I enjoyed the first 3 episodes and was excited about the 4th. But now that Thor is dead, I'm having my doubts about the show. Is the whole premise of this show about a kid who is on a journey to get strong so he can get revenge for his dad's death?
I hope there's more to the show/plot than this or I'll drop it now.
Please let me know that there's more to it than this...
Vinland Saga
Other urls found in this thread:
Spoiler that shit op you absolute mong
>now that Thor is dead
Wait, what, did the anime start off in the flashback or something?
Thors and kid Thorfinn is just a flashback in the manga. The anime changed the order of the arcs and added some filler scenes to make it longer
user its been over nine years at this point, and that was if you held out for the tank releases.
why don't you read the manga and find out?
Read the manga, dude. It literally starts with Thorfinn as a grownup. Also, he's already a killer. There's a lot more to the story than just revenge.
Yes drop it you fucking fag, I hate when people come here and ask if they should continue a show because they don't know what happens next.
The first 8 volumes are just a prologue for the actual manga.
first, nice spoiler dickhead. second, what did you expect, it was obvious that thor was going to die. look at the opening and the whole relationship between them was a massive red flag from episode 1
I only started reading the manga a few months ago and was surprised to catch that they anime was coming so quick after my discovery.
I wont spoil you OP but I will say this: The story becomes really, really good. Thors dying was a hell of a loss yeah, but with the character development we get with Thorfinn (and I'm not just talking about the You Killed My Dad I Will Fucking Kill Everything type stuff) the whole beginning with Thors makes for an excellent set up.
I think you'll be pleasently surprised man.
thanks, I appreciate it.
Fucking this, hate these retards.
I'm starting to get why people hate secondaries.
Anime will cover the best part of the series
The current arc is just trash
yes. WIT is retarded and now there are retarded animeonlies who are angry at the series because thors wasn't the MC
The current arc is weak, but everyone deserves s mulligan, considering the overall quality is high
It's just hard to pallet as the anime sets up that everything Thor ever worked for and even his death was a waste as his kid decides to devote his life to fighting. That's exactly what Thor didn't want.
If they would have left the story as the manga and this part was just a flashback later it, the series might be fun and entertaining.
But to set up this retired renowned fighter and then kill him off nobly only to have his son shit on his wishes really leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Yeah, autists have a hard time realizing that not everybody has the same information that they have.
It's pretty painful for them to wrap their broken minds around that fact whenever it happens.
I'll spoil you faggot:
Thorfinn becomes muh edgelord OP onehit-killer under askeladd and challenges him to duels as payment for his service since he wants to beat him fair and square but always looses to him and is even more mad. Later on they serve a king who is actually best waifu and askeladd basically kills himself while trying to fuck over the new kings much to thorfinns anger who then gets sold into slavery. Act 2 of the story plays with thorfinn as a slave on a farm adapting to his new life and eventually seeking freedom after some shenanigans happen on the farm and the waifu king arrives with the intention of taking over the farm. He makes it back to Iceland after all these years and there is a reunion. Then he sets out to Greece in order to get resources and money to fund an expedition to Vinland (America) and this is where the Manga stops.
very nice write-up. Thanks
>calm your tits Thorfinn, thats not askeladd
This shot greatly foreshadows THAT scene. I can't fucking wait.
it does look similar
>Thors is a pacifi-
You are an asshole. Reported.
Do you think Thors is rough or gentle in making love?
cool, is there more of the flashback, or it just ends here?
next episode will be filler flashback and then manga flashback but Thorfinn grew up a little
all business
man i started reading the manga during the 3 week wait and i'm genuinely still shocked that the prologue was like 60 chapters. as well as thorfinn's character growth and the direction the manga went with
that's some crazy shit, dare i say, kino?
>But to set up this retired renowned fighter and then kill him off nobly only to have his son shit on his wishes really leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I mean, I think that's the entire point
Just read the manga, it's better
n O
Lads I'm curious about something else. I went searching for the song used in the OP but it hasn't been released yet, I've noticed this to be a common practice with anime, they put the song in the opening but the band only releases it at a later date.
But I don't get it, wouldn't it make more sense to release the album at the same time the anime is released given the projection it gives the band? Why do they do it like this instead?
I don't know but the full op was on the radio so here you can have it :)) youtube.com
Nice. Thanks bruh
Where did he learn martial arts
After this episode, imagine telling a showfag that one of the saddest moments of the story is gonna be Björn's death scene.
also, all these niggas aint ready for what Thorkell's gonna unleash. Shit is gonna be beyond hype.
he's a veteran warrior and natural combat genius. He learned from experience.
You think asians have a monopoly on hand-to-hand martial arts or something?
It's supposed to be a shock because it's so long that you don't even consider it until it hits. As long as you agree that farmland is kino it's all good
Its a really good story, OP. Don't be discouraged just because Thors died.
Read the manga you double mong.
Farmland is shit, just another case of the Japanese Timeskip killing a good manga.
>character development
I wonder if Thorfinn at some point will become mature enough to drop these extreme tendencies he's always had. There's a middleground between crazed murderer and hardcore pacifist. Up until now the writer always gave him an out and never made him make the hard call. But some things, like protecting those important to you from mortal danger, sometimes warrant killing.
Killing is very rarely necessary when you're a ninja who can defeat a jomsviking squad with your bare hands. I doubt he'll ever kill again after all that talk about how even one more victim would crush him under their weight
I'll be watching this since the action scenes look well done.
>Björn's death scene.
I'll never be ready enough for that.
That's a good summary. Also Canute when? I guess we'll need to wait for 3-4 episodes.
Reminder that you are not gay if you want to fuck the shit out of Canute.
He should appear maybe 5 episodes from now but probably won't even talk until the second half
I hate them only if they whine that there are spoilers in the threads. This manga is old as fuck already, and if you have even half of brain you could figure that people will inevitably discuss manga (without hiding every post under spoilers). If you are afraid of spoilers don't come to the thread. Actually, spoilers never ruin a good story. So you will lose nothing if you read them. The fear of spoilers is literally cancer, I remember how bad it get with capeshit.
Fucking canute is like fucking a non-evil griffith.
I don't want to wait so long user.
>blah blah blah words words words
thats the whole point of the manga... are you dense? he literally has buckets of that shit
He has a line in one of the trailers, just listen to that on repeat and masturbate
farmland is fucking trash, the muh no killing shit is trash, the english faggot is trash, hild "plot device so thorfinn doesn't kill anyone" is trash, pacifist thorfinn is trash.
fucking gay ass author
basically it's like fucking a girl
you are not gay
He turned out not really kind though, and also blasphemous.
