kaban is a miracle.

Kaban wished for more adventures with Serval.
The wish didn't end well.

Attached: Magical Girl Kaban.jpg (1080x1511, 303K)

Kaban in general is a miracle.

Attached: EApPDYHU4AEm_JZ.jpg (601x1200, 76K)

>feather ears
>ultra lewd body
I want to do things to that Kaban

'Paca is just being nice to her customers. It's not her fault Toki is so starved for affection she gets the wrong idea.

Attached: __alpaca_suri_and_japanese_crested_ibis_kemono_friends_drawn_by_wagiyabosa_jirou__fe42d6aea5c7de04e5 (1350x800, 115K)

How does one get a Friend to love them?

Attached: EApQZyxU8AAmhzM.jpg (854x607, 57K)

Such as head pats, educational tours around Japari Park, and treating her to assorted Japari snacks?

Attached: 62619231_p0.png (900x1600, 271K)

step 1: have friend
step 2: be nice to friend
step 3: ?????
step 4: PROFIT!

how about lap pillows and spending time in her science lab?

I'd give her a lot more than tours and Japari snacks

she'd be giving you tours, user

>Lap pillows
You've got to avoid heat stroke user. I'm sure she'd let you rest like that if you fell from a bad heat stroke, but you gotta watch your health when traveling in the wild.
I'm out of bunny girl Kaban stuff. There's too little, or it's poorly tagged on pixiv.

Attached: 64930274_p0.jpg (600x510, 252K)

I like all bunnyfriends.

Attached: 72579703_p0.jpg (2480x3507, 1.63M)

just bring plenty of Japari Sweat

Sugoi! You're a friend who is good at forgetting to add :orig to Twitter images!

Attached: EAfGC8WU0AIoHnV.jpg:orig.jpg (2150x3035, 350K)

Either way is fine as long as it's a tour of her body

Arai-san, and Tsuchinoko sound really cute.

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Why should one do that?

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I'm genuinely impressed, the dub voices are pretty similar to the Japanese voices in pitch and tone. I think Kaban especially sounds almost identical. I'd like to watch a dub stream, this seems a thousand times more enjoyable than the season that must not be named.

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moar pixels is moar better

The director casted herself as gray wolf. So probably shit.

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Some of them are but it sounds like a lot of them are quite off too, and language makes some of the similar sounding voices feel much different too. We'll just have to see how it is in the end.
Please don't bully

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What am I supposed to do for ?????

Attached: 1504497813897.jpg (650x383, 78K)

no idea, figure it out when you get there

because no one wants to hear your based and redpilled squeeing


Thank you for the advice, though now there are a bunch of small Friends and I don't know what to do with them

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Pretty smart keeping best girl for herself.

Attached: __grey_wolf_kemono_friends_drawn_by_koruse__bacbdff254a0b680f87fe021be51d2bc.png (1228x868, 1.18M)

can i see them?