He has no character development, he goes from one extreme to another off-panel. The pre- and post-timeskip Thorfinns may as well be completely different characters. That's not character development, character development is something that's shown. What the author did with Thorfinn was just plot convenience.
The only part that is really pissing me off is that, yet again, it's some stupid ass "shithead little brat fucks it up for everyone" trope.
So annoying to sit through. Kill the cunt and let the scene go on or knock his ass out. Those arrows were going to fly regardless so don't make me sit through some brat cunt interrupting scenes again and again.
when I read the manga for the first time, like 11 years or so ago, for a while I legit thought he actually was a girl.
I think you meant to write in 20 chapters purely devoted to his development
More like it's still as shit and boring as ever.
The guy definitely made his homework, but that doesn't make that cliché and bland thing a good story.
no joking, when I saw that page for the first time I jumped out of my seat. Couldn't take that glorious motherfucker anymore sitting down.
You mean this? Already watched it several times.
Did you copy it from wiki or what?
This one, at around 0:25
Except that when he reappears he's already a blank slate with no trace whatsoever of his previous personality, and then all that happens is that he becomes less apathetic. There's no resolution for what he was, no struggle to become something else. Just wipe the slate clean and come up with a completely new personality, whereas the only way the new direction could be interesting is if they'd kept his old personality, made him face his new realizations as the person he was, and change from there. Instead, we get him playing ultra-pacifist with no bloodlust or anything whatsoever, yet afterwards the author tries to squeeze in some "it was so hard to hold back" bullshit that we see nothing of during the actual action.
Thank you, now I'll be rewatching it too.
Anyone have the next episode preview?
Yes, he's depressed because of what happened which makes perfect sense, why would he keep fighting afterwards? The following 20 chapters are purely devoted to his development from a PTSD-ridden wreck into something better
also, Thorkell does a Jack Nicholson impression
I like how they animated Askelad's reaction to Canute when he took off the helmet. In manga it was just a surprise. But here he has that sly grin, like he is already thinking how he can fuck a prince.
His mind broke from Askeladd's death and he was an aimless robot slave until Einar befriended him
PTSD doesn't make people into personality-free zombies, and turning an established character into someone completely different off-panel during a timeskip is incredibly shitty writing. Character development is a gradual process, there was nothing gradual about Thorfinn's 180 during the timeskip. The "trauma school" of character development is utter shite. I want to see a character go between 1, 2, 3, and 4, not jump from 1 to 4 because MUH SHOCK.
Spoilers mang, please.
What do you want, 50 chapter arc about him getting depressed after the prologue? People get depressed over sudden major life events all the time. I'm a completely different person than I was when I was a teenager. His entire life's purpose is gone and he never had a chance to develop any other personality. That's literally what he talks about with Einar and the old master
yeah, that part made me cringe
>WIT is THIS FAR ahead in the production of the whole show
Fucking based WIT. These trailers already show stuff that's like in episode 7. You can tell they really want this adaptation to do justice to the manga.
I want him to face his issues throughout the entire journey, starting out as the edgy brat he was but now one without a clear goal, gradually changing as a character as he encounters new and old characters and reflects on the harm that he's casually inflicted on others like them. We could've had arguments with his mother and sister about Thors and what Thorfinn did to avenge him, interpersonal conflict like that, but no. Nothing.
It might not be the same scene
I'm glad you're not the one writing this or we would have Thorfinn screaming angrily at trees or something forever
I think it's that moment, the mimics is pretty much the same as in manga except for a grin.
not the other user but I agree with you.
These days things are so rushed it's hard to feel anything towards characters in sagas anymore.
>There's no resolution for what he was, no struggle to become something else.
Why would you reveal that you're obviously never read the manga like this?
It's not, the face reveal scene has snowy scenery.
I kek'd so hard at this. I can't believe Yukimura actually pulled off the reference.
> Is the whole premise of this show about a kid who is on a journey to get strong so he can get revenge for his dad's death?
It is, until it isn't
edgy kid trying to get strong to get revenge is just the literal prologue
> A true warrior doesn't need a sword
That's the premise of the show
And going to Vinland, of course
>Literally just force a direct replication of a movie
"cock sucking retard"
Holy shit you people are cringe
why does faggot ass japan have to put gender bender into everything?
FFS. i wanted a manly ass anime.
Get out of Yea Forums and never come back you retard.
This is the same character, are you happy now?
Go back.
Farmland is indeed the ultimate pleb filter
>when he sees your dick
he turns from "I-could-fuck-him-and-it-would-not-be-gay-because-he-is-so-feminine" into a gigachad warlord king with a goatee later on. It's fine and the genderbender thing is not a big deal to the plot at the start.
Surely his father molested him, no?
That was Ragnars job
What are you talking about? Thorfinn had even less personality before. He was just an edgy cunt screaming how he wanted to avenged his father and spill askeladds guts out. The few interactions he had with other people outside of Askeladd were one-sided and autistic as fuck because he had nothing else on his mind.
To see him drop all of it and embrace pacifism and turn from passive robot to peaceful warrior over the spam of the farm arch had actual character development. amazing how this arch turned out to be so much of a pleb filter.
Kind of the same development Thors had when he decided to desert the army and become a peaceful farmer on the other side of the world.
>spoiler in first sentence
dude thats epic
good post
not that user, but I think the argument is that the black and white type of thinking never left as he went from one extreme to the other, from killing without thought to a hardcore pacifist, and the lack of "grey" in Thorfinn currently isn't very realistic and doesn't make for a dynamic, believable, and nuanced character.
If they really are adding some filler, then I guess they do intend to stop when the prologue ends.
Canute is the manliest character in the series, you faggot.
His father literally looks like a fat old man from porn doujins.
I love those reaction faces. Hope they'll add this whole scene exactly like in the manga and wouldn't consider it too comical for muh serious anime about manly men.
It's somewhat historically accurate, the English underestimated the Vilings because the Norse actually had Hygiene, and it mixes sense for someone like Canute to be especially pampered. Obviously this changes when he gets older and has to take on the responsibility of being a warrior chief
He goes from wanting to avenge his father to wanting to emulate his father, it makes sense but clearly he will have to become his own person when they reach Vinland and he's forced to fight against the Native Americans
>English underestimated the Vilings because the Norse actually had Hygiene
I bet it was a foreign concept for bongs.
Why the hate for Farmland? It can't be just because "hurr durr no killing is retarded i want edgy teenager thorfinn back"
That's what you'd think but that's the number one reason they give, number two being that the character development is too sudden
Yukimura specifically requested the anime staff to make Canute more cute and beautiful so I'm sure they'll deliver
Canute's character development was even more sudden, but no one complains about that.
Oh god now the waiting will be even harder.
it was a cool viking manga and now its a story about nothing
Is this autism? His social anxiety reminded me of Kuma Miko.
It was moralfaggotry from the very beginning.
yeah but it had this
>tfw no more carrying longboats
That dude could at least jump off the boat, what an asshole.
those were the good days user
Keep[ this once nice and cosy in your folders until farmland hits.
Also did anyone feel like Askeladd was serious about asking Thors to be their leader? It doesn't fit with his objetcive of being king of Wales but it does seem like he genuinely acknowledges Thors was way stronger than him and he respects him enough to follow him, which is uncanny coming from Askeladd.
It was a foreign concept for the whole European continent, Vikings bathed once a week and it was seen as excessive. I mean, the Italians probably took baths maybe idk
Ring me back to manga when the current gay ass arc ends and Thorfinn starts killing eskimos
Did they brush their teeth?
He doesn't really want to be king himself because he has tainted viking blood, he wants a real alpha to follow around
This is a meme that really isn't true. The Vikings did a full grooming every Saturday. This means haircuts and trimming beards and full immersion in a river or lake if they could find one. The idea that people in the Middle Ages would go months or years without dousing themselves in water is bad history, they would fill a barrel at their house with water either by carrying it from a well in buckets or via runoff from shit like gutters if their shack had a solid roof. They'd take a bucket or pitcher and dump it onto limbs and scrub off caked on mud and sweat they got on them during work. The anime trope of people dumping a bucket of water on their head isn't too far off from Medieval bathing practice.
This, serving a man larger than life was a big part of Askeladd's character.
Not him but
Why do you fags think we have a spoiler tag and rules about spoilers for?
>It's been out for 9 years you should read it by then
By that argument, I should read/watch every piece of media that ever existed. That's the most retarded argument I have seen just by virtue of asking someone to do the impossible. Not only that but there are also people who wait for a season to stop airing before watching it.
And before you go "hurr durr read the manga", I did.
too bad autistic
That's unnecessary. He only went from one extreme to another on a surface level. You could resume his change between the end of the prologue to the start of farmland pretty simply. Thorfinn couldn't achieve his lifegoal, the one he sacrified and sinned so much for, and is now at a loss regarding what to with his life, not only that but since he was unsuccessful, he feels really bad about everything he had done before.
You understand that a few chapter into farmland, the really relevant development is how he goes from that state into being like his Father.
>We could've had arguments with his mother and sister about Thors and what Thorfinn did to avenge him
They would be one-sided as fuck because even while working for Askeladd, thorfinn knew what he did was unforgiveable (see how bad he felt when Askeladd band raided the anglo village that nursed him).
read the manga. he becomes a stud after timeskip
>Also did anyone feel like Askeladd was serious about asking Thors to be their leader?
No joke, of course he was serious. He never told a joke with a straight face and there was nothing to gain from lying to him at that point. His "it was just a prank bro" was just an excuse he gave to his men after he saw Thor's disinterest.
askechad, brytenwalda
are you saying he takes it up the butt
wp user, nice to see someone trying to milk some sense from the pretimeskip thorfinn in this thread.
So he went from extreme murderer as a child to extreme pacifist in adolescence and this is the issue? (btw, a shame we are spoiling this so)
I mean, he did kill a lot of people. He also came from an idyllic home. His dad came from violence, but was lost to it. He definitely has an extreme life under pirate viking god and crew, but that was a matter of survival and idealised revenge. He adapted to the situation to survive, fuelled, naturally, by his poppa's death.
Farm arc he gets to actually think about what a good path could be. Bear in mind he's still super young here, but has already achieved god-like abilities. Plenty of room for idealism there. He's never been much of an ego driven hero (as could develop in a village where politics and personality play a huge role in your social status, rather than pure fight skill), he's more a zealot to his own ideology. Makes perfect sense to me that such an outlier could adopt such a brazen notion in such a brutal world.
It doesn't surprise me that a lot of people don't resonate with the profound beauty this manga holds at its heart. Give peace a chance you bloodthirsty cuck
This "spoiler" is literally in the show's synopsis.
My rant was more about the issue anons have with spoilering something and less with that specific case. I'm tired of everyone parroting the same non-argument about spoilers.
Wasn't his entire motivation snatching Canute is because he's looking for a "proper master" to serve?
I wish I was in these threads during the failed assassination chapter or the Farmland confirmation/reveal.
Farmland may not be the pleb filter but still the Manga turned to shit right after it.
People blame Hild but she isn't even half as bad as shit like the psycho brat that is nothing but a walking shonen-trope.
People who drop during Farmland may do it for the wrong reasons but they certainly aren't making a bad choice.
>well done
>CG shit
The manga has always been varying degress of good. People overrate the living fuck out of the prologue despite the fact that its overstuffed, Throfinn is incredibly unlikable, Canute is terrible and the only compelling character throughout the whole thing is Askeladd since nobody cares about his gang of goons either way. Farmland actually does feel substantial in comparison where we see Thorfinn having to start over and actually get some worthwhile development in the midst we get some actually interesting characters in the mix as well, its a slow boil but its worth it.
He's the manliest character in the manga though
>chasing out new potential readers
what the FUCK
>welcoming acerebral plebs into our elite readership club
What the fuck are you? A redditor?
i thought one punch man ended a few weeks ago yet here we are with retarded japs making one guy take on fifty other guys with little effort
please for once can japan tone it down?
There is
That's the point. Thorfinn comes to regret having dedicated a good portion of his life to revenge.
the spoiler is also literally in the op you braindead faggot
>I’ve paid my dues
>I’ve sold my soul
I mean it's obviously to kickstart Thorfinn's character but I was surprised he died too it'll be worth it hopefully see him stab the living fuck out of Askeladd.
>to Greece
Isn't he going to Constantinople though, that's not Greece
There is more but the anime wont get to that part
I can't wait for all the triggered people when Thorfinn ignores the rape and just sells out the saxons.
See you in thirty years
Grikland, the land of the Greeks.
I hope there won't be many.
>the byzantine empire
>not greece
Jesus christ you are historylet user.
You can call Byzantine empire Rome and I won't mind, call it Turkey and I won't mind but Greece is really pushing it, might as well call Rome Greece with that logic, you fucking retard
I actually like the slower pace of the series. Its nice to see some character development and a good story.
>Isn't he going to Constantinople
No, baka. He goes to Istanbul.
It's not yet Istanbul at that point. Yeah I know, sucks that we can't trigger the byzanboos.
Farmland is littrally a god arch
I'm tired of spoilerfags who seems to want the entire discussion covered under spoilers because they are retarded to come to a thread about old manga which they haven't read and complain.
>burgers education
He would be bishounen without that mustache
>to a thread about old manga
Yes but you see, user, this is a thread about the ANIME "vinland saga", not about the manga it's adapting. Therefore discussion about the source material that wasn't covered yet by the anime should be spoiled.
That was exactly his motive. He killed Ragnar to shape Canute into more proper king figure for himself. Kinda selfish assholery.
Maybe that's how it works in your subreddits. If you don't like spoilers you shouldn't be using Yea Forums(nel) to begin with.
Yea Forums.org/rules#a
>The use of spoiler tags is highly recommended. To spoilerize text, enclose it like so: spoiled text. In addition, images may be spoilerized by checking the "[Spoiler Image?]" box on the submission form.
>Purposeful spoiling of a series may result in post deletion and temporary ban.
You are welcome newfag-kun.
>at one point in time Greeks were associated with it so it's literal Greece forever
The eternal Hellenistic cope
Do you aware that you just outed yourself as a stage 1 dunning kruger newfag by quoting rules like that, redditor-kun?
Whine enough and people will turn spoilers into a pasta and post it everywhere just to dick with you. That happened a while ago in Yea Forums. Mods kept deleting some Avengers spoilers but in the end gave up. So go call your mods, sweetie. We'll see how it goes from there.
You can try and report like half of posts in this thread since we are discussing manga without spoilers. But nothing will happen faggot. I hate spoilerfags like you. Don't come to thread of you are so agraid of spoilers. It's about anime and manga, anyone not retarded can get it.
Fuck off retard. 8/10 if bait.
Askelaad become the main character now dont worry.
And how so? I can't be bothered enough to do more than copy paste them
>Being proud of acting like unruly faggots/niggers
And then you make posts complaining about them despite acting the same. Really get the noggin joggin.
>It's fine to disregard the rules I chose to!
Cancer at its finest
Fuck off.
Eastern Romans spoker greek as the official language moron. Those are today's greeks.
Fuck off, mate.
>For a thousand years, the Vikings have made quite a name and reputation for themselves as the strongest families with a thirst for violence. Thorfinn, the son of one of the Vikings' greatest warriors, spends his boyhood in a battlefield enhancing his skills in his adventure to redeem his most-desired revenge after his father was murdered.
This is a thread for anime AND manga discussion. Don't like it? Create another one strictly for anime like they are doing on reddit. That's all.
>dumb nigger comes into a thread about a show, gets spoiled, gets mad
Fuck off.
You're truly a newfag who has 0 idea about the true spirit of this site if you think the "rules" even mean anything
This will be my last (You) for you
>AND manga
That's where you are wrong kiddo, OP was talking about the episodes then asked something about the direction the show is taking, yet there is discussion about specific events unspoiled
Keep guessing faggot, I read the manga two years ago.
hey that actually sounds really neat, thanks user
OP never stated otherwise, thereby I proclaim this thread for anime and manga. I'm 100% sure OP will agree with me. Now fuck off.
>about the true spirit of this site
The true spirit of Yea Forums doesn't apply to other boards. If you want to get crazy Yea Forums is where you go, acting like a Yea Forumstard outside was only tolerated occasionally, not 24/7 like it currently is.
>that faggot is still crying about spoilers
Is this how it's going to be for the rest of the season? Animeonlies were a mistake.
And America speaks English doesn't make it fucking England.
>Duh Rulez
Am I oldfag enough to be disappointed in this?
I just found out Shotafinn's VA was also the girl who got raped by goblins in GS's first episode.
>trying to use "y-you're just like them" card
i don't know where the fuck are you coming from, but it's clearly not from here. you need to go back
The thing is, it was still Greek at that time.
Are you turk or what?
>still Greek at the time
>Greece fell to Rome almost a thousand years prior to the story
Interesting casting choice.
Byzantium empire is still Greek.
Yeah it didn't stop existing because of it you know.
But what does this mean?
>OP never stated otherwise, thereby I proclaim this thread for anime and manga
OP is an animeonly and thus have little to no reason to want unhidden spoilers in his thread.
>thereby I proclaim
You can stop acting like a fag anytime now.
Replace the goblins with life and it's an accurate description of Thorfinn's story.
She can scream really good... ;)
>Is the whole premise of this show about a kid who is on a journey to get strong so he can get revenge for his dad's death?
No, but the first part focuses on that. The autor probably realized he was fucking it up and wrapped up his shit and went almost full slice of life. The Anime will end probably before that happens.
>I hope there's more to the show/plot than this or I'll drop it now.
There is much other than this. It's like Final Fantasy XII, the MC isn't the focus of the series right now, but will be after the first part ends.
Aside from the language there isn't much that similar between Greece in 900AD and Greece in 150BC, and honestly over a thousand years of linguistic drift probably means they aren't that similar.
Byzantium was only controlled by the Greeks for about 350 years
Or read wikipedia you stupid niggers.
>Aside from the language there isn't much that similar between Greece in 900AD and Greece in 150BC
There isn't much similarity for literally any country if you compare it in the long interval of time. You can say the same about Britain for example. Still, doesn't make it a different country, that's a retarded argument.
Stop spouting literal afrocentrist memes.
>first season ends with "End of Prologue" cliffhanger
>second season is Farmland
Would it actually sell?
It's Istanbul not Constantinople now.
Fuck off Roach.
Thanks user, now I want to watch it more.
You'll fall in love with Thorkell the Tall.
In the manliest possible way.
Im in love with Björn (in the the manliest possible way).
Björn is fucking great, don't get me wrong.
But Thorkell is so great he's mythological, almost literally. You think Thors looks the badass now? Beating an armed Thorkell with his fists makes him look 3x as badass as the piracy scene.
*in a flashback of course, because Thors is dead.
Canute best waifu.
I didn't like Björn, he didn't have a lot to go on other than he was insanely durablea, had super strength and just wanted Askeladd to be his friend. We never got to see the how/why of he came to meet Askeladd which was disappointing.
I want to see it depicted in a more literal fashion, doujins when
How come Japanese can pronounce his name but Americans can't spell it?
How do american's pronounce it? Bjarn?
All of Askeladd's men are brigands and opportunistic mercenaries (the carrying boats scene is their typical shenanigan). Bjorn just got collected as part of Askeladd's mob, like all the rest. Same as Thorkell's boys, they are men seeking opportunity and violence gravitating around the most powerful/successful person they find.
Thorfinn is such a good character that he was given a monument.
The Apex of the Manga is probably reached at the point of Thorfinn's duel with his uncle Thorkell, and continues on this awesome high to the resolution of Askeladd's story.
The book really switches gears after that, with the farm-slave story, then really switches gears a second time after that is resolved.
But the intensity of the Askeladd/Thorkell/Thorfinn arc has yet to be reached again.
>Thors is so goddamn fucking strong he can singlehandedly (and I mean literally singlehandedly) block Thorkell's full giant axe swing, or smash his weapon, or knock him out without sweating.
>Still needs a weapon vs Askeladd.
I take it Thors was goddamn rusty after decades of peace in his remote village.
Well duh. The Thors that snuck into the Jomsviking fort was young, peak motherfucking Thors.
And Thors also knew Thorkell's weak spot, having grown up as his brother, and knew absolutely all of his moves. He grew up with Thorkell.
Plus Thorkell takes it just a teeny bit easy on family he likes.
And it was apparently destroyed by some leftist faggot niggers
Leftism is a disease of the human soul.
I'm not even Scandinavian, but when I hear such news I get nervous. In the end, the sister of the first Polish king was the mother of Canut the Great.
I hear it was used as a gathering point by some worthless proud boy homos, probably drawn by a representation of someone who actually had courage and accomplishments to his name, and not being a skulking, resinous-hearted professional victim.
Don't worry. Askelaad makes for a much more compelling main character. Too bad that after his death the manga slowly turned into shit
This is Thorfinn's story, I'm sorry he didn't historically lead a massive horde of hardened berserkers on a path to conquer the rest of the planet or something. It's attempting to be at least quasi-historical.
>spoiler tags
>Yea Forums
>9 years ago
how do you do, fellow newfags?
Why did Constantinople get the works?
I hate to break it to you, but when Otomo puts out that Akira animated series, we aren't going to use fucking SPOILERS for fucking AKIRA, either.
Gotta dumb it down for burgers.
I never realized it, but Askechadd’s allegiance was foreshadowed by his chunni Roman chestplate from the very beginning.
Literally a WE WUZ ROMANS. Pretty amusing when you think about it, though he did have a hard life so I can't blame him for having big goals.
Of course you don't have to. Just create threads for the people who have watched the movie to discuss the animated serie. No need to invade the threads for the animeonlies.
>9 years ago
uhm, we were talking about the manga, not the spoiler tags or Yea Forums. I 'm not even sure what your post was implying.
It was Constantinople in 1016 though.
Yes I know that. And for a while Thorfinn was OK as the new MC (tanking 100 punches was particularly awesome), but I completely dropped the manga when he begged for his life like a little bitch against crossbow girl. I don't know if it was because I thought that 100-punches Thorfinn would handle it in a different way (like saying to her "How cute, you want revenge against me by killing me? Been there done that. Do what you wish, it's not gonna bring your family back or fix your trauma") or because I felt that crossbow girl was too easily persuaded. Yes I know I'm missing the point of the themes of the story, of the characters' arc and whatnot, and probably due to my autism I cannot properly understand other people's motivations, but still the series lost me there.
You have anything against this rack?
oh god, you're not ready for what's coming
Thors is nothing compared to the badassery shown later in the series. The first year was whatever, because the manga was being published weekly.
Thorfin is a character with a lot of room to grow. Meanwhile Thors is complete character that would get boring really fast.
Don't project your daddy issues on the show please.
Canute's supple tits!
This is true and the brainlets in this thread dont get that the manga is writen like shit at this point.
I actually agree with you, user. But there's no use discussing this here. We already had this 10 years ago during farmland saga, where everyone who didn't like the sudden change from murder machine to kungfu jesus was called edgy.
>that one time Thorkell intimidates a motherfucker so bad he actually becomes a braindamaged vegetable
It lost a lot of people there, she's probably the most hated character in the manga next to Garm.
was meant for
>we get him playing ultra-pacifist with no bloodlust or anything whatsoever,
Why are you pretending like you read the manga?
There was a time when I thought this is a seinen manga.
Polish King Jagiello washed himself once a week. He was considered a pedant by that.
I think she's kinda ok (and a little cute).
You realize most of the brainlets hate her because they think that Thorfinn would kill again if she weren't there.
God Floki is such a pussy. No wonder the Jomsvikings bit the dust with him becoming the chief.
>Any n*Rds in this thread? Im gonna kick your ass.
Floki was never really strong, but at this point he also was old as fuck.
the manga is literally years old cunt
>You realize most of the brainlets hate her because they think that Thorfinn would kill again if she weren't there.
That's pretty dumb reasoning. In this scene and his fight with Garm he didn't kill them for reasons that had nothing to do with her. Hello didn't even acknowledge her existence in either scene because with Floki he was too mad and with Garm he was to busy trying to act like Askeladd.
>He doesn't know about the original bishonen.
Can someone explain why anime intros are always shit? I cringe everytime I hear some Japanese faggot twink singing a stock jpop or whatever it's supposed to be song. It's horrible. Literally the only decent intros I've ever heard have been 1. spice and wolf, 2. snk season 1 and 3. bahamut.
>Thorfinn starts killing eskimos
He will defeat them with talking and non lethal kung fu.
>That's pretty dumb reasoning
that's why the people who think like that are brainlets.
I have no idea. Faggy """music""" through and through.
Should put Bathory, Turisas or something like that.
The worst is when they put random English words/phrases in.
I unironically, physically cringe.
Goddamn, the adapted font is fucking garbage
100% adapted SFX are cancer.
>tfw Hox scans are actually better than official versions
>>tfw Hox scans are actually better than official versions
You'd be surprised how often this happens.
so the manga follows the claymore formula?
the story is about that smug blonde cunt, not thorfin, thorfin is basically side character for most of the arc
Farmland was already bad enough but Garm and Hild are really testing my patience.
It's a good thing that adaptation probably won't even touch the farmland because from that moment on the manga only becomes worse.
I like it if they keep it in Japanese and it fits the mood, engrish mixed with Japanese is pretty cringy.
When will we get manga or anime about best Rome?
>the Secular Germanic Confederation
You forgot your Voltaire
spoiler that shit
Hild's (intro?) arc wasn't bad.
Garm and the whole Jomsvikings arc is just a creative black hole though. I think they just threw in the towel.
Don't you love those beautiful borders?
The show started wrong.
They should respect the manga order because Thorfinn is the real main character
I can see it confusing people (though only to an extent, its clearly thorfinn all over the OP, not Thors), but I'm kinda digging this way of telling it.
Its a good thing you are not a anime director.
Farmland was the story at it's best mang. And Hild's introduction was good too.
Baltic sea war has been kind of a mess, but if he can turn it around, I'm still excited. I'd say do less out of place comedy, less mid-arc one off chapters (especially during the goddamn climax of the arc), and maybe go back to shorter arcs. Prologue and farmland were good, but this dragged
do they ever actually go to Vinland or is it a bait and switch? It seems pretty unlikely if the MC is only 6 two years after Leif Erikson's first voyage
They're now aiming for it in the manga but must gather funds first. They were about to leave for the Byzantine empire to scam some suckers into buying narwhal horns for a ton of gold but got sidetracked when the Baltic Sea war happened. It's definitely what they are trying to do now, though, so no bait and switch there.
Ask again in 20 years.
Not so much story progression for 14 years of publishing. Was he sitting in slavery for ten years or something? Was it the same as boat in Berserk?
Instead of being stuck on a boat they are stuck buying a boat.
I see. I was originally interested in this series because I read a historical fiction novel about the Vinland saga as a kid and thought this would be similar, but so far I like it on it's own merits anyway
It's in the goddamn plot summary for the show that anyone could look at before watching episode 1
Reaching Vinland is the eventual goal of the story, it's just that making Thorfinn decide to pursue this goal first needed to him have the life experiences he had. That's why this season of 24 eps will most likely only cover the literal prologue of the story.
Almost 5 years but it sure felt like 10.
Jesus, what can you show for five years only in slavery? I'm glad I wasn't reading it when those chapters were ongoing.
>what can you show for five years only in slavery?
A very good story with great character development. Don't listen to the people who claim it's bad, Farmland is a pleb filter.
>Thorfinn finally gets to Vinland
>party is attacked immediately by a horde of merciless natives
>Thorfinn can't talk his way out because language barrier
>doesn't have any leverage he can use because no bigwigs he's related to anywhere in sight (unlike the Baltic Sea War)
how about that killing now, kid?
Why can't his king just sponsor this shit?
He doesn't want to tell Canute because he doesn't want war in Vinland
Dig up tree stumps and talk about your feelings but people call it a "pleb filter" I guess.
That's cute
Tell us, user, what do you think seinen means?
Don't start this shit, just don't. We already decided that Vinland saga is shoujo the last time.
Ep 5 PV:
Just like Berserk
you're right by the way
I'm OP
Berserk is literally shoujo now after Miura switched to digital drawing.
The only reason why they did the Vinland Saga was because they were too afraid to make the Finland Saga, where the knives and nights are long and the Bottle is bottomless.
Very interested in seeing if it will feel like filler or if they can make it feel natural
Eh, I would read it.
It's not about what VS is, it's about what user thinks seinen means. Because from his post it seems pretty clear that he has no idea.
Are you a fucking idiot? It's shoujo because Miura himself said so.
Seinen manga (青年漫画) are manga marketed toward young adult men.
Here you go, friend. And yes it's shoujo.
Man smug Thorfinn is the best, way better than put-upon seriously concerned moralfag Thorfinn
Nice googling, faggot. The point is that saying "there was a time when I thought this is a seinen manga" makes no sense because the only thing that matters is the target demographic of the magazine it's published in. The only people who tend to post like that about what "qualifies" as seinen are underageb& who think it's a genre with more violence and gore than shounen and think that reading seinen makes them more mature, which is why they treat it as a testament of quality.
my friend already told me the ending of the series, after he goes back home its all downhill form there
Doesn't matter what it is. Everyone who gives a fuck about shounen/seinen/shoujo/josei labels can't be anything but an underaged faggot, wanting to show off his epeen by letting everyone know how "mature" the shows he watches are. There's literally no other reasons to care about it.
Exactly my point.
Wow, is your friend a time traveler?
no just a history major
Calm down, friend. I know it's shoujo but this is getting really off topic.
That wouldn't help him know the ending because history doesn't tell what happens to Thorfinn after returning to Iceland
what does it matter, all the best action parts has already happened
I'm not a teenager so I don't care about muh action
good for you user.
the series is already ahistorical anyway. Leif never had contact with the skraelings, only later expeditions did
>Karlsefni and his men are saved by Freydis, who scares the natives off by slapping her bare breast with a sword taken from one of the fallen Greenlanders.
and yet you watch anime
Thors only has sex for the sake of babymaking
>I'm not a teenager so I don't care about muh action
Wow, what a mature person! You are truly an inspiration to us all.
oh really? well I just wish authors wouldn't bait me with action and turned it something else, its one of the reason I dropped wolfenheim along with the bait and switch with the mcs
only the third expedition to Vinland (which took place in 1009, 7 years after these episodes) had peaceful contact with the natives. The first never encountered them at all and the second attacked them on sight
what's that?
I must've remembered the name wrong but basically this story starts off with this gatekeeper who is all smiles and so smart and captures people who try to pass the gate without a pass and give their deaths through display either by decapitation or hanging and leaving their bodies as a show of fear to anyone who try to do the same. and then the real mc comes and now its a story about the resistance freeing their land.
Oh that's wolfsmund but I remember it to be good.
thats the one. you read it past the tyrant getting buttpaled?
The chapter after spoiler one was probably the most boring one in the whole story. I honestly nearly fell asleep.
after the spoiler I was done. the tyrant was mc for about a third of the manga, and the actual mc had bullshit strength the way its portrayed in the manga
Just drop it, the fewer people watch this Anime the better. It's MY Anime of the season.
anyone else bothered by the fucking awful swords in the anime? these goofyass huge blocky things are a serious farcry from their historical bases, like i can accept some things being not 100% hyper authentic but these fuckin things are wack as fuck and way too big and thick to be useful as weapons
Yes I remember they spend another 2 volumes after you think it already ended. I didn't like it but that was only 20 percent of the story. In vinland saga that change happens alot earlier.
There aren't many real swords in anime they probably only know about fantasy swords and katana folded 6 million times.
Wow Thors is a retard
Askeladd a cute
idk, all they had to do was copy how the artist drew the swords, since in the manga the swords are pretty well close to their historical counterparts. somewhere along the way they tremendously fucked up, like the director must have seen these big retarded blocky things like in and thought "yep this is good to go, this is how swords should look for the whole season"
No, It's mine.
I thought they done it intentionally. Or the author just couldn't draw swords.
I guess being a mangafag I didn't realise there would be a lot of people who thought that Thors is the MC. The opening already spoiled that Thorfinn is the MC.
except the OP music is so bad I skip it every time.
to think Thors would be the MC, you'd have to be a complete fucking retard. Every time he appears it's to be a role model or give other characters sage advice, he's so obviously a "mentor" character that you'd have to be legitimately braindead to think otherwise
t. animeonly
thats the thing though, the author mostly knows what hes doing with drawing the swords, and the studio just had to copy how he does it without even really knowing much about the swords in question, yet they bungled it up tremendously
People really thought a fully developed, nearly invincible character would be the MC?
I dropped the manga after the crossbow girl got introduced, did it ever improve?
They were expecting their expectations to be subverted so they expected a man who was already retired and has a family to be the perfect choice to be the surprise MC.
What more do you expect from animeonlyfags?
Bump for interest
Farmland saga is literally elder god tier
Well it's more appealing to follow an adult character being tested again and again on whether pacifism is possible in a Viking world rather than follow a kid. Thought we still get it with Thorfinn later on, just with more added baggage.
Depends on what you think is improvement. Thorfinn still hadn't killed someone even though he was tempted.
Wolfsmund is great. Both parts start and continue with those Habsburgs dominating the rebels pretty hard (okay, the rebels have it a bit easy after the border commander gets penetrated hard, but they start to feel the pain once Leopold's suppression army arrives) only for them to turn around and beat them up hard. I disagree with you calling it "bait-and-switch", it was about the Swedes trying to get their freedom and suffering to get it starting from chapter 1.
Thorkell is lowkey top 3 character of the series but you faggots will still call him Reddit
>but you faggots will still call him Reddit
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do we know how much season 1 will cover?
It covers the prologue.
Fresh off Yukimura's twitter. Prepare your hearts.
Cute family.
That's almost as cute Halfdan the Man of Chain when he is acting like a tsundere.
Is that baby going to end up being Thorfinn and Gudrid's historical son?
Their real son's name is Snorri so no unless for some strange reason they decide to change it
Why is she sitting seiza style? Do they not understand that the rest of the world correctly recognizes this as a stupid and painful way to sit?
Its the only way I sit.
Is Berserk's whole premise about some guy who is on a journey to get strong so he can get revenge for the death of everyone he cares about?
I hope there's more to show/plot than this or I'll drop it now.
Please let me know that there's more to it than this...
>literally the best manga in existence
OP was making a statement based on what was observed in the 1st 4 episodes. How does your post in anyway relate?
But why
K-Ken-sama? I thought you were dead!
Because I can. What are you gonna about it?
Maybe his butt hurts.
is manga better than anime?
No. Manga suffers from sameface and poorly done characters, so far adaptation did a much better job with that
No idea what you are talking about, everything is almost exactly the same as it is in the manga
Never understood the point of they baby? They have a child when they get to Vinland, and said child is a pretty prominent figure. I know Yukimura takes a lot of liberties but surely he isn't going to have this random baby be their adopted kid or something?
>Manga suffers from sameface
>What? Show example.
Fuck,why did I quote the lower text as well. Im so embarrrassed.
>it's okay user
boss style requires sacrifices (from underlings)
He isn't going to be their only kid. He is the promised king who will save the Irish from the Potato Genocide.
I literally don't know who characters are in manga now. I literally forgot from one week to another. Now those characters can't be very good if I forgot them in a week. Like that girl who likes MC. Who is she again? I don't remember anymore. This can't be a good character if I literally don't remember who the fuck she is. When did she first appear?
I think you just brain damage or something.
Sounds more like a problem with you, a person with the attention span of a magpie.
Because Canute's empire is built on Vikings conquering lands and murdering people. Even if the end result is paradise, it is built on the back of slaughter.
Thorfinn refuses that sort of blood money. It is silly sure but that is his current moral conviction.
Why is this allowed
Well when did she first appear? Do YOU remember without looking it up? I've been reading ongoing chapters for like 3 years now and I have forgotten who most of the characters are. Except for the few main ones obviously
Return to Iceland, duh.
if the kid goes full fucking edge master on his crusade I'm all for it. it could scratch the itch that has been there since egao no daika refused to give me hitler hime
Yes? She first appeared when Thorfinn returned to Iceland. There's something wrong with your head
When Thorfinn went to Iceland.
You will get your edgelord Thorfinn, don't worry. But he won't get his revenge and it really fucks him up mentally. Also, prepare for Askeladd becoming one of your favorites.
Are you talking about Gudrid? The black haired girl? She showed up shortly after Thorfinn went back to Iceland which I remember being 100 because it is a memorable number and an arc change. A few chapters for Thorfinn to reunite with his family so she likely showed up around 103 or 104.
She has multiple chapters dedicated to her introduction and I'm invested in the story so of course I remember her.
Hattgerd, drill hair, only showed up for one chapter before and we didn't even have a name for her before the newest chapter but her design stood out and I remember her as Sigurd's mistress.
This is just a matter of how much you like the story. If you like it, you invest time into remember the details.
don't bother user, those niggers always insist on ruining it for people who haven't read the source material just because they can. and you could ban 100 of them and there'd just be 100 more waiting to spoiler everything.
read the manga you pair of tards
Sometimes I also forget that Thorfinn clone exist and think he's Thorfinn. Then real Thorfinn appears and I remember. This manga is very confusing for me. Honestly I have no idea what this war even was about just now.
>>Also, prepare for Askeladd becoming one of your favorites.
>dishonorable piece of shit
I have a hard time believing that.
I have a faint memory that we did get her name back then
suck my dick, fag
Maybe to filthy Danes
don't feed the trolls mate
Wait and see. Also, one of the most moving scenes has to do with Björn, if that didn't sound unbelievable enough.
Yeah, Studio Wit made a big mistake by starting with the best part.
It's only gonna go downhill from here.
Askeladd is probably the most popular character in the manga, followed by Thorkell. Thought I personally really like the current manga Thorfinn
You don't know what that means.
Based braindamaged user.
Ask_a_lad is based, just wait and see.
Then honestly you're a fucking idiot. I might not remember all the details but the gist is obvious.
>Canute realizes the Jomsviking are raiding too hard and are in a position to rebel against him
>Canute poisons Sigvaldi to force a succession crisis
>Jomsvikings split between Vagn and Floki
>Upcoming civil war will curtail Jomsvikings for the foreseeable future due to heavy casualties
>Thorkell is courted by Floki once he is sent to Denmark on Canute's orders to act as a check against Jomsvikings
>Thorfinn's appearance upsets the match because Vagn now has a legitimate candidate that Thorkell prefers
>War accelerates because Thorfinn's existence prompts Floki and others like Garm to act
>Baltic Sea War happens. Floki loses. Vagn dies. Thorfinn disbands the Jomsvikings under Royal Authority
What the hell is so hard to understand?
For all the anime onlies in this thread:
>Vinland Saga will be the BEST ANIME of 2019 after JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, which just ended
You are a man of taste.
>off by 3
I know people don't really care about him, but I think Thorgil (Ketil's son) will probably appear in Miklagard. He got mad because everyone acted like a pussy and left the farm. He must have heard about the Varagian guard from Snake and went there
Don't spoil it for me user, I forgot the story and it will be all new to me in the anime. Being dumb is a pretty sweet deal
Same. I also assume that Snake did some wild shit and anyone who calls himself a friend of Roald son of Grimm is in for bad times by some pissed off nobles.
That'd be interesting. I am pretty pumped to see how the guard are depicted, since really this is the waning years of them being Scandis since after William comes and buttrapes the Saxons a lot of them flee to the unit.
Why don't you try some other site, where people will actually care about the fact that you dislike spoilers?
Fuck off.
I enjoyed the first 7 episodes and was excited about the 8th. But now that Kamina is dead, I'm having my doubts about the show. Is the whole premise of this show about a kid who is on a journey to get strong so he can get revenge for his bro's death?
I hope there's more to the show/plot than this or I'll drop it now.
Please let me know that there's more to it than this...
That's not funny, because TTGL was trash while Kamina was alive.
The show really starts after we get to see Thorfinn REEEEEEEEEEEEE
You honestly sound like Abe Simpson
>Braindead Herocuck (BnHAlover) tries to understand a manga/anime for intelligent adults.
I like that they drew this out just long enough to really exemplify how the idiotic naivety children have for combat is the same as the viking's.
Why doesn't Thorfinn's idiotic child naivety go away though? He is dual wielding as an adult...
The statue was in good shape in spite of it's toppling. The head got knocked off because that is welded on separately from the base. nbcphiladelphia.com
does Ylva still appear in the story after the flashback ends? She cute
Yeah, she becomes a top-tier mommy to Ari's children.
Yes, but not for like 80 chapters
Well, it works
Why don't you grow up?
He only duel wields daggers as an edgy teenager. When he becomes an adult he mimics his father and fights bare handed.
That's a strange way of spelling AOTD
why would you come into a thread for a manga you haven't read, then? getting spoiled is on you
>but this is for anime discussion
yes, and people are still going to talk about the manga, because you can't possibly do anything about them other than not entering into the thread
Real warriors use spears
yeah but the spoiler is in the OP's thread comment, so anyone would get spoiled here.
Feel fucked up,just want the roman empire back.
yes Ari keeps his promise and they have like 4 kids
Thors' death isn't really even a spoiler
based, I was hoping he'd win
shes a mommy
It's literally in the synopsis. Anyone who is surprised that Thors kicks the bucket can only blame themselves.
agreed, Still think people who like TTGL are tweens.
something i didnt notice before when reading the manga
>askeladd accepts the deal in the name of his father
>then later breaks the rules of the duel
>then makes another promise in the name of his ancestor, artorius
>and actually follows through
its clear to see which he values more, and how it foreshadows his actions later on
There was way more to vikings than raping and pillaging
does the manga ever explain how Guile got isekai'd into Viking times?
Why do Arabs love Vinland Saga?
Swedes used to be vikings you know.
Not funny.
What's he thinking in that moment?
>"Why do Arabs love Vinland Saga?"
Sure, some were from Sweden, but not a lot of em, vikings mainly were mainly from Denmark and Norway.
>tfw we can soon say goodbye to this decade old fake when the scene happens for real
Feels kinda weird.
It is weird.
I actually feel the same about SnK.
>implying they'll get to it in anime
I'm more surprised they have fansubs.
Started reading the manga a couple of days ago, just got to Askeladd's death.
I now get what you guys mean when you say he's the most based character in the manga so far. Shame he went out before he had a chance to set up more keikakus with Canute.
This takes place in the 1000s, which is hilarious given that in over half a century frenchie hon hon hons will start fucking England apart, building castles en masse, furthering the division between the rulling class and the indigenous people, and eventually turning the typical Brit into the mutts they are today.
I mean no fucking wonder British people look at shit like Britannia with reverence, at least the Celts and Romans were part of the cradle of our civilization and had some cool legends surrounding them, meanwhile from 1066 (well, arguably from Anglo Saxon times, but you know) it's all just successive raping of their culture starting from the French, Germans, etc.
i started reading the anime. got to the point where the whole revenge thing is resolved. got to the point where the whole farm thing is resolved. it's very boring now. dropped
>draw a princess
>call it a prince
>implying any of continental Europe matters today except Germany.
I think the bits won mate
Reminder that the Frankish empire is the only reason that the entire continent of Europe isn't already a caliphate. Imagine how much better the world would be right now if instead of wasting manpower and resources on the bullshit you just wrote, they concentrated entirely on fighting the saracens.
Everyone in europe got conquered by someone else at some point so I have no idea why you feel so smug
>pick up the manga because of the anime
>get to the part where it turns out that Askeladd is actually a direct descendant of King Arthur who wants to drive the Saxon fucking shits out of Britannia
what the fuck, this is awesome
He is just chuuni. He says that about himself doesn't mean it's true.
Says what, the spoiler part? It was true enough to get the Welsh to help him.
Bros I love her
They just believed his words because he was a huge weeaboo for Romans.
As an snkfag, this sounds interesting. Care to explain further?
Chapter 54 is called "The End of the Prologue". It basically comes out of nowhere because nobody expects a prologue to last that long and then it turns out that they haven't even started the "real" story.
wait, are you telling me thorfinn is a real person?
Many of the characters are based on real people, including Thorfinn
No, they believed him because he returned with his mother to bury her, and they confirmed her identity.
>the real Thorfinn led an expedition to Vinland in 1010
>Vinland Saga's Thorfinn was still playing grab ass with his dad's murderer in 1013
Well, it does say "around 1010". Currently the manga is at around 1019 I believe, but I guess Yukimura is taking some artistic liberties
Also I forgot to mention that the sagas were written centuries after the events so they are probably not very accurate anyway
Yes. Drop it. You're just retarded.
Kann du prater Norsk?
I can speak poor Swedish so almost same thing
This and OP always makes me laugh. It's like a bunch of children with blindfolds on trying to hit a pinata but hitting themselves in the process while the adults around laugh at them.
You will farm and be a sailor and you will like it
Will someone answer Thorfinn?
Why can't we have both?
Autistic Thorfinn is my favorite
Why do Thorfinn and Gudrid look younger?
>Is the whole premise of this show about a kid who is on a journey to get strong so he can get revenge for his dad's death?
Thor is only one character in a full cast engaged in war and political intrigue.
what are you blithering about? this post doesn't even make sense.
He's saying anime onlies expectations are funny considering what people already know from reading the manga.